I sold my xbox before I went to Iraq back in the day to buy my girlfriend a super expensive necklace that she lost, but I bought another one when I got back.
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nah I bought it online from some retailer in new zealand
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Sorry, misunerstood your comment, thought that you are saying immoral things and do not treat veterens well. And also apparently I have no sence of humor)
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You, Sir, have a high sense of priorities.
Hats off to you.
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nope she lost the necklace and a watch I bought her, so jewelry at this point is a no.
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I think we're all misunderstood this as: His girlfriend lost an expensive necklace and he went to Iraq, sold her xbox to replace it.
But no. He sold his xbox to buy a necklace for his girlfriend, went to Iraq, got back and he bought another xbox since he was mad at her girlfriend because of losing the necklace.
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yeah that is a concern that I have with selling my rig. I just find it being so under-utilised now that it's more of a buyer's remorse thing now more than anything. I could consider selling just my GPU or other non-essentials though, so someone else can actually use them.
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Yeah I'm aware of it, which is why I'm still having second thoughts.
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It's only a few months old and the retail prices for all the parts are pretty much the same from when I bought them. What you said is another reason why I considered selling, actually.
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fair enough lol. to be fair though I don't really see myself getting tired of cycling per se since I commute to uni/work on my bike, but I could potentially lose interest in training for a race or a super long ride.
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That is a fair point, though when I actually decide to buy a new rig in a few years the specs will be a lot better lol
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You got the point but i don't think it's the same for computer parts because every few years you just buy another high end pc and ditch the old one. The more problem i think is if he get tired of cycling and that his rig is only one month old, he will lose so much in value selling it just one month old.
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No) I don't even have a proper rig, but being passionate about something is truly valuable!) I am not that much of a gamer myself and wish you luck with it)
Honestly I'm jealous, I wish I had a good enough rig to sell it ;Ь
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Thanks! I used my tax refund from last year, which was really the only reason why I could afford it lol.
I do really see myself really getting into cycling since I live in a cycling-friendly city (Canberra, Australia) and I've joined my uni's club. It's a lot of fun, and is a relatively easy way to stay fit.
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I know, which is also another reason why I got into the sport in the first place. Whereabouts are you btw? I hear Melbourne has the best road racing scene in Aus though
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Selling your gaming rig? I can't wrap my head around this... It's like asking if someone has sold off a member of their family. :P
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haha fortunately for me I never really got too attached to my rig since I haven't gamed that much ever since I got it. Just look at it as replacing one expensive hobby with another lol
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What are your specs and how much are you thinking about selling it for??
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i5-6600K, Sapphire R9 390, 16gb of mismatched DDR4 RAM (probably will sell those separately though). No exact price yet, though maybe slightly close to what they still retail for.
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That time when you have to sell all your weed when switching to coke, I feel you :^)
On the other hand, PC is general use equipment, just sell your expensive top of the line GPU if you have one. You might want to cut some video from cycling trips in few weeks or something completely different, yet demanding in computing power.
Also, you've made me flashback to my teenage years, where some annually rebuild their whole existence around whatever seemed cool at that time (and I know you probably aren't same case).
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My R9 390 is definitely overkill for video editing - I could sell it for close to retail (maybe) and maybe get a 750Ti if I need to. Should also be enough to get an entry-level GoPro or GoPro-like action camera.
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I'd never do it.But, my friend sold his rig, bought a motorcycle. He's ... having relationships with lots of different women for the last 2 years but I don't think he's happy. He's literally suicidal, last time we talked he was going with 180 kmph.
Also another friend sold his rig to buy an electro guitar, some high end stuff I don't know. He paid about 4000$. I never saw nor talked to him after that (he kinda screwed me, broke a promise, left me homeless) but I guess he's doing fine. He still doesn't have a band though.
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Oh damn, how are you holding up these days though? Hope you've bounced back from what that dickhead of a friend of yours did. In any case, I wish you all the best, as well as with your other friend. I hope he finds his happiness eventually.
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After a solid year of playing Hitman I sold my primo gaming rig to buy a silencer so I could take real world gigs. Unfortunately, I didn't read the ad carefully enough and now an ex-librarian follows me around shushing me if I get too loud.
Anyways, long story short, I do not recommend selling your gaming rig to take up a hobby.
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Heh, I see what you did there though.
Maybe I can consider selling a few parts here and there (I might try filming some of my rides with a GoPro), though my four-year-old laptop got a bit of a refresh with an SSD and has become reasonably capable of most computing tasks
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Well, all I can say is if you do go ahead with this plan, just make sure you're getting a bike meant to handle riding on roads, and not a huge bike suitable for a road to take for a ride.
(Best of luck in your endeavors).
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Thanks! I did buy a cyclocross so I can also ride on slightly rougher terrain like gravel and mud. I'd occasionally put slick tires on it when I go on group rides for a smoother feel.
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Hey, nico. As a cyclist myself, I know how easy it is to drop silly money on a high-end bike, so I thought you might appreciate this video from a guy who compares ride times and wattages on his $8,000 bike vs. his $500 bike. Here's another little snippet where he talks about the same budget bike (which he's riding up a climb during the footage). Personally though, I went second-hand and spent $500 on a full carbon bike that originally retailed for over $2,000, so you can still ride a nice bike on the cheap without having to part with your gaming rig. :)
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Hey yeah, I've seen that durianrider vid a while ago and considered getting the same exact bike. I ended up getting a cyclocross at my LBS for about $1400 and I'm loving it so far. I'd just use 28c slicks for group rides, though my canti brakes can be better. I could still get a cheap racing-specific bike later on if I would consider racing.
The main reason why I'm selling my rig isn't really money, but more of it being underutilised for what it is. I could also consider selling my just my GPU and get something cheaper for maybe video editing or whatnot.
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Are you crazy?!
Don't come here posting horror stories like this. I can't handle it.
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I can't see myself selling my pc as of now. But who knows what will happen. At the moment I'm gaming a lot (like almost all free time I have, except for when I play guitar), so it's a good investment for me. But I guess if I didn't game that much and really wanted to get an amazing guitar or something I might sell it.
I recommend you hold on to it though. Maybe you get more spare time in the future and want to play some games then. If you don't use it much it can last for a long time and even though the requirements might be higher then, you could still play games that are new now.
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I could consider just selling my GPU and maybe get a cheaper one for maybe some video editing in the future. I'm still weighing my options though.
Also, good point on the better longevity, I'm definitely considering this aspect as well in my decision.
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fair enough, though I'm mostly selling just cause it feels so underutilised for what it is. I can always just sell my GPU or other stuff, but nothing solid yet
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i doupt i will ever quit gaming i game and also excercise at the gym i just find money and time for both
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fair enough, at least you're staying fit. I actually stopped going to the gym myself partly because of cycling, but I could come back maybe in the colder months
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cycling can be a good excersize , i ike bodybuiding and lifting wieghts , gaming makes us sit infront of a monitor quite a lot so we all must find a way to excercise and stay fit
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sold my old collection (atari 2600, 2 game boys, intellivision II, sega master system, one brazilian NES clone and a s#!tl0@d of games for all of those) to pay my bills. not the best hobby in the world.
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yeah I feel you. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
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I've done it, 1995 - sold my then games and programming PC, packed in my programming job so I could go to Glastonbury festival (couldnt get leave from work) - met up with my gf (now wife) and left the world of computers and gaming behind for a short time (4 years infact), got back to doing quite a lot of hiking, and quite a bit of gigging during that time. Honestly dont regret it one bit :D
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Wow that was probably the best money spent from selling a PC. I'd want to do something similar someday - I want to try dropping everything and go bike touring for a few months to see how far I can go and see all the sights that Australia has on offer. I might have to really save up on a trip like that though.
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I red "streaming service 'Satan" and "to buy a high-end LSD"... OK, I think I'm going to bed now.
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Well, since you mentioned "not racing", "long distance", "touring" and "selling", here's my two cents:
Up to a point, cycling is as expensive as you want to make it. If you're just starting out, you don't necessarily need the latest and greatest, high-end material all across (in fact, most people don't)... for things like long distance, picking a quality saddle (that fits you well) and clothing is more important than having an expensive frame (actually as far as frames and bikes generally go, having one that fits well is of paramount importance; so don't fall into the trap of just having a cursory "eyeball fit" done at the LBS)
Generally for touring the emphasis is on durability, sturdiness, and ability to perform emergency repairs on the road. This is basically why many tourers prefer to use bar-ends rather than integrated shifters and to keep things as simple and non-proprietary as possible (if the spoke of a high-end crabon wheel breaks in the middle of nothing, or even in the middle of something, good luck finding a suitable replacement - chances are it'll have to be sourced direct from the manufacturer)
Of course, there is a thing like CC touring, but since you mention selling stuff I'm guessing you're more likely to do loaded touring instead. What the high end stuff is, generally, exactly the opposite: not necessarily durable (think titanium sprockets), not sturdy (because of lightness), and most often than not, very proprietary (a pain in the ass). This stuff is made to be light and expensive, so don't listen to the armchair cyclists and/or serial upgraders - seriously, there's people in this hobby who just keep buying and collecting stuff - not unlike gaming, you'll probably say. Well, I think cycling is worse.
I'm not overstating: there's a long history of high-end, super light racing frames that developed (and still develop) fatigue cracks due to the walls being too thin key places. If we're talking racing parts, better keep in mind that the pros generally have a constant supply of bikes and parts made available to them and that which stays in use is constantly being maintained, that's why reliability is not a big issue for them.
As for racing, your potential is determined partly genetically and partly by how long you have been riding with continuity. This means unless you're a big guy, the average cyclist with years of riding under their belt is probably able to drop you without much effort on flats.
FWIW, I know many racers prefer to ride mid-range equipment in competition, because of the money at stake in case of a crash. The benefits from running high-end parts are, for the most part, very little or negligible (diminishing returns and all that). There are exceptions of course, but you will hear all kind of claims about "how many mph" a certain part will buy you, so be wary: if you're a data oriented person, better yet with some understanding of physics, you shouldn't have too many problems to sort out bad advice from the good.
That's about all I can think of right now.
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I'm not really looking to spend way too much, in fact I got a 2013 model cyclocross to be a do-it-all bike. As with the accessories, I'll be mostly buying stuff off Wiggle, CRC, Nashbar, and maybe even eBay. Touring won't happen anytime soon - maybe once I finish uni or even later. I might even have an entirely different bike for that. I'd also consider racing at some point, but maybe when I feel I'm good enough and when I'm earning a little bit more.
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for the mental state of everyone else you share the road with MAKE SURE TO STAY OFF THE FUCKING ROAD. and if you cant pull off cause "its rocky", GET OFF AND PICK UP THE BIKE.
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Even though I don't ride on the road (I'm lucky enough to be in a city with decent shared paths and other cycling infrastructure), I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with what you said. Cyclists have the legal right to ride on the road just as much as motorists do, and that riding on the pavement is illegal in most countries and a lot more unsafe for cyclists and pedestrians alike.
Maximum speed limits are meant to be a guideline - what about those tractors in the country roads as well as other slow moving vehicles? Do you want them to get off the road and get onto the pavement too? Just man up and be patient. That shouldn't be too hard to do.
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how about this, me and my brother were almost sent to the hospital because of a cyclist, because he rode on roads that HE SHOULD NOT HAVE RODE ON (CURVY MOUNTAIN ROADS) a car had to dodge his 7 MPH ass going up a hill at 40 - 45 MPH (THE SPEED LIMIT) around a corner, I had to dodge that car that had to keep from KILLING SOMEONE, because they wanted to ride a fucking bike on a fucking road that was WRONG to ride on
can YOU go the speed limit, NO
do you have all the LEGAL lights that EVERY OTHER VEHICLE REQUIRES TO BE A ROAD VEHICLE? usually NO
can YOU get out of the way in case of emergency, NO (you people actively chose to not even get over into the BIKE LANE so its possible to pass
do YOU have ANY means of protecting yourself in a collision with a CAR?
maximum speed limits are there to KEEP PEOPLE SAFE, if someone RUNS YOUR ASS OVER cause they came around a corner that says 45 and you're going 9 MPH, THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT
i like how you said pavement, you mean sidewalks, and its ILLEGAL for you to ride there
there are places for bike, there are bike trails, bike routes, bike lanes, and BIKE FRIENDLY ROADS
note: i rode my skateboard on the roads for many years, i ALWAYS watched for traffic, and IMMEDIATELY just rode right off the road RESPECTING the drivers that have the RIGHT to be there
I rode my bike on the road for many years, i ALWAYS watched for traffic, and IMMEDIATELY just rode off the road/picked up my bike/got out of their way/stayed in the bike lane, RESPECTING the drivers that have the RIGHT to be there
and tractors have a RIGHT to be there, they don't drive down roads to go to town they drive it to their other field to WORK, they are WORK VEHICLES, just like that big rig that has to take BIG SLOW TURNS (not going to make him wait to make a turn cause he's slow right?), or the STREET SWEEPER, OR THE GARBAGE TRUCK, do THEY go the speed limit, most the time no, CAN they, most the time YES (tractors being the exception MOST of the time), do they have WARNINGS, are they BIG, are they EASY TO SEE, do they have LIGHTS, and are they VEHICLES that are basically a STEEL PROTECTIVE CAGE TO SAVE THEM FROM THE POTENTIAL 45 MPH CRASH?
what do you say to that kid that in their teens has to deal with KILLING someone cause they just didn't NOTICE you.
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I totally understand where you're coming from, but you are just generalising here. Of course there are dickhead cyclists on the road giving us a bad name, but not all of us are like them. I am sorry that you were almost in an accident, but I don't really see how the cyclist was at fault there. He was just riding his bike on a road that he had every right to ride on, unless he did something wrong that you didn't mention.
Cyclists have the right to be on the roads just as much as tractors and street sweepers. If they're not visible enough, it's their fault for not trying to do so. Of course, I did mention that I almost never ride on the road, so I might just be speaking out of my ass here.
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all i have seen are (dickhead cyclists), know who you are associating with, they DO NOT have the right to be there, because they have no care for ANYONE on the road than them
and in my opinion, NO ONE should be at fault when one of you gets RAN OVER, but YOU should be at fault when you cause a wreck. does that make it clear.
and do you not CARE that MOST DRIVERS that have ANY problem with cyclists disagrees with you on the fact they have the right to the road.
they have the RIGHT to ride on the road IF they don't impede traffic, follow ALL rules and LAWS, have a FULL set of lights (headlights brake lights and turn signals (just like EVERY motor-cycle (what would make you think you're better than them to not have to follow all the laws that they have to?)) (did you know(at least in my state, California) that if you have more than 5 cars behind you you are impeding traffic and its required that you pull over and let them pass?(this is while in a car)) ( also did you know that the cops have a right to pull you over for going 7 miles UNDER a posted speed limit to find out why since you are creating a TRAFFIC HAZARD?)
seriously its like you completely neglected the fact that cars CANT STOP IN TIME when they come around a blind corner to see someone that should not be there, that CAN NOT go the speed limit, HAS no lights, and is in NO WAY PROTECTED FROM A COLLISION
do you know what choice you have at that point, most likely KILL SOMEONE or try and miss them and WRECK (and most likely that biker wont give a shit, wont get in trouble, and wont even pay attention to what the hell that was cause they're in their own world)
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Again with the generalising. Most cyclists follow the rules of the road as much as motorists do, and there are dickhead motorists who deliberately try to injure or even kill cyclists for a variety of reasons. Your stance whose fault it is on cyclists getting run over is very disturbing, which is another reason for me to not ride on the road.
As with the cars not being able to brake on time, it's usually the case with stupid cyclists that run red lights and whatnot. If he/she followed the rules of the road that shouldn't have to happen.
With all that said, not every cyclist fits the description that you've given us, except maybe for the speed (or lack thereof). At least try to learn to share the road.
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do you even know what a BLIND CORNER IS?
and I'M VERY VERY VERY VERY (hard to express) HAPPY that my opinion helps keep you off the road.
as for cars not being able to stop on time a normal car going 40 and with THE BEST CONDITIONS (see's the cyclist, not wet ground, no distractions at ALL) takes over 200 feet, let alone a bigger cars and worn tires.
you don't seem to understand that YOU are not the majority of cyclists out there, i have NEVER seen a SINGLE courteous biker(CORRECTION: that was a CYCLIST, bmx bikes, skate boards, PEDESTRIANS get out of the way for the 2000 pound hunks of steel cause they aren't stuck up pricks who feel they own the road cause they spend thousands on a bike, i have NEVER seen a biker pull off the road, or stop, they may BARELY move over. like "here, im going WAY to slow, but break the law and pass me on a double yellow and hang half your car in the other lane why don't you"
YOU are not what you are supporting.
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To be fair, it's much safer for a cyclist to take an entire lane instead of riding on the gutter - and in some cases in poorly placed bike lanes. It's not about being entitled pricks, it's about staying safe as a user of the road.
But hey, even some cops don't know this, and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.
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the fact you keep neglecting that you even BEING on the road with vehicles ENDANGERS PEOPLES LIVES is ridiculous
you can spin it ANY way you want, but EVERY CYCLIST killed by a vehicle (not by drunks, or freak accidents) has endangered OTHERS LIVES, every cyclist that had to have someone SWERVE AROUND THEM ENDANGERED PEOPLES LIVES, every cyclist that made someone come to a creeping slow pace is ENDANGERING PEOPLE'S LIVES
people crash because they have to dodge cyclists or because cars are going slow and they dont USUALLY HAVE to pay attention on a 45 MPH road for people going 9 MPH, or have to make a SPIT SECOND MANEUVER to NOT KILL A HUMAN BEING cause its hard to see a cyclist around a corner in a shady spot on a 45 MPH road that has no place for bikes
spin it any way you want.
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Those cases seem to all be impatient drivers trying to get around cyclists, or they just don't know how to share the road with them. I don't know about California, but here in Australia motorists are required to give a cyclist a space of at least 1 metre between them when overtaking. That should be enough room to stay within the lane.
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what are you talking about most cases are people GOING THE SPEED LIMIT and having to fucking swerve to miss a BIKE. YOU CANT SHARE THE ROAD WITH SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW IS THERE!!!
DAMN your roads must be WIDE, cause most roads dont have 5 FUCKING FEET FOR A CYCLIST and a lane for cars, i dont know about you, but i'm about 2 feet wide, and with 3 feet extra for that safety zone. how wide are most cars? around 6 feet right? so how do you have a DAMN NEAR FULL LANE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD
a LOT of the roads I have seen cyclists on, barely have enough road to fit 2 cars and the space i'd give someone RESPECTFULLY WALKING IN THE DITCH
all of what you said point to the fact that you would have held the cyclist that could have KILLED me and my brother at NO FAULT EVEN IF IT HAD HAPPENED
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Well in the case of driving through narrow roads, a cyclist should not be overtaken at all, and he/she has the right to take the whole lane. It's not the cyclists' fault that the US has terrible infrastructure (to be fair Australia has terrible roads too), and they are just using the road within their legal rights. Motorists just have to wait until they have the room to overtake them.
By your accounts, it seemed that the cyclist in question was just riding up a steep road, and the car that almost hit you was just too impatient.
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the car that was coming up the "hill" not that steep, just up, was going the RECOMMENDED speed limit of 40-45 around blind mountain corners that have a guard rail and a drop off of 100 feet or so on one side, and a sheer rock cliff on the other side, in what is actually a 55 MPH road, the car did not have time to break, and he HAD to swerve and miss the biker, i in turn was going the same speed and had to swerve out of the way of him because we all intersected at the same moment, i might sound a bit full of myself if i hadn't been paying attention to the road more than most , if i didn't KNOW my car very well and KNOW the road, cause I drive it two times almost EVERY day, there's no way i'd have stayed on the road and missed the other car, but because i DIDN'T wreck its ok? no.
when you endanger people with cars you get the right taken away, but when you are on a bike, you're free and clear from all wrong right? you cause an accident, not your fault, "he should have been going 9 MPH like me, cause I'm a bike, and you have to stop on a dime for me or you're in the wrong. truck hauling stuff? gotta slow down to 9, teenager doing her makeup in the mirror, the speed limit is 9 now within sight of me, family and kids, best not swerve into traffic cause I'm taking up the lane and you cant stop"
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Fair enough, blind spots are very tricky for drivers in that scenario. Still I don't see how that cyclist was in the wrong there - it just so happened to be an unfortunate series of events that would've been avoided if motorists and cyclists have a harmonious relationship on the roads.
Now I can't really defend my position well as I was not in the event - the cyclist may have done something dumb (wasn't visible enough, he didn't have a bell or horn loud enough to hear, etc). However this shouldn't justify your belief of not allowing cyclists on the road. Bicycles are considered vehicles on the road by law, and they are required to follow the rules of the road, etc.
In fact if it weren't for cyclists petitioning for better roads in the late 1800s, you wouldn't enjoy the smooth and wide roads that you're using right now (as detailed in this book: http://www.roadswerenotbuiltforcars.com/). But that is beside the point now.
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its called common sense, respect and courtesy NOT to ride on roads that you can DIE on and cause OTHERS to DIE on, its like the fucking fact that I'm drilling PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND HAVE KILLED CYCLISTS BECAUSE THEY CANT REACT QUICK ENOUGH WHEN COMING UP ON ONE GOING SO SLOW WITHOUT CRASHING IS GOING OVER YOUR HEAD!
and that is the saddest excuse for a point there, that roads would NEVER have been as good as they are if not in the 1800s people riding those weird first attempts at bikes with no rubber tires rode down ROADS BUILT FOR CARS AND HORSES and complained about it being too rough. ROADS where built for TRAVEL.
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Yeah, you know what, you've convinced me. Fuck cyclists and fuck bicycles on the road. Let's all just get fat and sit in our cars and emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. Let's all intimidate them with our cars' size and run them over because why the hell not? They're fucking annoying with all their yellow clothes and bright-ass lights and their gopros as if we need more reason to see their sorry asses.
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well shit, living emits CO2 and lots of other chemicals, so does cooking your meals, what about those carbon fiber bikes the plastic go pro's and the rubber tires, and holy shit, cause everyone wears those bright tights and has lights on their bikes, and follows the road rules, and give a shit about anyone else but them
you can point out whatever you want, CO2, right to be on the road, i have lights and colors, it makes no difference when there are places for you to ride, there's a TON of bike trails that go by rivers and through parks, but you dont see those cyclists out there do you, you dont see them taking it to a track, do you see cycling tracks, and trails where those type of cyclists ride no, they want to fucking be in the road, fuck getting bike paths make so its safe for everyone, fuck RIDING where the bike paths are right?
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Didn't I already mention that I almost never ride on the road. Of course I am aware of bike paths and trails. Cyclists still use them, but it isn't always the best route. We'd like to come on time at work too, you know, and what better way than to use a road that takes you directly to your destination? And the fact that lawmakers made laws to make it known that bicycles are vehicles on the road as well also helps.
But hey, yeah fuck cyclists anyway for taking your precious roads that they also paid for. Fuck cyclists for being the same exact person that you've ever seen on a bicycle. Fuck cyclists for not pleasing you and doing what you want. Fuck cyclists that don't recognize that cars are the king of the fucking road.
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Roads are for travel. Bicycles are for travel. Therefore, roads are for bicycles.
Bicycles have all the rights of every other road-going vehicle. There are tons of places without bike-specific connections, where a general-purpose road is the only choice to get from point A to point B. The rest is a cultural problem; depending on where you're from, car drivers might not have been trained to make safe decisions or perceive anything but other cars on the roadways.
I recently bought a bicycle from someone who'd ridden it ~650km on a loaded tour to get here.
(Also, road cyclists can get up to speeds of 80km/h on descents, which isn't safe for anyone else sharing a multi-use path. They have to be on a road with an appropriate speed limit.)
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ok, you've convinced me, i'm going to drive at 9 MPH and sue ANYONE who scratches my car, i have the right to be there, and the speeds are "recommendations"
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yeah about the descents, I've haven't reached those kind of speeds yet but steep-ish descents on shared paths is probably the most nerve-racking part of my rides lol
Btw, I wish I lived in Copenhagen and/or Amsterdam too, though it would be loads better if every other city in the world emulated their model.
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I recently got into road cycling (no racing yet, but am considering going on super long rides at some point) and together with Netflix and our local streaming service 'Stan', my gaming time has significantly reduced. As cycling is a way more expensive hobby, I could use the extra cash to further that hobby so I'm considering selling my only months-old but under-utilized rig.
I know someone else who sold his gaming rig to buy a high-end DSLR, and another to buy mountain climbing gear. Is this something any of you guys done at some point?
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