shouidl dis forumes allou shitipostos oro thei shoulda ve onli fora giveuai!
WTF...the band CANCER kicks ass and GOD is Satan...\m/
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Guess that makes me not people then, as I'm a fan of absolutely none of the above.
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I don't even know any of them (well, except Bieber, but he sucks anyway). xD
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Spoilers : You're worse.
This thread is just petty and annoying, whereas you were happily and unironically going on a propaganda-grade tirade about women in the catcalling thread. This thread is selective childishness, your attitude however was something more genuine. You don't get to pull an equivalence card on this one ;P
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i bet you are female or not man enough to see the problem we have this days is not mens it all female they bring this thing on them self .
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Interesting. So how exactly does your "not man enough" sentiment do anything but reinforce the very stereotypes and pressures on men that you claim to be against?
Throwing out volleys of non-sequiturs does not count as 'being a man' nor does it count as actually addressing the issues that men face with a sober and critical eye. All you were doing is bringing up unrelated scapegoats and strawmen without actually keeping track of the subject at hand. Any angry person can point a finger, but if you actually care about the shit men face, you would be trying to create change, not reinforce the divide.
Having one set of genitalia or the other does not confer a magical hivemind on its owner. No man or woman is instantly guilty of the entire collective sins of their sex. Having a vagina no more makes a person responsible for misandry than having a penis makes a person responsible for misogyny. Showering people with puerile accusations based on their sex is EXACTLY the thing you were claiming that men are a victim of. You were acting as a total mirror image of the thing you claim to hate, and without a single grain of irony. If you really subscribe to this whole "be a man" nonesense, then set aside your insecurities and take a long critical look at the gender divides, and instead of arbitrarily throwing down blame based on token assumptions, try actually dissenting where the real blame lays. As you so aptly demonstrated, men are just as guilty of perpetuating cultural memes that keep down other men; so too do women also reinforce those that keep themselves down. You cannot change the faulty aspects of culture by blindly throwing accusations and non-sequiturs at people based on their genitalia. If you want things to actually change, you have to make a conscious decision to place positive change above your desire to lash out, because you can't have both raw animal catharsis AND progress.
Take a step back, breathe deep, and really look into the subject if you actually care about it. Anger is a great fuel for change, but be careful because it is also great fuel for prejudice. Even the most blatantly vile racists believe on some level that they themselves are the victims and that they are simply 'telling a hard truth that nobody wants to hear', and that their behavior is just a natural reaction to being wronged. Consider how (actual) SJW-ism was born from a movement whose original goal was to challenge prejudice and level the playing field. The genuine 'SJW' types became that way because they placed their own anger on a higher level than their desire to foster progress, and as a result they ended up instead breeding poisonous and sometimes openly passive-racist / passive-sexist / passive-ableist values as a result. You are well on your way to being a carbon copy of that mentality, unless you really pump the brakes and reexamine how you go about things.
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if you are man enough you will not defending feminist that what you guys doing ..
their is big different between feminist and women rights that half of you guys don't understand... for what ever happen to female you blames mans but you don't see other side of the problem when some one telling you about it you call it hater or whatever so I am man of my worlds and I say thing when I mean it I if you don't like it don't like it but don't tell me I am wrong because female doing the same thing and they don't want us to tell them they are wrong . keep that baby idea to you I am not kid to believe that shit
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Try actually reading my post before you reply with more blind assumptions.
As you keep demonstrating, you're not actually interested in mens rights or changing the issues we face at all, so kindly stop pretending, because you're just further tarnishing the image of those who do.
I repeat : You have become a mirror image of the thing you claim to hate. You're only here to spit and shout and stomp your feet about a totemised bogeyman that you project over everyone who even remotely questions or dissents from your rage. You literally ignored my entire post and then decided to include me in some myopic generalisation without even pausing to check what my actual thoughts or values are. At this point you are pretty much just holding a conversation with the strawman you built for yourself, I have no part in this.
When you're quite finished talking to yourself and playing pretend, I suggest you get a better translation program and try reading my post.
Good day.
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I am not the one who start it they did so they will get what the get I don't to read you BS because you got brain washed by your wife so you are not a man anymore
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Don't you feel any form of embarrassment floundering around making obvious wild guesses like this?
You have zero frame of reference for my actual opinions (despite having been offered them), but continue on with the delusion of having any sense for my opinion. Literal random guesses. Let that sink in for a moment.
The hypocrisy of you accusing me of being brainwashed is astounding. I would have written you off long ago as just a troll but this isn't a throwaway account I'm talking to. It's pretty bizarre watching you have this little implosion of yours.
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no because you guys are the shame of all men's kind lol bunch of people who want to see female private part defending feminists idea here lol.
go watch more feminist videos lol she saying the same shit they are
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not you. my problem is not you the problem is her idea about men's . I don't have problem with women right . I have problem with feminist that said only men are in fault of anything and women's are victim I don't believe that .
we have lot of bad men's but they have alot more bad women's this problem is not one sided .
she want us to respect her in street I am ok with that but I am saying that I need that respect back just don't wear supper open clothing is it hard thing to ask ?
idk how can I put that out for you guys to understand .
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Oh. OH.
So now it's NOT me?
Well isn't THAT a tweest!
I could have sworn with all those direct replies to me, deliberately addressing me in particular, meant that you actually meant those comments for me. Wow I must be a total intellectual midget to have thought that, right?
The OP you are referring to never said it's only men at fault. She never said it's always men at fault in all gender issues. None of the people you were spamming with your replies ever suggested these things either. It was entirely an asspull originating from you and nobody else. Your attempts to project that onto others while you openly admit you're not even reading their arguments or counterpoints stands testament to the fact you're just looking to shout from your soapbox and pretend it's anchored in anything but your own imagination. She literally added disclaimers to show that she was focusing on the womens side of the issue given the apparent disparity of the prevalent sexes in catcalling (plus her also being a woman and having to put up with it personally). :P
If you really wanted to just say that you feel women who wear super revealing clothing are being disrespectful and you feel they 'deserve' to be targeted, then just fucking say it, don't spend hours insulting total strangers for things they never said or implied and projecting your personal misgivings onto everyone. And when people disagree with you and show you their reasoning why, if you feel your values have merit then continue to discuss the matter directly, don't flail around with ridiculous claims of everyone who doesn't 100% agree with you being hyper-rabid feminists who are destroying your country and 'deserve a cockslap lol'. Is this really so hard for you to comprehend?
Plus I'm pretty sure all this does actually point to you having a problem with women. I mean, what with this shit and then your remarks in the other thread saying women are asking to be raped if they dress attractively. There's not really much getting around this total minefield of red flags you've set up buddy.
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oh wow, you know so much with just a 4 line of comment on a web site about me xD
learn not to judge people like this and label them this fast mate...
you just presumed that I am not a decent human being with a fking troll comment... if you are the decent human being then it's true, I'm not it so chill out pal
you guys are the utmost form of hypocrisy, you all talk about why there is so much hate on the internet etc. and talk shit when it comes to yourselves, try to correct yourselves first, all of you above, then judge other people.
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Something something my opinion. Ahhhhh feels good to contribute my worthless opinion. Now I have meaning. ^,..,^
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It seems that this is the new face of SteamGifts, where every interpersonal hiccup we face results in a fresh passive-aggressive thread.
The hands-off ethic the moderator team uses is pretty nice, so it'd be great if they aren't forced to choose between shutting people down to keep the place civil, or letting it continue down this slippery slope until the forums become utterly insufferable with a gradually descent into chan-like mentality.
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Someone who NEVER gave away a game shouldn't be trying to be funny in the forums.
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im not allowed to talk bcs i dindu jifto nuthin thats klazizm so mach for ecualitis?
donto bullie gameroboyoro :( :(
me lobe tese forumes tei ar ful offf cualiti conten
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