Got it on GOG and enjoyed it but its a mixed bag mainly because of the camera position. 3D platforming when the camera is positioned for a side-scroller can annoy you at times. Another annoying thing is that you need to collect gems to unlock next levels so keep an eye on them while playing so you wont need to replay levels.
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It's a really good game, but extremely small. It looked like an introduction to me. xD Better check the book of unwritten tales games. :P
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Alright, there have been couple of AAA in past few years I have always wanted to try but never got around to actually get them. I am willing to spend around 50 euro (so I guess 2 or 3 games from the list) and would appreciate any input.
Fallout 4
Dying Light
Zombie Army Trilogy
Grand Theft Auto V
Any other suggestions are always welcome as well!
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Fallout and Skyrim are long interesting journeys with many quests. I liked them a lot
Dying Light and GTAV are really very fun games! Enjoyed them!
Zombie Army didn't played but friends told that its fun at start, but all 3 games you doing same things. Its boring.
MGSV is about stealth. Boring at the end.
Doom on my opinion is crap. Its not worth it
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Go for Dying Light(especially if you have friends for Co-op) + GTA V/Skyrim/FO4(for open world enjoyment) and instead of DOOM, go finish Shadow Warrior to satisfy your FPS run-gun-fun.
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Doom I enjoyed a lot. I only played a bit of fallout but for the duration I did play it it felt very similar to skyrim (skyrim with guns).
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Dying Light is probably the best choice. Skyrim comes second. Fallout 4 and GTA V aren't that good, they're hardly mediocre, but can offer you some fun. Dunno about the others.
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Should I buy DOOM or Hollow Knight?
Hollow Knight is way cheaper than DOOM, but my spider sense is telling HK will be bundled quite soon.
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I'm pretty much more interested in metroidvanias than shooters, and this "releasing free new content soon" reminds me of a certain Shovel Knight, and it never got bundled. xD
But one thing is for sure, it's hard to believe a Bethesda game will ever be bundled.
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Well, the sh*t's done, I got Hollow Knight. Thanks for the hints, guys. :D
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I'm quite in need a space game - spaceship, probably dogfighting, for some non-online adrenaline pumping fix but I can't decide.
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
The others are in early access which I probably end up waiting. (Or should I wait for instead?)
Lightspeed Frontier
Void Destroyer 2
I have quite a lot of backlogs though, but most of them are RPG, quite read intensive, which I do not have a mood for. D: maybe I should save for upcoming game instead? (Ace Combat 7 :D)
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Dont know about Starpoint Gemini Warlords( hated Gemini 2 so) but Everspace has pros and cons.
But still it can be a fun game if you only care about dogfighting since Everspace is all about the fights and some exploration(some because the RNG can screw you up a plenty and locations that look like they must contain treasure are empty.. way too often).
Oh and usually 1 run for me on Normal in Everspace(after maxing out my ship's perk) takes me less than 2 hours.
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I never get far on Gemini 2, something just doesn't click. Looking from recent streaming it sure looks really improved, 4x aspect is a really nice addition, a combat focus X series, I guess?
Everspace is something I really wanted like to play if it isn't designed as roguelite would insta-buy for me. (I recently started to dislike roguelike genre, somehow)
Decision, decision!
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Well, yet to get any sort of interest in Warlods.
And yes, I kinda understand the dislike to roguelikes.... especially the one that get repetetive quickly (and I think Everspace can fall in this category).
I see that you dont have Darkstar One . its old, repetetive but IIRC(played it last like 3 years ago) the combat was fun and also instead of buying new ships you upgrade your ship with alien artefacts.
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Sounds cool, I always wanted to try Freespace 2. Wishlisted for more discount. (only 30% for an old game, really?)
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I was wondering, if it's worth it to buy Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force if I already own Fairy Fencer F in steam?
I mean, as far as I know the "only" changes are additional fairies, characters and 2 new ending routes, right?
Thanks in advance :)
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And along everything you mentioned the battle mechanics have been reworked, you now bring 6 characters in battle if I'm not mistaken. Personally I'm not picking it up even though I loved the original one. There's too many stuff i want which I haven't played before that it just feels a waste to pick up an "improved" version of a game I've already played over them, not to mention how much I hate this practice of "reworked" or definitive or GOTY editions being separate products, asking you to pay for the same game twice
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Yeah, I also don't like to pay twice for the same (but improved) game. This is why I asked, considering that it's still about 10 bucks (or > 14 if I choose to buy the complete pack). Of course it's not THAT much, but I can get a lot of my other wishlisted games instead (or maybe some good Humble Bundles).
Thanks for the info about the battle mechanics. Did not know this :)
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My remaining budget is a little bit over 25-28EUR when cards sell, so I can oinly pick like 2 (maybe 3 if going for cheaper ones) from the list,.. help me! D;
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear - 8,99
Disgaea PC - 7,99
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster - 12,49
Elite Dangerous - 12,49
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - 11,49
Salt and Sanctuary - 10,79
Assassin’s Creed® Rogue - 9,99
Hyper Light Drifter - 9,99
The Banner Saga 2 - 9,99
Furi - 9,99
Anima Gate of Memories - 9,99
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force - 9,19
Firewatch - 8,99
Axiom Verge - 8,99
Batman - The Telltale Series - 8,04
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - 13,99
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed - 13,49
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nope, all new entries ;P
BG1&2 I played a lot, BG2 at6 least like 5-6 times as a teenager and 1 as an adult, but Dragonspear is totally new content recently released.
Disgaea never played on any platform, but I love jRPGs and heard lots of good trhings bout this one ;p
I played 6 FF games (8 if we count Tactics), but never played X/X-2 and it's considered as one of the better ones (still nothing will beat VI for me ;p)
Elite I played old games as a kid, since then havent played space flightsim in over a decade since the genre died, not sure what to expect, but am curious to try it out.
TWD - played previous 2 games and Michonne (liked 2 1st, didn't like Michonne)
Salt and Sanctuary - never played
AC: Rogue - played AC1-4 all games, didn't play newer ones, heard Rogue is better than Unity so wanted to try this one
HLD - new game so obviously didn't try it ;p
TBS2 - I played a lot of 1st TBS on Android, didn't play TBS2
Furi - new franchise, didn't play it
Anima - never played it
FFFADF - played through original FFF and totally loved it. Mixed feelings about ADF - it would require playing througfh same contrent but then would add a lot of additional stuff later on.
Firewatch - never played itr
Axiom Verge - never played it
Batman - didn't play it, but I enjoyed most of previous TT games
Danganronpa - never played it
AKIBA - never played it, but c'mon, undressing girls via combat? :D:
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In that case lemme just comment on what I've played.
Dragonspear I haven't played but BG is love, BG is life.
Disgaea is a tactics game, not a jrpg in the FF/Breath of Fire/ etc sense. It's really good, offers A LOT of playtime, some challenging stages and an insane post campaign difficulty. Also insane grinding but enjoyable.
FFX is nowhere near VI but I still hold it much higher than what came after it. Story wise it's not that fantastic but imho it has the most fluid and enjoyable battle system in the franchise, allowing you to switch members in and out of battle at any point.
TWD:NF like you I haven't played yet while loving the previous installments. But it's Telltale so we'll see it bundled sooner or later for sure(leaning on sooner rather than later, it's been a while since once of theirs)
TBS2 I also was hoping for this sale but 50% is not appealing enough to me considering we have yet another one coming down the road.
FFFADF it's a definite no from me. Love the original, would love the new content/combat system but not paying for a game which is merely a remake and has a base price that high. Just on principle, no.
Firewatch I won it here and played it. I think I'm in the minority that were not impressed. It's not bad but I wasn't blown away either. Plus it offers 0 replayability so I find the $9 tag a bit high for 3-4 hours of content
Batman was good but like TWD I'd wait for it to get bundled
Danganronpa I never understood why on earth is so well liked. It's extremely average, borderline bad clichéd, trying to be Ace Attorney in a Zero Escape scenario and it comes up short in both aspects. Go for either of those franchises instead.
The rest I haven't played, some are even in my wishlist, so can't offer any info on those. Hope this helps a bit
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Furi is a boss fighting game(it has 9-10 Bosses +1 more from DLC) and it may last you a handful of hours depends on how you are ( I personally finished it thanks to Origin Access). So if you are looking for lasting experience you may want to look somewhere else(unless you plan to get 100% achievs on Furi then.. that will take you some time).
Firewatch is a narrative walking sim which quite interesting doesnt offer good $ to hour value(if you care about it).
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Salt and Sanctuary is really weird. >:( My cousin and I hooked it up to the TV and were all excited like "FINALLY a local coop game that seems in dept and challenging", we were starving for any kind of neat local experience. But I don't know, we just couldn't get into it. It's really, really, really unforgiving... you die a lot, and you lose exp every time. But people that have loved Dark Souls almost always love S&S, so maybe it just wasn't for me. I guess I enjoy challenging, but not super rage inducing?:) I preferred Hollow Knight for sure, and I'm more excited in trying Dead Cells and Hyper Light soon.
Firewatch is nice, but it's a 4 hour game, and no replay after. So it's a one evening kind of experience. I watched a youtube play through and it felt like a nice little long movie xD.
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I think that in a vacuum, both are equally difficult games, that focus on different things.
Hollow Knight focuses on moving and platforming a lot. It is fast paced, and tests your reflexes lots. You keep the same weapon throughout the whole game, and instead they keep giving you new ways to move, jump, dash, as you progress.
Salt & Sanctuary feels like it focuses on fighting more, and it's slower to move around, the jump was annoying to me. But as you progress, you find weapons and unlock a lot of skills. (The skill tree was huge!)
So one feels like a platformer (with super pleasing mechanics though ^^), and the other like an RPG.
I think S&S is probably an awesome game for the right person.. it really was not me, though. I died a lot in both games, but I'm very visual, and I found Hollow Knight super beautiful, which motivated me to keep trying despite some frustration (I raged a few times c:), while Salt and Sanctuary felt kind of 'ugly' to me personally, which made me give up early.
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The Walking Dead, Batman Telltale, and Firewatch are all really good. AC Rogue SUCKS! These are all the games I know from your list. xD
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Let's just say that it's a bad and small version of Black Flag. Black Flag is much better.
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The best AC is Syndicate - HANDS DOWN! After that, I think the first game is the 2nd best. ;P But Syndicate was really a masterpiece.
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hmm, maybe ill try syndicate then (but not this sale ;p), but for me 1st game is not so good. It was great when released, but weaker to any AC2 game, common thing with 1st game in new franchise. I enjoyed AC2 games (especially Brotherhood) much more than AC1, and best two for me were Brotherhood and AC4 ;p
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Yes, because it looks like a tutorial compared to the other games, but still a great game, especially when it got released.
common thing with 1st game in new franchise
Ever played the first Far Cry? o.O
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I think it's Far Cry 4 > Far Cry 1 > Far Cry 2 > Far Cry 3 > Far Cry Primal. Primal wasn't really good. :/ Far Cry 4 was so awesome. O_O
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I already have a big enough backlog but I've been eyeing some great and cheap deals and would like an opinion on the following titles:
Mass Effect 1 (2,5€, I own the second game on Origin)
Shadowrun Returns (1,5€, I own Shadowrun Hong Kong so I'd like to play the series from the beginning )
Bully (3,5€)
Half-Life Complete (3,83€ for me)
Monkey Island: Special Edition Bundle (3,74€)
Hitman Collection (3,73€)
Psychonauts (1€)
Costume Quest 1+2 (2€)
Transistor (2,84€)
Quantum Conundrum (1,99€ for the game+dlc+soundtrack)
I know it's a lot of games but they are pretty cheap :P
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Mass Effect is among my favorite franchises so obviously I'm recommending that one. Great characters, nice story, a little outdated graphics even for its time and most importantly the beginning of an epic journey :P
Shadowrun Returns was good but nothing mindblowing. I've seen better but I've also seen much, much worse. Haven't played the next installments yet so can't say how crucial it is for the continuity
Bully I know there's a certain cowboy around here that would like to see me hanged for this but I don't like much. If you've played any Rockstar game it's pretty much the same. A map you roam and sandbox while you run errands for everyone and spread childish mischief. Meh. If you wanna go Rockstar go L.A.Noire
Costume Quest I absolutely love. It's a silly, short game with QTEs as battle "mechanics" that's rather entertaining. For that price it's a steal imo.
Transistor don't even think about it. Just buy it now! It's great!
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Bully I know there's a certain cowboy around here that would like to see me hanged for this but I don't like much. If you've played any Rockstar game it's pretty much the same. A map you roam and sandbox while you run errands for everyone and spread childish mischief. Meh. If you wanna go Rockstar go L.A.Noire
Come fight me in real life, you infidel! :@ How do you dare saying that Bully is like every Rockstar game? It's one of its kind. Have you EVER seen any game that looks like this? Kid violence, with non-lethal weapons, attending classes, teaching bullies and bad teachers a lesson, winning the girls and the cliques, etc. Like, what else do you want? xD
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Remember that Bully is a priority. It's the best game ever! ^_^
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Bully is the best choice. After that, I guess that Monkey Island is also a good choice, but I have never played it (I have watched gameplay videos of it though).
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In case you have not already decided yet: I played into both games for a bit and both did not convince me. Axiom Verge I personally found rather boring, your typical Metroidvania with a not so great artstyle and some clunky controls (others seem to love it, I failed to discover the reason for this love), and Dex has at least a rather interesting story that comes with it and a more complex gameplay thanks to dialogues and inventory. For some reason it failed to motivate me to play longer than a few hours as well, but if you must have one of those two, I'd personally recommend you Dex.
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Wanna buy a Mount & Blade game. Which one is the best option if I can only buy one?
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thanks! didn't know whether warband was better than fire and sword or not... but I guess I'll stick to that :D
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I like RPGs, ARPGs, Action Games mainly(like Mass Effect, KotOR, Dark Souls, Witcher, Skyrim, Diablo, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, etc.)
I have $10 in wallet and right now my main contenders are: Salt and Sanctuary, Hollow Knight, Hyper Light Drifter and Fable Anniversary. Anyone have any experience with these? Any other recommendation/good sale based on what I wrote above?
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I know Everspace is more a rogue-like à la FTL, and Elite is a non-story exploration/trading/shooter space sim.
I just want space action to shorten the wait for Star Citizen.
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Great idea for a thread. I'm indecisive as hell so I'll probably use this thread a couple times :P
Should I get Amnesia: Memories OR 1979 Revolution: Black Friday + DreadOut
Both are on my wishlist and highly recommended from a friend.
Also does anyone know if Telltale Batman is worth the price
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Can't help with the earlier dilemma but I can speak for Batman. "I am Batman" /bad jokes
It is the typical telltale recipe and it does an okay job in this new franchise, if you don't mind it making some changes, in some cases completely altering characters' backstories e.g. Penguin. And as a typical Telltale game it is 5 chapters long, roughly 1.5h each, and has no replayability. So it's 8€ for about 7.5~8h of story and QTEs. If you think that's good enough then yeah, it's worth the price.
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No idea about Batman, but regarding your other dilemma: since you asked, if I were you I'd go for the deal where you'll get two games for your money. First of all it's, well, more bang for the buck, and then I think both games you mentioned look very good, whereas Amnesia has been very cheep before and personally I wouldn't like it. That's highly subjective tho, so not sure if my opinion on your matter helps at all. I tried shrug emoji
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1979 is totally awesome. Amnesia Memories isn't something I would ever suggest anyone to buy. xD Dreadout looks meeehhh - better buy the Penumbra pack.
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Firewatch or Kona? Both are high on my wishlist, both are on lowest price on steam
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Firewatch is great. I don't know anything about Kona, but I've heard it's pretty decent.
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I have 4 games in my cart that look great and also have very nice, low prices. Unfortunately the reviews are not that good for them. Because they are all walking sims I know the reviews can not be trusted most of the time as people that love CS write negative things about them.
So I am wondering did any walking sim lover play any of these games and should I buy them?
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It's the best game for level-design actually. 3-5 ways to every objective. Playable both stealth or action.
If you still hesitate, just go Dishonored 2.
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The Dishonored games are really good. You should buy both, to be honest, so that you'll know what exactly has happened. They both run flawlessly.
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Depends what you search. Dark rpg ambiance or relaxing and green game.
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Three(and freeform) way choice this time.
A: This bundle (own none of them, 48 euro total. Games I feel I might like, not entirely sure, but good value for money)
B: This bundle (own neither, 48€ total. Two games I know I'm gonna love but bad value for money)
C: Crowntakers, Warbands: Bushido, Heroes of Arca, Dead Age, The Sexy Brutale, Bounty Train and Gremlins Inc. (A collection of games I think I'm gonna mostly like but not love and decent deal for money)
D: Another combination of games you'll put together from whatever's in my wishlist(not exceeding $50, and not including Age of Decadence and Thea: The Awakening)
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or another proposition from your wishlist
Gremlins, Inc.7,49€ (this one, i just got a very satisfied feedback from a friend, it's a board game)
Book of Demons 13,99€ (this one is a diablo-like and is excellent, there is a demo available on steam if you want to try before)
LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII 7,99€ (this one is a dynamic, good graphics and decent story FF, more than 20h)
Quantum Break 18,49€ (this one i don't know it, but it seems so many people want it XD )
total 48€
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Thanks for the recommendation, I did went and try the demo for The Book of Demons. It was enjoyable but I think I'm gonna wait for a better discount on that one. And there was a major turnoff in it, I hated how the Fighter class can attack from the other side of the room. So immersion breaking.
As for Lightning Returns I'd say that's like the very bottom of my wishlist, maybe I should have mentioned the FF titles on it are simply there for collection purposes in case soooooomeday we see them hit the -75% point. Plus I'm one of "those people" that consider FFs after X to be pure sh*t. I played the first XIII and I couldn't even bring myself to finish it, just dropped it a bit after you reach that big grassy open area. Then I tried XIII-2. And I gave up on it even faster. But well, it's FFs, gotta have em ._.
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Lightning returns is extremely different, relatively open, dynamic gameplay and decent story.
i gave up XIII-1 after 20h because of linearity and story, it was horrible not a good memory ! XD
Lightning returns can worth the try one day if you find it cheap really, it already passed once in square enix box.
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You see Daedalic? You buy Daedalic! You see Bully? You buy Bully! It's so simple really. :B
I have played all Deponia games and they're awesome.
The Long Journey Home is really interesting, but I don't know much about it....yet. Videos show that it's promising though.
Bounty Train and Skyhill are just good when you have some free time and want to have some pure fun, but that's all really. :/
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is an extremely good stealth game. You should check it out if you like the genre.
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Well.. time to ask for opinions(your own about the game if you played and not what you heard/read about it) here which one should I get:
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Watch_Dogs (i finished it) if you like stealth. You've for 20-30h of "true adventure".
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Yes you can play both style, action or stealth. But if i would compare this game to another, it's like a casual splinter cell in open world. With some basic camera hacking and a need for speed style intense driving (many didn't like the driving because cars are soaps).
Of course if you're tired of stealth you can action-kill. (But the character is not very "solid", he can die very fast, so it's action behind cover.)
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I know what to expect from those kind of games in term of character health ( GTA V characters are paper thin for most time.) and I know that is cover-based shootah(probably one of my favourite things) . Will be interesting to see the driving if its like soap.\
Edit: Well ended up buying it .. wonder will I have time to finish it before the sale ends xD
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Arf :-/
Really sorry that it's not your cup of tea, yeah Watch_Dogs is really of these love or hate games unfortunately.
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Should I buy Final Fantasy X/X-2?
I know Square Enix is very stingy with discounts, so seeing a much lower price for Final Fantasy games is really hard to see...
(Historical price for this game was 9$, but it was just a visual glitch, many confirm that the price was actually 12.09$ on cashout)
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they are 2 full games so you are going to get more than 100 hours of gameplay and if you like blitzball from final fantasy X you will have 200-400 hours easy of gameplay.
so yes buy it
also i don't saw any square enix in final fantasy lower than 50% so buy them now.
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Final Fantasy X is one of the best games I've played so it get's a recommendation from me too. One of the best in the franchise. :)
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Hehe, I bought it.
I know Square Enix with pricing, so 50% of the total price is TOO generous for them.
So why not? :)
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The flood has started, can we try and centralise all the "should I buy X or Y" threads into one suggestions thread?
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Also, gib level 3+
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