Hi, i have no idea why but several times ive made alot of giveaway's and ive gone from 9.59 to 9.56? i dont get why giving away games is making me lose cv shouldn't it just not go up if the game is worth nothing rather then lose cv?

3 years ago

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You do not lose CV for creating giveaways.

You lose CV due to several reasons:

1) Games that have been in bundles or free get added to the appropiate lists manually, so it might take a while. You might have given away a game from a bundle, but the game was not yet on the "bundled list", so you receive full CV. After a week support gets around to add the game to the bundles list, dated to whenever the bundle got released, so your CV will only be 15%.

2) CV is coupled to the price of the game on Steam. So if there is a price decrease on Steam, you will lose CV. You will gain CV, if a game is increased in price on Steam.
There are some funny temporary effects due to "bundles" on Steam that might increase your CV for the duration of a sale on Steam.

3 years ago

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Simple: You don't lose CV for making giveaways.
But you might lose CV for older giveaways, either because they became retroactively considered free or because their price dropped.

3 years ago

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there are mostly these reasons why CV is going doing

  • base price of a game on steam gets decreased - not that often
  • games are retroactively added to the bundled or free lists - happens all the time as this is done manually by staff
3 years ago

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it's about giving away games, but it's not about giving away games XD

already gotten CV can fluctuate when given away product lower/raises base price (also removed games altogether have no price which is equal to 0)

3 years ago

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Removed games get calculated with the last listed steam price.

3 years ago

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I more meant removed not purchase disabled (no more Steam page for product)

3 years ago

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It count for that too, as far as i know.

Only the needed points to enter them change to 0p.

3 years ago

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removed games count, that's for sure

3 years ago

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oh okay, I thought CV changes too, good to know

3 years ago

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When you create a giveaway, you get full, reduced, or no CV based on the date you created the giveaway. This will not change, you will always keep full, reduced, or no CV, but your CV will slowly drop over time because it is calculated based on the current US full retail price. Steamgifts does not remember the price of the game on the date you created the giveaway. Temporary sales do not affect your CV.


  • You create a giveaway for a $60 full value game and get $60 CV.
  • Some time later, the game gets bundled or sold at a discount of around 95% off or more.
  • Everyone who now creates a giveaway after that sale started gets 15% CV of the $60 game. You will continue to get $60 CV while all the new giveaway creators will get $9.
  • Then at a later date Steam keys for the game are given away in a free promotion.
  • Now anyone who creates a giveaway gets 0 CV. People who gave it away after the sale still get their reduced $9 CV, and everyone who created a giveaway before the sale still gets the full $60 CV.
  • Then the full price of the game permanently drops on Steam to $40.
  • You now get $40 CV and everyone who gets the reduced 15% CV now gets $6.
3 years ago

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But shouldn't at the time of the giveaway give whatever cv that game is worth rather then months down the track it makes you lose cv? thats like saying you buy a $100 game when it comes released and give it away, then a month later it drops price, but you gave it away when it was $100 but get punished because the price dropped? sorry it just doesn't make Alot of sense, i just want to make giveaways for good people and not have to worry about losing cv, but this just makes things confusing on what i should and shouldn't give away if that makes any sense.

3 years ago

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I agree, but SG uses steam's database for giving the Point "price" to game giveaways, so when the price permanently changes on steam, if does the same on SG.
It kinda encourages people to make more giveaways, which is fine, cuz the number of GAs has not been as high as it used to be when I joined

And yeah, you can drop levels below. I dropped once from lvl 2 to 1, made a couple of GAs and never dropped since

3 years ago

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cuz the number of GAs has not been as high as it used to be when I joined

Say thanks to all the abusers, exploiters, autojoiners etc.. They are, sadly, not the minority
That demotivate people, me too, to make GAs.

3 years ago*

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I blame lack of Steam inventory gifts. Bundle keys are boring.

3 years ago

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also would this mean once you hit level 10 you can drop back to level 9?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Ok im just going to keep giving away like ive always done, if i lose cv then so be it, ill just try to avoid the ** no contributor value ones i guess

3 years ago

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Try not to care. You will reach level 10 sooner or later and will stay there after a few jumps back and forth :D

3 years ago

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haha, yeah thats the best way of putting it! thanks mate :D

3 years ago

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Thanks all for the help! Really appreciate it!

3 years ago

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I mean no disrespect. But you gave away over 2000 games. There are 499 users at lv 9 and you are one of them. How did you not notice it before?

3 years ago

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Honestly mate i never had this issue until i hit level 9 haha, i only noticed it when i once hit 9.59 and then dropped to 9.56 2 more times.

3 years ago

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Some games are retroactively added to free list. It's happened to me, where I bought bundles and the games are now 0 CV. It sucks lol.

This happens on occasion. But most people don't care. =)

3 years ago

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Yeah that's fair enough, just didn't realise what was going on haha

3 years ago

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