You do know that without an internet connection, you won't be able to play the game right?
Also most people are pissed because of Microsoft's idea of bringing always online connection and have to pay for an online subscription too.
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Now imagine if your internet went down and that mouse stopped working. Now imagine you're one of the thousands of Americans without reliable internet. I, for example, am at college with poor internet. At peak times, I can barely watch a youtube video, let alone play an MMO. I would be restricted to only playing on the weekends or past midnight for a console and game that I bought and would otherwise not require an online connection. It's pretty easy to see why some people are upset. (I probably wouldn't have bought it anyway >.>)
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PC master race continues!
Unfortunately, this means that when Sony inevitably gets their near monopoly of the harder-core gamers from this, they'll probably start charging for PSN. And all the while, Nintendo sits there wondering what the heck this internet thing is, anyway.
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I was half joking >.> But while Nintendo seems to be ahead everywhere else, they're really lagging behind in the online department. Monster Hunter 3 is the only game I even know of that uses the internet for Wii. The Wii store was updated for about two months before they completely forgot about it, and somehow, they made the online store even worse for the 3DS. It's not a real issue, to be honest, I was just poking fun at them :P
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As a person who used to have terrible, unreliable internet, I'd have to say this is an extremely stupid decision on their part. I can't think of a single reason that would actually justify having this kind of restriction on the entire console. All I can see it doing is completely alienating a fair few customers because, as hard as it may be to believe, some people just don't live in an area with reliable/affordable internet.
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If they actually do this and Sony makes the same idiotic decisions that they made with the PS3 and Vita, which they probably will, Nintendo will still be sitting pretty after it's all said and done.
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If this is true, I'll not be buying the new console. I don't care to own a ps3, I don't own a wii or wii-u. Only a 360. But I'll stop supporting a product that does something this stupid. I have Time Warner cable, unfortunately, so there's so many times I'll be playing online and I'll lose connection for no reason. And it takes more than 3 minutes to regain the connection every time. I've no interest in playing games that I can't get through simply because my internet provider is beyond stupid.
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I changed my mind, i feel more inclined to pirate the shit out of this console (if its true) :P
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Wh...What? Do you understand what always online DRM is? You can run Steam in offline mode and play games through it without an internet connection. If you get disconnected from the internet while playing 99 percent of games on Steam, the game doesn't stop playing. There is no 'hoping you don't d/c' when you play games with Steam. (with a few exceptions based on the game)
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I think what ss9c1 means is that he thinks nextBox will be require Internet just like Steam - "if it's around, great, here's your friends and communities etc.
Without it, play your games while I'll look for some internet so you can contact your friends."
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I dont have even xbox360 xD just my shitty pc that cant run new games since 2009 xD But damn it microsoft is evil first they want us to play for some shitty membership just to be able to play online and now they force us to be connected all the time. this is just madnes. thanks god PS3 didnt have that kind of shit!
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276 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Formidolosus
164 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Superefg
22 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
263 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
16,703 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
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223 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CSLocura
With exceptions for interruptions (3 minutes) the newest Xbox might require a an always on, online connection according to Kotaku.
EDIT: Adam Orth, the creative director of Microsoft Studios, doesn't understand the drama behind the whole always online scene, he also wants all devices to be "always online". Source
EDIT2: More information! PR Recovery (see bottom of article) Developer providing incite on the matter. Much More Info
What are your thoughts on this?
We all (or at least the majority of people) hate the always online DRM of the newest Sim City, what do you think of every game on the Xbox being like that?
Is this a decision breaker for getting Microsoft's next generation of console?
Looking for opinions on the subject, well aware that some people if not a large amount are PC only users but I'm sure there are some console users in here somewhere, besides that even PC users can have an opinion.
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