Lol. Nope it's not lies. I have won games and good ones at that. I've also given games when I had the money. But it doesn't make a difference. It all depends on the draw.
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When did you win your very first game? I mean you entered 1900 and only won 6. So isn't that kinda unlucky?
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get higher level, lesser entries.
And i first got my game at about 100+ entries although its a no value game but still it's a win
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oh yeah? if the value is higher, does the chance go slimmer? or is it just because a lot more people get in to get the game?
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It depends but if it is a public ga then the better the game, the more entries, the lesser chance to win.
But if u join in whitelist or group, you can get a higher chance to win
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Like I tend to give away good games in private giveaway or in whitelist/group giveaway.
Sometimes i do give in public but i restrict it to a higher level
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how does the whitelist work? I gave 3 games and one person just added me as whitelist i think
what's the advantage of it? is there group for whitelist guys?
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Really? That's really awesome. Does it only work for the guy who whitelisted me? since the winning chance is so slim, i don't see the point
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a whitelist can vary between 1 to 1000 [i think]but most likely its a smaller number of entries to enter a giveaway for :)
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The number of people a giveaway creator has whitelisted = the maximum number of people that can enter their whitelist-only giveaways. Most people don't have that many people whitelisted, so the odds when entering are very good.
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I have about 15 people in my whitelist as I don't really like to huge of a number and I tend to scout out people before I host it.
Another reason since I just started, I don't really have much people who uses sg. Finding people to exchange wl is tough and I know some who just wl you first then remove you just cause they want to join the game they lack for.(personal experience, so I went to bl the person instead)
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apprently, some people whitelisted me as well... Thanks for the advice. It's good to know that there are nice people out there
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It depends on the amount of entries. I've entered 1500 GA and won nearly 400. That's because all my wins are from a smallish private GA group where giveaways usually get anywhere between 1 and 30 entries.
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5 months are not that long to your standard? Maybe I should be more patient.
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There is no way to increase your chance of winning a giveaway. By increasing your profile level you get access to more giveaways though (giveaway creators can set what level they want their giveaways to be for).
Even then you shouldn't expect to win often. Considering how many people enter the giveaways you mostly have below 1% chance to win each.
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how does the graph of winning the game that I see in the stats menu calculate my winning rate? It's always below 10 percent but it varies day by day so I'm wondering
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It takes a look at how many giveaways you joined end that day and I assume how many entries those giveaways have. As more people enter those giveaways the graph will change. I'd suggest you don't bother with anything the graph says, in the end it's all about luck.
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may I ask of your winning rate as it shows in your stats right now? I'm wondering how it is for the higher level guy like you
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It's not that high, mostly below 10% a day, 20% on some. I am considering retracting my entry from some giveaways though, so the chances are smaller than what they show up on the graph at the moment.
There seems to be a lot of level 5 users so even at this level you don't get a high chance to win per giveaway, only higher amount of giveaways you can try your luck at.
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10% is high enough for me. Maybe I should start donating more.
Thanks for your information
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This graph is weird tbh. Once I entered ga where was about 50000 copies and only 28000 entries (or something like this, anyway everybody was a winner that day) and graph still showed me only about 60% to win xD
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It really depends.. Yes people get/win games here.. However if you enter for 1 key with other 1k people, your chance is very slim
If you enter group/wishlisted/high lv/invite giveaways, the amount of people is less, thus your % of winning increases
Don't expect to win a lot, specially at low lvs, with lots of people.. I've entered in 10k giveaways and just won 56 (and many of them were in groups)
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so if you donate a lot of games your chance goes higher as there were not that many competitors as someone puts level cap when they give away games. Is that what you're saying or does your chance go higher as you enter the games for everyone too as well?
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Right, the level restrictions kick in. Somewhere I found an overview of how many people are in the different levels. Being in at least level 3 puts you in a good position.
As some others here stated as well being in a group helps. Or being in someone's whitelist.
Btw, welcome to mine ;)
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awww you're the one whitelisted me thanks bro.
I should consider donating more
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Look what I stumbled upon:
go go go! :)
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Giveaways Entered 25,411
Gifts Won 196
I mostly enter giveaways that are eater caped at some LVL or are group only, private, or flash (short time span like 1 or 2 hours).
I also apply that logic when making giveaways i limit them to my current level and to 1 hour span.
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it's a simple math - look at number of entries GA you enter have. Considering you are lvl 1 if you montly stick to public GAs they will have anywhere from 500 Entries (for small cheap bundle indie games) to few thousands entries (for big AAA titles). With your 250 Entries you statistically should have won from 0.5 game (if you enter only cheap bundle stuff) to 0,05 games (if you enter only brand new AAAgames), probably it lies somewhere in the middle. Contrary someone entering just GAs in some ratio group each having 10 Entries you would have statistically won 25 games with same number of entries.
So yeah - people are actually getting games from SG, but how many and how ofted depends on many factors, because various GAs have various chance to win. lvl 1 lurker going just for public stuff will win only a little, while someone who is in a lot of groups, whitelists, actively using forums etc will win hundreds/thousands ;)
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so hard to win just few games... No free lunch i guess..
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it's not hard, especially 'just few games' - if you want you may not be contributing at all, just log in once a day, spend all your points and leave, it will take what? 5 minutes of your time? you can do it while drinking your morning coffee or something. you will win a few games per year easilly. It's just a simple case - the more you give, the more you receive, not just monetary give (but this as well, your level will increase, with time you may get into groups), but by being active (if you are active on forums in a good way people will whitelist you, you will get access to their WL GAs), by browsing forums and spending time (you will find private GAs and puzzle GAs this way, these give much better chances than any public GA). Everyone can win, but the more you get invested the more you can win. Simple as that.
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oh my god I just noticed that you're max level..that's crazy.. and your winning value is over donating value.. What a role model.
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2100, even if much smaller number than given away is still significant number of wins which would place Gedi among top SG winners ;) To put it into perspective - someone could give away 100k games, would we call him 'unlucky' simply because he didn't win 100k? it would be impossible considering there are only a little over 20k games on Steam ;p
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I havent deposited any game, but I was kinda lucky. (check my prof.)
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then statistically you shouldn't have won a single game till now ;p if you would it would mean you're lucky, if you didn't it doesn't mean you're unlucky, just having a normal average luck ;) I am for example currently on -21, and that's still not that much, cause there are people who have been on -50 ;)
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Look at how many participants there are in the giveaways you join. For example, if you participate in giveaways with 1000 participants (aka 1/1000 chance of winning), laws of average means you'll need to participate in 1000 such giveaways to win once. So far, you participated in 246 giveaways. You'll need to participate in a lot more to win.
Don't give up, calculate the odds of winning, pick and chose the giveaways you're participating in. For instance, your own giveaways upgraded you to Level 1. Maybe you should focus on Level-1 giveaways from which all Level-0 members are excluded from participating, and less participants mean better odds of winning.
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i know it sounds like whining. But probability doesn't go up mathematically as you do it over and over again. It's like throwing a coin over and over again although the chance doesn't go up higher than 50%. So i was hoping i might get lucky faster.
But I guess I know what you mean by now. Donate more, participate more is the answer.
Thanks for your advice
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you donate so many games but didn't win many as I think you deserve it. Maybe it's all luck. May I ask of your winning rate as of now in your stats menu?
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It doesn't accumulate, but like I said: law of average. Month over month, it will pan out.
Another thing you can look out for is to be picky about the giveaways you're participating in. If you participate in GTA5 giveaways or other AAA 50$+ games with 10000+ participants, your odds will be slim. But that less-known 25$ game you might enjoy and that has a lot less people participating in, well, your odds will be better.
Like I said, don't give up. It takes a bit more patience at low levels, but you will win some.
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well I wouldn't want to have games that I wouldn't even play in the future and let that game go to someone who really needs it. But yeah i'm getting what you mean
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chance will never go to 100% (unless you are the only entry in GA ofc ;p or there are more copies than entries), but it does accumulate and go higher than 50%. T use your tossing a coin analogy, let's say heads is win, tails is lose, single toss is 50%, but 2 tosses already mean you have 75% chance to win at least once, in 10 tosses you already have 99,902% chance to win - like I said, it will never get to 100% but it does accumulate. Another more real-life example, let's say that on average GAs you enter on SG have 1000 Entreies, so you have 0.1% chance to win single GA, but if you enter 1000 of them you have 63% chance that you will win at least one, with 2000 GAs it will be 86% chance, with 5000 GAs it is 99.3% chance to win at least one of these GAs.
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well i don't want to be nerdy or criticizing you but i think the way you calculate things is called hot-hand fallacy ( a belief a person who experiences success with a random event has a greater probability of further success in additional attempts)
but I get your point. thanks bro
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it si not that, I do not consider one event affecting another (that's why I state 'winning at least once' not winning once') I treat events separately and calculate the probability of separate events happening then combine it. To canculate your chance of winning at least once I calculate your chance to lose all events. if you have 10% chance to win your chance to lose is 100-10=90%, if you try twice you have independent chance of losing of 90% each time, but chance you will lose both times is 0.9^2=0.81=81%, so you have 19% chance you will win at least once (see that it does not say how many times you will win neither at which point you will win, you can win in 1st toss, you may win in 2nd, doesn't matter. If you so far entered 999 GAs your chance to win 1000th GA will be the same 0.1% as any of these previous GAS, but a chance that you will win at least one of 1000 GAs you entered (no matter which one) will be 63%.
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it's been a long time since I studied probability so I'm not sure whether it's right or wrong but again no offense. I trust that analysis and enter more games then haha
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generally what I mean is that it doesn't mean that you didn't win in 999 GAs you will win in 100th, I am saying that your first win has 63% to happen somewhere in these first 1000 Entries, it has the same chance to happen as your 1st entry, 100th entry or 1000th, but chance you will win at least one of these GAs is 63% ;)
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It doesn't if you look at it individually. But if you enter like a 1000 giveaways, your probability of winning a game is probably pretty decent.
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If I donate more games, does the chance go higher?
somehow (scroll down), as you can see the amount of low level users is huuuuge, if you donate you increase your level and you'll have less competition in higher level giveaways
also there are a lot of private groups with different rules, take a look here
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huh.. that's some nice insight you've given me
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Do puzzles ;) much higher chances - since you actually have to work your brain a bit for the better chance. and that scares most people off.
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Its a category of discussions. So go to discussions -> puzzles
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welcome to the community ;)
Maybe start here since it doesn't need any knowledge to solve some simple jigidis :D
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if you want to get into a puzzles, this is a good place to start: :>
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sometimes i think doing that kind of things takes much more cost than just buying the game itself. It's not literally free I guess.
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mm.. that explains why there are some blacklists increasing. Well it wasn't to offend anyone srry for people who think I'm trolling
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I have my suspicions too. I reported this site on the e-police and they're investigating their case right now!
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four people just blacklisted me right now.. Is this stuff that offensive? haha
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It's possibly because you're coming off as entitled to peoples games. You don't deserve to win anything, people give away games here out of generosity. It's a privilege to win a giveaway and a privilege to enjoy a game someone is providing you for free.
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well i apologize if it seems that offensive didn't mean it.
Hey I just registered like a week ago and 4 blacklists are just too much for me to handle )-:
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Also it's usually people who don't create GAs who tend to blacklist lightly.
isn't it plain stupid, though
if you blacklist someone you can't enter their GAs, so lechers shouldn't do it at all
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You're right, the change to how blacklists work has probably changed that behaviour. (at least for those who understand the deeper mysteries of SG) It was an observation I made a while ago before blacklists became bidirectional and I haven't checked up on it recently.
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my rule of thumb is don't enter giveaways with 1000+ entries. Typically only enter giveaways with 700 or below. 700-900 range is usually the range I will enter if I have extra points or have enough time to monitor the giveaways progression so if it exceeds my 1000+ entry threshold I can opt out. Of course, if you have slurpus, go right ahead and enter games with 1000+ giveaways or if it's a game you really want to get your hands on, then take any chance to get it and enter.
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almost all games have more than 1000 entries. It would be hard to find one below 1000 entries
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One of my recent giveaways was a level 0 public game that is not on the bundle list, it did not even reach 900 in 50 hours. Another non-bundled level 0 public giveaway ran for almost four days (ended an hour ago) and had less than 100 entries.
It is just a question of what you look for.
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If you're entering call of duty or rocket leagues, don't ever expect to find it with less than 1000 unless it's a group GA, whitelist GA, or high level GA.
I typically enter indie games or games a lot of people have already or unpopular big games (like lost planet 3, which for the record, wasn't too bad of a game. Mediocre, but I still had a good time.)
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thanks so it's the matter of attention and right time.
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In particular, look at the group Playing Appreciated and for puzzle giveaways on the forums. There should be instructions about how to join the Playing Appreciated group in a thread in the group recruitment forum. It requires you to play games you win within 30 days (plus is a great group to make giveaways for if you want to see the game played. they have a fancy website to track their progress and everything). And they aren't really my thing, at least for now, but there are also a lot of groups that require you to make monthly group giveaways that probably give you high chances of winning at least as much as you give away.
Another good strategy is to look at giveaways that only last an hour or something. Even for public giveaways, those often only get a few hundred entries (and even fewer depending on the game) instead of 1000+.
And in a sense, giving more games away does help you win more, because some people make giveaways with SG Tools filters that require you to have given twice as much as you've won, for example. Plus your level goes up, as a lot of other people have mentioned.
You can check your probability of winning something each day based on the giveaways you've entered on your stats page:
My first win was a public giveaway with over 900 entries. I may have been using the site almost a month before I won that, but I didn't know about the other types of giveaways.
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aye, I agree with this, I typically keep an eagle eye out for short GA's that last only a couple of hours. I try my best to avoid GA's days or weeks down the line. I usually put points into games I want that fall in that category so I can at least bank my points somewhere so they're not going to waste. That and at least if I let the games slide or I go offline for days or something, at least my entries are in games I want.
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So what if it reaches more than 1K entries before it's done? Do you remove your entry?
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typically, if I notice it, yes. Unless it's a game I really want, like Momodora: Reverie under moon, or Beholder (a game I won while obeying my rule of entering all GA's of it no matter how little of a chance.)
Sometimes I still win GA's I have very unfavorable odds in, I let them slide from time to time just to play around with my chances.
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It all depends on RNG. There are times that I feel like it favors others more, though. But I won my fair share so I can't complain too much. I mean out of 35,428 entries I have 170 wins in 4 years.
Just try and enter lower total entries or even get into a group. I see someone already suggested Unlucky 7. Give them a try. You never know.
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thanks bro i only enter the games that everyone like maybe that's why I'm always losing.
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The more time you put into entering giveaways, the more you're going to win. Also, you're more likely to win giveaways that are invite only our group only, so keep an eye out mainly on the forum for information on those! I've been here for 5 years and have only just started to put time into entering, more especially now with invite only giveaways. Trains are worth keeping a watch out for and bookmarking.
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That also hugely depends on luck of being at the right time. God! please make me more lucky!!! )-:
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I heard that SG Gold is a game changer. Something like purchasing SG Gold will grant you 10 agility points and 20 points of strength. Additionally, you should receive a golden plated copper lantern which should increase your field of view regarding giveaways, thus increasing your chances of winning by 65.6%. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
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When you donate more games you increase the chance of winning in the sense that you can enter level restricted giveaways. Giveaways with level restrictions have less participants the higher the level.
aim on getting to at least Level 2.
and only enter giveaways that have 1,500 entries or less.
I was level 3 before but the level deteriorates due to game pricing.
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Its all about the odds of what you enter. Do puzzles, read threads. Join groups.
Here is one for looking at the odds. :)
2 weeks ago I gave away a game and had 4 entries. This morning I won a game with 4 entries. The person I gave to and now won from are the same person. one was a private GA just posted in a thread and the other a group GA. Completely unrelated. (Note that on private and group GAs you need 5 entries to get any credit, but then its not all about that so no big deal.)
Another time I both won and gave a game to the same person on the same day. Both were standard private GAs that anyone who read the threads could enter and both ran for several days. Both had plenty of entries.
Stuff like that happens. Most of the time its several hundred entries or more and you don't win but thats normal too.
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so it all depends on luck but there's a way to increase probability somehow
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As others have already responded. No. It based solely on number of entries and the winner is picked randomly from those who enter. Do things to find giveaways with less entries. Puzzles, threads, groups, level.
I for example almost always have a requirement of level 4+ Hence you can't enter until you have reached level 4 therefor they don't have 1000+ people in them and its better odds for those who do enter. But its still random within those who do enter.
Go read the FAQ and then go Read the Puzzle guide. Half the fun of this place is doing puzzles that people create.
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I saw people's profile and they enter like 1000 or more just to win 2 or 3 games.
If I donate more games, does the chance go higher?
It's getting frustrating.
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