So, I guess many of us have said or done something dumb on the site that granted us a lot of blacklists.

I went form 5 blacklists to 46 in a couple of days some years ago. And, to be honest, I deserved every single one of those. I made a thread about ratio that, while inspired by something that happened, I tried to keep general but I ended up basically calling out on someone and, worst of all, for all the wrong reasons. So, yeah, thankfully I wasn't banned but I think I would have deserved that too. I was dumber then.

Anyway, I am curious about what have you done that made a bunch of users blacklist you and if you think you deserved them.

Have some stuff

Updated with a picture of my beautiful spike

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5 years ago*

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Did you deserve your blacklists?

View Results
What kind of dumb thread is this?

By saying literally anything, even personal opinions, you may somehow offend this or that person. I think personal opinions should be respected, some people don't. Their choice! And I respect that :P
Just stick to the site rules and avoid insulting people and you'll be fine. A couple blacklists here and there are to be expected and never killed anyone.

5 years ago

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making giveaways, telling people hi, everything counts here

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I wrote down I do not agree with some stuff, I got 40 blacklists that day :DDD

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

5 years ago

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Every now and then I drop a comment on a thread and manage to piss off somebody, I know I tend to express certain opinions in the worst way possible but I always had the flaw of being confrontational for its own sake and never bothered to fix it.
I think I deserve those blacklists tho, even if I get confused every time as to what exactly I did.

5 years ago

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I kinda feel this. Mostly irl, I say things that I think are perfectly ok and people just stop talking to me for that. I also get confused as I can't really tell how may I have ofended them.

5 years ago

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I'm better at testing the waters irl actually, much easier to tell if someone's angry when you can see/hear them. In here they just see a fragment of how I am and assume the rest, can't blame them however cause I tend to do the same about other users, nobody can keep hundreds or thousands of individual persons in their memory, they just get blurred together into a vague mental category.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure if people even consider other people on the internet people. Intellectually you obviously know there's a person behind that text, but when you never see anything other than a nickname and an avatar it's easy to forget.

5 years ago

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True, it's easy to not think of users as real people. I mean, for all you know we might just be a bunch of very advanced chat bots pretending to be humans. Bip-boop.

5 years ago

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Or maybe we're robots thinking we're people.

5 years ago

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You're scaring me

5 years ago

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enjoy the blacklists, it means less leeches will win your games πŸ’ƒ

sg in a nutshell:

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5 years ago

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I expected that result, tbh

5 years ago

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Completely out of topic, I think I recall your avatar but I also recall your name was something different?

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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I don't recall your avatar, but I think you used to be a full ketchup bottle ?

5 years ago

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The most bulk blacklist I have gotten appearently is Jul 25, 2015. I seem to have gotten two that day, I don't even know why. On the same day I seem to have created a discussion about Steam content but I didn't have any giveaways on it, maybe that's why? :D

Or maybe someonetwo(?) clicked on my name into giveaways from that thread, then I saw I blacklistem them and they cross-blacklisted? Who knows. I used to blacklist people that didn't give feedback after won giveaway (as in mark as received) in extra to other behaviour against community guidelines, so maybe that was it.

5 years ago

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To be honest, i don't even know what did i get blacklisted for..But if people think i deserve it, then alright! I'm not even sure where those two found me to blacklist me, i barely ever comment on anything at all

5 years ago

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Hushhhh! Don't comment, you'll increase your visibility! XD

5 years ago

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yeah, 0 comments means 0 visibility and 0 blacklists potentially haha =P

5 years ago

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well, a couple comments meant one more blacklist here, it seems. Oh well.

5 years ago

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hahah, if that's what makes people happy, then let em have their fun, i guess

5 years ago

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I don't know, as I have already written many times I'm here just to spend some fun and free time and most of all to make people happy with my gifts, so I will always keep at 0 my blacklist.
For what concerns users blacklisting me, I hit 56 blacklists on May 28th, 2019 and the 57th one came on August 28th, 2019.. well, threads like these pop up once every few days and I don't really know if I deserved or not these blacklists, I just try to be nice, make people happy and give away nice games and DLCs.. if someone wants to blacklist me it's ok, it's their motivation, I won't ever ask who blacklisted me or why =P
This is a website born for gifting and making people happy and I'm happy with it, I try always to be educate and polite and make giveaways for everyone so if someone doesn't really want to see me for any reason, I respect their choice =P
I just want to stay here and give something small like a Steam game but that can also become something important, funny, entertaining for another player from all over the world, I won't ever check if they play them or whatever they do, it's about gifting and gifting means I'm doing everything for free, for the pleasure of making people happy =P
So, I don't really know if I deserved and will deserve my blacklists, the most important thing is to behave well and stay on this website in a sane and healthy way =)
Plus, I think that probably many blacklists we get come from level 0 users or whatever else.. so really, why bother? Let's just keep it funny and light-hearted =P

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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this is really awesome haha

5 years ago

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You're kidding, right? That's so...amazing. Hahah

5 years ago

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Its number 1 for sure

5 years ago

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Well did you request a reroll?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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I mean that sounds like a very effective way of declining a giveaway! Nice of them to say no to a game they didn't intend to win I guess?

5 years ago

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I made a whitelist recruitment thread and some took offense because I was a newer contributor/did some average giveaways at the time.

5 years ago

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You're always gonna get blacklists for doing whitelist recruitments - it's kinda frowned upon by some as a way to gather suckers just so you can enter their giveaways.

5 years ago

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oww. I remember this guy doing a Suicide performing in a latinamerican website that is going to disappear (the site, not him)...

About the blacklist, I must recognize that matters me when I was new here... but now I dont give a %$#. And Now I try to "De-Blacklist" all the ppl if they just asks me, Its realy the same for me, the only thing I want is that ppl dont waste my time when doing massive giveaways: 50 to 250 copies... that I normaly do. I discovered that most ppl is just farming/leeching codes from here, and we can not do anything, block 1 or 2 will not stop it.

btw I de-blacklisted little sandwich ;)

5 years ago*

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Got a bit lost, what's the relation between the guy doing a suicide performance and blacklists?

5 years ago

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giving a bit of background because I knew it the OP before know about this site...

5 years ago

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I better do not start talking about this guy.

the suicide part is just him making fun of my depression, but I do the same tbh

5 years ago

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I think I get what's going on now, and it sounds kinda cruel. I suffer from depression so I know how most people don't really grasp how it works, luckily I'm not suicidal tho, not sure if I'd have made it through my mid 20's otherwise.
Keep fighting buddy :)

5 years ago

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My blacklist stats is growing slowly but steadily. I guess it's mainly people who I blacklisted who realise so through a community train or a giveaway thread by myself. If other reasons apply, well then it shall be so.

5 years ago

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You haven't really lived until you've gotten tons of blacklists off of one thread.

5 years ago

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this is also true

5 years ago

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Did you deserve your blacklists?

Voted for: Yes. I exist after all :)
Also be ready for more blacklists! First rule of blacklist club: - You do not talk about Blacklisting.

5 years ago

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Lol at no winning.

Who cares has always been my general opinion. The people who blacklist you can't win your games and I'm not one to suck up to people or tone down my opinions.

Usually the big blacklist spikes are alongside whitelist spikes, so take the rough with the smooth.

5 years ago

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At least half of the blacklists I've been put on were apparently due to people being mad when they couldn't enter my sgtools giveaways. Though I also got a lot of whitelist too, so it kind of balances out :p

5 years ago

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I'm not sure how I got the blacklists that I did, but I can say that I don't give them out without reason.

5 years ago

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Well, I guess I deserved it? At least, in the eyes of those who have blacklisted me.
I have no idea what I've done. Could be because they found out they were on my dark list, could be for another reason.... bottom line is: I don't care. I could get on more BL's and I wouldn't mind. In fact, I think I don't have enough to be considered one of the kewl kidz.

5 years ago

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I can haz moar blacklists plz?
Only have 39... come one SG people, you can do better than that?

5 years ago*

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Talkin' out of turn? That's a blacklistin'
Lookin' out the window? That's a blacklistin'
Starin' at my sandals? That's a blacklistin'
Paddlin' the school canoe? You'd better believe that's a blacklistin'

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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me - i may not believe in what you have to say but ill fight to my death your right to say it.

sjw's - you dont agree with me so your blacklisted.

5 years ago

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That's great, but could you fight for people's freedom of speech without calling them a pejorative term? Because that would be even better. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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ps i have you whitelisted because you do gives also and thats all thats important on this site

blacklist should only be used for leaches.

5 years ago

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I have opinions, I get blacklists.
That's the way it works, and I'm cool with it. I'm not going to let winning a handful of games sway my perspective.

I got a number of blacklists when some dumb-ass decided to go around trying to convince people I'm a Nazi (he's still doing it, but no longer on SG because he is perma-suspended) and that I blacklisted him for being Jewish. To be perfectly clear -- I blacklisted him because he was an insufferable asshole and racist who insisted that anyone who disliked/blacklisted him hated Jewish people.

5 years ago

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Ooooh I've seen that guy(thing) on Steam. Actually posted a comment like that on the Steam profile of a friend of mine. Don't know if he tried to get him banned from Steam but the joke's on him because that friend happens to be Jewish. Ooops.
Crazy people in every faith/credence/orientation/party/beliefs right?

I don't really look at my blacklists because, well, what's the point? There's even a nice feature on ESGST that allows you to completely hide in in case you end up on that page for other info. Any time you say something, people are going to disagree and some of those are going to exercize their right in blacklisting, whatever, it's cool. Personally I'd rather avail myself of the other useful ESGST feature and put them on my ignore list because that's more pertinent but I'm sure I knee-jerk blacklisted a few people after some particularly aggressive comments/threads.

When I was still looking, I noticed a spike after I posted in the yearly Pride thread so I'm pretty sure those people are not worth losing any sleep over anyway.

5 years ago

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When I was still looking, I noticed a spike after I posted in the yearly Pride thread so I'm pretty sure those people are not worth losing any sleep over anyway.


I never really cared about being blacklisted. Winning games has always been a bonus (rather than the focus) for me on Steamgifts, and if someone doesn't want me winning theirs, that's perfectly acceptable to me for whatever reason they choose.

As for the poor soul calling me a Nazi all the time, that's his baggage. He has to carry around all that hate, and it can be a heavy load. I pity him more than anything.

5 years ago

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almost every time i comment on a post, later i see that got blacklisted by 10-20 people :) and i was just saying my opinion about something. I'm pretty sure i will get more as I am writing this too :)

5 years ago

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I mildly defended the Epic Game Store once...

Or more accurately I said some of the reaction against it was ridiculous. I have no Epic stock so I wouldn’t care where people shop.

5 years ago

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I did that once. Then Sweeney turned me away by defending those Oobloks (or whatever) devs.

5 years ago

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I mildly defended the Epic Game Store once...


5 years ago

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You monster

5 years ago

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Heh yeah Epic vs Steam is a red button issue. Like abortion, guns and the death penalty... or something

5 years ago

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I blacklist ppl who have ration of 0.2 or so.
I still don't understand why SG don't let you make GA's with rations in mind.
because you know.... that guy who won 500 games and have 2k games in invenotory and played 15 hours in 2 weeks won't play your game.
he's just hoarding (some ppl say it's collecting)

5 years ago

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well, I have a lot of games and sometimes I win games I want but don't play them because I'm busy or crying or already downloaded some games and want to finish them first. what I say is that, while there are hoarders, yo never know the actual reason why somebody didn't play the game they won from you. I also never check if someone played a game they won from me.

5 years ago*

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I don't check if winners play my game.
if you play 1 hour per day and you have 500+ games I just assume that there is very big chance that you won't complete game game that I made GA for ;)
also 10% avg achievment rate

5 years ago

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I actually don't know why I am on certain people's blacklists. One guy blacklisted me after I won a game from him. I thanked him for the game, and everything. Next thing I know I went to comment again, and tell him I beat the game, and say another thanks to let him know I enjoyed it only to discover that I was blocked (It had only been a few days). One other guy; No idea. I joined a public giveaway of his. Didn't win it. I see him post a train of giveaways in a thread, I go to enter, and I discovered I was blocked. I looked through his giveaways to see if maybe I won, and didn't say thanks or if I had joined one with a thank you for this chance requirement but nope. The only thing I saw was a giveaway I had entered, and didn't even win. I never spoke to the guy. It's kind of ironic but there are a group on here that totally have warranted reasons to blacklist me back when I was having housing issues, and couldn't play the games I had won. But not a single one of them have blacklisted me. Only a handful of random people who I never even won anything from... Lol. This is an odd world we live in.

5 years ago

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Simply existing is enough for some people to blacklist you.

5 years ago

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