Most don't even seem to give a damn about someone having said thank you after you won, i doubt they care just as much about one's review.
There would be some offcourse that appreciate it, but there are so many people here, i myself seen it happen once that someone wrote something to a friend who gifted something, and on one of my giveaways (but that's 1 out of 1500+).
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I started to beat much more games, still not much for other ones, since i got a BLAEO acc. and set it up.
Since that time i write the gifters a short info when i played a game or copy them a link to a review i wrote about it + a short comment.
Right now i try to play old(er) wins and stuff that don't need 400h :-D
And trust me i, often, suffer from the most of that old won games i play and review.
But i picked that games with pure intention to punish me for the GA's i entered around 2 years ago. That i don't forget to be much more picky now :-D
Of course that happened automatic after a time at sg but i think that "reminder" is not the worst and i really try to give bad rated and small/cheap games the same fair chance, as i would give a AAA Game, to impress me with something prefered in the positive way :-D.
And when i think i suffered enough i will switch to the wins that i expect that will hit my taste to 100% and be a pleasure to play :o)
The most gifters like that feedback.
And as a gifter i got maybe 5-10 feedbacks with over 1100 GA's made.
So it is far from common that people play their wins and write then something to/about it.
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Out of curiosity. Why enter on giveaway if you know there is little chance of ever playing the game?
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I've been trying to write a short "review" after 100%-ing newer wins, though I'm not good with... Talking™... so it's kinda messy and probably more annoying than anything else. :X
About one or two people cared at all so far though it is a pretty small sample size...
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I've been thinking about dropping a follow up thanks when finishing the game. But I can't recall I've done that lately..
There are several of my wins that are really great games but I just haven't managed to complete them yet (or start one or two of them).. I will definitely hit the givers up with follow up massage that I did play it and it wasn't squandered. But probably only if they answer to my initial thanks, because if they don't care about me saying thanks for winning, I highly doubt they will care if I comment something else there
PS. Because I like to communicate with winners of my games and I would love to see someone comment what they thought of a game I sent the.
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I think I've only done it once because the game I won (Yoku's Island Express) really caught me off guard.
I thought it was just a metroidvania where platforming was centered around rolly-rolly physics and that there was minimal pinball, but then everything changed when the fire nation attacked the pinball mechanics became more and more prominent as the game went on, I thought, "uh oh, we gon' have a bad time" but then I didn't have a bad time. It was quite the opposite, in fact.
When a game with mechanics that you're bad at (I'm an absolute potato at pinball even as a kid, I played Solitaire and Minesweeper instead) or even lowkey hate ends up making you have fun and maybe even making you like the same mechanics you thought you hated, then the game is great in my eyes.
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That was like me with Remember Me. I'd never played a fighting game / beat 'em up / whatever you want to call it. Never played anything with combo attacks. But the graphics and story looked pretty cool, and then I won it, so I played it and it ended up being one of my favorite games, and one of my favorite 100% accomplishments (since I suck, but still persevered to beat the game on hard and get lots of difficult-for-me achievements).
By the way, Yoku's Island Express looks really fun. I played it for about 20 minute's on my son's account. I really liked pinball as a kid, though. I even won a small pinball tournament once as a kid!
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I don't but I'm also fairly new.. I'm thinking that it may be awkward to send feedback especially if you have beaten the game a long time after.. If it's a friend yeah for sure.. But from public giveaways it depends.
What I really do try though is to say to my thank you message why I like the game in the first place and why I wanted to win it (I don't collect games or cards so I'll only enter a game I wanna play or check out etc).
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I haven't left a review on any giveaways myself after finishing some of my wins, but I once got feedback from someone (well twice from the same user) which was a nice surprise that they finished the game (not sure if I'd like it on every giveaway but maybe once in a while) :)
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Haha yes first saw it from you thanks for those cool updates xD
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I only commented (apart from thanks) after i finished playing for my win in PA group since they have a rule to finish your wins in a month, but i always write a review after i finished a game nowadays as long as they can be reviewed. Not sure if the giveaway creator like it when you do that though. The last time i did i got no response so maybe there are people who don't care about it. I'll still do it with the same constraint, but maybe i'll stop if i see that people are getting bothered by it.
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I sometimes make reviews about won games and write at the end that I've won it in a giveaway on SteamGifts.
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Yup. I try to leave a comment everytime I finish all my wins. Even when giveaway creator didn't connect after three years.
I usually explain a little about the game and my reason to enter (since I only enter giveaways I'll play) and then I explain how much the game entertained me. The last one was Apotheon and the one of my oldest was Hatred (I think). I didn't comment in some givaways I finished the main story because I still didn't get all achievements. But... I'll comment on them soon since almost them all are installed waiting for achievement completion.
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I did a couple of times. But i feel like gifters dont have much interest in the game for me to do that. Maybe just because i am like that so i feel like that I would have really liked if i get a conversation about the game after i beat it with the gifter.
Also everyone mentioning "how they like the game" but also you may not like the game. That would be fine conversation too.
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If it's a giveaway I really enjoyed, I do it sometimes, just to give my appreciations of the fun times the person allowed me to have as a result of their giveaway.
I also like receiving such messages, especially if it's a game I gave that I really liked, its just cool to know the person's opinion on the game if they won it and played it. But it's also ok if they don't.
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I did it sometimes in the past, for games I particularly loved, and some of my winners did too... always a great pleasure to read that someone enjoyed a game you gifted :-)
I also started recently a group based more or less on that principle, in case you are interested you can have a look there:
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so i was thinking.. i always feel good about beating my sg wins or when a winner of one of my giveaways gives more than just a thanks by telling me how much they've been wanting to play that game. i think it'd be good to know that a game i've given away has actually been played and enjoyed. maybe leave a comment after finishing a win you especially enjoyed with an extra thanks and a short anecdotal review or something like that. i know some groups do this at some scale, but i'm curious if there's any precedent in regards to public giveaways.
i'm certainly not suggesting this should be common practice on top the obligatory "thanks" for winning the game. simply wondering what you guys think about it, or if anyone already does it.
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