Sorry for going entirely off-topic, but would you mind telling me where you took that profile picture? :)
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Ahh, it's a Frozen artwork... I thought it seemed familiar, but couldn't remember why. :x
Very nice profile picture, either way.
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The way I look at it, if it's cheaper to enter giveaways, more people will enter and I will have less chances to win. Therefore I really don't care about entry costs, in fact I wouldn't mind seeing a higher entry cost, this way people would enter for what they really want instead of just any random game.
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I'd prefer to just be able to enter a giveaway multiple times. That way if it's something you really want you can just dump all your points into it for a better chance of winning, and that gives better odds on other giveaways for their participants.
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But people don't have unlimited points, so say if person X really wanted Game A, he could dump all his points into it and ignore Game B and Game C. This leaves Games B and C with better chances for someone else who might want that game instead.
It's not a terrible idea, but it's not needed either. I'd use it if we had it, but I don't care too much if we don't :)
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Entering multiple times into a game they want? If everyone is doing the same then you're no worse off in terms of chances than with the current system anyway if you really want the game. That's less points they have for other giveaways they have less interest in now, too.
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never thought of in that aspect as i was just sorta thinking out loud and i was mainly curious,though i think the odd of winning would be easier if the points giving where a lot lower as people would be more selective as to what they would enter as it stands now with the points i earn i am able to enter on average 10-20 games a day depending on price of them
now if you was only allowed say 100 points a day that would increase everyone odds of winning as then i would choose only the games i really want not just ones i really want and ones that i normally would not bother with but want because i have the points and the risk is low if i do not like it as in most cases within a couple hours i will have earned about another 20 points to enter another decent game and the fact that i have unused points and do not like wasting i enter games i may be spark my interest and what not and may want them but they are not by far my first choice so i enter then,thus in t he end making it harder for those who really want that is just how it works people who can enter for free tend to enter things they normally would not bother with if it is free and easy
so really if they want to make it easier for people to win they would need to give out less points
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Bundle games don't always give 20% of their price towards Contributor Value. They could give 0%, they could give 100%, or anything in between because it depends upon your total value given away of non-bundled games. After the first $30, as long as you give away $5 of non-bundled games for every $1 of bundled games then you will get full credit for any bundled games.
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then i miss read it a bit
none the less it is not a big thing for me but i think i will not be giving away to many non bundle games as i do not have a big game budget to start with so i usually only buy games i really want and well just giving my games that i will not use to someone that will is good enough for me
so at this point i do not think i will earn a big amount on the giving end since i have no retail keys to give just those bundle ones i have listed but giving is always better then getting :)
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600 owned games yet you still really really want to win that many more? >__<
I'm always pleasantly surprised when my points are below 300
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I think giveaway of a lesser value do contribute in raising points, as in half points, tenth of points, etc.
We just cannot see them but they're here.
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Also,look at this situation:
I bought eg. Skyrim on Steam. It was never bundled,and it cost 30$. I got 30 to CV. Then it gets bundled,and-even if i give it non-bundled-my CV is lower...Did i understand it correctly? I think there should be script which makes giveaways done before bundles give full CV
Why? Cause there will be time when 90% games was from bundles,so CV will not grow...
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what if you bought retail after it was bundled though?? i know they say they will retro it but what about after it has been bundle?
i guess maybe it is an apples vs orange kind of thing lol
at some point most the good games will end up in bundles
but what can be done as if they say wait so long to release the bundle end of it,then people would more likely hoard them till then
so far i think it is fine the way it is for the most part as the whole point is to give not to worry about what you are getting
after all i know i will not be giving a ton of games and will more likely never hit those elite give away steam groups
but at least when i give something i know someone will have a chance to enjoy something i would other wise never play and might increase my odds of winning by joining some that are for people who contribute
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If you're really worried about CV then you're missing the entire point of this site...
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It's not that you get 20% for each game. It's that only 20% of your TOTAL contributor value can be bundle games.
With this being said i don't get it why it should be cheaper to enter.
As well as i don't get the 20% rule.
I mean if i want a game, i don't give a sh*t about it being a bundle game or not.
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maybe i am not reading it right but the way i take it is that bundle games are worth 20% off the steam price so a 10 dollar game nets you 2.00 in gift price
but yet when you enter those same bundle games you still pay full point price for the give away why does it not match the value of the bundle price or at least have some kind of discount also
not that it is a big deal to me but it would only seem that if i get less credit for it should also be cheaper to enter??
and the bundle price should be a little more but that is just me after all you might have gave 25 for the bundle but only get so little credit
anyhow i was just mainly wondering why it still full price in the give away?
just thought i would add i was just curious
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