Being around for a long time, still dont know who is leecher and who is not.

8 years ago

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When does the person considered to be a leecher?

View Results
1:1 win/sent
0.5 win/sent
0.25 win/sent
2:1 win/sent
1.5 win/sent
2.5 win/sent
3 win/sent
1:1 cashwise
2:1 cashwise
1:1 real cv
2:1 real cv
3:1 real cv

A leecher is the person that is being accused for giving away less games than the person that accuses him/her. :P So, there's no standard rule about who can be called a leecher, but only standard hate between people. :P

8 years ago

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So where is standart hate starts, lets say 75% of the people that will look at the person will call him leecher. For me pretty obvious if one have 300 won and 30 sent he is. But where is that edge.

8 years ago

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If someone can't buy many games to give away, I wouldn't call him/her a leecher. But well, if someone has money to buy games and he/she just doesn't want to give away anything, then he/she can be called a leecher. :P So, it depends on the accuser. And the accuser will usually say that leechers are the ones that have a lower ratio than him/her.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't call that leeching. In my opinion leeching is someone who only benefits, but does nothing in return, with a note that not all people can afford games.
If someone gave 30, that's great. Does it matter if he has won 3, or 300. He has given something in return.

But to me it's more about giving away. I enjoy giving my games away. Because it can make someone happy. I do win, yes, and that makes me happy too. But leechers, they don't bother me.

8 years ago

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Although I agree about the numbers in your reasoning once again it's not that black and white. I'll use a specific user as an example that I happened onto his/her profile recently. That person has won a bit more than 250 games and has given away 15. While I also share the notion of "It doesn't matter how much you give as long as you do" this particular person has not created a single giveaway in 2 and a half years. All 15 he has made are dated in mid-late 2013. However his has wins throughout all these years so he's not been inactive. He doesn't have many AAA titles in his 1000+ steam library so I'll assume his finances are not the best. However 2 and a half years without a single giveaway is pushing it. There are multiple options from cheap(there's groupees bundles for literally 50 cents) to free(i.e. tremor games) to procure games and when you have won THAT much I at least expect the decency to feel bad about it and try to give back something, however small. So yes, I agree that as long as they're giving back, to the best of their abilities, we shouldn't focus too much on the numbers but it also has to be a continuous effort, not a one time thing. That person I do consider a leech.

8 years ago

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I agree with you that it isn't black or white. And as shown in this whole thread, everyone has a diferent opinion.

In your example you might call him a leecher because he does nothing in return for the last years. But take someone has exactly the same stats. But he hasn't gifted anything in the first 2,5 years, but in the last months has given away 15. In the first 2,5 years you might have called him a leecher but not anymore because he is active now.

If you would only look at the stats they are the same. They are both a leecher or not. But as you see beyond only numbers it would be different. If you know somebodys story, it can make a difference, but most of the time we don't know it, or do not want to know.

It's just like. Somebody is rich, has given two non-bundled games away, somebody is poor and has given 5 bundled games away. The poor one has lower cv. But has he given more or less then the rich one? It's a thin line we are walking one, when we judge others.

8 years ago

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I agree with that. Of course it depends on the situation, but if someone at least shows they want to do something in return, it's okay in my books.

8 years ago

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people are voting for both 0.25 and 2.5 win/sent.

8 years ago

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I wonder why 0.25 :|

8 years ago

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yea... why 0.25? i have worse then that xD


8 years ago

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I thought that was a bit harsh. If you win a game in your first few days here, you can only make 3 GA's at a time, and so you will be at .33 then. But I am sure people have their reasons.

8 years ago

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So you say 0.25 win/sent is a leecher if people won 1 game and sent 4 he is a leecher, do you understand?

8 years ago

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I am not sure how people read the .25

I am saying if you take it as 1 won, and 4 given away that is harsh... They could have read it as 1 GA and 4 won.

8 years ago

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but is says clearly as 0.25 won/sent
won devided by sent :|

8 years ago

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I understand what you wrote, I didn't vote, since my option is not up there. But based on other commenters, it sounds like some may have gotten confused. Sorry if I have confused you.

8 years ago

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sadly i cant edit it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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I think it is confusing people.

8 years ago

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sadly i cant edit it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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That's fine! My personal idea is 3 wins for every GA created. Of course this gets complicated when looking at worth. If they give away bad rats, and somehow win 3 AAA games, I get iffy. I try to also look at timing, if they won the three games recently, then giving them time to fix the ratio seems right.

8 years ago

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i'm sure many people don't understand your poll, even i'm not 100% sure
0.25 win/sent that mean 1win/4 sent ? many read that as 4win/1sent
also for others ratios

why you din't write 1 win/4 sent? much more easier for everyone

8 years ago

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You are assuming that people have the slightest amount of mathematical ability, which is a very poor assumption to make.

8 years ago

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Sorry .___ .

8 years ago

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Peeps are probably too young to understand math.

8 years ago

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I think people don't know how to read those numbers. lol
I though .25 was someone that won 4 games and gave 1, not the other way around. Most of the time people just put in the numbers without writing won/sent as well, so that might be confusing.
Anyway, leecher to me is someone that doesn't give back and doesn't care. I have seen people that won like 200 games and gave 1. That person should be ashamed.
But I don't see with good eyes the person that won more than twice the number he gave. So I'd say it's 2:1. ^^

8 years ago*

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I've just clicked on a button!

But more important: where's the link to the giveaway?! (ᵔᴥᵔ)

8 years ago

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According to this poll, people are either trolls or not very good at math

8 years ago

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I'm not very good at math =[

8 years ago

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It's easier to be a troll when you don't agree with any of the given options (or just randomly guess I suppose)

8 years ago

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What did i missed?

8 years ago

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I just don't agree with what the general idea of what a "leecher" is. Trying to stick a specific number on a person without knowing the specific details means that unless those numbers extend ad infinitum for each specific case I'll never be able to agree with a generic ratio (such as the ones you gave). I'm sorry I can't give a good example or even decent reasoning, I'm tired.

8 years ago

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Exactly. And the whole "leecher" thing is bigotry, because they think that all the people that they call "leechers", are exactly the same. o.O

8 years ago

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That's the thing isn't it? No two people are ever going to be the same so how can they be judged on the same scale? Honestly I don't care what people think of me but there are some people here who are genuinely poor and the only way they get new games is when people give them games as a gift.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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But it's easy and comfy to feel part of a group, to create an us vs them mentality, to shift blame and stuff to others, to generalize.

I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when generalizing.

8 years ago

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And which do you think it is? ;) A lot of people around here don't understand that if they entered 100 GAs 2000 Entries each it's not their extreme bad luck that they didn't win anything, and you want them to understand that win/sent and sent/win ratios are 2 different numbers? ;)

8 years ago

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Not for those who aim for strict 1:1! But yeah, the results in the poll make one a sad panda.

8 years ago

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good luck maintaining strict 1:1 ratio both numerical and Value (and value both RAW and RealCV ;p) - you may maintain 1:1 ratio in one of these aspects, but you will then most likely fck up your ratio in others ;)

8 years ago

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Create a similar giveaway for every win you have? That would be a fun account.

8 years ago

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and get extremely lucky - because none of your GAs made or wins should ever got retrobundled, has a base price drop, got removed from steam and so on and on :D: one of these and your ratio is screwed anyway ;p

8 years ago

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Honestly, I always figured this site exists in part to help people who can't afford to game but still want to. "Leechers" don't bother me as long as there's a good reason for it. I've been in a situation where I couldn't afford to buy myself food for a few months, I understand needing an escape when you get there.

EDIT: And admittedly, game quality matters. $20 of ragdoll hand-drawn buggy zombie flinging isn't the same as $20 from something like Darksiders.

8 years ago*

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+1 to your Humanity skill

8 years ago*

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Agreed. The real problem is noone can know the reasons of anyone's statistics and people always assume the worst.

8 years ago

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According to the poll results, even a person that has given away 4 games for every game that he/she won, is a leecher?! Wow, I must be a massive leecher then. xD

8 years ago

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We're casual leechers - Student style! :D

8 years ago

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Hmmm, I think then that the only person that can't be considered a leecher, according to them, is cg. :P

8 years ago

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user above you isnt leecher even by this logic :)
im curious about poll results though

8 years ago

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Well, they are either trolling or haven't learned a lot about Maths during school?!

8 years ago

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too bad there's no "potato" option for the most of them :D

8 years ago

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Argh, I hate seeing this potato option everywhere. xD Everyone puts this option for the most of those people? o.O

8 years ago

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maybe not all for this only purpose, some polls are created just for fun. but you can avoid some people who aren't serious about poll for sure.

8 years ago

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The "I don't know/care option".

8 years ago

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Or if nothing really fits what you think.

8 years ago

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I guess 0.25 ratio became potato option

8 years ago*

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My won/sent is 1:3. Am I worse than a leacher? I am confused.

8 years ago

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Well, according to the poll answers, even a won/sent ratio of 1:4 is considered leeching. xD

8 years ago

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under 1:1 real cv for me, i don't care for sent:won numbers.
you also have users exploiting dev keys to "fix" their ratio.

8 years ago

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I am still in my first week here, is there a way to check your real CV ratio? I know how to check my real CV with SG Tools.

8 years ago

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just divide your sent by your won cv

won:sent 1:25,7

welcome to sg :3

8 years ago

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I wasn't sure if there was a way due to bundled/discount games being worth less. But thank you!

8 years ago

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bundle status is already calculated in your real cv, no need to manually adjust numbers.

8 years ago

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it's 2,72 for me, it's low?

8 years ago

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that's too high :O

you are under-leeching ;_;

8 years ago

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I don't look at this until now, when I see the post.
I prefer give away big games, I don't want to put here thousand of free key...I try to put only good games, well rated on steam and meta if possible.
I'm not rich, but Isn' the spirit of this service? give good games and receive it in back...

What's the normal result? the average in the site

8 years ago

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considering most users are lv0 and 1, i would say there are more people with bad than good ratio

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8 years ago

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Not really, unless I'm looking at the wrong numbers.
It doesn't account for the reduced value of bundled games. I have about $200 in received gifts which were really worth about $30 (same with the ones I gave away). Not to mention 3 of the ones I got were given away for free, but they are still counted.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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wow, they are so generous!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i said generous!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I'm voting for.... none of the above! \o/

My personal leecher "bar" is set at 0~10 games sent in year+ accounts with wins over 40. If there's a steady flow of giveaways(or if not it has to be accompanied by a lack of wins as well to indicate inactivity), however small that amount is, they're good in my book. Doesn't matter if they've won 40 or 300 as long as there's indication that they give back when they can.

Strictly speaking though everyone with a ratio of less than 1:1 is a leecher if we're being anal about it

8 years ago*

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People receiving gifts from Santa are also leechers by this logic. It is called Giveaway for a reason.

8 years ago

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Greed goes a long way. You'll be hard pressed to find a widespread online community that doesn't find a way to ruin a good thing.

8 years ago

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proud leecher here with 0 sent, roast me plebs.

8 years ago

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Hello, Zinedine. :D

8 years ago

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To the pyre!

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8 years ago*

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Too few wins to classify you as a leech, also they're low valued games, and they date back almost 1 year.

8 years ago

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+1 so brave

8 years ago

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A true leech is someone who wins a lot of games without giving anything back.
For example, there's a user with almost 350 wins (real CV value almost $1000), 0 sent, and a Steam account with over 1500 games valued almost $15000 ($4000 with sales), according to SteamDB's calculator.
I won't disclose his identity (no calling out), and I rounded up the values a bit to somewhat mask it, but since he seems to visit the forum a lot, I hope he reads this comment and gets ashamed of his legendary greed.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for everyones opinions :) But i still not clarified things for myself . _____ .

8 years ago

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It's not easy to define a "leech", there're too many variables to consider.
But if someone has hundreds of wins, and no sent games, that's a leech for sure (and a greedy person).

8 years ago

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I am a leecher

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yes o_o I have a 1:10 ratio

I am a rule breaker also

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Gimmie games

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8 years ago

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Fine! Fine! Just don't come eat me, m'kaaayyyy?! D:
Leech this

8 years ago*

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well, leeches feed on blood, then, sadists also enjoy blood,
therefore, since you're a sadist-ic you must be a leech-er?

brain hurts, must stab chickens, replenish blood..

the only rule you've broken is being too nice and cute for this community!

8 years ago

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Leecher and rule breaker? I guess you get away with because you're a star.

8 years ago

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Honestly leechers really don't bother me, since if everyone had minimum 1:1 sent/won ratio and some people would have better, then who would receive the games in the end? But anyway, my real cv ratio is not the best either, so I'm really not one to talk :P

8 years ago

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Your ratio might not be one of the best, as it's "rigged" by unbundled wins, but at least you are willing to give, therefore you are not a leech.

8 years ago

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If you're not sure whether or not you're a leech.... you're a leech

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8 years ago

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I'm not thinking if i am a leecher or not, i just wonder if i call someone a leecher would he actually be?

8 years ago

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I don't care much about "leechers" in general, but I'd say it's situational. Say, a person with 100 games that has 0 sent and 50 wins would bother me less than a guy with 0 sent and 20 won if the latter guy has hundreds of games (including the most recent triple As) and csgo skins worth thousands of dollars - that just means he's not really willing to share, not that he can't do it.

8 years ago

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A leecher is someone with 0 games sent. It is that simple.

8 years ago

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Even me? :(

8 years ago

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No, of course -- you have a clean trade record, and have no wins or sent games. Apologies if I offended you in any manner.

Let me expand on what I said earlier, a leecher is someone -- and I used to be one -- that gives away nothing and wins a lot.
I only started to feel guilty after I won more than a dozen games, then I started to contribute :)

*Edit: To be more precise, I must have won over 50 games before I started contributing. Originally, I had set a target of one game given away every year, but that seemed much too little. So I revised it to giving away a game every few weeks, or months (depending on my gaming budget).

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Well from my experience, it seems that most of the rule-breakers here also have poor ratios, so that only piles onto the negative sentiment. In fact I don't think I can ever recall anyone with a positive ratio whom I had to reroll, ever.

Although this isn't to say that everyone with a poor ratio is a rule-breaker of course...some even say thanks after winning a public GA which always pleasantly surprises me.

But yeah, there does exist some correlation between the two...if one were to graph this out with raw numbers.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

8 years ago

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The most common factors to identify those people are:

  • they win many games, even some AAA ones;
  • they never say thanks after a win;
  • they never make giveaways, or just one for a cheap game to get to level 1;
  • they attempt to make giveaways for free games;
  • they use bots or autojoin scripts to join giveaways;
  • they have unactivated wins, and possibly attempts at regifts;
  • they have multiple wins, even with months passing between them, but happily receive all of them;
  • they don't play their won games, even if they're highly-sought-after titles;
  • they never visit the forums, and if they do, it's only to complain;
  • they often come from certain countries (the 2nd, 5th, and 9th in the third chart are the most common ones).
8 years ago

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I saw one person when going through my ratio restricted no rules violations group to see if anyone had fallen out of eligibility who had a great ratio, but when I checked they had multiple wins of the same game on their account. It was unexpected, but it does happen.

8 years ago

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It does happen, when they happily receive any gift without even checking them, and hastily input the keys on Steam.
Although most of the times, it's from dev-sponsored giveaways with similar end times.

8 years ago

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In all honesty I don't deem anyone to be a leech, no matter how "bad" their ratio is. Because I care about the individual, not their wallet size.

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8 years ago*

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Numbers are not important.
Only thing that matters is if somebody plays games, or just take part in GA's for Profitz™.

8 years ago

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no potato option?
ohhh how dare you?!

forget numbers, only see facts and overall behavior of the subject, there's your answer, at least that's in my book.

8 years ago

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Use 0.25 ratio as potato

8 years ago

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I'm not much of a ratio whore, and I get annoyed by people who are. But, considering how cheap bundles are, and how it's even possible to get giftable games for free (e.g. tremor) there's no excuse to have a 100 to 1 ratio

8 years ago

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I think more important than ratio is behaviour. Apart from people with 100+ wins and no given, for me a leecher is somebody who can't be bothered to say thanks to the creator of the GA he's won!

8 years ago

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Probably my ratio

8 years ago

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just kidding

8 years ago

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Oh noes!

8 years ago

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It kinda just depends on context with how many they've won or lost and the value of what they give/receive. But there are some cases where it's just obvious from the start. I've had a guy win one of my giveaways with around 30 games sent and 650 won, with his most recent giveaway being over a year ago. I mean, at that point, you've just gotta say "Alright, you've had enough".

I don't care too much about ratios overall though. If somebody's sent 10x the number of games as they've sent, somebody has to have 10x received as they've sent. More important than ratio to me is just being thankful for a win and being polite. A little "Thanks man!" can go a long way.

8 years ago*

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I'm more like vampire already

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8 years ago

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Thanks for Rush for Berlin! (゚∀゚)ノ゙

8 years ago

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Thanks, I got World End Economica. =D

8 years ago

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ninjas got the rest

8 years ago

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