So i'm going to buy a used motorcycle off craigslist in the coming weeks and i wanted to know what i need to look for (Year, millage, custom mods, maintenance history, etc.). I would also want to know your guys experience with used vehicles from craigslist if you had any. All answers are very much appreciated. Also any year/ millage that should be avoided. (older than 2005 or something along those lines.) (more than 30,000 miles no go?)
P.S. This is going to be my first motorcycle and i don't really want to spend more then 4000 on it and nothing bigger than 500cc.

I Moved it to off-topic so it will appear 2 times on the forums of SG

9 years ago

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You should talk to a mechanic about these type of things, might help a lot, they probably know much more than us.

9 years ago

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Also, read forums about the given model, then you will see what typical issues it may have.
Maintenance is more important than age/mileage. Modding practically means that someone tampered with the bike, unless you actually want the given mod, go for bikes which were put together in the factory.

9 years ago*

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