Typical Steam review, sigh... The worst thing in all this is that those reviews take the place of the good, traditional reviews at the top of the section.
It seems that some people can't read certain things: they can read the review & laugh about it but they can't read "Was this review helpful?", & instead they read "Was this review funny?"...
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"I killed an inocent polygon with human form, there was blood and he didn´t like it. I am offended and feel sick of the developers and people who play this" 1/10 - Polygon
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It probably will sell at least a moderate amount of copies purely because of all the press it's been getting. "I just had to get this game to see what all the fuss is about and if it's really as bad as people say it is", or "I just had to get it because it's so dang edgy and therefore owning and enjoying it (or at least saying I do) makes me a badass". Teehee.
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I just have to get it to let off steam... you know... without the booring legal issues
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I wouldn't have a problem with it. We live a (somewhat) free country (at least in the USA), if you don't like it, don't play it. They already exist, look up the game RapeLay, it was released back in 2006.
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I read this about RapeLay on Wikipedia.
"Critics of violent game imagery, such as British Member of Parliament Keith Vaz, have cited games involving rape as an example of why video game content needs to be more strictly regulated. RapeLay in particular had come to Vaz's attention in 2009, three years after its initial release, as being one of the rape games purchasable on Amazon.com, despite not being officially distributed nor supported outside of Japan, and he vowed to bring the issue into the British Parliament to prevent the game from being sold. Amazon subsequently removed the game from its website. Equality Now followed up on the game, urging activists to write to Illusion and Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso in protest, arguing the game breaches Japan's obligations under the 1985 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. In May 2009, these actions culminated in the restriction of the sale and production of RapeLay by the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS), an independent Japanese ratings organization for adult games, making the purchase of the game impossible.
The distribution of RapeLay has been banned in Australia due to a campaign run by Women's Forum Australia, under the directorship of Melinda Tankard Reist. Minister for Broadband Stephen Conroy wanted Google Australia to censor search results for downloads of the game, but this did not occur. The game is also the only one to be effectively banned in Argentina. Citing RapeLay as an example, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in his concurring opinion vis-à-vis the case Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association wrote, "It...appears that there is no antisocial theme too base for some in the video-game industry to exploit.""
TLDR: Make rape game = bad decision. Won't be too surprised when/if similar things are said about this game by governments around the world (then again rape is a no-no, while murder seems to be okay territory for games).
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I've said this many times but I'm preeeeety sure it's because rape is more horrific than murder.
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Thing is, Hollywood isn't stupid or controversial.
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Hollywood could very easily spruce up every film and make it a LOT more gory than even the current goriest kill-fest films are. Problem with doing that though, is profits drop dramatically since people dont go to movies to feel depressed or to be shell shocked. Can you name one top 20 film in the US from the last 4-5 years that was gory/horror/blood fest?
True Grit - 2010, gritty, but not a horror fest.
Django Unchained - 2012, gritty, bit of blood, not a horror fest though.
The Conjuring - 2013, horror genre, but far from PTSD inducing.
Saw II - 2005, probably the closest to the criteria, but still only managed spot 21, and is far from a gore fest.
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"You're Next" is the closest I can think of right now. I'm from the UK but apparently it made $7 million on its opening weekend which I'm guessing would place it in the top 20.
Rob Zombie's "Halloween" films were pretty gory in parts, the second came out in 2009 and took a bit over $16 million on its opening weekend. In fact, I'd place that above "You're Next" on the gore-o-meter, thinking about it.
Edit: Saw II took almost $153 million at the box office, are you talking about top 20 for the year? Such lists are nearly always dominated by the summer blockbusters.
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You know, what? The twist is, the developer of Rapelay is actually a WOMAN!!!
Believe it or not, actually, some Japanese women have rape fantasies...
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Hatred isnt new in any shape or form mate. Its not edgy, its not new. Postal series has been there and done that. Even the original GTA series is the same format, without the stupid and terribly written context story. Only reason Hatred was banned, is because someone started a stink about it, maybe even the devs themselves just to drum up sales. Its a common tactic with terrible games and media. Look at what we just went through with "The Interview", which, from what I have heard from those that saw it, was bad to "okay for a Seth Rogan film". People will do something just because they were told not to do it, even when they would not normally do it to begin with.
All of that said, the US has and will most certainly continue to ban media and forms of expression. I highly doubt this is the game that will stir the pot enough one way or another though.
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Slippery slope fallacy.
We already have massively glorified casual violence in videogames, this at least portrays the violence as what it is : bad. It doesn't try to sell the character as something or someone to look up to, just a crazy freak literally doing the "suicide by police" thing. Tasteless as it is, it's just an extension of what we already have. Same content, different subject.
Also, it's an action game, not a simulator. "Press F to execute" doesn't really add up to a murder simulator, much less the psychic overhead camera and (at a guess) bullet-spongeness.
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Some people play games for the gameplay, and in that regard the game looks pretty solid. It has a nice graphics style, excellent animations, ect. I wont play it because it's just another top down shooter clone, but for people that a really into that style, it looks like a solid game. It also doesn't glorify the main character, it literally calls him the antagonist, and it looks like an interesting insight into the mind of a madman
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Sad day when hatred for the sake of hate, is glorified in any medium.
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That's the point, it isn't glorified, he's made to look evil, the devs even call him the antagonist in the description. There are many games where you play the villain, it's nothing new, but I find this one interesting because there's no motive, he's simply trying to kill as many people as possible before he gets killed because he's a madman. I hope the game has some story to it, or at least a lot of character dialog in game, because it's an interesting insight into the mind of a madman.
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alright then i'll just take some popcorn and... wait a second. where is my popcorn?
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Whoops, I forgot to tell you I stole it from you.
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At 1:14 in the game preview they censored the picture on the floor that says "police Department". I really hope that was just a steam thing for the preview and they don't change anything in the game.
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I love how Hatred makes people mad, how HATRED FEEDS FROM THE HIPOCRISY of gamers. I love the fact this game exists and makes people uncorfontable admiting they enjoy killing polygons with "human" form, something they have done million time before but are too scared to admit it when it is directly admited by the title.
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It's directed toward adult gamers, it got over 100k yes votes on steam, I think that people mature enough know in what state gaming journalism is now (i.e review with anything below 7 is a crap).
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The most incredible thing about Hatred is the fact that they NOTHING and everyone is talking about it again. Still only a teaser, second massive outburst and arguements about the game we haven't even seen normal gameplay footage. It's a little sad how many people are not just "on the hypetrain", but they are pushing it forward - currently the game is only living on people's hype and expectations, and not on it's own qualities.
Anyways, got greenlit? Yay. hopefully there will be less mess around the game - it's not the hipocrisy [sic!] that's boring and exhausting, but the fact that people are praising this game because " it dares what big companies don't dare to do" while it's still NOTHING. Boycott, thinking, constructive criticism and thoughtful pessimism about upcoming games shouldn't be reserved only for AAA games. You know, indie titles and developers also can lie, manipualate and afteall not deliver what they promised. The amount of bootlicking and endless praising about this soon-to-be-game-currently-only-teaser is just astonishing.
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Funniest thing is that valve did all the promotion and marketing for them.
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There really was no way for them to win, they pull it, they get hit with the hypocrisy/censoring stick. They dont, the media jumps on them for allowing "ultra violence to taint our saint children's minds". At least this way, they can make more money off of sales due to the undeserved hype.
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Overhyped game, chances are it is going to be a mediocre Postal 2 wannabe. I mean at least Postal 2 had dark humor and pop-culture/society criticism which made it a cult classic, Hatred is well... hatred. The only thing keeping this game afloat is the never ending online controversy, whiteknights on one side and "edgy" kids on the other. Honestly, I couldn't care less (I am aware that this comment contributes to the hype of the game, but I was bored so yuff)
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+1 I gotta agree. I looks like the game has a linear story...it looks like a game where you just do mission, and kill people. I would expect the game to get boring quite fast.
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I think Hatred getting on Steam is going to be good for the games industry. The very worst thing Hatred will end up being is a tasteless, badly made game that solely exists for shock value. If that's the case it will probably get Fox News talking but it will quickly be forgotten about. 10 years later we will look back on it the same way we do with a game like Harvester, Mortal Kombat or Postal, quaint and harmless.
The best case scenario is that Hatred will be the next Spec Ops: The Line. Mass shootings could be a very interesting topic to tackle in a video game if it's done intelligently. It could be a game that makes us question the very act of violence in games and advances the entire medium, even if it's just a few steps. I honestly think it's probably going to end up somewhere on the lower end of that spectrum, but I"m glad that it exists.
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MSNBC is really desperate at bolstering their anemic ratings. Assuming they don't fold into sports news or something strange next year, they have been relying on casual racism for attention. See the video of one of them crying over issues with mixed-race families.
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well postal was in the bundles, and yes they would want it, since its so controversial, meaning lots of sales, meaning lots of promo for their site.
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People who wouldn't buy it for normal price would be enticed by the bundle I think. That whole "well let's see what the hype is all about" mentality.
It would drive sales far more than the majority of bundle trash we see. Only Humble might skip it because they sell huge numbers regardless.
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instapirating i say. and if it'll appear in a bundle i want to buy, no money from me to its devs. i'll bring peace to whole humanity with my personal little boycott. :P
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Eh, if it doesn't interest you just move along and ignore it I'd say. Just because you don't like the devs or the premise doesn't justify stealing it.
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catch me if you can.:P
don't swat me plox. ;_;
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With games like Manhunt already available, I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
As someone already said, it looks like Postal wannabe. It's trying too hard, though. I can't take it seriously.
Overall it looks like a poor quality game. I wouldn't add it to my library even if it were free.
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they make and sell postal and manhunt legally and debar rapelay. Sex is not good but killing seems okay for them ^^
so we will enjoy Hatred! <3
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I'm sorry that you can't buy child rape simulators on Steam.
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Rapelay is a game where you sexually assault a mother and her two teenage minors.
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I'm not going to look up where to buy Rapelay because I don't want to be put on some kind of a list, but I'd imagine you can buy it on a porn game distributor website.
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I'm amazed people still want to give money to people who just want to grab some cash selling baloney. They'll have massive sales even if the game was just a tiny little level with nothing more than what was in the trailer because people will want to know what's all the fuss about. And that's exactly it, they're only selling their marketing and not their product, just like the movie Paranormal activity with massive income only because it claimed it's the most terrifying movie of all time with footage of some pussies screaming in a theatre.
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To be fair, all they really made was a trailer. The hype came from all the "professionally outraged" gaming press doing article after article on them.
It's funny, this game would have likely sold poorly and been ignored if it wasn't for all the "journalists" screaming "IGNORE THIS SICK FILTH AND DON'T BUY IT" to millions of people.
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Yeah exactly. They made a "shocking trailer" to insure their sales no matter what the final product will be like. They're obviously not trying to make an entertaining game. They're only trying to make money of dumb people.
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Enough of these murder games, i demand sex games! With achievements. Lots of them. And cards. And backrounds. Freedom to boobs and penises!
I'd buy this hatred for 50 cents, i'm guessing it will get boring after 15 minutes. I hope it will get into a humble bundle 1$ tier and by buying i will give my money to the charity.
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It's a really stupid game that had no business getting made, let alone greenlit. And this isn't me taking a moral high-ground or being a hypocritical jerk-bag elitist that pretends to be outraged or offended by this game. No...I just find this game to be boring and lame. It has next to no story and I can guarantee killing everything that gets in your way, with no objective in sight, will get really old really fast. At least the goddamn Postal games had a self-awareness to them and were obviously made for comedy reasons. How funny they are depends on each person and their sense of humor. I myself do find them mildly amusing. But this thing...it doesn't even have that. Why would anyone that isn't a sociopath want to play this? And even sociopaths themselves, they usually go on the streets and do this kind of thing for real.
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LoL... That's exactly what I said , dildo for brains. I have no problem whatsoever in killing things in video games. In fact shooters are my favorite kind of games. I don't have a problem with the depiction of violence in general. Hell, Tarantino's movies are some of my absolute favorites in cinema. My problem with this game is that it has a very thin excuse for a story and will become extremely boring after 15 minutes of play. Killing people in video games is fun cause it lets us normal people express some of our more primal instincts for violence, without anyone actually getting hurt. But without a purpose, a goal or a sense of achieving something, it's just shallow and stupid. And this game has neither of those things. In Max Payne and all those games you talked about, you knew why you were doing what you were doing and what you were fighting for. As you do in Payday. To get rich. As for Postal, I'm not saying that all games need to have humor, all I said was that, for Postal, the humor was absolutely necessary, otherwise it would have been as big a piece of shit as Hatred.
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Then just don't play it. Don't buy it. Problem solved.
I don't play sports games or MMOs because I find them boring and uninteresting; but I don't think they "have no business getting made".
Claiming something shouldn't be allowed to be made/sold simply because it doesn't interest you is a slippy slope. After all, 100000 people voted yes for this game on Greenlight; who are you to say these people shouldn't be allowed to buy and play what they want?
Also, replay Postal 1. That game is not a funny satire, it's straight up murdering innocent people with no humor or comedy at all. You're thinking of Postal 2/3.
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Yeah, I dont care for sports games either; might be because I dont like watching sports either, but I could just play the sport in real life. I play games to get immersed and experience things I can't in real life, if I feel like playing some hockey, I grab my skates and stick, and play some hockey with my buddies, I dont play a game about it
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I'm allowed to state my opinion, right? And my philosophy is that all people, when making something, especially a work of art(yes, games are art) should strive to do as good a job as possible, so their product is the absolute best that it can be. If not, then don't do it at all, because what's the fucking point? With something like Hatred, the very concept is an extremely stupid one and there are 0% chances that this game will be anything other than complete and utter shit. So if you're making shit and you're aware of this fact(unless you're extremely dense) why the fuck make it? Exactly the way Michael Bay makes his movies. He's well aware of how horrendous they are, but he makes them anyway because he knows stupid rednecks that populate the Southern United States will trample each other filling the cinemas to watch these fucking shitty movies. Beyond the shock value, this game has NOTHING to offer, only to really stupid people that can probably be entertained with a rock tied to a piece of string.
P.S. The example you gave was irrelevant. I don't play sports games and MMOs either, but I can understand their reasons for existing very well. I don't consider these games shit, I just consider them as not being for me. But I completely understand what people see in them. In this particular case, I'm actually interested in the type of game it is, as shooters are actually my favorite kind of games. The problem is that this PARTICULAR shooter is total shit and a disgrace to the genre.
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So, your argument boils down to "all games are art, but only the art I like is OK".
Will the game be shit? Most likely. Will it be fun? Likely not. Should the devs still be able to make and sell the game? Absolutely.
Art should never be censored or banned simply because certain people find it provocative/offensive/stupid/etc.
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I saw the trailer and I read what it's about. It's basically a sociopath simulator, but not the funny kind like Postal. NOPE, it's depressing, dark and dreary and apparently all you do in it is murder innocents. You know...the thing everyone does in GTA games and their clones for abut 10 minutes before getting bored and starting an actual story mission. Only here there are no story missions and that's ALL you ever do. Doesn't it sound like fun? I vote NOOOOOOO!!!!!
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Have you actually played Postal? Postal 2 might have had humor but Postal 1 was a dark and twisted "murder the innocents" simulator. It's not funny at all...
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Yea but how is this any worse then Postal? Those games are already on sale and no one seems to care. Get off the high horse.
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Postal is over 10 years old. It was just as shocking and controversial as Hatred when it was first released.
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