New games view is out of beta and the achievements from the games you don't own don't show up on your profile anymore. Which means you can get rid of those pesky achievements (like those Trivia games) by permanently deleting them. It's a nice step up in my opinion.

Edit: Not an official announcement but could be useful for people who saw this thread more recently. (Thanks to @IronKnightAquila)

Edit 2: It was a bug, see here.

Edit 3: It's not a bug, it's a feature (yay!). See here.

2 years ago*

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Very nice change.
I permanently removed (deleted) quite a few games that I decided I would never play a few years back but they still affected my average game completion. This change means it jumped up by about 4%

2 years ago

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Yeah that jumped mine 5% as well and kinda makes me happy and I'm not an achievement hunter. :)
I guess this change removes the ones people get from family sharing as well.

2 years ago

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that's great.
but what if those games have cards someday? can i know? can i idle them?

2 years ago

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You can still get booster packs from the games you farmed previously even if you permanently deleted them so that's means card drops still can happen if you played them enough before deleting but if it needs to shake hands with API, that might not be possible. Guess we'll see if something like that happens or not sometime soon-ish.

2 years ago

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Edit: whoops replied to wrong comment.

2 years ago

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Looks like I've been too tidy with the games I have achievements on, so it hasn't affected my percentage at all from what I can tell, hehe.

It's nice to know though for those games you really disliked and never want to see again.

2 years ago

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Maybe you haven't deleted enough games? :P

I had many 1 achievement games since some games give you an achievement just for opening it. It seems they were pulling down my percentage a lot.

2 years ago

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Yeah, I do know that I’ve used SAM to reset my achievements in a few games as well, but that hasn’t been many.
Maybe I’ll wait for api to refresh but don’t think it’ll make too much difference :)

2 years ago

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I had negligence to play a Zup game once and that one game doubled my achievement count single-handedly, so I used SAM to reset them. In the end that game isn't even part of my library now but it's very nice to not to need SAM anymore.

Well, your total game count is much higher than me so I assume you would need to delete much more to influence your percentage, you also have a higher completion rate so there is that too. :)

2 years ago

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I had negligence to play a Zup game

The infamous Zup games... I played the first one as well... lol. That's long been removed from my account :)

Also, total game count means nothing to percentage if I haven't got any achievements in them. It only looks to be counting the ones I've actually played and got at least an achievement in. I don't think any of my achievement stats have changed at the moment.

Interestingly enough, I recently created a collection in my library called unfinished games, which has all the games I have 1 or more achievements in, so I can concentrate on those low ones every now and then ;-)

2 years ago

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i thought the Zup games were well liked?

2 years ago

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You're fucking kidding me. Get lost.

2 years ago

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i always though the games got really great reviews and so were liked - guess not everybody does then but fine

2 years ago

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How do I put this delicately....

They certainly have their audiance but it's 17 times an identical game with between 150 and 500 achievements that take ~ 40 minutes to platinum.

So legit Achievement hunters don't like them because they make a mockery of achievements.
And people who would prefer only quality games on Steam so those can get better exposure don't like them because it's 17 times the same thing that can barely be called a game 😅

2 years ago

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you mean like the recent bundle indiegala did which is basically two different games just with different pictures - i guess this makes more sense - i'm not one of these (and i am not saying it's bad) people who get bothered by the numbers on a screen such as +1 to game account or in this case achievements - i do like it when i get them but i'd rather play for the fun of playing (i don't like people who chat was SAM or the like to unlock them though)

2 years ago

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Yeah... achievement spam games like Zup or those Trivia Vault games are a bit like using SAM.

I guess the difference is a bit like the difference between using an exploit in a game and straight up cheating.

2 years ago

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Exploits and cheats are essentially the same. People take big advantage of something they are not supposed to.

2 years ago*

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Exploits and cheats are essentially the same.

I'd say it depends on the exploit. While there are some exploits that definitely are akin to cheatin others are in my opinion just using game mechanics in a way they were not intended for your advantage.

Let's take Vermintide 2 animation skips...
In Vermintide if you briefly press the block button after a certain point of an attack animation you can skip part of the animation and chain up your next attack faster.

From what I've read it's an essential technique to stand a chance on the highest 2 difficulties of VT2 and one I could never master which is probably one of the reasons why my buddies and I never made it past Veteran difficulty (and a handful of Champion victories on easy levels).

Cheating or high level gameplay?


2 years ago

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exploits are not always the same

cheating = using a hack or something to fake what you have done like SAM
Exploits can mean making it look more impressive until you look closer like saying you undefeated in boxing only then seeing they never fort pros and only faced armatures or in this case had a massive input of "completed" games that gave you all the rewards upfront a bit like when you could buy a dlc to unlock all the content up front - sure it's legal but what's the point - my son has 11 games on his list of completed games and around 11500 achievements - 5k of which came twice from to trivia vault games within 30 seconds of starting them - he could go and load up some of the others he has collected on his account but he said it's a worthless thing to do

2 years ago

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I enjoy the Zup games the are simple but fun.

1 year ago

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The game was not half-bad but that achievement thing is horrifying. :)

Also, total game count means nothing to percentage if I haven't got any achievements in them.

Oh, yeah, I always forget about that. That explains mine since I played the ones I deleted at least once.
I would say check again after a week, the API is kinda slow at that.

The new library features of Steam are especially nice for achievement hunters. You can also sort your new collection by achievement completion. I just wish that option was persistent by collection instead of being global though. :)

2 years ago

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I''ve got 2 broken achievements on my profile that have been bothering me because I've played a Demo of some sort once and the dev removed it and I am stuck with the two achievements. Should I contact support for that?

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2 years ago

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Generally demos won't have achievements, unless the dev was an ass and triggered them to occur in the demo as well as the full game. Seems very rare and unlikely though. Has the full game been removed from Steam, or was it never released? If you had the full game, try removing it from your account. Alternatively try removing the demo from your account via licenses and product key activations. For example:

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Im an Achievement Hunter, and can say with Certainty that Demos have Achievements all the Time.

2 years ago

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Demo's most certainly can have achievements.

Edit: Also you can NOT remove certain games if the developer removes them from the store. Back 4 Blood Beta being an example I had to ask support and they reluctantly agreed to remove it from my account.

2 years ago

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I forgot that some of the demos don't counted as licenses so it's technically impossible to remove them via Steam Support.

I joined a beta test once (Battalion 1944) and it remained in my library after the beta ends and couldn't delete it no matter what. So I let Steam Support delete it.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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That's amazing PeteOzzy, I wish I'd known that before :D But good to know for the future.

2 years ago

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I'm well aware that play-test versions (alpha, beta, etc) of games are special exceptions that devs have the "right" to abandon or remove as they wish. And as they don't have store pages, it's often impossible to remove them.
Have you had any experience with full version games not being able to be removed?

2 years ago

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It doesn't matter it's the same for temporary demo's or anything that gets removed by the dev.

Edit: I don't know how it works for "full" games, I assume their page still stays up so you'd most likely be able to remove those yourself?

2 years ago

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You totally ignored my question.I guess this conversation is over

Nice chat.

2 years ago

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Has the full game been removed from Steam, or was it never released?

The game is still there. I've contacted support and they said they can't do anything about removing the game per say from my account because it was a demo. It's strange, but yeah.

I was considering to buy the game at some point and see if that fixes it.

2 years ago

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It should remove those achievements when you do as Maya says. Note that it may take time to completely be deleted from your profile.

Also I haven't recall demos with achievements either. Weird thing to have.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Huh, I feel like a metronome ticking between brilliant and useless. :)

2 years ago

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I've contacted them. I'm currently trying to figure out a way.

2 years ago

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They should be able to remove it but might ask you for confirmation. Achievement change still might take some time though.

2 years ago

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They lead me to contact directly the devs. I'll try my luck there. 🤞🏻

2 years ago

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Huh, so they cannot delete it? It seems something rare happening here. Hope you can get rid of them in the end. Good luck!

2 years ago

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It seems so. I can only hope.

2 years ago

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If you can not remove it from your account yourself you can ask support to remove it, they will of course reply with the same cookie cutter answer like Mayanaise gave you, just make it perfectly clear you can not remove it yourself and after their copy-paste answer reply to them to actually read your question.

2 years ago

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Understood. Thank you for your suggestion!

2 years ago

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My 'rarest achievement showcase' only shows 6 achievements. How did you get yours to show so many?

2 years ago

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I've upgraded it in the Points Shop. 😄

2 years ago

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Oh, I had no idea that was a thing. Thanks!

2 years ago

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No worries and enjoy!

2 years ago

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Just fully upgraded my 'rare achievements' and my 'workshop' ^_^

2 years ago

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It looks great! Glad to hear you managed to use your points for that.

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2 years ago

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They're almost all from the Train Simulator Christmas DLC though, xD

2 years ago

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I guess the game isn't that much played.

2 years ago

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I removed some games, but my achievement count on my profile didn't change any.

2 years ago

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Since API takes time it won't affect immediately, but it will soon. Check again after a week or two.

2 years ago

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Oh, that long? I figured my profile would update within hours or less. Thanks.

2 years ago

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Yeah, it usually takes a week for me. Even Steam Support implied the same when I asked them to delete a title.

No problem.

2 years ago

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Try to get new achievement in some other game - my stats updated after I've got one new in ATS.

2 years ago

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Seems my overall average completion score is still hovering in the 30-40% range - how is the update treating the Family Sharing games we've played? For me, both my brothers and I share each others' libraries - it's always allowed achievements to be earned.

2 years ago

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My guess is they won't show up on your profile anymore however they will be if you buy the game later.

2 years ago

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I had just reached 20k achievements and now I've lost 1k. Definitely be checking that out later, bet you must've loved it as you recently did a deleting spree.

It might change after I restore my time but family share achievements are still there, it just can't report how long I've spent on them or even show the pictures

2 years ago

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Yeah, I loved it. It's kinda refreshing that finally getting rid of achievements from games I've no longer own.

Mine is just a guess but it seems they have changed the API, well at least we'll know soon enough but sites like Astats or apparently recorded them unconditionally. :)

2 years ago

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i don't understand why people delete games but anyway i guess this is a good thing for them but not me

2 years ago

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Personally speaking, I just don't like having things I don't like, even digitally. And I was here in the golden age of bundles so I activated every decent looking game in the past which I ended up not liking. Deleting games may not be for everyone but I like it.

2 years ago

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Free trial stuff, or just really horrible games.

2 years ago

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I barely understand it, let alone on mass and not 1-2 titles (accidentally activating a hunting game or a racist game or something you don't even wanna see)

I mean.. I understand why but I can't agree with it because tastes change.. Or a friend might come along or or or..

Even for horrible games, it's useful to remember their title and suggest against it (because after a few of them, you won't remember a single title :P )

2 years ago

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I made a list of all the games I removed so if I ever doubt myself, I can just search the list to see if I owned it before or not and can just ask Steam to put them back, not sure how many people realize that even when they say it's removed for good, it's actually reversible in the same way again.

2 years ago

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Could be a bit messy but you can always find them here.

2 years ago

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I don't see removed games in this list. I see refunded games, but not removed games.

2 years ago

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If you mean banned games, that might be different there. But purchase disabled games should be there at least. Even gift purchases are showed.

2 years ago

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I meant games that the user removed from his/her library via Support. maruten was saying he made a list of games he removed in this manner, and you said he could use that link, and I'm saying I didn't see removed games in that link. Anyway, no worries. :)

2 years ago

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Weird, I can see every purchase I made there. For retail games, I also checked license activation page just to be sure, there are some games I've deleted still there but it seems most of them are not shown anymore since I deleted 700+ games.

It's possible that your removed games are all retail I guess. :)

2 years ago

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And here I had to hunt those games down myself so I could restore my avg. game completion rate. Kids these days.

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Seems I've dropped around 1000 completions and over a million achievements

Wait, what? :)
I presume you deleted a LOT of spammy games then. And, no problem!

Gotta admit, I felt kinda obsessive too, until I reached a point where I finally finished deleting games at least. So I feel you. Could be a bit of a problem in that regard.

Well, it's always nice to see that Valve taking precaution for people to not to use unofficial ways for things. Though this feels more than that.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I thought my ~700 deleted games were a lot, and that took me like 5 years in total. It's even bigger looking from a percentage point. Salute to that determination. Hope that eases the OCD like you expected, must be hard. It's interesting that I gotta say something similar. Before starting to delete my games, I went for categorizing everything and weirdly started to play the games that don't fit any category because they would only fit to "played" category. Playing those were most of the time not fun and playing games was kinda lost its purpose at that time. Then I came to an enlightenment and said "what the heck am I doing" and started the purge. :)

2 years ago

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Tutti frutti and trash could work too :P
Granted you wanted to raise the completion number but generally, that can also be a choice for someone that doesn't care for that number

2 years ago

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Well, I almost never cared about achievement count but only the games played. Getting rid of them was a better choice for me. :)

2 years ago

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Hiding them wouldn't have the same effect? (legit question, I'm trying to understand why it's different)

2 years ago

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Well, it's like wiping the dust under the mattress VS properly sweep up. :)

2 years ago

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I think you'd flip seeing my mess of an account and library xD
Tbh, I can't "feel" it as I can't even bother to clean my wishlist from stuff I already own (stupid steam bugs).. Let alone ga tasks etc..
I'm closer to a hoarder.. "You never know when X might be useful" even if the chance is almost 0 :P

2 years ago

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Same here 😅 Digital chaos never bothered me when there's so much actual chaos to take care of.

2 years ago

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That would take me decades to clean. :D
Though you have a bigger wishlist than my discovery queue views lol

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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I honestly thought it was always the case that deleting a game from your library removed those achievements. I swear on earlier passes I’ve done to remove games I didn’t want, my achievement percentage crawled up. Cool either way!

2 years ago

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I thought that at first too until Valve put a link to the completed games. Then I saw the games I deleted were still there.
Yeah, it's cool!

2 years ago

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It must be going in waves, my percentage jumped up five percent from the other day. I'm not always an achievement hunter but I do like (what feels like) a more accurate number!

2 years ago

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That's a huge percentage to add, I wonder how it's renewing. Mine hasn't changed more but the achievement count did a little.

2 years ago

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I’ve removed over 1000 games from my account, a good amount of which I had at least tried/ gotten an achievement for. If I understood correctly Steam previously only counted a game in the percentage if you had at least one achievement earned, but perhaps I had that wrong

2 years ago

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It should still be like that, otherwise unplayed games would pull the percentage down very much.
I deleted like ~750 games and find it kinda soothing. I installed and tried every game before deleting so I had many 1-achievement game too, because of that my percentage was 37% for a very long time. I made it to 40-41% lately and thanks to this news it jumped to 46%.

2 years ago

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Right on!

2 years ago

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Nice! Maybe I will be finally able to get rid of Dead Island Epidemic, PayDay 2 (got it when it was free) and Realms of Mad God and their achievements :D
Now I've to sit and wait Steeam to refresh its counts...

2 years ago

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Heh, I actually liked Dead Island Epidemic, so I'm keeping it. Too bad it discontinued.
I would delete Payday 2 if I didn't win it here. :)

2 years ago

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This makes me super happy. Not an achievement hunter really, but when I first joined Steam, I played a lot of the free weekend games thinking I'd just try them out. It was annoying me to have so many games I'll never even own or want to play again clogging up my stuff.

2 years ago

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Seems I went from:
15451 achievements, 234 perfect and 74% (completionist)
9050 achievements, 183 perfect and 70% (Steam)

so that is nice I guess? rather I didn't lose those 4% and I also didn't realized I removed so many completed games since from my memory I only removed games I either started and never finished or not even started so I assume a part of those are also games that got removed from Steam since I assume those also no longer count?

2 years ago

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There could be family sharing games perhaps?

2 years ago

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I don't do family sharing so that can't be it either, it has to be games I owned myself.
Some demos had achievements, maybe some of those now no longer count and that makes a difference, or free games, but that's all I can think of.
But since it already happened before that I had games that Steam removed from the store, those can also make a counting difference so maybe I lost a few of those as well? But 51 games is a lot :O

Edit: I checked all completed games that are expired on completionist and it shows 49 games, those games are all either 'restricted features' or Steam removed games so maybe that explains the difference? (I don't remember how many achievements I had before...)

2 years ago*

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Demos still should count unless you removed them here. Free to play games are kinda different since every Steam user automatically owns them but they don't show up on profile unless you install and play them. Removing them as a license should do something similar to demos though. Games that don't show up on API don't count after the removal, usually banned games but there are some old games too. If you bought them directly on Steam, they should be on your purchase history since Valve keeps there all the receipts. I have no idea if they were a retail key and Valve removed them though.

Yeah, 51 games is a lot. :)

2 years ago

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This is great news, I have some spam games I regret playing and could remove for sure.
However, some of them I won here, thus removing them would mark them as not activated and I'd be penalized for it. :/

Does anyone happen to know if I could permanently remove the game to reset the achievements, and then buy it again later to ensure its marked as activated here? Or would that just sync with steam and return the deleted achievements to my profile? I feel like the latter is the most likely, unfortunately...

If anyone knows I'd really appreciate a reply. :)

2 years ago

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Yeah, I have some games I'd like to delete but won here too. Sadly there is nothing to do for them. If the game banned from Steam, API won't see it hence SteamGifts can't see it so deleting them won't be reported automatically here but there is also the ethical part, so I didn't go that way.

Deleting and buying the game won't work since Valve will give you the same game (key), with all your previous stats. SAM could be your only viable option if you want to reset those achievements.

2 years ago

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Yeah I feared as much, unfortunately I'd rather not mess around with SAM, seems like micro-managing slippery slope to me.
You start with cleaning up 1 game, next thing you know you're wiping all progress in every game that doesn't go your way.

I never thought I'd see Steam providing new features related to achievement hunting and lately there have been some good changes, who knowns, maybe in the future they'll provide even more methods to clean up your profile. :)

2 years ago

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Just to be clear, buying again won't be needed since you can just ask Steam to give you the game back since even though it's called permanent, it's not THAT permanent since you can change it back as log as you remember the name of the game.
But yeah logically if you remove it and then add it again, you also get the achievements back again.

2 years ago

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True, it makes perfect sense that it would work like that, and I suspected as much from the beginning, but part of me wanted to think otherwise. One could hope, ya know? Ah well. :p

2 years ago

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Unless you bought them in a bundle and don't want to bring back the whole bundle, then the only option is buying the game alone there. Valve still will assign the same game code though.

2 years ago

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Yeah, hate that part indeed, wish they would change that so you can just remove or restore 1 game of a bundle and not all or none!

2 years ago

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I know I would want more profile cleaning option as well. :)

2 years ago

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Yeah, great news, but I wonder, what happens with the previously deleted games, these achievement also are deleted, anyone knows?

2 years ago

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I assume it also works for games you deleted before the change, else it would be pretty useless to everyone that removed games before this update.

2 years ago

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well, that is a good point, must be in that way, and seems checked, thanks!

2 years ago

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I didn't mean to, but you're actually right...

2 years ago

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Tried it and nothing happened. This only visually removes the games from only the "All Games" tab when you're looking at the games tab. If you go to "perfect games" you'll see all the games you 100%, despite you removing them via Steam Support. This in no way removes achievements you earned from your account nor will it impact your AGCR % (improve it if you remove games you didn't 100%). So, this is just a visual thing if you care about it in the "All games tab." The "Perfect Games" tab will always show games you 100%-ed, no matter if you removed it via support or even refunded the game.

Here is proof:
I own Abzu and "removed" it via Steam Support, this is how it shows up in my Perfect Games tab. Here is how it looks after I removed it.
[Abzu 100%]~~(
It's exactly the same as A Way Out which I don't own but played with an EA Play subscription
~~[A Way Out]~~(

My Steam Achievements aren't impacted by this as well, nor the AGCR%. So, this just removes these games from the All Games tab, which was already a thing, since you couldn't see these games once you hide them with the remove option via Support. Or you need to wait like hours for it to actually take effect? We'll see after I wait a couple of hours, but not holding my breath.

It works. Just needed to get a new achievement. However, if you used EA Play and 100% a game with that, it will also be removed. Refunded and Family Shared games don't seem to be affected.

2 years ago*

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Play some game and get achievement there to trigger change.
My AVGR raised from 84% to 89% after I deleted most games I wanted to get rid of
Perfect games changed from 105 to 104 (I deleted one "perfect" game few years ago)
Overall achievements count also dropped by couple hundreds.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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I hope you're right, would really love to yeet two games from my acc

2 years ago

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Yes loaded RE Village demo got one achievement. Went from 50970 @ 45 AGC to 50853 @ 47 AGC. Before that I had removed some Free to Play games with very low achievement %.

2 years ago

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Can't really say anything about family share games but I cannot see any refunded game achievements on my profile.

2 years ago

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Well after getting an achievement I can confirm my family share games are still there, it just doesnt show the achievements or time spent like other games

2 years ago

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That's nice to hear. It's better if this works only for deleted games. Though subscription games could be a problem. If Valve allow those achievements, people cannot remove them if they want to later since it's not a license on the account.

2 years ago

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Did you 100% any refunded game? I did (Wallpaper Engine) and it still shows and counts in Perfect Games

2 years ago

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Well, I never went that far. :)

This is an interesting case. I wonder if they are still included in your total achievement count. There is no link to your achievements since you don't own it anymore.

2 years ago

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Dunno. But i did find out today if you owned a game, removed it via support and rebought it instead of going to support to get it back, it doesn't count for your showcase stats.

2 years ago

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So you still have the achievements but they don't count or did they reset?

2 years ago

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Seems they dont count on the showcase. They do count when you look at your perfect tab in the new Games view.

2 years ago

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But you cannot see your achievements as a list like before right? It says "You do not own this game" I presume. Maybe that can change later if you refunded it recently.

2 years ago

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Have your EA Play games came back to your achievement showcase yet? I lost 40+ perfect games because of this change.

I'm hoping they fix that with today's maintenance 🙄

1 year ago

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No. But the double licence issue has been fixed.

1 year ago

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2 years ago*

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Try to get one more achievement in any other game you play.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Good tip. So I guess Steam need to recalculate the stats for them to change on your profile and unlocking a new achievement will do that.
I was wondering why my test was unsuccessful.

2 years ago

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Where does it say anything about this on Steam?

2 years ago

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I don't know if there is an announcement for this but I know this feature was rolled in beta recently. I just noticed it when checking my profile and knew it was out of beta when I see it.

2 years ago

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Fantastic news, it has always been very silly that if you remove a game its achievements still count for your profile. I've only removed two games in the past, but there are few that I've only kept because I'm worried they will eventually drop new achievements but now won't need to worry about that either.

2 years ago

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Yeah I actually noticed this too, But didn't think of it much until I read this post, Thanks for giving me the motivation to go clean my library

2 years ago

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No problem!
There is no need to keep a game you don't like around. At least that's what I did with many.

2 years ago

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Okay, okay. I have to ask to be 100% sure. If I say for example I delete a horrible cash-grab scam game called "Pixel Puzzel Ultimate" (clocking in at 2486 achievements at time of writing this) then this gets removed from my achievement completion score for good? I wish this is true. It would make me so damn happy, you wouldn't believe it :D

2 years ago

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Remove some Free to Play low % complete games then get one achievement, try it.

2 years ago

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This may not be your case, but if you have this game is probably because you added a game to your account that included a free DLC for Pixel Puzzle Ultimate.
This happened to me with The Culling of the Cows and I can't remove the DLC for PPU without deleting The Culling of the Cows too, which I won on Steamgifts.

2 years ago

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Yeah it should remove all those 2486 achievements. :)
Waiting for refreshing could take a week but as a lot of people say here triggering a new achievement also works apparently.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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"Steam is Learning" games are often not counted in your profile number - maybe check and see if one of the games has that limitation?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Maybe Rocket League? It's no longer for sale on Steam store. Uh, nope, there are a few games in your list that have been removed from sale.
Or maybe Marie's Room, cos that's a free game? Emily's Away is also free, but has no paid DLC either.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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I've also noticed some shenanigans with my profile.

A couple days ago, before this new Games View arrived, my Perfect Games counter in the Achievement Showcase dropped from 150 to 147 games. I have a separate list, so i cross-checked: Fore some reason Mafia II (Classic), Spintires and Cyrano Story stopped counting in my case. 2 of them removed from sale, but other games also removed from sale still count.

Now with the updated Games View my Perfect Games list is at 149 (Cyrano Story currently doesn't count anymore), but the Achievement Showcase is still at 147.
Weird stuff. Looks like there're still some bugs. Hopefully things will fix themselves if we give it some more time.

EDIT: Cyrano Story is one of those free games, that can now be manually added to one's Library with a button press and upon doing so, it counts my achievements for it again. So it's just like OP said, deleting a game (deleting a licence from one's account) now also removes associated achievements. Still, the Achievement Showcase seems bugged at the moment.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Could be because of Tell Me Why. That game is inaccessible from some countries. Not sure why would it affect you since you already have it though. Just a guess.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Then it's probably a bug. It seems that happened to others as well. I also checked if it's because of adult-only games but that's not the reason too.

2 years ago

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That's brilliant news! Trvia Vault games, I'm coming for you!

2 years ago

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I'm happy for you <3

2 years ago

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