
Please report appropriately. SteamGifts is separate from SteamTrades.

12 years ago*

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You can take a lesson from this and use middleman next time.

This is what happens, when people are giving reputation for an ordinary Steam trade. Anyway, having seven comments is nothing important.

12 years ago

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Make 10 accounts and give yourself positive feedback. It's not that hard...
Instead use your brain and a middleman. Can't feel sorry for ya

12 years ago

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How would a middleman help if you're trading keys?

They couldn't check if the key was taken without activating it for themselves. Even if they already own the game, they can only check if the key is legit -- if it's been used, Steam doesn't tell you.

12 years ago

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he doesn't really specify, but if it was a steam gift being traded for a key, the middleman could hold the gift until the key gets activated. Plus he'd have more proof it was a scammer

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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What can you do about it? Learn from your mistakes and move on.
Also possibly what Movac suggested and give him a black mark on SteamRep.

This is exactly why I don't trade keys, despite the fact that I have some pretty nice ones on hand. Not worth the heartache.

12 years ago

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The whole idea that because someone has rep posted somewhere for them (on their profile or otherwise) then they're trustworthy is a complete load of crap. It doesn't matter if they have 1,000,000 +rep's and 100% 'positive feedback'. If you don't know them then common sense dictates that you should NOT trust them with anything, let alone with valuable items.

12 years ago

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Pro Tip: Dont trade keys for gifts.

12 years ago

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lol profile rep

12 years ago

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Only losers have profile rep!


12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by aseras13.