Should giveaways creators be required to provide proof they attempted to contact their winners before being granted a new winner?
After 7 days of sending the key, no.
That's the rules as they are written. There are no rules that givers have to track down or harass the winner until they claim their gift (as far as I understand it).
If someone wants a new winner before that time because of an expiring steam sale and the new gifting restrictions, right now they are being told that they have to wait. Instead, in that case, it would make sense for them to be asked for proof of attempted contact, i.e. when it is done to justify making an exception to the 7-day rule.
To clarify on the FAQ, I was reading that procedure as more a recommendation rather than something enforceable on its own. Evidently, that's not how the moderation team reads it. So my bad, I guess.
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+1. There are e-mail notifications now, that's contacting enough IMO
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+1. Enough trying to make excuses for delinquent winners. If winners don't feel like they've been given the keys / gift, they can drop a messages in the giveaway, and the mods can track those discussions.
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Let's say, out of sake of argument, the giveaway creator requests a new winner after the seven days and proof isn't required in this scenario. What if the winner then contacts Support and says "Why was I rerolled? The giveaway creator never sent me my key?"
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If the key was available on the site during those 7 days that wouldn't apply.
If it was a gift and you can see that the winner didn't at any point ask about it on the giveaway you can conclude that the lack of contact is on their end. The giver will be asked to provide it to the next winner anyway.
The email contact is now automatic, so at most, you'd be able to request proof that they sent the winner a friend request on Steam. Having to prove that they did it can be unsustainable for longer trains and events, and really, the burden to collect the free game should be on the winner not on the giver to push it on them.
But sure, non-key gifts can be more complicated as there isn't necessarily evidence either way. It could go either way depending on who marks it not received or asks for a re-roll first after the 7 days.
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Well, I totally agree with you about the case with the key, but no, the winner cannot ask for their gift. It's just wrong to ask for your gift.
So I think the rules should be different for the case where the key was available on the site for several days and the case where there was no key.
The mods do see whether the key was sent or not, right?
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To clarify, I meant more to make your presence known and remind the giver that you are available with a simple giveaway comment, not so much pushing them.
The FAQ as it stands says winners can't say anything until a week passes (I don't think that's a good idea) so it's entirely on the giver to force-feed them the gift.
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The winner can post a message in the giveaway.
EDIT: I see the point about the FAQ, and your discussion with KiiTa. Ignore this. :)
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The mods do see whether the key was sent or not, right?
I've gotten replies to tickets in the past that have included that information, so yes, they can. Also the system now tracks whether the key has been presented to the winner at any point.
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Agreed, for the key it can be verified via the site that the key was made available (and the winner is aware there's a key because of the blinking icon).
For a gift though, the GA creator can mark the gift as "sent" but I'm not sure if the winner can see it... So in this case some kind of proof does feel right. It could be as simple as a visible comment on the GA page, like "GIFT SENT", because when I win a GA and don't receive anything, I'll eventually check the GA page ^^
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I believe it's actually against the rules to contact the winner first, he is supposed to contact you, the winner.
EDIT : taken from the FAQ
If I win a gift, when can I expect to receive it?
Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after the giveaway has ended. Depending on the type of gift and the giveaway creator, you might receive the gift to the e-mail address you have listed on the account page, a key might be added beside the gift you won, or the giveaway creator might have sent you a friend request on Steam to make the exchange. Please remain patient, and do not contact the giveaway creator during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you can mark the gift as not received, and attempt to contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.
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Sure, but there's a big difference between demanding you get your gift and just checking in.
I'm not arguing about what the current FAQ says, more what would be a reasonable way to handle not getting your win.
If you are sending a gift, having the winner send you a friend request to facilitate the delivery isn't the same as bugging you for their game. I've had both and it can be done without being harassing.
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Oh sure, there are plenty of way to ask for your gift. But the FAQ isn't stating that you should not be harassing, it's saying that you should not try at all. I had winners asking it previously, and never said anything, because I understand that someone can be excited to win, and it was respectful. I am not condemning people doing it.
But saying that the creator don't have to prove anything because the winner simply respected the FAQ is making me shake my head.
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I'm not arguing about what the current FAQ says
But saying that the winner doesn't have to prove anything because the winner simply respected the FAQ is making me shake my head.
You're right maybe there's a clearer way for me to say it. But that to me sounded more like a recommendation than a rule, so I don't think givers should be punished for not being exhaustive enough in tracking down their winners. That was my point in having winners check in to prove that they were able to receive it. Sure, the FAQ says what it says.
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I am not sure if you are saying that having the key sent for the week isnt enough and that there should be follow up contact made?
SleepyCat has said that givers have the right to choose their method of delivery, so if sending the key via the site is what they are comfortable with then that should be enough?
(If i have misunderstood, then my position is evidence that contact was attempted should be required, like a screenshot of attempting to add them on steam if thats the method they chose)
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I think that the rule should be tweaked to not demand givers to have to email the winner at least. Adding them on Steam/posting on their profile on Steam should be enough in my opinion.
I recently had a winner that I posted TWICE on the Steam profile, as well as added them to friends, even though the user was online on Steam several days in a row (not 24/7) he failed to reply or accept me as friend. He finally did and I had to throw him the link to make him accept it.
Needless to say, I blacklisted him once he had gotten the gift.
Why should I giveaway games to people that are active and online on Steam but that refuse to acknowledge my attempts to contact them?
The rules also state that you as a winner are required to activate the gift and mark it as redeemed within 7 days of the giveaway ending.
"Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing."
That's my opinion anyways, to me it seems reasonable.
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It's like almost everything else in the FAQ and Guidelines....they use weak, ambiguous language like "should" that makes it seem like it's a recommendation. Is it a rule, or just a "guideline"?
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had a person reroll on me because i didn't claim the key within 24 hours of when the giveaway ended
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As Avantyr said, after 7 days we shouldn't have to provide proof of anything.
I'm just glad we (giveaway creators) can now see that a key (or gift link) was viewed.
Then we can check the users games list and file a report / blacklist if the key was viewed and not activated.
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If you go to the winners page on your giveaway, you see a green eye beside the key/link when the winner has seen it.
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It'd be nice if this was visible from the /giveaways/created/ page as well so that you easily get a overview of which giveaways has had their keys presented but not marked. (Obviously this could be a bit trickier to do for multiple keys giveaways, but for single ones it shouldn't be impossible)
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If someone does that, they're just a dick and don't belong here.
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Well, I didn't see complete scenario yet, but I did receive key directly here on SG that wasn't game named in GA just a week ago. I couldn't even tell what it was because I got "already exists in account" message. It could well be any free key from last week's batch. So I "received key directly from SG" and I revealed it, but "not activated" it. If gifter would be able to just reroll after 7 days without proof, how would I ever mark this as "not received"?
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That was apparently two weeks ago. What game were you sent instead of "A Detective Novel"?
Did you try contacting the giveaway creator? If you did was it simply a mistake or was it an intentionally deceptive giveaway?
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Alright, if you ever find out what game it was let me know.
Normally when you pop up "Product already owned" it will ask you if you want to install it.
Since it didn't ask it's a game you already have installed.
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Exactly what OP suggest would stop that. Because if "gifter" gets reroll, GA would be removed from your "won" list and you can't mark anything "not received". Well you can still write a free form ticket to support, but it wouldn't be as convenient and you won't have ready proof of win for that.
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SG now sends an email when you win something. And you get the space cat. And the red badge on the top bar. Trying to contact the winner in other ways is a strange requirement if there ever was one.
In any case, it's always stressful for the creator to get a winner who ignores their win (while being frequently online on SG of course), so the rules should probably make the creator's life easier, not the winner's.
In the rare case when the winner doesn't visit SG at all for 7 days after their win, it's nevertheless obvious that the game would probably more welcome in other hands.
EDIT: Okay, the above was written with respect to the key having been sent through SG. If there's no key, the rules should probably guarantee that the winner was in fact contacted.
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Not to mention the flashing Trophy Icon when a key has been sent.
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Because that's when the winner marks it not received, and the "after 7 days of sending the key" implies that the game was made available before. (Edited to clarify it, as I didn't write it as well as I could have)
It's not that exploitable since they have to deliver the game eventually and after one re-roll you can start asking for proof if you feel there's foul play.
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... and the "after 7 days implies" that the game was made available before.
How so? In what way does expiration of the grace period constitute evidence that the winner was contacted? By that logic, the creator has only to ignore the winner for seven days and demand a re-roll if he/she doesn't want the winner to receive the game. That doesn't sound fair to me.
It is not an uncommon situation for the winner to mark the game "not received" after seven days while the creator is demanding a re-roll at the same time.
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Because usually the people who abuse things are not the gifters...they're winners who're often leechers and don't really care about reporting their wins in a timely manner because they don't pay attention to CV because they don't give...well, you get the idea. I don't think that there are that many givers abusing anything.
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I think even after the 7 days it's still important, in the log term, in case the winner has took notice of their win but didn't have the time to activate (those that come up online every other hour to enter more GAs but never actually claim until a day or two later), they could lie and attempt to make the host look bad instead, by providing proof right away when requesting a new winner you're safe from this, even if such a scenario is unlikely to happen.
Even if this were to change I'd still continue to provide proof on every request and report I make, I think it's better that way.
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I would say depends. If the GA creator sent the key via SteamGifts but it wasn't claimed by the winner, I don't think the creator should provide any proof, otherwise yea. I mean someone could just claim "I have a Steam Gift for the winner, tried to contact him, didn't answer" while he didn't do that at all.
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I always click the "this is not spam button" but never works and I'm just to lazy to figure it out. Thanks for the concern. Either way, it doesn't prevent me from redeeming games as I live on steamgifts. I just wanted to point this out as I do not believe that steamgifts sending a person an email notification is sufficient enough as a proof of trying to contact the winner as someone previously mentioned. As, we don't know if the person might have the same issue as me, their activity on steamgifts and if they check their junk mail actively.
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I would say that proof is always needed, but on the other hand I am aware how easy it is to fabricate such proof. You don't even need to photoshop things (which could be spotted, but again with suport load it's hard to require you to analyze screenshots whether they were tampered with), but you can simply edit webpage in your own browser to show whatever proof you want - like email sent, invite sent etc, then just make a screenshot. In this situation, as much as I am against PM system avaiable SG-wide (because so much potential abuse, scamming and begging), I think Support Staff should have a way of directly contacting any member via SG. Sure - you can find some old GA and comment there, but for once it could be viewed by third party, and 2nd it won't help with all leechers/bots who never created GA or commented at all, just run script to enter all GAs they can. Support could contact winner via PM and ask why they refused contact - no reply? Then you have your own proof, there is a reply? dig deeper to see who is lying.
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I think Support Staff should have a way of directly contacting any member via SG.
How is that different from tickets? :)
Just give necessary rights to staff members so that they can create tickets on behalf of winner or smt like that.
BTW I support your idea +1
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it is different in two ways - first - while support used to have ability to comment on tickets noiwadays many tickets have comments disabled, meaning there is no way for support to ask for additional details, second - only GA creator created a ticket, winner did not, so support even if they could comment on ticket have no ticket to comment on ;p
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Just to clarify, email notifications can be deactivated.
Not sure what the right thing here is but I'm all for a little more back-up than less. It just makes it that much easier for our admin's to approve the re-roll asap. And really, it doesn't take a lot of extra time to screen shot an email or a notice on the winner Steam profile (if they allow comments).
I also occasionally communicate with a winner via a post or GA that they've made if the GA is a few days old - though this can be hit or miss if all of their GA's are for groups. Frankly, I'd prefer if the email notification of a win would NOT be optional.
Lastly, it irks me when I have track someone down and beg them to accept my gift so I can certainly see why many are voting for the "no proof" option. But as cbones stated, there are always going to be people looking to scam whatever system is in place - both from the winner and gifter side of the equation.
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Rules should include stating everything in GA thread; as it is SG 'territory', it would be a solid proof. Mods see deleted comments and history of edits.
If winner asks in GA thread the status of gift on 3th or 5th day, gifter can't then say that they tried to contact winner and it didn't work, right? They need to answer to winner's comment for that at least.
We just need clear guidelines of how situations should be solved if people don't seem to react on attempts to contact.
Otherwise (with rules saying to communicate in GA) if winner is away for more than a week not responding in GA thread, no proof needed. You can't really get solid proof that winner was contacted through Steam or mail anyway. If there are hidden reasons, it is not hard to forge something.
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Mods see deleted comments and history of edits.
We do?
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Perhaps. If you don't, it does not change much.
This is not crucial as person leaving a comment for future reference in own interest would not usually delete it, and can return it to place any time after.
Plus even info available for any user such as fact that there was deleted post, or that post was edited and when (from timestamp) is already something
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It is a very common permission for Mods on other websites, especially forums, but it is not a permission CG gave to his Mods. SteamGifts is different from other websites in multiple ways.
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Moderators can't even delete/edit comments let alone see deleted ones.
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I think the best way would be if proof is required if the giveaway creator is sending the game to the winner outside of SG.
I think proof should not be required if the key was added directly to the giveaway on SG, has been sent through SG, and 7 days have passed.
The problem is if the giveaway creator waits till day 6 to send the key and then tries to get a reroll on day 7. Maybe there should be another timer where the winner gets 5 or 7 days to activate the game after the giveaway creator clicks the "sent" button.
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In my opinion, the following would make sense:
In the case of a key or link which is stored on SG, no proof is necessary. Mods are able to tell if the key is available and whether or not it was revealed. If the key was never revealed by the winner, then he or she didn't bother to claim it. If the winner had wanted to claim it, he or she would have. If the winner wanted the game but was unable to log on, he or she would have contacted the creator or left a post or done some other thing to announce the difficulty. In such a case where the winner has not claimed the prize, he or she has effectively abandoned the win.
In the case of a Steam gift, arrangements would be required to deliver the gift, so there should be some record of that with the creator. It should be easy to take a screenshot of the Steam chat, or friend invite, or email. As the Mods cannot be expected to access such information on their own, the creator of the giveaway should have no complaint about providing it.
In the event of strange and unforeseen circumstances, the Mods have only one way of understanding what is going on, and that is collecting information from the parties involved. Again, those involved should be neither surprised nor upset when asked for such information.
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take a screenshot of the Steam chat, or friend invite, or email.
Maybe having a support email address to which to forward the sent emails would be a good option if there's a fear of forgeries to go along with the fear of people exploiting things.
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In the case of a key or link which is stored on SG, no proof is necessary.
I have a follow up on that!
Even if something is stored on SG it doesn't necessarily make it a valid key/link, right? Do the mod team have a way to test the validity of a key? Or even see the key as anyone can just add some random characters there, or a little message instead of working key.
Or if someone wants to game the system they might just add a dupe and ask for a reroll before landing on someone they want and switch it out with the working key.
Doesn't burden of proof help avoid cases like that?
Edit: nvm, somehow I skipped over the part mentioning this is for unrevealed keys. In that case ignore this
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^ nvm, the above comment shows the right procedure, that will be helpfull in the future
Inconveniently i have provided multiple shots has proof.
Personally support should be able to check if the keys has been displayed on the site or not.
I speak of my own experience, but so far a good portion of the winners have been online, had time to sign to steam and entered for more giveaways in between those 7days, meanwhile ignoring friend requests.
If anyone does this, without even commenting the situation. I will take it as intentionally delaying the process
it's as if a script entered for those GAs and they have no recollection of ever winning
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In case of any dispute, the winner should always have a chance to voice themselves in case they aren't even aware they are being rerolled. It's by far most common for winners to wait silently in order to receive their win, which means they'll never speak up unless informed. I've had valid wins being rerolled on me for seemingly no reason and not having any chance to speak up. At the very minimum, the mod handling the reroll request should attempt to contact the winner once through SG, just in case the creator has malicious intents.
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At the very least, the mods should check the comments in the GA.
Absent some kind of comment, 7 days after the GA creator has revealed the key on SG, no proof needed.
If it's a direct gift, I want to give the benefit of the doubt to the GA creator - especially those who create a lot and have a sterling reputation.
But if it's a relatively new GA creator, or one known to be difficult, or one who has submitted many reroll requests, then yes, proof should be required
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So you expect the winner to be immediately available at the end of 7 days to comment? What if they are busy at work/school? They are not supposed to contact the giveaway winner before the 7 days due to the rules. What if they tried to contact via Steam instead of SG?
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As it currently stands, you can't mark the key/gift as not received until 7 days after the giveaway ends. It would be too easy for the winner to get a duplicate key and not be able to mark it as not received before the system automatically marks it as received and potentially get him suspended.
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I don't recall ever seeing the option to mark a giveaway as Not Received until after 7 days have past from the time the giveaway ended. I had just tested it prior to my previous message for a giveaway I won, key received through the site and activated 6 days ago (it rolled over to a week about 1 hour after my message). I didn't even know there was a message until then. However, you are able to mark a game as received as soon as you are declared the winner.
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I say, if it is a key, and obviously hasn't been viewed, then after 7 days let a reroll happen no questions asked. Really want to be generous have a popup on the site/email on day 6 saying you have one day to redeem the key or you're out. Maybe keep stats on it to see if some people are abusing it in private ga's and shit but beyond that, meh.
Gift Links, Trades, etc, then yes, proof.
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Yes, as others have said it could be abused otherwise. Of course its different if the site tracked the key was available for a week, but that is not always the case. As winners are forced to wait patiently there is nothing to show they were eagerly awaiting the key/gift with nothing being sent.
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If seeing rampant abuse, then it may be necessary.
Otherwise, those who pointed out about e-mail notifications aren't wrong, IMO, although, are we positive that there is no chance for the e-mail to get incorrectly marked as spam, or other events that could deprive a legit, active winner of their win?
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of course they have to provide some proof, like:
sending the winner an email, adding them on steam, commenting on their profile, or sending the key in sg.
if the ga creator has no reply from the winner using one of these methods, he should get a reroll after 7 days passed since he tried to contact that person.
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Shouldn't the 7 days be enough? If you enter in giveaways and you want to win, then you should have the common decency of typing in a URL once a week. It's not much to ask from them.
I personally have had around 5 different giveaways (+1 of them had multiple people) where no one responded. I had to contact them through e-mail, Steam and SG. The worst part is that some of those people ignore friend requests and delete comments, making the whole ordeal even more difficult.
Not to mention that most people seem to have a throwaway e-mail address for sites like this. Unless "" is the new trend in e-mail address.
Not to mention that you have to take screenshots, upload them, post a re-roll request with the proof.
It's either 30 minutes of headache just to give someone something for free or 1 minute of visiting a website with a chance of getting free stuff.
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For me, I've had 2 times where I've been told that "Have you tried contacting them the other way?" which has followed by me just doing it that way too, only to receive no response and then finally getting the re-roll.
This might not be the case anymore, but after those two cases, I have always contacted them every way you can so as to not delay the re-roll by another day or so.
If it is just one way then... maybe? I'd say that even then, the recipient should put in the minimal amount of effort to get free games. But that's just me.
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i was always told to pick 1 way to contact winners and stick to it.
but we all know the rules aren't exactly clear in this place and even support members don't know them 100%. not bashing, it's just what i've seen happen on the forums and tickets, even moderators misunderstand the rules.
even the tos mention this in a very vague way:
within 7 days of the giveaway ending, you will use reasonable efforts to send the Gift to the Winner using the Website services, or the e-mail address the Winner has provided; and
"reasonable" being subjective as usual.
not that the tos are followed at all by anyone, like users with autojoin not getting punished, so this might not even be relevant at all
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TBH, I'm not really sure how big a deal this is. Virtually all of my rerolls have been due to the winner posting a comment asking for a reroll, which is proof enough for anyone. I have one key from months ago that was never marked received, but I'm not going to lose much sleep over losing 1/501 keys to the winds (and in any case, after three months of non-contact, I gave it to someone else).
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A pretty self explanatory question. I've had a couple users throw a fit over having to provide proof that they attempted to contact their winners, before being granted a new one. I wanted to see if that was a prevailing thought among the community or just an isolated one. What are your thoughts on this?
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