inspired by
this will be another one, will need your thoughts/ideas/ useful tips/ advices
so, for some years now, about 3-4 since i graduated from school i cant find inner peace in my life, i hate everyday( many reasons) but i try to find good in everyday still :D
Like, be busy for maximum or something, i use gym as best cure for myself, but now gym is not enough...
any advices how to find yourself in life? in my opinion, inner peace is what every people try to find in their lives...

5 years ago*

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monster hunter world or re2( both standart editions, sorry guys)

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monsterino hunterino
biohazard 2 for sure

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5 years ago

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im 23, i can't live like that for years( health issues for example) due to stress.
it wont end well ;D

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I divide everything in my life into two very simple categories -- things I can change, and things I cannot. I don't stress at all about the things I cannot change (it's a waste of time and energy), and instead focus all my energy on the things I can. I set reasonable goals and dedicate myself to achieving them, realizing that if I fail, I must keep trying until I succeed. Simply knowing that I'm constantly making forward progress (even if only slowly) has vastly improved my perspective and confidence when tackling the next issue.

At any rate, you could start by changing your SG username. :3

5 years ago

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niknamee is perfect :3,i am in this mood for about an year now.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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I don't think it's that easy for every person though, to see things in that way"., ye thats the thing, its not easy to live with that logic and attitude.

5 years ago

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You can actually teach or train yourself to start seeing things like that ... beginning with the little things and working your way up to the bigger, more important aspects of your life. Then the hard part becomes committing yourself to setting things in motion.

For instance, if you aren't happy with your current job -- that's something you can definitely change -- so dedicate a certain amount of every day (or even every other day, whatever it takes) to finding a better job, through furthering your education, job hunting, or even browsing what jobs are out there to help you decide what would make you happier (even if it means just finding ways to be happier at your current job). Be relentless with yourself, and just keep whittling away at the list of things you can change. Once you've achieved one, others will come more easily, and you'll better be able to judge what is worth your time and effort and what isn't.

5 years ago

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I agree with you, it's too easy to tell yourself, that you tried everything. If course you can't control everything, but the things you can have an effect on is still pretty huge.

5 years ago

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That's a really nice way of thinking about things. Will have to remember it :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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God is real.

That's coming from a guy who spent his 20s trying hard to create my own "good life." All I had to show for it years later was a string of broken relationships and serious health problems. One night I had an encounter with God. My life changed. God is real. I encounter God all the time now.

Peace and happiness weren't exactly what I thought they were back then. I much more able to experience both now.

I wish you all the best. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I hope you figure out a good plan to change things for yourself.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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god doesnt work for me, for some does, for me -not, happens

5 years ago

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What Tzaar said is pretty much good advice. Remember that your mind is just like your body. When you want your muscles to grow you go to gym. And you have to work, sweat and feel the pain the day after if you want to look better. The same with your mentality - it's the same work, determination, being systematic, and the same pain the day after (for example somtimes it might feel awkward to do something that's good for you).

What helped me, except regular exercises, was hanging out with people and getting to know them very well. And not being creepy at the same time of course :P Another thing was what Tzaar said: constant developing and moving forward. I've also risked everything by quiting the job and tryimg to make my dreams of being a professional comedian come true. Stressful but worth it for me. One has to give it pretty good thought though.

5 years ago

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I've been through the same, mate. After finishing college, I was completely lost. I struggled for 2-3 years. The only thing that worked for me was setting some goals and using all my time to reach them. It took me almost 4 years, but there is no better feeling than discovering that you can accomplish whatever you want.
It doesn't need to be something big. Take some time to think about the things you like and create some short and long term objectives around them.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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first 2 doesnt work for me, i avoid people, i dont like bunch of people in 1 place.

5 years ago

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Lots of good advice here already and what you take from the posts depends on what kind of person you are and what works for you.

There are a lot of good suggestions in what others have said -

  • meeting people (preferably in teams/groups doing things you're interested in, in real life)
  • focusing on the things you can change and not stressing about what you can't
  • exercise
  • be systematic in what you want to do
  • create objectives
  • get outside
  • make a pro/con list

Building on those, I'd suggest:

  • identify what you don't like, 'your everyday life' is a big topic. You might not want to think about it in more detail, but identifying what exactly it is that you hate will help you in the long run. If you don't know what it is, you can't change it. If you decide it's your job, you can look for a new one, do training, go back to school etc. If it's the people you spend time with, you can talk to them about it, find new friends, try and understand things from their perspective etc. If it's the area you live in, you could spend time elsewhere, try staying with friends or visiting a different area to see if it's better, move out etc. You get the idea.
  • if you don't feel like you're moving towards a goal that you know you want to achieve, find someone who has achieved that goal and see how they did it, either ask them, research what they did if they are famous, or send a message/email
  • if you don't know what you want to achieve then don't worry. Not everyone has a 'goal' or a 'clear path' in life or maybe it just hasn't appeared yet.. There's no use stressing over things like that. Rather than worrying about the future, look at the now. If you focus on things that you enjoy, those goals will present themselves.

Also, thanks for the giveaway poll. I doubt I'd play either, so I'll leave the votes to those who will! :)

5 years ago

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It's not an easy thing to answer, and there isn't anything you can do that's going to fix everything overnight, but the best advice that I can give that hasn't already been given is twofold:
1) Take a step back and figure out what you really want out of life. Don't say being rich and famous and getting laid daily; that's the generic wishlist that's been thrust on you by the chattering noise all around us. Figure out what YOU want. Maybe it's the same; maybe it's different; maybe it's both, but it has to be something that you decide on your own.
2) Don't just blindly give in to every passing desire, and don't obsessively chase happiness or that next temporary high. You'll come to realize that you don't HAVE to be "up" all the time, and that not being "up" doesn't necessarily mean being "down". People put so much time and energy into chasing their desires that it makes them miserable, and they don't usually catch up with them anyway; it's a big distraction from everything good that's right in front of you.

5 years ago

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Figure out what YOU want
thats the problem,i dont know what i want...
money and fame isnt for me number 1 thing in life, so...

5 years ago

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What do you enjoy most, what do you hate losing most? That perhaps is a lead to what matters most to you. Knowing what you want needs some deep thinking, you have to look back on your life till now and imagine what can/may happen in the future if you continue your current path. The potential loss or gains, then perhaps prioritise and you'll probably find what's most important then. Warmest wishes for you on that, it took me a long while but I am happy I've sorted things out. :)

5 years ago

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Then maybe, as stupid or bizarre as it sounds, don't want anything for right now. Just go through the motions for awhile, and eventually, something will bother you; something specific. That's likely what you want. There is no meaning in life but the one you choose, and for some people, that's stupid easy; for others, not so much. If after all that time, you really don't want or care about anything, then just be neutral. I say to a lot of people, "If you have dreams, then by all means, chase them, but don't ever feel like you HAVE to have dreams and goals in life."

5 years ago

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The thing is we are taught to behave in a certain way so we are "normal" and to not get in trouble. So you adopt this way of thinking and base everything you do around these guidelines. Soon enough you realize that this tunnel vision you gave to yourself isn't working out for you, it's only frustrating you. It's this desperation at figuring out a thing to do that is "normal" that is putting you down. There is only so much you can find in life with such a limited scope. You say you are 23 now, you aren't a child anymore, you don't need these guidelines on how to behave "normal" anymore, feel free to walk life with your steps now. :) Try new things, you will find there is more to life than simply watching a thing you hate and complaining about it.

5 years ago

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I wish I had foolproof wisdom for you but I'm in my 40ies now and I'm still looking for answers.
When I was in my 20ies I hated my life too. I was in a job I hated, and stayed there for years, just because I had spent a lot of money and time studying for it and it was supposed to be a path to success. I had to drag myself out of bed every morning and I couldn't do anything after work because I was always exhausted, emotionally, not physically. I felt like an empty shell and a cog in a machine.
The only thing I liked doing was cooking.

I ended up quitting my job, putting the money I made to good use and traveling around for a bit. Met new people, saw new things, discovered new cultures. It changed my mindset. I got a lousy job washing dishes in a restaurant and I learned a lot from there. I taught myself some new skills, worked my way up the ladder, got some more education in something I was passionate about this time. And my life changed for the better.

The only thing I can tell you is this: life is too short to be spent hating things. Hating your life, people around you, what you do, what you study.
Find what makes you happy. It won't happen in one day. The only way to find your happy place is to try many places, many things, experience life. Don't just hate things from a distance. Roll your sleeves and get in there. See how you feel after you tried.

And when you find something that makes you happy, go for it. If you can make a living out of it, make your path and follow it. If you can't, it's ok too. Just get a job to pay the bills and build the rest of your life in your happy place. And don't look back.

5 years ago

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Wow. What a great story and really good advice! I'm right there with you. You can't chase happiness, you can't chase peace of mind, but you absolutely can chase your freedom, and when you find the courage to do that, everything changes.

5 years ago

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It really is a hard thing to do especially when everyone around you tells you that you're crazy and that you'll regret it, even the people who love you because they care and they are worried.

We live in a society that formats us to follow certain patters of behavior. We are told from an early age to conform to expectations and our whole education system is about following rules so it's really tough breaking away from that.
The traveling really helped.

5 years ago

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I hear that getting a pet can be helpful.

Or you could practice Mindfulness or meditation or something, which will help you clear your mind from stress.

I also saw several reports from people on the Oculus Quest subreddit about people with depression smiling while playing the Quest.

5 years ago*

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kitty is always near me, when i do outside work near house ;D :P

5 years ago

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I got interested in this topic since this problem sounds familiar to me. I have a lot of troble forcing myself to be motivated for way too many years, it doesn't get better.
My advice, if you have passion for something, go for it, take risks, do mistakes, have fun, it all will worth it. At least that's what I have been told. It worked for little bit.

If you have troble finding something like that just keep trying different things until you find yourself needed. That is how you find place in life.

Since we are social creatures try meeting people and talking, it will be exhausting but you might find inner peace there.

Sorry I don't know you well so I just say things that I saw work for other people. You are not the same person as people I know, so that kind of thing depends on what you want. Maybe you don't need to feel needed somewhere. Maybe you don't want other people in your life. That's fine too. Whatever works for you really.

If you still can't find it, then I am sorry.

5 years ago

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I don't have too much understanding as to how atheists and agnostics deal with those things as I'm Catholic since birth and I don't think I've ever really had a "good" chance to experience those feelings. Maybe a little bit in my childhood when I was regularly bullied, but since I've grown up and my psyche and way of thinking became more adult-like I don't really have any problems with inner peace, knowing what is the meaning of life, etc...

Basically adding to what Gothemasticator said (but from a slightly different perspective) - God is real, he loves you much more than you could ever imagine and wants to help you solve all of your problems, but also accepts it if you don't want to have anything to do with him. It's really your choice if you want to try to get to know him and his ways.

Even though "hating every day of your own life" is not a feeling I know first hand, I have a friend I regularly talk with who has Asperger syndrome, depression and a history of a couple suicide attempts, so I at least have a slight understanding of how though can it be. No matter what you decide to change in your life - good luck! :)

5 years ago

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I think it is about finding what you are missing. Do you know what are you missing? Maybe friendship? Love life? Your job/school etc?

5 years ago

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I can share my thoughts and my own experiences with you. I've been through some bad stuff, like many other people also have. I've tried a lot of things just to escape, eventually nothing really works or it stops being effective because that inner sense of anxiety/fear/unhappiness just creeps back.

So I searched for God. He found me and I got saved to keep it short. I'm truly at peace with myself and things around me. He doesn't promise prosperity or an easy life or that things never will go wrong but He gave me peace and gave my life a purpose, something worth living for.

So to keep it short, for me I found faith in God and by His grace I'm at peace with myself.
Hope you find peace bro.
P.S if you want to chat more, about anything really just add me on steam :)

5 years ago

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I'll pitch in, but I realize I might sound a bit pessimistic, I consider myself happy tho, most of the time that is.

I found out what gives me the most inner peace is a bit of sane detachment from long term speculation, and acceptance of anything short term.

Accept the things you're living right now, if you're happy be happy, if you're sad be sad, keep it simple.

If you're thinking about yourself in a general sense tho, your "qualities and accomplishments", your "faults and mistakes", just avoid taking yourself too seriously, you're a tiny weeny crumb that occupies such a small part of the space and time after all (and so is everybody else).

You'll get through life eventually, relax, enjoy the trip if you can. Or not. It's not going to be a big difference all things considered.

Looking for peace, or a place, is pointless in a general sense. You can only experience peace in small bits, only feel at home for so long.

Just live, get to the end of it, take a bow, say goodbye. Life is not a big deal, everybody manages to finish it, easy peasy.

5 years ago

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You write: "Like, be busy for maximum or something, i use gym as best cure for myself, but now gym is not enough..." Sorry, that does not sound like curing at all; it sounds very much like trying to relieve the pain and avoid dealing with the real issue.

It's so simple and so complicated, because what you really need is just to accept and trust yourself. If you don't accept and trust yourself, you can't really accept and trust anyone else, unless you treat the person like a God, or at least a superior being. If you feel disturbed, it's you who is disturbed, and you need to break through this disturbance into yourself to deal with it.

Yes, it's not easy, and a bit of a negative magic circle, because when the disturbance separates you from your inner self/peace, you really need to get through it to yourself to deal with it. It's not easy, but it's doable.
At times a shrink or a self-help-support group my help. Both carry some risks though, so if you have pretty strong personality, you are not on the edge of psychosis/mental breakthrough, and you can take a few week/month break from daily chores, then just taking the time to be with yourself is probably the best option.
Doing as little as possible, except just being. Having no goals, but being with yourself. And last, but not least, getting so bored, that even thinking about those things, that you so hard try to run away from, seems like something interesting to do. (On more general level: To influence yourself, learn to change your environment is such way, that it would pressure you into the direction that you want to go, but possibly lack the strength to do so.)
Because to accept yourself, you need to learn yourself first. Not something, that keeping yourself busy and using gym really helps much.

Good luck :)

... and about God? Let me paraphrase the famous Kennedy's verse: "Ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God." No matter, if he exists or doesn't exist.

5 years ago*

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If you are in your 20's, it is somewhat common to get existential crisis. I had(have?) one and it made me crawl through the deepest point in my existence. Reading philosophy and watching conferences helped me understand a lot.
I interpret inner peace as having a clean conscience and having no debts with anybody. I won't reach that because my actions have harmed people I care about and I want to never forget that and carry the guilt with me in order to prevent harming others in the same way. I am fine with dying with all this guilt, I prefer not to run away from it or seeking forgiveness.

5 years ago

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Reading philosophy and watching conferences helped me understand a lot. about what topics?

5 years ago

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About prejudices I had during my university career. Like I was very stubborn about scientific facts, and how any other discipline that doesn't follow the scientific method is less reliable/inferior. Then I read a Nietzsche quote: โ€œNo, facts is precisely what there is not, only interpretationsโ€. That struck right into my dogmas and I delved deeper, and ended up reading about Hegelian Dialectic and about how, paraphrasing, things "are" only according to how each individual perceives them.
That opened my mind and I stopped being a jerk about it.

Furthermore, philosophy helped me understand relationships a lot more. How we have been applying economical logic into our interpersonal relationships. Most relationships calculate loses and wins, and we basically end up with a business transaction instead. That helped me improve my approach to love relationships, making them less formulaic.

Lastly, It helped me through my existential crisis when I was asking myself constantly what was the purpose of keep on living. I was very suicidal. And I watched a video about Heidegger and Derrida. Two philosophers who delve into the topic of purpose and death. Their words impacted me deeply and even if I am still a mess of a person, I feel a bit less lost in this world.

5 years ago

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If it's hard to find peace/be happy with yourself try dedicating yourself for a while making others happy/feel good. It takes the mind of ones own sorrows and happiness is contagious... :)

5 years ago

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inner peace? like what? it seems a lot of people expect inner peace as soon as everything is like they want it to be. but guess what: that's never going to happen. unless you have kind of low standards but then you wouldn't really worry or care that much.

it helps to stop comparing yourself to others. there will always be someone who is smarter, bigger, stronger, better looking, richer, has a better job. instead focus on improving yourself every day / week a little bit. like in the gym for example. you can't pull the big lifts on day one but if you stick to it you will be able to some day.

change the things you can change (like being fat and lazy) and learn to get along with the things you can't change (losing job, falling ill, getting rid of a toxic relationship or fake friends)
for that you obviously need to figure out first what really annoys you and makes you unhappy in your life.

a few weeks ago i found this jordan peterson guy talking about stuff. he may not know it all but it seems to me he has some good ideas on a lot of topics.

5 years ago*

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I recommend you to investigate some intellectual field that you are not familiar with. In my case, I research for some articles, listen to podcasts about other people's interests and so on. I think we can find something we may have the use for our own path and one can never know what this information pool can lead us to. Maybe you'll realize something important about yourself or connect the dots and fill some gaps in your life even you do not know about. Thanks for your kindness about the GA and have a good day :)

5 years ago

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Things that worked for me(some may be really obvious):
1.finding someone special in your life(no shit sherlock)
2.lowering my standards to nothing.Everything is nice if you expect nothing all the time but try your best when you do something.
3.Learning/mastering different skills(drawing/gaming/talking to random people/making jokes/jigsaw puzzle,god damn I love those)
4.routine may help you get distracted

5 years ago

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your points are good, i try to get them all,
1)very big problem
2) lowered everything to nothing for about 1.5 years now,ye
3)ye, but i do not know what to try ;D
4) tried it, doesnt help.

5 years ago

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There is no easy fix I suppose. Plenty of great ideas and opinions so I will add to the list and hopefully you find something that resonates with you. It is hard to feel fulfilled when the world around you is unfulfilling. The way you view the world is shaped by a lot of different factors but you do have some control over it. You can consciously choose to think a certain way, fake it 'till you make it. You can surround yourself with people whom you view as personally fulfilled or inspiring to you. You can focus how ever much energy you are willing or able to pursuits you are passionate about and if you are unsure what you are passionate about then try new things. What do you have to lose if you are already feeling miserable most of the time?

5 years ago

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I found my peace of mind in art.

5 years ago

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