Would you like Nioh PC version?
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There are lots lots lots of games That are amazing and definitely should be on the PC, Like Final Fantasy 15, Nioh and more.
But what happens is that Sony and Microsoft pay them lots of cash or have contracts to make exclusive games for their console in order for their console to sell. Who loses on it? pretty much everyone
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I would. Looks like great game. Btw devils daggers is shit.
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I think it's been acknowledged that the strong success of the petition to bring Dark souls to PC helped to eventually bring the whole saga to PC.
Edit: Yeah "This is going to sound bad but our main priority was to get the game onto the PC as fast as possible, because people wanted it on the PC. The PC market in Japan is so minimal that originally there were no plans to make it on the PC, but with the strong petition from the North American and European fans, even with the lack of experience of working on a PC platform we still did our best to try to get it out as fast as possible"
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If they got a word wrong then it wasn't a perfect sentence.
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Isn't Sony acting as a publisher of the title? If so it would be very unlikely to be ported to pc. If it was I would expect it to happen in a few years after launch.
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Just buy a console if you want a console exclusive. Not all of the exclusives need to be ported just because you don't want to buy a system. I refuse to get a XBox One after my issues with the 360, but I don't demand publishers release all the games I want elsewhere.
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well you are in luck tho, xbox exclusives are being ported anyway
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Some maybe, but I don't imagine I'll see old 360 titles like Saints Row (2006), Blue Dragon (2007), Lost Odyssey (2008) or Sunset Overdrive (XBO, 2014) on the PC or Sony systems any time soon
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That might be nice for the two discs I do own (I still have the two RPGs mentioned, but never had Saints Row), if it ever happens. Though I'll need to install my disc drive into my current PC. :P
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Nothing wrong with having more games on a certain platform. In a perfect world, I'd have every third party game on every platform all at the same time, and all with the same features.
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If a publisher decides to do it themselves, fine. Silly petitions from people that hate consoles but still want all the games, that is the issue.
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it probably wont help at all, this petitions rarely do but sure
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Quite a few console games get PC ports these days it seems. Been looking forward to "Nier Automata" , "Ni No Kuni 2" , and "Final Fantasy XV" myself. But, I'm somewhat skeptical that NIOH will sell well on consoles, and if it doesn't they may just cut their losses on it before even considering a port.
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There is a difference here, unlike a lot of other exclusives this game is being published by Koei Tecmo who have been recently publishing their titles on PC. So unless they got an exclusivity deal there is a chance it could come to PC eventually when the deal (if one exists) expires or, if they see the demand is great enough, whenever they get it done.
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Published by KT in Japan and "internationally" by Sony. Doesn't exactly say exclusivity deal but does heavily imply it. It is still possible for it to be a timed exclusive but yeah, it will probably remain a PS4 exclusive for the near future.
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Sony is (unfortunately ) a publisher of this game . So that can't be happened .
Thanks to the console , the true cancer with this closed environment of exclusivity .
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Published by Sony doesn't mean it won't see a PC release, we've even got examples where Sony funded games such as Salt and Sanctuary and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture eventually saw a release on Steam. It depends on who retains the intellectual property, and in this case it is Koei Tecmo, it's their IP.
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you do have a valid point, but I am still standing by the belief that it's highly unlikely for it to be released on PC based on trailers i've seen in the past that says "Only on PS4" (Though the launch trailer, and more recent trailers haven't had that statement...so, i don't know...but it's still unlikely) either way, It doesn't matter to me....the game kinda sucks either way..lol
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While promotional material did have the "Only on Playstation" text for some time, when people have got the physical box, it doesn't have that text. This indicates that it is not going to be an exclusive title. Example: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4E5k_gW8AIYhT2.jpg:large
Previously, Sony put out a trailer that showed Nioh as a "Console Exclusive" so it's likely that the deal with Sony is some sort of timed exclusive, and console exclusivity, eg; it'll come to PC somewhere down the line (rumour is summer time) but Playstation will be the only console that will have Nioh.
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The First 17 Minutes of Nioh video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc6LNzUnGkg
Petition: https://www.change.org/p/koei-tecmo-bring-nioh-to-pc
*Sorry, just that, English is not my native language.
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