Do you typically consider yourself a camper or NOT a camper in FPS games and why? Why do campers get a bad rap? I think I typically like to find a great strategic spot and tend to camp for some period of time instead of just constantly moving. I know this can depend on the game, but in general i'm wondering...

How about you?

1 decade ago*

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i reload i dont camp ;)

1 decade ago

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try to rambo (no camping) in old operation flashpoints/new arma series. ^^

1 decade ago

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I camp. But more like as in "statically defending a position", not as in "statically spraying fire to get many kills".

1 decade ago

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Depends on what you define as camping :P

In MW3 this is how I see it:

  • Sitting in a corner with a sniper rifle is proper camping, but there's nothing wrong with it. That's how the class is meant to be played.

  • Sitting in the corner with any other gun is dirty camping, and it's what some players do to get cheap kills.

Most FPS games are designed for camping! Look at Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3! There's NOTHING wrong with it.

There are so many assholes out there who complain when people stay in a certain house or remain within a certain area. There's nothing wrong with this, players don't HAVE to run around or have a playstyle that YOU prefer.

So yes, I camp all the time in FPS games. Always with a long ranged weapon though, or just because I'm defending something.

1 decade ago

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In the absolute way that is just wrong.

Explain to me, where Bad Company Rush mode is designed for camping? From the perspective of the attacking team it simply isn't and still it happened quite a lot, because people are afraid of dying in a game.

1 decade ago

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Maybe you fail to see the core mechanic of Bad Company 2. Where a "team" of people try to destroy objectives against another "team" of people. Snipers are the ultimate support element of both the attacking and defending teams. They provide cover from a safer location to the assault people. Give them the ability to call in artillery and they become even more useful (especially in rush mode!).

It takes some skill to snipe in Bad Company 2 so I cannot slag off the class. No matter how cowardly or how cheap you think it is, it still takes skill and it still has a valid role to play.

1 decade ago

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Not at all, it's a first person shooter, not a first person camper.

1 decade ago

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i'ma rusher, more action

1 decade ago

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ty for frags <3

1 decade ago

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Just remember, camping is frowned upon in many games because, unlike real life, the idiot you blow away actually gets to complain about it and call you names after the fact. It doesn't mean it's not still the best, most realistic way to play.

1 decade ago

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depends on the game. like quake live i like to camp, but on faster games like red orchestra 2 i just rush around pwning noobs with my tommy lol

1 decade ago

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I don't camp, I ambush. Sometimes that gets me accused of camping though.

1 decade ago

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It ain´t camping, it´s called tactical positioning!

1 decade ago

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it differs for every game you i play, but the 2 actually big fps-shooters i play(ed) are CoD4 and TF2.
in tf2 the sniper can be very underpowered if not camping, so basically, campmuch:p
in CoD4 i used to play only promod the last couple of years, and that means camping = no-fairplay (although it mostly meant you'd lose the round anyway).

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I always idle browsing this site or chatting. Camper.

1 decade ago

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I'm 50/50 There are some maps I prefer to just stay and hide while others I just want to go all out not giving a crap whether I live or die.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i just camp when i'm the last one alive in the team, or when i had low life... usually i'm all round, moving aroud all the map

1 decade ago

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I only play single player, so camping never gets me very far. :P

1 decade ago

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Sometimes. Unless the camper uses hacks to get out of the map, or the map is unbalanced, I don't complain about it either. Someone sitting in one spot continuously and focussed on a small area is vulnerable to attack so there's no real reason to get too upset. Same when people rail against AWPers in CS. Sure it's annoying to be one-shotted by some 9 year old, but at the end of the day, there are plenty of other ways you could kill him right back.

As TF2ers are wont to say: "No straight upgrades". If there's a camper staying in one spot and you don't kill him, you have no-one to blame but yourself when he keeps returning to that spot.

To all the people who say that "camping" is incongruous with pursuing the map's objective, I'd posit that controlling the map with a couple of campers can be desirable in any game-mode you're playing.
CTF? Campers can prevent enemy ingress/egress at choke points. Demolition (Defense)? Same. Demolition (Attack)? Sometimes useful to counter an offensive defense & covering the bomb. Deathmatch? If they're good and in high-traffic areas...then...duh. Hostage/VIP escort? Well, yeah..less so, but short-term camping as part of a rolling retreat? Yeppers.

tl;dr Campers don't unbalance good games so don't feel bad about doing it and don't blame a camper if they kill you.

1 decade ago

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I rush out with my P90, only to get butt raped on d-dust 2 by an awp camper :S

1 decade ago

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nothing wrong with camping to defend a spot or hold a position for a while thats just playing but hiding in a bush for half the game well thats just crazy

1 decade ago

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I'm a team player~ <3

1 decade ago

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Not a camper, I hate standing still. Besides, camping is a good way to get a knife in your back...

1 decade ago

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You can't camp in real shooters. :)

1 decade ago

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depends on my mood sometimes im just rushing or sometimes i cover an area (not just sitting and waiting until someone runs into my crosshair xD) or i just play for the target :P

1 decade ago

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Rusher, camping gets too boring for me.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by RDBruski.