Quite the contrary, I love DA:Origins. Never played the second though.
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I'd say yes, in my opinion DA2 is much better than DAO and I've liked what I've seen so far in DAI.
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True, you could have harem for a bit. BUT there's also lots of RPGy stuff to do (picking right equipment for team or finding cool mods :) ), while DA2 only was good in Party-relations, but sucked with everything else.
It could be a great game. But BiowarEA decided to release unfinished product. I found fights to not be satisfying, I didn't found any excitement about looting, I only checked shops to see if there's armor upgrade for teammates.
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First paragraph: DA2 battles are same thing as in DAO, just with flashy anims.
Second paragraph: so, you're saying DAO has no role playing as you can choose between two options (nice, not nice), then you're saying DA2 has even less choice, so DA2 is better...
Third paragraph: You can like it for what it tried to be. But it was really poor game that only had one thing good - "characters you care about" and not usual "lets kill bunch of baddies" Bioware idea for story. But everything else was a step down from DAO.
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Dragon Age 2 was a complete let down compared to Origins in my opinion. With that being said, Dragon Age 2 is not a horrible game. It just sacrificed a lot of what made Origins amazing, and in doing so it failed to appeal to many who enjoyed DAO for what it was.
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As far as I know, this is the first time they implemented gamepad support, and it works good for me.
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Yeah. Tried to play with mouse and keyboard, feels like merely a second thought from Bioware. A patch can easily fix the issue. My main gripe is that you can't zoom out enough to see the entire field. Gamepad control is alright.
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Best game I ever played. Loved Origins, didn't like DA2 but this one is everything I want from a game. Just awesome. Graphics are breathtaking (except for some of the npc faces but that's inferior), great story, huge zones, really liked the crafting system, has one of the best combat systems and also has 4-player coop. I haven't encountered a single bug or connection issue yet so I can say Bioware did a very good job. =)
PS: Playing with a gamepad so I can't say if the keyboard and mouse port is good.
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I always thought best game in the existance is Dragon Age: Origins.
I was wrong.Dragon Age Inquisition is better.
Best thing I've ever played in ages.Story is awesome,diplomatic choices is great but characters from second game are bad ( I don't remember shit about second game, I barely finished it once and I hate it ), GAMEPLAY IS FREAKN AWESOME.
It almost made me forget about that casual shitty game called Dragon Age II.God, I hate EA more than anything in my life.
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But the behavior and tactics was stripped down and simplified to the most basic. I was hoping for something with more options.
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The open world is massive, the combat is different. If you were looking for DA:O combat, not the best game for it, until they fix the Tactical Camera for PC. The AI is kinda dumb. Graphics skip a little, 30fps cutscenes, I thought the romance was pretty weak at first, but then I grew to like the options, dialogue is great, as is the voice acting. Character creation could use some work. That being said, it's fuckin' incredible. ~20 hours in and I'm barely through the story, I just finished one of the story missions and afterwards all I could think was "Holy Shit." I'm gonna get an easy 100 hours out of this game in the first 2 playthroughs.
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It makes me totally NO for this game-.-
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What the fuck. I can only imagine Bioware devs giggling making this scene.
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looks really bad, they tried too many things at once, and nothing ended polished enough, open world and quests look like single player mmo, action combat is incredibly mediocore, and tactical one is complete garbage. Hate when games do that, its so much better to focus on one thing and do it well, rather than doing everything bad/on very low level.
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Well, it sells well. They try to make it more favorable for fans of open world game. And to throw away the classic leveling system and attributes points leaving it to just choosing set of skills, they sure have some balls.
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Sounds lazy to me rather than having balls, the only reason it sold well is the marketing, they lied about half the stuff that was supposed to be in the game, just to "lure" people in. Im really disgusted what bioware turned into after being acquired by EA, its CoD all over again. At least I was right with my expectations for it to end how it ended, so I have that going for me. On the brigt side there are other devs that didnt abandon PC and still make good rpgs like Divinity: Original Sin for example.
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The current hype surrounding the game seems a bit much imo. Reminds me of Bioshock Infinite. A game that made a great first impression but over time people had a chance to peel back the razzle-dazzle and reveal the shoddiness within. Come to think of it that describes my experience with Dragon Age Origins as well.
Doesn't help that the game requires high-end hardware to run, and there are curiously no in-depth benchmarks that I know of besides the idiotic German one that was made before the patches and with 4xMSAA (which is apparently a frame killer on Frostbite). Also since there are no demos and denuvo hasn't been cracked yet, there's no try-before-you-buy.
Overall doesn't seem like the game should be bought now. Maybe next summer, if Witcher 3 doesn't simply blow it out the water.
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Man, I want to like this game. But it's so damn buggy it's unplayable for me.
I have a mid-end rig by most standards here, I suspect (GPU is GTX770) and I'm dealing with constant crashes, cutscene stuttering, EA server sync issues (or just being down).
I paid full price for this bad boy because I though it had promise. I haven't paid full price for a game in over 5 years. And I got a nice spanking as a reminder not to give my money away for a toy that shows up in the mail smashed into pieces.
If EA gets off their ass and fixes the DirectX/NVidia issues, then I have a feeling I'll really enjoy the game. It looks gorgeous, the story seems intriguing, and the combat seems like it could be interesting. But it's hard to say with only an hour of play time and at least four hours of troubleshooting time.
I'd be embarrassed to call myself a professional if I worked on this product launch. If EA gave a rat's ass about their clients, they'd fix this post haste and fire a few folks publicly to show their commitment to excellence. But hey, it's EA. They're like the bankers of the gaming world.
ANYWAY...I'm really eager to actually be able to PLAY the game.
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Thank you. Will give it a try. Not sure that'll help with the non-cutscene freezing/crashing, but hopefully the clowns at EA/Origin/Bioware can fix their badly broken product here this week.
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What do you guys think about the game? I tried hard to like DA:I but it's hard to make any sense of things that happens in the game, the politics mainly. Bought it because of the return of tactical view, gameplay videos promised something great but hands on it's just meh and gets old really fast.
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