Puzzle Pirates would have been a perfect suggestion about 7 years ago.
The "social puzzle" as it was dubbed was just as important (if not more) than the actual game mechanics. The entire economy was player-driven. From foraging the materials, shipping them to port, and crafting them at player owned stalls and shoppes, everything depended on the playerbase. Likely too much in fact, for when the population started to dwindle so did the economy itself. It'd be worth taking a look today, but it's a far cry from the "golden age."
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In WOW , profession craft are pretty much usefull only for expansion start , after that they are kinda meh . Also shops you can get PVP gear which can also be usefull in PVE aswell but than again LFR Raids drop better stuff =) I suggest you to give a more time to wow , find some decent raiding guild and it will be alot more fun :D
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Tomorow they will release final Nighthold wing in LFR. But still LFR raiders got problems with that guy.
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i just did that and basically stood still as a tank and won... lfr is a weird thing i dont think should exsist
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i agree, normal should be the lowest tier of raid imo, because honestly even that is super easy. ( i started in legion and even think that)
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To be honest, even heroic is easier like ya know. I get Ahead Of The Curve: Xavius one hour, before achievement might not be avaliable anymore.
But of course there is diffrence between Nighthold and Emerald Nightmare. EN even on LFR was easy, so don't required need use tactics much. Nighthold is diffrent because of Etraeus and Gul'Dan.
Problem with Etraeus is that, if you don't have an 3 healers. He will enrage and the end.
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im already 3/10 mythic nighthold and its finally getting hard for me ( not trying to brag)
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Eyyyy, SS13! Didn't expect that name to pop up here.
Pretty good game if you're alright with no tutorial, steep learning curve, hard to learn mechanics, terrible graphics, roleplaying, sudden (sometimes perma)deaths, and sometimes having to wait 2+ hours before you can play again.
I know it sounds terrible, and you're probably thinking, "How can this game POSSIBLY be fun with all those flaws you just listed?" Simple, the player interactions you're looking for. :)
It's just that it's not a MMO and everything usually resets every 30 minutes to 3 hours, but might be worth looking into.
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I don't think you'll find any MMO that's reliant on consumables until end level raids. Although if you just want to have a uhm... respected position in a Guild as a crafter I'd check out The Elder Scrolls Online. At least a couple of months back you had to be part of a "guild" to use its shop system which ment the economic system were quite a bit different from other MMO's I've played.
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I would love something like that as well... but I dont think its really a thing.
While I heard that EVE economy and objects is almost entirely player driven, why not try a singleplayer game? Like Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! and Jacksmith (flash game on kongregate).
unrelated: Do you use that nickname in games? Must be fun typing out your nick to add you.
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Use Steamdb, see which MMO got most players, then try them one by one. You will find one you like in few days
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Most MMOs seem to be this way, unfortunately. I don't believe there's anything currently available that works well, and the ones that approach that direction have been ruined by a f2p-p2w model and abuse from fickle publishers.
If you want a slightly different experience from the same old fantasy MMO, you might check out Uncharted Waters Online. The community is nice, but it has been abused by publishers in the past, so the player economy is all kinds of messed up. It's also an aging game by now, and you probably will eventually need to sink some money into it by end game. It has a charming story/scenario that you follow, too. Just try to enjoy the school portion at the beginning instead of succumbing to impatience, because when you first make a large voyage, it feels significant and satisfying upon completion.
If you want a young MMO instead, Revelation Online just released its open beta with permanent characters. It's a thoroughly asian MMO, so not everything is translated and it probably suffers from everything you mentioned (I'm only level 20, so can't say for certain). It's not a polished, flowing experience though; and it has all the typical asian MMO tropes.
If you are truly looking for something different, you may opt to wait a while and keep your eye on an upcoming game like Chronicles of Elyria, which is a much more western and realistic take on the genre with interesting family mechanics and survival/social aspects. Though pretty ambitious of the developers, it may be what you're looking for.
On the opposite side, there's the great looking anime-inspired sandbox MMO with what looks like Pokemon elements. It's called Peria Chronicles and also looks ambitious. It seemed to be in limbo for some time, so let's cross our fingers for something good.
I'm also keeping an eye on a western release for Dragon's Dogma Online. Because you have to love some Dragon's Dogma :D
Finally, if you just want to play it safe and get a decent MMO experience, you can go with the pay-once-to-play or subscription games like Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy XIV respectively. There is a lot of (new) content in Final Fantasy XIV, so you always have things to do, but you might also feel the pressure of having to keep up - depends how you play.
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Uncharted Waters Online, like already mentioned, is one game where the focus is supposedly adventuring but the way it's played out you can also go down the military road (well..sea more likely) or get rich trading. Crafting (blacksmith, artisan, chef, alchemist) is a big part of the game and most players join a company from one of the major cities to share their skills with the others. It's laid out in the real world following the discoveries of man (or woman) over the centuries. There are PvE and PvP elements (pirates) and of course microtransactions but I don't think it's necessary to spend anything to really enjoy the game. The graphics aren't the strong element of the game but constant updates with new discoveries/chapters etc are and so is the community.
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Final Fantasy XI Online as useful professions and interaction with other players is important, but unfortunately the game is really old now and the player count is dropping. I'm not sure if it's as important on Final Fantasy XIV Online, but Square Enix definitely did a good job on Final Fantasy XI Online.
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I've heard rumors of one or two MMO's where crafting is a big deal, but I haven't tried them, myself. Star Wars Galaxies has the best crafting system, I've heard, but that game is now only available on emulation servers. Here's a list of other MMO's for you to peruse:
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I can confirm the statement regarding Star Wars Galaxies. Several crafting branches, complex resource system, crafted items that were actually used and a big player market. And it was the first MMORPG with "social" professions (musicians, dancer etc.).
Unfortunately it was shut down officially, when Star Wars The Old Republic was released, since either LucasArts didn't want to extend the licenseship or it seemed not worth it for Sony Online Entertainment anymore. But yeah, there are several emulators out there with different states of the original game (due to the big changes in its lifetime).
Still have three retail boxes standing in my bookshelf. Sigh.
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where interactions with other players really matter?
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The old Ultima Online comes closest to your description, I think :)
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ARK: Survival Evolved
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I've never played Runescape but their recent Client Update has me tempted.
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Old school RS used to be my go-to grinding game when I wanted to have something on the side to do while watching anime, but they banned me for "botting" despite the fact that I always do everything manually and fairly. I'd make a new account, but what's the point if they might ban me again falsely. :(
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Villagers & Heroes was one of the few I enjoyed where you could help each other or just do (almost) everything yourself.
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I played Everquest II for years until recently had no time to spare for this anymore. Best MMO community I have ever came across. Almost no kids, few trolls etc. Don't remember any major problems. And class of character you choose is important to any raid group. Ah... epic battles with carefully picked players of different professions...sigh.. good times :)
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TL;DR -> Is there any MMO game with useful professions and shops where interactions with other players really matter?
Life is Feudal ? I don't know about the shops but the professions are fundamental for progressing with other players, AFAIK. Downside is the community might be smaller than your typical MMOs.
Other than that, you seems more of a PvE player, so for me Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy XIV are probably the best MMOs you can get in this regard.
Personal preference, i would rank the current MMOs with something like this :
⢠best PvE : FF XIV or ESO
⢠best community : Guild Wars 2
⢠best combat/PvP : Black Desert Online or Blade & Soul
Not playing any atm, i'm kinda burned with the MMO genre and i will wait for something new, like : Lost Ark Online or maybe Crowfall.
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So I kinda hate MMO games because they feel like bad singleplayer games with people running around like zombies most of the time.
I want to know if there is any MMO game where the social aspect is used more than in other games. For example having a profession system where alchemists would brew potions to supply a team going into a raid or a blacksmith player that makes armors for others and stuff. I tried WoW for the first time last week but I'm disappointed in the profession system, everything you craft is totally useless compared to found loot. Also shops seem super useless, I never used food or drinks (and even potions seem useless as you level faster than you use them).
TL;DR -> Is there any MMO game with useful professions and shops where interactions with other players really matter?
Conclusion: Oh so I guess I'll give WoW a bit more time and ill try out Guild Wars, Revelation Online and Uncharted Waters (I would try ESO again but I found it super boring alone)
Edit: Anyone wants to play WoW or ESO with me? :3
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