If the site continues to give the ga creator a problem this could be the best bet. On the other hand, if you're still interested in the game and don't mind taking the hit, you could buy it from the store and then marking it as "received." Last one isn't ideal but it's an option.
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+1. And since it sounds like the creator may not be aware of this option, perhaps you can offer this up to him / her.
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You could always contact support and ask to remove that giveaway, making it possible for you to win it again and meanwhile also removing it as a unsent game on the GA creator account. It's up to you what you do in this case ofcourse.
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I would ask the GA creator to delete the giveaway. If you agree, no harm done (beside 1 lost GA slot) for anyone.
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If he is trying to solve the problem and get another key, then give him the time he needs. If he can't resolve it, then you'll have to discuss it with him again.
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The giveaway creator has one week to provide the gift/key. Now after the key got revoked, I'd say he has again one week to verify and contact the seller he got it from. If you're patient and the creator seems to be trustworthy, I'd even wait 2-3 weeks.
But for months?
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Considering it is not his first non-received game, I would not concern myself for his sake. Keep entering giveaways for Kentucky Route Zero, especially since it seems to be a recurring guest in Humble packs, so it should keep popping up.
For the others: it was a multi-key giveaway, so it needs more than one winner's agreement to delete. So, if anyone ever asks me again why I keep doing individual keys instead of packaging giveaways to 2/3/5/50 packs, here is your answer.
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Since it is a multiple copy GA (otherwise I would say to just agree to delete it), I would just leave it marked as non received and still join GAs for it. If they give you a new key before you win it again great, if not, while it sucks for them and its not their fault, they had way more than enough time to fix the issue.
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as others have stated, i wouldn't worry about the other persons account unless they started to worry about it once again themselves. at which point i'd just agree to a deletion so they don't have that not received mark. or a re-roll if there were a ton of entries and it wasn't to terribly long ago.
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Since it's a multi-key GA, deletion might not be possible. You could wait and see if the GA creator is willing to rectify the problem. If not then go ahead and enter.
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Personally, I think you should go ahead and leave it marked not received and enter other giveaways. I've had a situation where I accidentally created a giveaway for a game that the key ended up being already used. I bought a new key and sent it to the person because I didn't want the non-received game on my profile. Since they can't delete the giveaway, that's the route they should take if they don't want it on their record. Not your problem that they haven't been willing to do that yet. That's my 2 cents.
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I'd leave a mark under giveaway that you agree with giveaway deletion and start entering other giveaways for the same game.
If giveaway creator by any chance delivers new key before you win the same game again, that's good for him, you can change mark and leave ongoing gibs.
If he doesn't, he can delete giveaway and create it again with the new key - no harm done either.
Of course, assuming you gave the poor guy at least a week to handle the situation.
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Everyoner above talks about giveaway deletion and that's fine but a reroll is still a option. He just need a working key for the new winner. I think I won a giveaway with one month old due to a reroll. Of course, depending what's the game, could be possible multiple rerolls until find someone who doesn't own it.
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I mean, if he gets the game elsewhere, like buying it, getting it gifted by someone, or winning it in a giveaway. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Sorry for the confusion.
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There is no such thing as "permanently scarred SG profile" here. I've seen people winning the same game again or not activating their won games and still be on SG without problems (After serving a few weeks suspension of course)
For your case I'd suggest this: It's the givers responsibility to provide a working key and there are plenty of options to aquire another key should the first key get cancelled (buy another, trade for another, refund and buy again, delete ga altogether e.t.c.) so I don't think you are the one to worry. I'd say go ahead and enter ga's for that game, while marking that first ga as "Not received" (which is exactly the truth) Should the ga creator aquire a new key (and you have already won the game in another ga), you can ask for a re-roll and the new key will go to another user, which means nobody looses that way.
As a good-will move you could even inform the ga creator about your actions.
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You have a few other options here:
You can enter to win new giveaways and, if you win, you can then make a request on the original giveaway for a reroll on the original giveaway page. Then, once the original giveaway creator fixes the problem, it can go to someone else.
You can enter to win new giveaways and, if you win, you can then state that you authorise for the original giveaway to be deleted on the original giveaway page. Then, once the original giveaway creator can delete the giveaway. If the key then gets fixed, they can create a new giveaway.
You can do a combination of the above, requesting/authorising both in a single post, or if you are in external contact with them, asking the original giveaway which they would prefer you do first.
No matter which you do, you don't have to do anything until you win it from someone else. And, if the problem is fixed in the meantime, even better!
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, I would condemn that first (unlucky) giver to a "scarred" SG profile, with an unsent gift that he would never be able to fix.
If you don't want to agree to a deletion (and if you don't, that's your call), then don't worry about the rest- as soon as the GA creator can prove you own the game, they should have full right to be able to ask for a reroll or deletion on their own (and certainly will be able to with your permission). There's no reason for you to not be entering giveaways, if it doesn't look to be resolving easily.
Generally, the common (and courteous) approach on SG is to agree to a deletion, where a game proves unredeemable and the GA creator proves agreeable in character; on the other hand, there's no actual harm to a Not Received unless it's part of a pattern or proven to be without any sort of justification. Neither you or the GA creator really hurt for keeping it up while the two of you separately attempt to get you the game in question. As such, there's no approach to the matter which is firmly in the wrong.
In short, no matter how you approach the matter, there's no reason not to enter additional GAs for the game in the meantime. (Though if you decide to leave the giveaway hanging and then obtain the game by a manner other than through SG, you'll want to follow-up on the giveaway in question immediately, to avoid any misunderstandings).
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The most elegant solution is for the GA creator to buy another copy of the game and give it to you. He may then continue trying to get his refund from whomever he purchased the original. His problem should not be on your shoulders.
If the creator of the giveaway decides not to go that route, you could choose to leave the giveaway as "awaiting feedback." This leaves it in Limbo, but it's not a red mark on the creator's account. I would not choose this option, however, as it leaves the onus on you instead of on the guy who failed to deliver.
Faced with the lack of a working key, I would just mark it "not received" and leave it at that. If he comes through with the key, you can always change it to "received." This will also free you up to enter other giveaways for the same game.
As a side note, we are working on a system that allows us to re-roll individual keys for multi-key giveaways. I don't know when this will be implemented, but it will remove a lot of difficulties with such giveaways.
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Hellow everybodey! :D
Today I'm writing you to tell about a problem of mine that I cannot really solve myself, or rather I can't find a solution that wouldn't do no harm to anyone. Now I'll explain myself: many months ago, I've won a copy of a game in a GA here. The creator sent me immediately the key and I activated it successfully. So far so good. Now we jump some time later: when I log into my steam account I receive the infamous notification about the removal of that game from my account beacuse of some problem with the first buyer of that key (so probably a key that the aforementioned author of the GA has bought from a seller that tricked him, but the real reason of the removal is not the thing I want to focus on today). So I immediately message the author of that, at that point, old GA and he tells me to send him a lot of screenshots and proofs that the site where he bought the key requested him (at this point I want to underline that the author of the GA has been VERY collaborative and kind), so I send him all that stuff and he tells me to wait. Since you have bothered reading my wall of text you can find some GAs with the code capital h, seven, capital j, capital t and u (make sure you finish reading the whole thread after you've entered the GAs, and please, do not spoil this "little surprise"). Since then I've rewritten him a couple of times and he always answered me that the site hadn't answered yet. Back to the present, I haven't received no working key, and have still that won GA marked as not received.
Therefore, up to now I've never entered any other GA of that game that I previously won and "lost", because if I won it from another giver, I would condemn that first (unlucky) giver to a "scarred" SG profile, with an unsent gift that he would never be able to fix. So, apart from keeping soliciting the author of the GA to find another key, is there a a way to solve this problem? Because on one hand I have no chance to win that game again keeping him from a "permanently scarred SG profile", and on the other hand I could try to win that game again but condemning him to that famous everlasting scar.
P.S. I know that I could simply renounce to win that game (and I will probably do that if there is no other solution), but I wanted to write to you all this "mishmash" to know your opinions.
P.P.S. sorry if I made some mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker and the subject is difficult to explain ><
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