A guy scammed your game a long time ago, but then says sorry and returns you another game after a long while.

Well it happened to me. The guy wanted Orcs must Die, and he was supposed to pay a couple bucks, but ran away. It was like 8 months ago.

And today, he said sorry to me, and gave me Dead Space 2.

Have you ever seen a scammer do such thing?

1 decade ago*

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The conscious sucks....

1 decade ago

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I try to be unconscious whenever possible

1 decade ago

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That's nice. But he shouldn't have scammed you anyways...

1 decade ago

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^ this.

1 decade ago

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This. One right doesn't wipe away many wrongs

1 decade ago

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But it's a start.

1 decade ago

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Not really. If I killed or raped some1, then I went and donated 10 grand to fix all the pot holes in my city, that doesn't mean I should be forgiven rihgt? :P

1 decade ago

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Wow, that escalated quickly. We were talking about digital theft - not rape and murder.

1 decade ago

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the law is the law though, im just giving a different example. if you do one wrong you can't write it off. you can do lots of good deeds to make yourself feel better, but it still shouldnt mean that person can be forgiven or not punished :P

1 decade ago

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I dont know about you, but here if you steal something, such as a game, you are certainly not punished the same way as if you murdered or raped someone.

Theft of what 15US isn't even the same sport, much less ballpark, of rape and murder...

1 decade ago

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I'm not comparing the two as it being the same punishment. It's the principle that is involved. Doing something against the law/rules doesn't mean it can be wiped away by doing a good deed, even 50 good deeds. Not sure what you don't understand from that

1 decade ago

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So if I do one thing thats illegal, regardless of what it is, I can never redeem myself?

So if I jaywalk one time, I will forever be a dirty jaywalking SOB, even if I volunteer and give to charity, cure cancer and so on?

Thats really harsh mate.

1 decade ago

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This isn't about redeeming yourself, or forever being a dirty sob lol, i don't think you understand what i am saying.

Like i said, you can do good deeds to feel better about yourself and maybe have ppl think twice about you BUT you still need to be punished for what you did. It's cool that he gave a game in return after all those months, but he should still be banned from trading.

1 decade ago

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Forgiveness is personal. I think we should forgive everyone who is sorry his his/her sins. No matter how big they are. I think everyone deserves a chance to redeem oneself.

Yes - I'm a christian. That's probably why I think that.

1 decade ago

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+1. I'm not christian, but I personally believe in forgiveness and redemption. Especially if what he did was scam digital games. =P It's not right, of course, but at least he tried to right a wrong.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Very interesting this thing! Thank you, you rescued my day!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i did at 2006 on some mmporg but after a year dude gave all of he's item that made a lot of items so i forgive him

1 decade ago

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Lucky you! I've not had that but something similar. On an MMORPG I got scammed by someone who was a complete stranger (at the time) and over heard someone talking at school about it, turns out that one of my friends played the MMORPG and I didn't know and he was the scammer ._. Needless to say he then gave me my stuff back.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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hahaha what MMORPG? im curious to know if its very populated or at least if it was

1 decade ago

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It used to be, I quit a few years ago. (and dare I say it? Runescape xD)

1 decade ago

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runescape was too easy :P i had 2 level 120's sold both xD haha also had a santa hat, and Halloween mask. xD

1 decade ago

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I know it was easy....

1 decade ago

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I bet it was stolen! now valve will lock your account! :P

1 decade ago

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that would be hilarious

1 decade ago

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lol :P but even if it was stolen they would revoke the game not lock his acc

1 decade ago

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He's probably trying to appeal at SteamRep, to remove his tag. Too bad for him, it doesn't work. The admins over there will deny his appeal for sure.

1 decade ago

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Damn luck. The only time I got "scammed" (in quotes because it wasn't really a scam, the guy just cancelled his payment thus making me lose the first game I got here, Skyrim) the guy just disappeared. He's not been online ever since, I think.

1 decade ago

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i guess you're kinda lucky then good for you

1 decade ago

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He felt wrath of karma...

1 decade ago

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wow what the fuck. LOL that is crazy incredible.

1 decade ago

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Hey, thats great simon, good for you. :D

1 decade ago

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His name must have been Earl.

1 decade ago

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Well played ;)

1 decade ago

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That is so weird!

1 decade ago

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No but his conscience must of ate him alive.

1 decade ago

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Wow, you didn't even get to choose what he gave you after 8 months?

Lame apology.

1 decade ago

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nope just the same guy trying to pull the same scam on me again actually

1 decade ago

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well that means hes been feeling very guilty for 8 months... thats a long time to feel guilty about logging onto steam heh

1 decade ago

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The DS2 he gave you was obtained trought a scam too :(

1 decade ago

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No proof

1 decade ago

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No proof it wasnt either...

Certainly wouldnt trust it...

1 decade ago

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Why would he give him a game then? Is he Robin Hood?

1 decade ago

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Cool~ Good for you :p

1 decade ago

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Meh ,nothing interesting here ;/

1 decade ago

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well, i hope the guy who scammed me out of sleeping dogs has a consience...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by simonli2575.