Do you also think most of the point of click games just suck and copies of each other?
I actually like the dedalic point and click games alot more than others
Deponia was fun idk
Most point and click games are pretty badly done tho
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I only played the first Deponia, it was fun though some solutions were too hard for me, I had too look some things up.
Then after a few years I picked up the complete edition to play all 3 games but couldn't even finish the first game thanks to glitches.
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I love point and click games, the old ones and the new ones. I actually have this one on my wishlist but yeah my fucking dota 2 beta wins ....Your account is flagged as having multiple wins for the same game.
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See this is more dedalic
OP gave one of the best point and click studios as an example of one's he didn't like so idk guess it's just not for them
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Maybe I played the wrong ones, do you have any recommendations that are not so hard?
I think it depends on the game.
Cognition for example is pretty decent, and I don't recall senseless puzzles there.
Kathy Rain is also enjoyable, again the puzzles did not feel absurd to me. I didn't love the ending but it was a nice ride nonetheless.
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I found Cognition to be really janky in the way it run, it's bad Unity stuff - mouse input felt really weird in it.
I can't recommend Day of the Tentacle Remastered enough though - just remember that some say that it always rains just after washing the car.
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The thing about Day of the Tentacle is that it's at first glance it can look like it requires the "try everything" approach. but you'll soon find out it runs on it's own consistent logic, and there's hints scattered around in different ways.
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I would actually advise against it, they are a horrible example of my favourite genre. I literally can't get where all this love from modern gamers is coming from, it's mediocre at bast. It's visually horrible, the characters are shallow and boring, and I just can't remember the story.
If you want to get the feeling of how a genuinely good classic point-and-click adventure looks like while also avoiding occasionaly ridiculous puzzles of old games, try some WadjetEye titles, most of them are amazingly well-written and have balanced (not too easy, but totally logical) gameplay. I'd recommend to start with Primordia; Gemini Rue, Blackwell series and Technobabylon are also among my favourites.
The Cat Lady is a brilliant psychiatric-philosophical horror that's not technically point-and-click, but it's still the same genre. I can't praise this game (as well as the second part of the trilogy, Downfall) enough.
Fran Bow is another example of modern horror point-and-click and another case of awesome writing; once again, if my memory serves me, except for 1 puzzle, everything is logical there (although sometimes that logic may seem weird).
The Longest Journey is simply one of the best games in the genre ever developed, and once again, most of the time the game doesn't have logic issues (that is, if you get some basics of the said genre mechanics, of course).
And I should have just begun with it. Just play Full Throttle, the game has been remastered recently. It's easy, it's dynamic and witty - basically, it's fun. It's also one of the most highly acclaimed point-and-click adventure games ever, so you can's go wrong with this one.
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I also have the same issue with most Daedalic games, there's quite a few logical leaps in the solutions that just didn't feel natural or my process of thinking is vastly different than what's expected in the genre.
However recently I've played quite a number of actually fun P&C games like Stick it to The Man!(it's a weird mix of P&C and platformer) and The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief. The first is a short, humorous game with over the top jokes and very straightforward puzzles, the hardest ones usually didn't even had to do with what goes where itself but some of the puzzle platforming bits. The second is a bit longer but it's a homage to Agatha Christie's work, sometimes even directly including mentions of her works(the whole story starts on the Orient Express for example) and there's a nice balance of humor, intrigue and murder. Even if those prove not to be your cup of tea either I'm sure there's a few others around that will eventually appeal to you!
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I never use that because a logical person can turn that into a pickup line.
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No idea what you're talking about. It's a line children use rather often in elementary school.
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Insult swordfighting.... with rhyme!
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Awesome idea and a very cool little verselet! However, I'm afraid that as a game mechanic it would be brutally hard :)
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It's mostly hard on the writers for the game.
Curse of Monkey Island did it already, and it played basically the same as the insult sword fighting in the first Secret of Monkey island game.
Get insulted -> remember the insult -> use insult on others -> hopefully get the retort.
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It's been almost 20 years since the last time I played Monkey Island 3. So naturally I do not remember much of it. Oh I wish that game to be re-released.
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No one suggested Machinarium? It's a classic that's pretty simple.
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No, really. Play the entire Monkey Island series. (Not to be confused with "Tales of Monkey Island.") And Day of the Tentacle. And Grim Fandango, although you may want hints for that one.
The best PnC adventure games put the emphasis on story and setting, with "puzzles" worked seamlessly into the mix. In a good point-and-click, you barely notice the puzzle elements because they are part of the world your character inhabits.
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Tales of Monkey Island from Telltale games don't have that UI but I wouldn't suggest you another Monkey Island or another hilarious adventure game. Hilarious adventure games tends to have more senseless solutions compared to serious/semi-serious adventure games since their puzzles are based on humor. There are many good adventure games I can suggest but most of them are hilarious so I will only suggest Beneath a Steel Sky. It is free on GoG.
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Don't be scared by the interface of old point and click games once you play one game the others ones feels quite "natural". Indiana Jones games are very good as monkey island or day of the tentacle but the last two have some weird solutions, although that don't increase the difficulty of the game. In general lucas arts old point an click games are all very enjoyable. Broken sword games are also very good.
I've also heard very good words about the new "Thimbleweed Park".
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Yeah, but there's a questline in part 2 that requires a lot of trial and error unless you're playing with a walkthrough.
If I remember correctly they were trying to make the biggest, most complex puzzle ever.
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Only the "maze" needs a walkthrough. The gamers of today don't map mazes the way we used to do back in "the old days."
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Naw, the maze wasn't the problem. if you're referring to that part where you have to find the swordmasters house in the forrest
If I remember correctly that was actually pretty easy for me. The part I was talking about is a giant puzzle spread over several islands and if I remember correctly it somehow involved the governor's mansion (and potentially a post office / library).
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Wasn't that in The Curse of Monkey Island (third game)? Even then, it wasn't that difficult to figure out.
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Almost certain it wasn't in part 3 because that was my introduction to Monkey Island so I remember it pretty well.
It's sad that it's not on Steam. With the timeless comic graphics it wouldn't even require a remake.
It's been so long ago it's hard to remember but it involved the Phatt City Library but IIRC that was just one puzzle which was part of a huge questline that involved several others.
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It sounds like your talking about the part when you need to find all the map pieces to big whoop.
One was in the governors mansion where there was a fancy dress party happening. One was being held by a skeleton in a bath tub after a drinking contest. You could buy another from a shop, but only if you traded it with a giant figurehead from underwater. The final one was in the cooks grave.
What a game, and made even better with the remaster!
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Then the genre simply is not really for you.
I love classic p&c,, one of them is King's quest it brings lovely early teenage memory..
Imagine you play it on 1980s. Maybe it will be a different story
New one.. umm telltale's grapich adventure games, Deadlic adventure
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Note for non-players:
Well, to be honest, that is the hardest/more illogical puzzle in the entire game. After that the rest is kinda logical. Sadly the ducky puzzle happens early in the game :P I think not a single TLJ player will ever forget it (btw I replayed it some months ago).
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Only the bad ones require a lot of trial and error and randomly trying to combine everything with everything else.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis or the Blackwell franchise would be examples for Adventures where most puzzles actually make sense.
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I tend to dislike them too. Lack of logic and common sense is a very trending tendency in these games and I give up without finishing them. I had to give up on Deponia because at some point the puzzles made no sense at all and were in the "gotta read the devs minds" failure category. Then I gave up on Crystals of Time because of the no clues and backtracking in time travel. Same reason I also gave up on Tick Tock Isle a few days ago. They drop the players with vague clues that could be anything and they're left to just spend their time visiting all the maps in all the different periods of time and talking to all the NPCs before desperately attempting voodoo things. Myst and Raven games... terrible graphics and sounds, moving around and trying stuffs out take ages, puzzles make little sense and there are just too many interpretable possibilities and things to visit.
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random things matching other random things can be a fun game mechanic if done right. A lot of classic point'n'clicks as well as newer ones were more or less comedy titles or at least having comedy elements. If you'd had to combine fishing rod with a rubber duck in a horror game it would be shitty solution, but such absurd solution in comedy game or game with comedy elements may add up to an experience. It makes you laugh when you finally get it.
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I absolutely hated Deponia, couldn't play it for long - but there are loads of brilliant point and click games. Especially the classics like the first 2 Monkey Islands, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Beneath a Steel Sky, Sam & Max Hit the Road - all awesome. Lots of more recent ones too - Machinarium, The Samorost series, The Blackwell series, Shivah... A surprising amount of variety there, and none of them will frustrate you like Deponia (if you're anything like me)!
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none of them will frustrate you like Deponia
Try playing it (in the original language) german. I wanted to punch Rufus for every single word he said.
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Ha! I found him annoying enough in English! Did the "humour" work better in German?
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Did the "humour" work better in German?
I don't think it does. I liked the english voice over way better after I restarted it because I couldn't stomach the german voice acting anymore. The problem is that I'm austrian and while Germany and Austria share the same language, in the german version all characters talk in a dialect (or maybe type of colloquial german would be more appropriate) that makes you wanna strangle them very slowly.
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Play the A New Beginning in english, you'll cry and beg for the german-german. I'm sure the main character's voiceactor was dead inside, he has as much passion in it as google text-to-speech.
I played The Whispered World with german speech and english text to mostly understand it, it was impossible for me with german-german :D But the commentary is in a strong(ish) dialect and the written english version is littered with grammatical errors and typos... so not everything is sunny and shiny that was one by Daedalic :\
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Interesting. I haven't played A New Beginning yet but I plan to at some point because the theme seems interesting.
Whispered World on the other hand I don't think I'll ever play. (although I own it) I hate clowns. Particularly sad ones :D
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There are a few I would like to finish / play at some point but to be honest, right now there are no Daedalic games particularly high in my To Play list. They just don't live up to Wadjet Eye Games (games) in my opinion.
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You got a point there with not having played enough to form an educated opinion. I'm afraid the same applies to me and I should probably play more before I make my final judgement.
But Wadjet Eye just does everything right from what I can tell so far. Want information about a bar ? You don't go into the sewers under New York where there is an ancient stone tablet that has for some reason the information you need. You use the internet! That's the kind of grounded and reasonable logic I would like to see more in adventures. And using Joey as an optional hint system (from part 2 on) is just brilliant in my opinion and improved the flow for me a lot.
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Personally, I love point and click, but it's true that some are not so good and have some ridiculous puzzle. One of my favorites are The Book of Unwritten tales series. There's also the Wadjet eyes games: The Blackwell series for exemple. Thank you for the great GA <3
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I've been suprised by a few point and click games. The Gobliiins series for example made me laugh and rage quite a few times, and more recently, there has been a lovely LOVELY game called Dropsy which was so enjoyable and cute and OH GOD THERE IS A BUTOON TO HUG THINGS :)))
Also as a kid I had a lot of fun with the Humonguous Entertainment series (namely Spy Fox, but also Putt-Putt, Freddy Fish and Pajama Sam).
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I love point and click games. My favorites are also the Daedalic and Telltale stuff, Black Mirror (if you like dark games and don't place too much value on graphics xD) and Oknytt (beautiful art style, especially if you're into Swedish folklore). Broken Sword is also a classic.
I like those games mostly because of either their sinister and mysterious atmosphere or the humour. And to be honest, I don't like too complicated keyboard controls since in my heart of hearts - hold your pacemakers ready! - I'm a console peasant. People are just different. In my personal opinion Deponia is a shining example of its kind and if you weren't thrilled I guess most of the others aren't going to delight you either.
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I'm not a huge fan of point & click adventure games that uses "moon logic" (logic that don't really make any sense), nor do I like pixel hunting. But there are adventure games that I do enjoy, like Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper, The Dig, Myst, Schizm, Syberia and so on.
So I don't like most of the games by Daedalic, nor am I a massive fan of the old Sierra titles, or the old Lucas Arts titles (although The Dig was made by Lucas Arts)
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Broken Age is a rather divisive game. Most people enjoy the first half of the game, but a lot of people absolutely hate the second half of it. I think I've come across far more people who hate the second half than who think it's great, although enjoying the second half is not a unique opinion.
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I don't understand why it is fun to randomly try every other object on random places. Most solutions don't even make sense. What am I missing? Maybe I played the wrong ones, do you have any recommendations that are not so hard?
I don't think I played any classic point and click games. I heard some are really good, like Sanitarium? Most of the ones I played are from Daedelic.
I guess I need to make a giveaway for a point and click game now, here is Chronicle of Innsmouth. It looks like it's only for hardcore point and click fans, definitely not for me.
Good luck!
EDIT: I'm being blacklisted because I don't like point and click games, bring it on people! I also hate Denuvo, Kanye West sucks, Hitler did nothing wrong and Barbie rocks! I must also say I don't like to go out and drink all night, blacklists pls?
Thanks a lot for your replies, I started playing Anna's Quest and I'll continue with other recommendations.
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