Oh wow, the first dilemma couldn't have been further apart content wise lol.
Personally I'm gonna go with Planet Coaster which has an AMAZING sandbox but very very very weak campaign. But then again not a fan of DoW so...take my opinion with a grain of salt :|
As for the second hands down Marvel Vs Capcom if you like your fighting games on the faster side. Great selection of characters, nice combos and amazing for "casual" gaming nights with friends since it's super easy to play with just button mashing for them.
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@1 What intrests you more in strategy games? Building, management, economical aspects or combat? If 1st go with PC, if 2nd DoW3 (thou a lot of ppl were saying DoW3 got released in very poor state without a lot of options we got used to in previous games, so I personally would not choose this one).
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Well since you made this I'm gonna take advantage as the despicable, pathetic and above all indecisive being I am!
I have a few games I know I'm getting, I have a few I know I'm not and then there's this place in between where one second you're getting it and the next you're not. This time I managed to shrink it to just 14 games(yes! just 14. You don't wanna know about other sales...). So I wanna hear what people that have tried them think about them and if they should be added to the Cart or not for the time being. For those and only those games the budget available is around 50-60€ so please take that in mind if you decide to suggest a lot :3
Here goes the list:
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Yeah, saw the pack with the both of them, it's a good price practically bringing the second one to 66% instead of 25%, so I'm considering going for that instead of the first game only. Will depend on what else from the list above will stay and what will go :3
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I think to get to the true ending, which doesn't take very long especially with a guide, is around 5 to 6 hours unless you skip as much as you can. So it probably is enough at the price, but I wouldn't say the the combat or the dialogue/story is going to be something that great.
After playing all of it myself, I just can say now I would have personally chosen other games over it but I won the game so I played it all. I just think it's average.
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Thea is... weird. I like it, and I kinda hate it. It's really interesting at first, and I keep wanting to get back into it, but I can't bring myself to do it. The conflict resolution system is novel, but it makes combat and non-combat boil down to the same basic mechanics. In fact, everything in that game kinda boils down to the same basic mechanics.
Eventually, you're micromanaging a very large RPG party and if the only thing you ever wanted to do was beat the story, that's pretty simple. If you want to really do anything more (like achievements or unlocking and leveling up gods) be ready to grind like crazy.
If you're interested in micromanagement and heavy word-y story stuff, then it's probably a great game for you, but otherwise... well... I can't say it's bad, which I think is kind of the problem. It's not a game I can thumbs down, but man my thumbs up comes with a lot of caveats and hesitance. If I had more than that to recommend it on Steam, I'd give it like 3 stars. If it were less than $5, I'd give it my thumbs up no problem, there's an interesting game there for sure, and at $5, if you don't like how grindy it gets in the end, whatever, you can probably still get your money out of it.
Hope that helps.
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I'm not one to obsess over "post-ending" stuff, achievements and the likes unless the game itself is so good that I just want a reason to keep playing for a little while longer. Rare occurrence.
In that case I guess I'm not gonna struggle much with it, in fact if nothing else you now made me wanna form an opinion about it so it's preeeetty likely I'll pick it up, thanks for the feedback :D
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I did not enjoy Earthlock. There seems to be a lack of really good old school turn based RPGs around, so the few that do exist get all the attention. I played it for 7 hours ish and this is what I wrote on BLAEO after.
Gremlins is what it is. A board game that's pretty fun, but that involves a lot more luck of the dice than strategy or cunning. It's quite fun in short doses, I think, and I did enjoy the steampunk look. I think it's decent, even though it's not a board game I LOVE, like the way I love Munchkin.... or even Clue or king to tokyo xD
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Yeah I remember the BLAEO post(first commenter....commenter? commentator? commentaire? Well, first comment!!! :P)
I'll probably get my "fix" of turn based RPG with Dead Age this time but Earthlock just has this fairytale look that you almost can't resist (>3<)
I'm also a sucker for board games. RNG doesn't annoy me much when it's in that context, most board games are affected by it to some extend, even if only in what you draw. I'll probably wait and stalksee who else in my FL gets it and if some other board junkies *cough*Pete*cough* pick it up I might as well so we'll have a partner in crime.
And don't get me started on Munchkins!!!! I know I'm gonna love that one, I went out and bought a couple of them to play with some friends but they never even let me finish explaining the rules before rejecting it. It's still sitting on a shelf here untouched all these years (;-;)
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You should see my Munchkin collection. I think I have a problem xD.
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In that case allow me to take advantage of your problem! :P
I see you have tabletop Simulator and if I'm not mistaken there's a Munchkin mod out there somewhere. What do you say we look around for a few more victimsnice people to join us and venture forth? :P
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Thea: The Awakening is very fun, and it has a sequel coming out soon. I'd definitely suggest buying that, if you like strategy games. It has unique mechanics, so it won't feel like you're playing a copy of civ/total war.
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From what ive seen Earthlock oozes in charm but the story while not bad for the genre isn't to write home about and the gameplay... its as deep as pond. Its varied with the planting of ammo and such but the smart ideas doesn't amount to engaging, complex or challenging gameplay.
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That's exactly the impression of it I have as well but at the same time I'm somehow craving something with a bright, colorful world and jrpg gameplay. There's a real drought in that area when it comes to releases in like the last decade, especially on PC :|
Also you got an invite on Steam :)
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I bought Warbands in December I think it was and at that point it was a solid no. The single player content was just a five minute tutorial whilst the multiplayer lacked a playerbase. Those who were playing hard already maxxed out troops and you couldn't earn coins for upgrades yourself without winning. I refunded it at the time so I can't comment on the updates since but I'd still say hold out till the next sale.
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I liked Crowntakers, good replayability with all the characters which result in a different playstyle. The DLC adds some extra stuff and isn't that expensive.
Thea: The Awakening: it was fun, but I couldn't get into a 2nd game(maybe because the nearby resources weren't that good?). But that first game took me about 16 hours, so no regrets on my end.
Gremlins, Inc. I didn't play that much, I ended up replaying Eador :Genesis by one of the devs and haven't gotten back to gremlins yet.
Games can be long, but enjoyable.
Chaos Reborn: I only played the demo, but couldn't get into it.
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Two games/dlc that I consider despite not being on sale:
Darkest Dungeon®: The Crimson Court
On sale:
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (Neptunia)
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
Satellite Reign
Eador. Masters of the Broken World
Invisible, Inc.
Doom & Destiny
The Age of Decadence
Age of Empires II HD (bundle with all the DLC)
Thea: The Awakening
I wonder if I would rather get Rimworld or pretty much everything that is on the sale list instead.
Or the DD DLC and some combo of the rest.
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I'll recommend against The Crimson Court at this given time. It adds a lot of nice stuff but the new affliction was enough to just destroy it all. It's super easy to catch, and when you do you either decide to send whoever catches it away or you're stuck with a disobedient, debuffed infant that needs constant babysitting(which means quite some extra grinding cause without the resources this affliction needs your heroes can die while idle at the Hamlet...). I read there's a way to actually remove it much further in the game but I'm not there myself yet and with how I now need to constantly renew my roster since everyone and their grandma is catching it it's doubtful I'll ever even reach it. Plus we're getting like 2-3 Hotfix patches daily since the release so maybe wait for the dust to settle before buying that one.
D&D was another one from my wishlist I almost included on my list above, it looks rather entertaining but I opted to go for the rest instead :3
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Rimworld is fun if you like the Dwarf Fortress style management games, but it lacks in content and the mechanics are a little simplistic and in need of some tweaks still. I got some good fun out of it but until more is thrown in there, mods are pretty much going to be your source of fun. I'd recommend waiting for a discount or more updates. If you want something similar you could try Prison Architect, but that ultimately suffers a similar lack of variety after a while, but generally felt more like a complete game. I liked Rimworld but I can't in good conscience vouch for it at full price, y'know? Grab something on the sales, and if you really ache for it, you can pick up Rimworld at any other time given the lack of discount.
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I find hard to recommend Invisible. Inc. I enjoy stealth and turn-based but the game sure tries to make you rush things since the clock ticks down every turn so even if you do everything perfectly, the alarm will get triggered and you will be in deep trouble. Just because of that the game never clicked for me.
On the other hand, Sword of the Stars : The Pit can be hell of a fun once you get used to the game. Just dont try to make your character Jack of all Trades. I just wished there was a bit less fighting and more skill checks.
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I've seen a full let's play of Valley. The sci-fi story is unexpectedly good and does a great job in immersing you into the game's world. In terms of gameplay I would consider it a "running simulator" with quite easy platforming. There are many big, open spaces and running through them is very pleasant, but after some time it could possibly get a bit repetitive and the game starts feeling a bit too empty.
But if the sale is -75% I would definitely recommend it as it's worth even just for the visuals and the storytelling. Just do not play more then a hour or two a time if a "running simulator" is not really your thing ;)
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Invisible Inc. is a fun game if you will accept its rules :) I mean, sometimes people don't like this game just because it is not something they used to play. Well, that's the point of the whole game, you have to adapt your tactics to the game's rules :) The same thing happened to Marvelous Miss Take, where people were complaining you cannot sit down in the corner and wait until the guard will move in the way you want because their movement was totally random :P That was the intention - a bit of tactic mixed with a bit of improvisation. It works perfectly for Monaco for example. As I said, it's just a matter if you're okay with game's rules - randomization of Invisible Inc. surely requires slightly different tactics than what we've used to in other stealth games. Just take a look at some gameplays to check if you will be okay with it :)
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Eador: I can only speak for the older Genesis one, but it's basically the same game with new graphics and some fixes. It is a very long game if you can sit through it. MotBW does seem to advance your research faster after each shard(mission).
It is a brutal game and repetitive(especially at the start since the shards are small). Since you own genesis you could see if you like that, or you are put off because of the graphics.
Doom & Destiny I played the free version on tablet(play without internet to avoid 30sec adds every few screens) Very enjoyable game, some grinding needed at some points if you fly through the story.
Thea: The Awakening: it was fun, but I couldn't get into a 2nd game(maybe because the nearby resources weren't that good?). But that first game took me about 16 hours, so no regrets on my end.
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Age of Empires is quality, so you must buy it for sure.
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Should I buy Pubg or Arma 3 ? Mhm... hard question I guess.
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If u want serious combat arma 3 if u want something more ''fun'' (imo) go for pubg
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The Cat Machine or Stories: The Path of Destinies ?
One's a logic puzzler with cats, the other is an action adventure with a story loosely based on the Reynard the Fox fables (personal favorites there...).
Both have fairly high hidden gem potential too.
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In case you skipped the replies above here's Jiseru's opinion on Stories
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I got Stories during GOG sale and was sort of a meh experience. While the narrative was quite enjoyable the game itself wasnt that much. Combat wasnt that challenging and the fact that it has 25 endings doesnt help much since you gonna replay every mission loadout at least 5-10 times. If you plan to play ... say... 1 run per day to reveal 1 ending, sure go for it but dont expect a really good gameplay in said game.
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okay none of the games on my WL have absolutly amazing deals but I do want to buy at least one during the sale...anyone have any input?
does anyone think any of these will go lower in the near future/become bundled? last sale I impulse bought a few things that became bundled since so I'm kinda weary about it.
and nothing has gone above 50% so I don't really have a reason to just snatch it up
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Oh I know what both are about (I look into alot if the stuf on my wl) that being said I'm not too sure about your comparisons considering...titian suls is a rage inducing but really fun twins tick type thing but bastion was kinda meh and more just a top down something. And shover knight and dark souls are incredibly different if you ask me...but I do get what you were going for I'd compare it with memodora from what I've seen.
Thanks for the reply if you had to pick one saying it won't go for a higher sale soon and optomising how much fun you think it is which would you go for?
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Thanks I'll probably pick up hollow knight near the end of the sale
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Even though it's the worst discount on your list, I would highly recommend Dead Cells. Easily one of the most polished games to hit Early Access on steam - solid combat, no unfairness (skill is a lot more important than drops), relatively constant updates (seem to be on a 2 weeks-1 month cycle for major updates, this includes a period of beta testing first to iron out bugs). It still lacks content (only 2 bosses currently available), but it's super fun regardless and it will increase in price as time goes on - not sure if that will happen before or after it sees a better discount, but considering it sells like hot cakes I doubt they feel the need to discount it deeper any time soon
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It's currently 27% off on bundle stars vs the 15% on steam...now I haven't ever gotten anything from bs but I'm considering that cause I really want it.
Have anything to say to try and push me over?
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Well, I've already explained pretty much all you need to know about the game, so the only thing left I could tell you is that it's one of the two games I've ever bought at full price and I don't regret it. I've beaten the current content twice, but I still have several items I need to unlock - and the new update is right around the corner (already exists in beta client, but I prefer to wait until it's out officially). For me, I enjoy seeing how the game changes drastically with each update, making me do several more runs - for others, maybe they just want to experience the game how it's "meant to be" (so they'll wait 8-12 months for full release) - up to you in which category you belong to :3
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Dishonored 2 is a great choice, if you ask me. It won't get a better discount soon. xD
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It's so sad that dishonored 1 when 75% off in a similar sale 5 years ago...but your probably right and 50 is the most I can hope for
I have one thing to ask tho my friends bought me mgsv and that's a big game it's probably going suck up some 50+ hours of my time at least and I was wondering if I should just have that as my big game for awhile and focus all my attention on that.
If I did this I could look to ggetting dishonored 2 in the next sale and playing this and some smaller games in the meantime?
Do you have an opinion?
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Well, the steam sales suck. xD Look, Dishonored 2 is a great choice. It took me 40 hours to complete. But I don't know what your options are for the small games to which you're referring, so I can't really tell you if you don't tell me your alternative. From the wishlist you showed me, this looks the only decent game - at least for me. :P
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Amen to that
By Small games I was referring to my backlog...so everything from P&C games to platformers to stratagy to VN and whatever else I pick up in bundles. Most I can only get a couple hours out of but I have a bunch.
I guess I'm just unsure about how much time I'll play games between now and the next sale and where if I start metal gear now I'll get around to dishonored before the next sale.
basically I'm in decisive and I'm just using this thread to have others help me decide />_<
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Point and click games? :D Well, anything related to Daedalic obviously. :B But you should actually give me a list or something. I can't tell you 100 good games or something. xD
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welp since you want a list of my backlog...
Here I guess its not as big as some but I still looks like alot to me...
I'm not really looking for recs from these...I already own them all (mostly from bundles and stuff). (
and yeah this whole thread has gone off topic.
I asked for opinions and got one.
then just wallowed around a bit.
thanks again.
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Play Witcher 2, Tomb Raider, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Inside, Beholder, almost all the p&c games (I don't know anything though about Primordia, Lumino City, and Violet - that is probably Violett), The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, Maize, and The Secret World (not sure you can do that currently, since they're updating it or something).
If I were you, I would start with TWD and TWAU, then go to p&c games. You know, start from the small ones first, which are usually better.
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although it isn't actually a good deal nothing is at a really good deal so thats kinda redundant But at only 30% off its hard to get motivated into getting it
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Heard Nier is fantastic, but Warhammer is really nice. Not sure if you played TW series, before, but campaign mechanics are very diverse and battle is fantastic. Only downsides are that settlement management is dumbed down, and seige maps are a disappointment.
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I mean, I would say it depends which genre you prefer.
Personally, I would go warhammer all the for sure (both games are awesome, but warhammer though)
But, warhammer has a higher chance of getting sales at another time, while NieR is fresher so you'd have to wait a bit before you would see it on sale again.
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NieR but skip the DLC. It doesn't add anything significant and is overpriced for what it does offer.
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I have $13.19 steam wallet, and I'm considering the following.. any help is appreciated. The features I think I would like to prioritize are multiplayer and frequent / recent updates, although these aren't critical and any advice / opinions are welcome.
Nom Nom Galaxy 1.99
Stories of Bethem 0.99
Earth Overclocked 0.49
Junk Jack 11.24
Starbound 10.04 ---- Bought it :)
FTL 2.49
Dungeonmans 7.49
DungeonUp 0.49
Cardinal Quest 2 3.74
Barony 2.49
Halcyon 6 9.99
For the King 11.24
Kim 7.49
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For 49 cents, I had a lot of fun with DungeonUp. It's more of a puzzle game than an RPG, so if sitting there and thinking out your moves in a relatively simple roguelike interface sounds interesting, I strongly recommend it.
FTL is the best game on your list by far. It's a fantastic game, kind of a randomly generated small scale RTS with pause and plot.
Both games are singleplayer, though, and FTL is never going to get another update. DungeonUp was patched Monday, but the last patch was about four months ago.
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just my two cents I thought id like FTL and couldn't get into it that well.
not sure what it is but I found it kinda lacked something.
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FTL is much loved for a reason. Addictive, and the music is awesomely chill.
Starbound is a different take on the Terraria-like, and a little divisive, but you can download mods and extend the lifespan at a whim.
Barony feels to me like it would be tricky. I enjoyed it for what it is, but lots of people would probably hate it. If you liked actual roguelikes (as in, like 'Rogue' and other ASCII-style fantasy games), then you might dig Barony. It plays like a realtime first person Nethack, only without the same immense diversity in encounters. Great for a timewaster if you're an anxious sleep procrastinator like me, but I dunno how it fares in multiplayer. Maybe better, maybe worse. Finally got a winning run after 11 hours, and that run included an extended 'true end' kind of area after the boss on my first attempt. But seriously, get FTL instead. Barony is addictive but ultimately lower quality than more polished titles.
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+1 for FTL. Fantastic game, but very challenging. Good for the odd hour long gaming session.
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Anybody know if the PW3 gold pack contains the story DLC or not. I don't see it but I might just be missing it somehow. I don't care about the costumes at all. Just want the story DLC if I'm going to buy it. Also for something completely unrelated do you know how to see your quests? It says I have a quest to do but the sticker page won't show me what the quest is.
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Oh I see now. For some reason I read those packs as costumes only. Thanks.Yeah I just meant if I had to pay for them. I think I might have already claimed that before in case I ever got the game. Yeah I found it. I think my store was glitched out still due to the lag earlier and my internet being shitty.
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NARUTO: i don't own any but the variety(and amount) in fighters, how its a diffeent style then classical fighting and so popular makes me tempted.
All considered:
1) should i grab one? I mean are they fun and good purely as games or only for anime/manga fans?
I dig weird characters and the more varied between then the better; Im no pro fighting player so i don't care much about very deep intricacies but very casual/shallow fighting is... shallow, boring button mashing.
2) If it is wich one should i grab- considering sale, amount of content and quality?
Keep in mind i don't own any- so if any previous title is regarded as 'the best' that would interest me more then having the latest.
Any help?
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Honestly I'm not the most knowledgeable so you might want to wait for a better response but my two cents are (from playing a completely different game One Piece Pirate Warriors) -
expect tones of button mashing and minimal playtime.
that being said I've been told there are two kinds of these games one with lots and lots of little enemies that you can combo button mash off of and ones with one larger enemy at a time that you can focus all your attacks on/dodge around.
the second in my mind sounds a bit more enjoyable but idk.
that being said the only time I've had fun with fighting games is in a Couch+Friends kinda setting so maybe I just don't like playing it alone.
So again my vote is againsed it but take that with a grain of salt
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OPPW3 and the Naruto games are not even the same genre. OPPW3 is a Musou game, same thing as Dynasty Warriors and the likes. One Piece Burning Blood is the equivalent of that franchise.
The Naruto games are fighting games, 1vs1(with 2 assists each, think of them like your Kizuna buddies)
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I heard Naruto games and I imagined it encompassed a whole bunch of different genres with Musou and 1vs1 fighting included.
however I made no claim to knowledge and just replied to something cause it had been a hour and no one had answered them.
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I got the same impression out of Musous. At least with fighting games if the SP part and the AI makes it shallow at least the pvp with friends make up for it, for the most part.
But regarding naruto it doesn't matter anymore- a friend just gifted me the Full Storm 3 so i will be able to judge myself but thank you both for the help!
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I played Ninja Storm 3 for 90mins before asking for refund ( mind it that was after playing and loving DragonBall Xenoverse).
At the start of the game it felt like there was more cutscenes than actual fighting(and the game still doesnt explain much so you gonna need some basic Naruto knowledge). The combat itself felt slow-paced(again probably because of DB Xenoverse) and not really entertaining.
Might be worth grabbing one to try out though you still may need basic knowledge about Naruto(character and world history).
For online PvP the latest seem to have more players but you better check their Community Hub.
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Alright here's what I've got so far:
Available Wallet Funds: $11.06 (Might add more if I need to)
My major dilemma is with Fallout. I wish each of the DLCs was as reduced as the base game. So my question is, are the DLCs worth it? I've heard that Dead Money isnt great but the other 3 are well done and fun. It looks like each of the individual DLCs has been lower, but not since 2014. Do I give into Gaben and pad my wallet?
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Yes, lonesome road, old world blues and honest hearts are worth it. New Vegas made those right- they add quality time and content to the game worthwhile but the game isn't missing without then. They do make the whole better and more for it but its not like New Vegas needed their additions to be great and whole by itself.
If you like me re-play rpgs with a different character and choices then you can wait to get then or some later- for me doing this is better as the second+ playthroughts feel even fresher. However if you plan playing it once... id grab those for sure.
Subnautica.. it was really bundled right? I mean it still puzzles me why/so soon. It may vary on taste but heck its one of the most well spent money i ever put on steam. I missed the bundle idn, i bought it directly with smaller discount and don't regret it. At all. It may not be for everyone dealing with the bugs and some flaws that existis (EA still, but they have an actual roadmap and launch prediction unlike some EA) but it was more then worth the price even with those for me.
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Yeah, I'm sure I'll play at least a couple of the DLCs eventually, but you're right the game itself is already very in-depth and I wont get bored anytime soon (especially with all my other backlog titles). I think I'll hold off on the DLCs for now, I'd rather use those funds for another "full experience" game.
As for Subnautica, I know I'm going to love it once I get it. I'm a marine science student and recreational diver so it is 1000% my jam. That said, I don't need to play it JUST yet. With everything else I've got in my library I can hold off until it gets bundled or has a deeper discount. What really annoys me is that I had opened up the Freedom Bundle the day it came out and decided to wait til I got home from work to click buy. By then they were all out of keys -_-
I also just saw that Dishonored is also only $2.49 so I'm heavily considering that too now that I'm not going for the Fallout DLC.
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I have a special spot for subnautica because of how it helped me. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown in hurry with my degree and late deadlines; I had just saved myself from said deadlines but with more incoming pretty soon but i hadn't the time nor budget for medical help that id probably need if things kept the way they were.
A bit of discount and 'hey it could be relaxing' and i gave it a shot. I launched it once to check it so i could play after that school year ended...
It saved me. It became my 'too tired to keep going' leisure time and recharge. Having this other world to dive into even if a little each day made the whole difference for me. My ansiety reduced. No nervous breakdown came. I suspect having any time for myself and disconecting from things would help but ive tried other games and forms of entertainment i could do on my own by the end of the day- and none had the same effect. The only bad side of it was not being able to play more of it each day... when that year finally ended i played almost 2 days straight.
Hell the only reason i unninstalled and im not playing right now is because i have a long backlog- and it would suck my time replaying it. Btw its very replayable - but now im trying to hold off for the final release... but every update it gets harder. Heck i even asked for help on the foruns to decide if i should or not go back trying to have others convince me to hold a bit longer.
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I totally get it. Interestingly enough, I actually had an extremely similar experience with ABZU. About a year back, all my research for my Masters was piling up and I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I questioned why I was doing any of it and who I was as a person. Around the same time, I saw promo photos and videos for ABZU and was hooked by the visuals. It was everything I loved about diving cranked up to eleven. At one point, after a rough week, I saw it for only a minor discount and bought it anyway.
The difference being, unlike the replayability of Subnautica, ABZU was such a short but immerive experience. And an emotional one for me. I got halfway through and was practically tearing up, reminding myself that that feeling is why I love diving, and why I love marine science. I decided I was going to put off playing the rest of the game until I finished my research and defended my thesis. It would be my reward. And boy was it a good one.
Glad you're doing better, man. I've been in a similar spot and anxiety is no joke.
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Dead Money is decent, but it's probably not something you'd want to play more than once or twice. It's just not as good as the others, which are quite nice especially OWB. You could just get the base game and not really miss anything, but New Vegas is one of the very, very few games I've played where I'd actually recommend buying the DLC.
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Yeah that makes sense. I think I'm gonna hold off on them for now. I'm sure I'll play them all at some point. But, now that I think about it, I'd much rather get New Vegas AND two other whole games with my wallet funds, than New Vegas + DLCs.
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I got Fallout:New Vegas Ultimate Edition for 3,40 € on gamesplanet.de - A price it got multiple times from the records on itad . The itad price history for this package:
It seems as if it had an all-time low on amazon for 1.23 € at least it's what enhanced steam shows me, but I'm not sure it's correct, cause itad apparently isn't allowed to show historical data from amazon.
I cannot tell you anything about the quality of the DLCs though, since I never came around to play it ;_; (yet!)
So - if you can buy somewhere else than Steam and don't want to play it straight away - I would wait for a better price.
Edit: Although the price never dropped that low in the last year. lowest for the last 12 months was 4,99 €
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On Subnautica...
I don't think this will be bundled again anytime soon, and it will probably increase in price once it leaves early access (and maybe even before, like The Long Dark recently increased in price). It was likely only included in the freedom bundle as a show of support for the ACLU, and it was limited in the number of copies made available.
I just would say, even though it isn't even finished yet Subnautica has been one of the my best gaming experiences in recent memory. If the subject matter is of interest to you, I promise you the game mechanics and atmosphere will not let you down.
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Fallout New Vegas is the best choice and its dlcs are great. It's a must buy.
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After going a bit overboard today and crafting around 180 badges in one go, including a lvl 7 sale badge, I'm currently sitting on over 100 sale cards that I'm concidering to sell and buy some games with the money. According to my math I should at least get $9 and the games I'm thinking about are the following:
I'd appreciate some input.
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Kingdoms of Amalur + Holy potatoes! a weapon shop OR Dragon's Dogma OR Shadows of Mordor + Kingdoms of Amalur
Which would give me more playtime/hours ? I can't decide on which should I get. Feel free to suggest me games that have similar combat systems like Dragon's Dogma or Skyrim.
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A lot of good games here ! This is my order of preference for this games (only those I've played) :
I just take in consideration my feelings about these game to make this order, not the price.
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If it were up to me, I would pick games that doesn't limit my area of exploration, so :
Out of these three games, I only own Sleeping Dogs. All I can say is It's a great game.
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These are all great!
But if I had to choose, I'd go for these in this order:
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Bully mostly. After that, buy Sleeping Dogs and Mafia II. :)
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Where did you find prices like this for these games? For that price I want them both. Here they show up for € 19,54 together.
Btw did you play the demo for Batman. I did and for the first time ever with a Telltale game I was not sold completely. So if you did not play it yet please try it out before you buy it. It is not bad but not as good as the others.
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Its a steam store prices in my region.
I read about demo. You can play the 1st episode, but in demo achievements arent available and when you buy full game, you need to run 1st episode again to get them. I know that Telltale create no bad games. So I'm sure that I'll enjoy it after buy.
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The Walking Dead. I love everything related to Batman and it was a nice game, but it wasn't as good as The Walking Dead.
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Also, gib level 3+
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