Same with me, stopped playing GW2 after I reached level 40.
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I really want to love it, cause the lore and background are so great, but the change from GW1 is killing me. It is basically just another MMORPG now, whereas GW1 was truly something unique. I am holding out hope it improves, but until then it can sit there and I can work on the rest of my backlog.
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Garry's Mod. Too many bugs. I can't play with anyone that isn't from where I live.
The mods are nice but bugs galore.
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Garry's Mod is such a steaming pile of shit but it has such FANTASTIC ideas behind it.
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Mine was halo 4 because the game itself didn't work. I went through 8 copies of the game that all had the same problem: It would let me play the prologue video (no skipping though), then it would go back to the title screen. When I tried to load the level through chapter select it loaded about 30 percent then said some kind of file wasn't found or downloaded properly. After trying every solution under the sun that could be found on the internet I took it back to the store, got my money back, and gave a big "Screw you!" to 343 Studios for making another crap game.
Note: As of the last time I was on their bug forum, the devs still had no answer or even acknowledgement of the problem or any fixes. Everything came from countless other gamers with the EXACT problem
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THen why wouldn't the devs even acknowledge that and say that certain models may not work correctl with it. They never even answered any gamers with that problem, instead addressing every other issue. And I shelled out $300 bucks for that xbox, it sure as hell better run every fucking game that comes out for it, which it does, except for one fucking game. ONE! Not a few, not certain games. ONE
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It's still possible. Companies continually alter hardware to make production cheaper, and sometimes this causes compatibility problems.
The PS2 was bad for this, with an incompatibility list that seemed to increase with every hardware revision. Some would no longer play at all. Others would have only certain functions break. (I remember that Jak X Racing would lock up when you saved on a slim PS2.)
And, for better or worse, companies don't like to admit that some versions of their hardware doesn't work 100% when a popular game comes out. Nintendo never copped to some launch Gamecubes locking up at certain spots in Rogue Squadron, for example. (Like you, if you had one of those systems, then the game would lock up no matter how many copies of the game you tried.)
And sometimes you just end up with a lemon. Game systems have only become increasingly complex over time, and sometimes sufficiently complex things fail to work for no discernible reason.
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Diablo 3 for me. im not saying that its not a good game, its fun to play but it was only able to hold onto me for half way through the second difficulty, then i gave up because of how repetitive it was.
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Diablo 3 too; but not because of that, the game is awesome and I played it for as many hours as I could between taking care of my newborn and damn lot of work with new projects)...
It's definatelly a regret that it killed all my expectations of Blizzard; before this I'd pre-order anything Blizzard made and I knew for a fact that I'd love it and have very very few quirks that I'd not enjoy.
Diablo 3 was a GREAT deception, 100% aimed at getting people to spend $$ on the RMAH.... which made it function like a free-to-play; a type of concept that I'm 100% against and, if (or WHEN) I become the world's dictator I'll have all free-to-play developers beheaded; including everyone in the decision-taking positions on the Diablo 3 team, because that's that Blizz has made, an expensive free-to-play piece of crap.
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I dunno, I don't agree with this. You buy any dungeon crawler game and get upset because it's repetitive, then you kind of asked for it.
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ooooo burn, yeah for what should have been the best game ever made it was a major let down. I played DII for about five years and could only stand DIII for one month.
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Agree to D3 being my most regrettable buy for 2012. On the other hand Torchlight 2 is an amazing game.
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I can't say what exactly is wrong with Diablo 3 or what should be different - but it's just not addictive! I was expecting the game to keep me up all night, not wanting to go to work or do anything else, having me constantly thinking about the next level or the next sword, but I didn't have any problems like that. Very disappointing!
Maybe it's a good thing though...
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Splinter Cell Conviction . I grabbed 2 copies with a friend with Team Fortress 2 keys thinking we will have so much fun doing the Co-Op together...But we both ended up playing the single-player since the co-op was at the unplayable level of laggy and we both would get disconnected after 2 minutes . Even though we both have high end rigs..
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Give it another shot, I played Splinter Cell Conviction on the 360 co-op with a mate on realistic, one of the best nights of gaming and drinking ever !
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Countless enemies respawning, guns jamming all the time and getting useless, I'm not sure if there was any AI in this game... to me the whole story seemed stupid and I hate 'silent protagonist' approach, in my opinion it worked in very few games. The worst purchsase this year.
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You forgot the same mission type over and over again. Go to one of the faction leaders, take diamond, kill someone or blow up their car, rinse & repeat. I am planning to get far cry 3 and I really hope the missions & quests are not so linear.
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Right. Complete boring missions for both factions, then kill their leaders, then move to another main settlement. And do that again. Three times.
The whole story maybe could work if the main char had some personality and backstory. And could talk. I just couldn't see motivations to do what you do at the end that way, these journal entries were pretty meh. Getting malaria right after coming to the country was just lame, afaik you get first symptoms after a week, two. Maybe he got infected earlier somewhere else but hey, you know shit about it, just like about people who hired you.
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Delve Deeper - crashes and has a fixed res so i cant even see the whole game on my monitor
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I have changed my response. Completely forgot about Nexuiz, I had really high hopes for this game.
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AC3 is pretty good. I only played about 3 hours and the story is very intriguing. As for the others, yes Brotherhod and revelaions are AC2 (since they are basically full game expansions for AC2), but of the AC franchise before 3 BRotherhood is the best of the series.
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Yup I think only AC1 sucked ass. Have all the assassin's creed games on gamersgate tho so it's not on my steam library.
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I'm probably one of the few who will say Torchlight 2 :)
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Agree with you there, just really didn't get into it.
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Me too. It just doesn't feel like the old diablo.
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This is a good example of different strokes for different folks as its in my top five games for this year. I haven't played it much lately but i'm confident that will change once they get the mod tools out there so people can entertain me for nothing in return but a virtual pat on the back =)
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Yeah, some games are just hands down awful, while others falls under taste. This is the second for me. TL2 is a fine game if you ask me, I just never got into it. I'm not a huge fan of the cartoon graphics, and that's a big deal for me. Also, what I hear about the online community/mods is NOT great to be honest. I don't doubt there's good mods and legit players out there. But a friend of mine is playing TL2 online a lot, or has been at least, and it really sounds like it's a cheatfest. It sounds like the legit games where you play the game and have fun as it should be are far and between.
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Agreed. Crap game the multipllayer feature should had been a system like wow. What it has now is garbage.
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I really dislike the way this game handles weapons. Having your weapon automatically switch is just frustrating. Weapon selection probably works good on a gamepad, but lack on next/previous option means trouble when you find yourself with a bottle of alcohol instead of that nice weapon you recenty crafted. On the bright side, at least I got this as a gift so didn't pay for it lol.
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Diablo 3. Biggest disappointment in my life probably. It feels like the game is centered around the RMAH. I don't know if people will agree or disagree, but it certainly feels that way. I even got a friend to buy it to play with, but now i feel bad for having him buy it. I had more fun with torchlight 2 (not saying TL2 is bad, its really ****ing good actually).
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Completed the game in 3 of the 4 difficulties before the release of RMAH. Definitely not something I can agree on. As for TL2, I definitely didn't have more fun playing it than D3. Not having the possibility to respec unless you use mods is a bad design choice. There's little incentive to learn multiple skills and more reward for just focusing on 2-3. Replayability is worse than D3. New Game+ doesn't even change the difficulty, so if you chose to play your first playthrough in normal your character is forever stuck in normal and you have to start all over again if you want a higher difficulty.
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JetSetRadio HD i must say.
I am getting tired of halfassed remakes.
It Looks exactly the same when i play it on my dreamcast when put it through an HD Converter.
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Well then, even for a direct port it is halfassed.
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How is it halfassed for a direct port?
It looks pretty good for a direct port. One song was lost for legal reasons, but otherwise intact, and with support for higher resolutions. I've heard no one complaining about broken controls or missing features, or any of the other issues or scandals that have occurred with some other ports.
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It's pretty nice, sure i just expected it to be more than just a port. I own a dreamcast, i own the game, and i played the hell out of it. it would have been nice to see it ported with a bit more love than just resized textures, and a widescreen options. as i said already, it looks exactly the same when i hook up the dc to a decent HD converter. that's why i am disappointed.
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yeah, i know. i got myself a pretty decent one, but it works very well except for a few games, but i never got those running through the VGA Box anyway.
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If you look at the description on xbox 360 HD is one of it's features.
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I am a professional, I never regret!
When in doubt, I make giveaway...
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Well, hard to giveaway games you bought and bound to your account :P
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as any professional I get the game and don't install and put in my inventory or keep the key
THEN I go watch what it is about!!!!
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134 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by shortyginger
So the end of the year is almost here so I think this is a valid thread (though for some the worst purchase may come via the Steam Winter sale so in that case feel free to reference this thread at that time).
So what is the game you wish you didn't shell out the cash for this year?
For me the award goes to Guild Wars 2. That's probably shocking to some and even myself because I really wanted and thought
i'd fall in love with that game but it just won't grab me no matter how many times I try to get into it.
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