I agree they aren't valid points, but I'll be honest. I'm the only one right now that can do about it and there just isn't enough of me to handle all of these requests, too. When we have more proper moderators, this policy will definitely be in play as it's a harmful thing to say to someone else in the community.
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People should just have a option to hide/show their contributions...im shure that many of us is capable to contribute but we choose not to, depends on the situation, raising kids, not owning a credit card etc. Or in my case, im just stingy!!!
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Quite, I've given away 3 games in the forum, but that doesn't show up anywhere. And frankly I don't care, because I give for the sake of giving.
It's steamgifts not the trading forum.
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I just wish that people would be more considerate to common courtesy and not bring it up. That was the reason behind this post rather than suggesting that the community needed someone to step in and actively punish them for something that they shouldn't be doing already.
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I'm gonna go half way on this. Some people are being overly rude.
But why does one guy need to create three different threads about the particulars of what counts for contributions and rules about contributor giveaways, and some other random bullshit, when he's never contributed.
It's just complaining for the sake of complaining. Wastes all our time.
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While I'm really not up to speed with the inner workings of this site I reckon it's an undertaking to maintain, as such I'd just like to say thank you for your continued effort.
I think comments that are detrimental to the community aren't always a Mod's responsibility anyways. Even though this is 'the internet' as people like to use argumentatively, social control should play a factor in maintaining atmosphere. If the community as a whole has a certain outlook, comments like these are easily discouraged. It is as much our responsibility as it should ever be yours.
But then this comment falls under the header 'wishful thinking' more often then not =)
I am ever the optimist though!
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Make a new class of comment/forum mods who you trust from the chat or something, and limit their powers so they can only hide and flag objectionable material while the actual banning goes to you. It would clean things up on your end considerably, and the actual code wouldn't be a challenge to implement considering a report system already exists and [I assume] there are mod tools to delete comments in place.
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You're right, it's very annoying. I'm glad you are saying this as it is very important. Thanks!!!
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Yeah I agree, it drives away non-contributors who one day may actually contribute. The "old" community is pretty harsh to new people, but new people also shouldn't complain about not winning anything after only a week.
There's a lot of problems... o_o''
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Pretty much like the Dota 2 community (all they tell you is that you suck until you get 24 kills to 0 deaths). But tbh I understand contributors (as being one of them). There are a lot of people that are whining about not winning or something else of the sort. Now the worst thing is that because of me giving away games I've been added by people on steam to beg for me to give them games. My point is that if people are not contributors (and have joined like 2 month ago or something) the chance for them to be potential contributors is not that high if not even zero chance. So basically yeah it's harsh but they should know their place and not b**ch about stuff, and spam the forum with threads about all this (or even worse spam the forum with birthday threads :D 9those one are quite funny tho) )
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Two months is definitely still within the range of "oh, this person might be under specific financial circumstances preventing them from giving stuff away right now but want to give something away when they're done with that year-long study abroad where they won't have a work permit" ;)
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can spare at least a couple of quid on DLC or summit but OK poor students fair enough (been there know how it works :) )
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"new people also shouldn't complain about not winning anything after only a week."
I think this, leads to this
"The "old" community is pretty harsh to new people,"
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Yes, but they shouldn't be harsh, and it isn't just to complainers. They're harsh in the sense that most giveaways now are contributor giveaways (which isn't a bad thing, but it really tells a lot to the community), also it's very hard for a new person to join groups because most are exclusive, also many times their ideas are overshadowed by the more "popular" people. Not the mention they are REALLY harsh on the rules, I understand you are expected to read the rules, but give some people a break >.>, especially if it's their first giveaway. This is usually seen by a long chain of replies :X
For the new people though, they shouldn't just complain about how they don't win, or contributor giveaways are unfair, etc. etc. Possibly they could look up FAQ or the search bar instead of asking questions that have already been asked or answered for that matter.
It makes sense that there are a lot of problems though, it is normal since we are all different. :X, I personally don't mind everyone, but I felt the need to say what I saw.
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I think both sides could use some work. Specifically, new users should get in chat, talk to people, Play games with other people. Ask to come along on a multiplayer game or something. Make friends. Those friends will then invite you to groups if you're a nice person and they get to know you.
Having random new people message you or beg to join groups is an automatic no.
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I thought it was OK, not as good as the other ones, worth a rental maybe, just don't expect that much, the whole movie to me kinda feels like a beginning to a more in depth movie, like an intro almost. They should have delved deeper into it...it leaves at a cliffhanger but not one that I am ok with, not enough meat was shown to leave it like that...if you get what I mean.
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Freedom of speech. I totally agree with you, BELLSPROUT.
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I only get aggravated at begging threads really, will admit I have been ticked off a tiny bit at some things that are suggested all the time but I never took what they gave or didn't give into consideration. In other words I wont judge you differently just because you never gave anything away. We were all at that point one time or another.
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The contributors will forever crush the non-contributing peasant under their collective boots!
Also, cake.
Also, I agree, but the tone of many of these suggestion posts reek of entitlement and the "I never win anything, but I deserve to" mentality.
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Most suggestions tend to follow this line exactly.
"I never win anything, but I deserve to" mentality.
The "suggestions" are used as a means to give them a greater chance to win games over others, or in some cases actually guarantee them a win.
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It is not merely the idea of elite versus mob. To my knowledge, any process where users create content, the few (elite) have the most impact being the creators and the majority (mob) acts as consumers. It may be art, news, music, videos or any other product or item.
I have not seen the statistics from this site, but I consider that select few individuals generate most of the gifts in this site and most users have never, and never will, created a single giveaway.
If this is the case then SteamGifts, at its core, lives and dies according to these few. When creators leave, only consumers are left and the system halts. Even if the previous assumption is true, it does not in my opinion invalidate the voice of the consumer part.
Forum is open for every member to post and each one has the right to voice their opinion. There have been some cases where opinions are borderline demands. This I consider to be rude behavior and see no reason for it to be accepted. Other members have not right to demand gifts nor have they right to dictate to whom the gift is appointed or available.
My last point, and actually related to the universal problem you mentioned, is that the universal problem on the internet is that people are very, very lazy. FAQ and search function are well known elements in any site yet people avoid them like plague. Is it a surprise when one practically claims to be lazy and wastes time of everyone else and is met with cold attitude?
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Don't be fucking ridiculous, "you don't pay for premium", premium what? Usually you don't even get "thank you" from greedy fucktards like you who just want to get stuff for free. Where is your Ghostbusters: The Videogame, huh? You won it two weeks ago, you marked it as received but didn't activate it on your account. Traded away already?
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Didn't notice that at all. He should be banned for not redeeming the games on his acc. He probably trade it away or something. Shameful :(
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So, someone who entered 800+ giveaways, did 0, posted like <10 comments, suddenly are capable of suggesting new and fresh ideas? Doubt it, truly
If you are talking of people who post on forums, chats, and so on regardless of gazzillion enters and 0 contributions, then I give you +1 :)
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Why does not posting comments or posting on forums make their opinions obsolete?
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Someone who entered giveaways a gazzilion times and then all of a sudden they have "an idea" can't be constructive, because he is tired of not winning anything, and there is a 99.99% chance that idea will only benefit him and his 0 giveaways won
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true, we should not stifle every idea that comes from new members to the site, but does that mean that we should not give more clout to those who have been here awhile, have contributed to the site in some way or have given away games to people? i don't think so.
far too often people join the site because they think it magically will shit out free games for everyone, and that's just not the case. they are GIFTS and it takes a strong community to to keep giving gifts to each other. despite your point being logically correct, i hold the opinion that steam gifts has one of the best and most civil communities within the gaming sphere.
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Well, yeah.. of course they're allowed to have their opinions.
It's a symptom of a rude/uncouth person to instantly discount someone because of their subjective impression of value. When there's more mods and stuff I think we'll see a lot less of the vile behaviour though.
That being said, there's a lot of opinions that seem to be very... silly? They're unique and creative, but they're not born of logic. They're usually fairly outlandish.
However, that shouldn't stop us from being civil.
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Postcount, number of giveaways entered and won versus giveaways created MIGHT very well say something about the person, but
that still oversimplifies complex and diverse individuals. It also has nothing to do with what they say on the forums. If what they say there validates one in thinking they are selfishly demanding or taking contributors for granted, then I think a comment towards them not contributing / being ungrateful and hence not having a right to demand is valid enough. You disagree with their attitude.
Still, overarching this site is built upon the premise that gifting gives the gifter a rush, while it makes the receiving end happy. It makes some happy to gift, that can, to those that can't. At least that would be the situation in a lot of cases. That this site also attracts people taking advantage of that good-hearted sentiment doesn't change the sentiment. Not contributing doesn't mean you're worth less.
If your attitude is wrong, if your statements are offbeat ofcource that warrants people speaking up against it, but purely not having contributed should never.
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I already said this multiple times: Some people mistake this site for a cirklejerk of some few elitist.
It should be a place where those who can give to those who cannot afford it. Simple.
Yes, there are leechers that misuse the site. But they get banned. But stop the general hostility on the forums against anyone that did not yet contribute please.
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I value other people's opinions as long as they are same is mine
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Clearly, we should ban disagreement. That would bring about peace and harmony.
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Erm, no. That's not what he said. That's your assumption.
He's saying non-contributors are often called out as such and their opinions dismissed when they make suggestions purely based on the fact they didn't contribute, not because of what they said.
He says, argue a point with a point, don't dismiss it with unconnected information that shouldn't determine someone's worth or the worth of their arguments more then their arguments do.
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Damn, I wanted to say your argument was bad, but you've contributed more than me, so your opinion is worth more. I guess that means that nobody's opinion is worth more than anyone else's like you said. Which means that my opinion that your argument is bad is valid.... which means.... sizzle... hahaha pretty pictures
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Sugesting: Great
Whining: Boring
Complaining: No Comments
Argumenting like if some OP (in other threads) created the site and has the only correct vision of it's purpose and how community shall work and make the contributors some nasty species who now has an unfair advantage: Anger-Management Skills Required... Ignore Mode Overloaded.
Respect... It's the keyword I think. For the work and will of those who created the site and work every day on maintaining it (Their work, their rules), the will of everyone creating a giveaway by respecting the criteria he used on filling the "creating giveaway" form, and respect too for every user that makes a sugestion in a positive way, not attacking, those who provide the site or the giveaways, not necessarily submiting to them but not also being demanding...
All can and must work together and side by side toward the community as long as R E S P E C T prevails
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My problem is more or less that a lot of these people are making suggestions about how giveaways should be conducted when they have no experience in the matter. A lot of the times they are hardly suggestions that would better the site, instead they are many times (but not always) attacks on contributor/private giveaways which frankly is something they don't have any experience with.
Edit: Like I've said before, I only really consider someone a leecher if they also act like an ignorant asshole.
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Quite often there are topics appearing asking about change with regards to sgifts, these threads are also often made by people who have not contributed via giveaways. During these topics, it is far too common for someone to say something along the lines of "I just checked your profile, not surprised to see you haven't made any giveaways" or "You're only suggesting X because you haven't contributed".
These are not valid points to be making and it's becoming quite annoying to see this. Just because someone hasn't contributed to the website does not mean they are not capable of contributing in terms of forum comments and suggestions. If you do not like a suggestion, then it is up to you to argue your counter point not make remarks based on their contributor status.
So please, stop mentioning contributor status as a means of stopping someone from giving an opinion.
PS: Suggestions are going to be repeated often, due to the fact that there isn't a "common suggestions" topic or something along those lines. There is no need for hostility if someone has repeated a topic, just direct them to the previous topics on the subject and leave the topic.
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