I'm kinda bored. Just put a link of what you think is your best test chamber down in the comments.

But please send a PUZZLE, not a rube goldberg machine or roller coaster or whatever.

This also means NOT to send a test chamber that makes me want to pull my hair out of frustration. There is a huge difference between an ingenious puzzle and a cluttered difficult mess.

I thank you for reading. I'm looking forward to maybe seeing a gem like Mevious', Azorae's or Giguava's maps.

Edit: It would also be nice if someone would give an opinion to one of my maps called Fizzlers for science.

The maps I got send that are worth playing:

alpha zero by Dark Tyno

tux 4 by oskaras.sh

cubitorie episode 2 by fecske

SG1 timewarp by iq.gobo

SG2: the franCompanion cube adventures by iq.gobo

2 cubes 1 hole by Psycho345

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I saw yours on a different steamgifts thread. I haven't gotten around playing it. I'll play your map as soon as I've had some sleep :)

11 years ago

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I just solved it with a friend of mine. We were both not a fan of the chamber. We didn't really think it was a puzzle. It felt more like a find the next thing you can use and you will find the exit. I can see you put a lot of effort in it though.

11 years ago

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Well it did take me 3 days to make it. So much stuff and so little space!.... :p

11 years ago

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So far the hardest map I played is this
Dunno if it'd make you want to pull your hair out of frustration, I finished it, it was really hard but not impossible. BTW it's a coop map.
This one, sort of sequel of the one above, is on the other hand almost impossible.

11 years ago

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Oh, my dad and me have finished the first one already quite a while ago. The second one however, we started it yesterday, and had no idea what to do. We'll try that one again on a different time.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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Well you can try mine if you want, here.

11 years ago

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I'm in! Looks complicated though O_O

11 years ago

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Just solved it the intended way. Didn't really like it. Looks more complicated than it actually is. A+ for effort though.

11 years ago

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Anyone else with a test chamber?

11 years ago

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Well, you already played mine.. if you want, you can add me as a friend, I have a map only visible for friends, but it is still in early beta so there is a reason for the restriction(:

11 years ago

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I added you, I'm waiting for you to accept my friend request. Maybe we can play some co-op as well :)

11 years ago

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sorry i can't acces my pc for the weekend but i'll accept your request asap(:

11 years ago

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Anyone else?

11 years ago

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Here's a little one if you wanna try (maybe tricky, but short and don't need flash gordon reflexes ^^) : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=76376006

Enjoy !! (I hope)

11 years ago

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I really liked your chamber! It took me a long while to figure out what to do, while it wasn't hard. I just didn't see it, which is the point of a good test chamber :P

11 years ago

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Thanks for testing it and for your return ^^

11 years ago

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I liked the chamber as well, but I was unable to solve it the intended way. So instead I took a shortcut and skipped the mechanical wall, thus eliminating the need to go for the small button and the pressure plate at the turrets completly. Essentially I went in to grab the cube, inverted the funnel, got the light cube and then had to place it cleverly on some edge of the grating to be able to target the second laser recepticle. Once that is done you can ride the lift and get out.

But I liked the layout of the turret puzzle. And at first I got to the small button by jumping on the grating and then to its ledge, but later on discovered the nice funnel ride through the room to reach it. So even if I didn't need to solve half of the chamber to finish I did it for the fun :)

11 years ago

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Thanks for the info. I'd try to make it as "single solution" as possible, to avoid part skip but looks like I miss some. I'll maybe make a V2 one day, but I need to be motivated for ^^ At first, I was not expecting it to be tested except by a friend.

11 years ago

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Not a big fan of the chamber. I saw immediantly what to do when i found out that there was this third cube hidden in this little hole in one of the walls of the chamber.

11 years ago

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http://steamcommunity.com/id/oskarasas/myworkshopfiles/ no 3 and 4 are a little different then normal portal chambers

11 years ago

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These 4 test chambers are very well done. But I advise other participants to actually solve them counting down instead of up, the fourth chamber is the easiest one of them, followed by the third. The first and second map are both quite tricky, but for different reasons, so your opinion on which one of them is the hardest may vary.

Chamber 4 is pretty straightforward. I liked the concept of the visual clock to toggle the chambers two states that carried over to many different actions. The caged turret was a nice touch.

Chamber 3 is quite unique in terms of layout and the lack of portal action. It's path is still very straightforward, find cubes to work the switches until the exit opens up. The turret threat at the end has several possible solutions and depending on which one you chose the lasers only purpose is to force the player to crawl. It would have been really great if the rooms visuals were more varied, like glass walls, or even having at least one wall and several ground floor tiles missing to incorporate the behind the scenes visuals with the whole room being one of many, resting on giant springs or rails like the later original levels. Some vegetation or water would have been pleasing as well.

The second chamber starts of rather linear, but once you ride down the funnel it will start to puzzle you. Figuring out how to obtain cubes and where to place them at which time was tough but not frustrating. And you get rewarded by a fun aerial faith plate ride. It's hard to review this level without spoiling too much ;)

The first level has the main theme of confusing trigger relations and their memorization. It may seem overwhelming at first, but the steps are broken down into seperate rooms and hallways and although there are a lot of light up lines to follow, they are very well distinguishable from one another. Some backtracking required and features fair timers.

There is only one momentum based puzzle in all four test chambers and it is very obvious and easy to perform. No need for quick reflexes or mid flight portal shoting or anything, this series is all about the puzzle elements. I'm looking forward to new test chambers that let us play with gels and light bridges :)

Well, OK, we had some white gel in the second one, but I'd like to see how you would set up some repulsion and propulsion gel puzzles.

Final verdict: the third and fourth part is recommended to every player. Absolute beginners might have a hard time making the chase over the collapsible bridge or getting past the turrets at the exit, but other than that it's a beautiful piece of cake, even though it's a lie. The first two test chambers are tough nuts to crack, but they are fair and well done. The Tux series is well worth your time!

11 years ago

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Didn't like the first three chambers, but the fourth one is good. the solution to that one was really original.

11 years ago

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There you go http://steamcommunity.com/id/3253/myworkshopfiles/
Don't mind some of them, the second and the last were made out of boringness.

11 years ago

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Didn't really like any of the tests to be honest. I was kind of enjoying the 4 chamber, 4 tests one until I had to do the last chamber with the 2 turrets. That one was infuriating, because it was easy enough to do what you needed to do, but the cube never stayed on the button, and I tried at least 6 or 7 times.

11 years ago

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I made 2 puzzle when they first released the portal workshop.
Here they are :
1/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=71215696
2/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=71404345

Please, tell me what you think about it :)

11 years ago

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They both weren't good in my opinion, but they weren't bad either.

11 years ago

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Here is the challenge, let me know if you finished! :)

11 years ago

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Your map is F*CKING awesome! I played your first one as well. Wasn't as good as the other one, but it's still a really good puzzle! Keep the good content up :)

11 years ago

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yeah the first one was just an experiment, to learn the basics, it's a bit big and easy ... i will make more maps in the summer after the exams, thanks for feedback, i want to learn to create maps with authoring tools but keep the puzzle content in this level... maybe i was inspired by Mevious, i like his maps so much, he is just king of the puzzle maps :)

11 years ago

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Have you played Azorae's or Giguava's maps? If you haven't, please do. Their maps are also awesome, and required a huge amount of thinking just like Mevious' maps.

11 years ago

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it think no, but i will do it ...

11 years ago

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Played and finished both as well, but I actually prefered the first episode over the second. That's not to say I dislike the second one, it's just that I wasn't able to solve it by logic alone, had to fall back on some throwing and cube/portal juggling. And the first test chamber simply offered more to do, a wider range of puzzles. There's something I like about your fair way of presenting puzzles, as in the continuous cube droppers ad having to walk past later puzzle elements to know about them and plan ahead for your return.

11 years ago

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the episode 2 solution is simple, you have to think a bit more :) i can add an element to remove that bruteforce method but i think it's not easy to do that cube throw.
Well i can't edit my maps now, because my HDD died and these files are not stored in the cloud. Maybe i will do it again and make more cube puzzles.

11 years ago

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I could have done it without the throw if the map was like your screenshot implied, but you updated the wall at the dropper afterwards.

11 years ago

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hah that would be another exploit.

11 years ago

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Did it, thanks for the heads up. Just tell me if you'd like those comments to be removed to prevent spoiling the fun for others.

11 years ago

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Got three here, not very hard at all.

11 years ago

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I played all three of them. Didn't like them. None of them actually felt like puzzles. It was just a certain order that you need to do without thinking.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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I'm sorry buddy: exploit :(

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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I liked it. Good layout, several edgeless cube usages and thumbs up for repulsion gel and light bridge puzzles.

Would fencing the ball receiver solve the exploit? So that you would have throw the ball into the fenced box to make exploiting at least a lot trickier to perform?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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Not sure if it fixes the exploit as you can still drop the ball like Toothless2603 did and stand on the ledge of the door waiting for the switch to trigger again. But thumbs up if it does.

11 years ago

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Completed it the intended way. Didn't really like it. It was alright, but frustrating in my opinion.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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The room with the bridge and the funnel was really hard to get through, and I was trying to think how to solve the last part to open the exit, which made me walk around to see what I can do, which made me get stuck a few times in that chamber with the bridge. I also solved it with putting a bridge as a roof for the ball to stay, but it happened a few times it would still become bouncy. I'm just not a big fan of bouncy gel :P

11 years ago

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This is not a puzzle... This is baaaad!
Would you do it again?

11 years ago

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Why... just... why?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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What's there to thank?

11 years ago

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Simple enough puzzle I made up today. Never made one before, but I had an idea and needed to get it down. At least one death is guaranteed. =P

11 years ago

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Well, at least it wasn't my death ;)

11 years ago

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I died a few times actually. You made use of my habit and made it my death. That's brilliant :P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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To add on the latest comments you got in the workshop I think the map would be better if it required both cubes in the last room, even if that means a lot of players would have to redo the whole chamber once they find out about it. Maybe widen the hallway leading to the last room and add static glass panels to let the player get an early clue. So you would end up with either a two tiles wide hallway divided by a glass wall in the middle where the right path leads up to a glass walll facing the last room or you would have to rearrange the middle glass panel that blocks the way through that hallway to instead block the entrance to the double faith plate room (and still add a glass wall to let the player peek at the last room).

And the first faith plate could be left out completely to allow for either simple reportaling or momentum flinging through the hole in the glass wall at the ceiling. Plus you don't have to activate both laser relays in the lower room, one is enough to use the faith plate down below to get back to the first room.

11 years ago

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Alright puzzle. Nothing to complain about, but nothing really stood out either.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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How is that map possible? Looks like it would require some rage inducing jumps. if that's the case, that's not the kind of stuff I'm looking for.

11 years ago

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+1, I spent at least 15 minutes sitting there trying to figure it out. Quit believing it's not possible, or at least not clearly apparent.

11 years ago

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I made one last year around this time, But never got around to finishing it, But its still playable, and beatable (At least, I'm pretty sure I left it off that way as I was having friends try it out for me).

If you feel like trying, Here ya go- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=71681803

11 years ago

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URL is invalid

11 years ago

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Weird, I have it Set to Friends only, But it says "However, anyone with a link may view it.", and I assumed that meant ANYONE with a link could view it, But whatever.

Anyways, I set it to public, and the link should work now.

11 years ago

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Yep, the link works now. But I cannot confirm that the level is finishable up til now, the pitch dark area of the edgless cube keeps killing me. And I even know what to do there judging by the test chambers preview shot. After that the rest of the level should be a piece of cake, but I won't put myself through that. The ball area is too dark, too tough, too unforgiving. I don't want my quickload key to wear off quickly.

11 years ago

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Ya, Sorry about that part. I kinda remember leaving off on making that part a bit easier. Its beatable, but a pain to do from what I remember.

Sadly I can't work on the map anymore because I don't have the Raw files. I figured out how to decompile the .bsp, but I can't figure out how to convert .vfm file to a .p2c so I can edit it in the ingame editor. Sadly I have no idea how to use Hammer to work on it that way. :/

11 years ago

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No need to be sorry, I am the one to blame for not being man enough for the competition :P

I liked the turret hell room, confused the hell out of me first on how to do it properly. And the head scratching for willingly trapping yourself in the single turret room area onwards was a nice one, too. Took me a while to figure out how that was done intentionally and later be resolved.

11 years ago

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Honestly this is an example of what I'm not looking for. I have no idea what to do because there is just too much without knowing what does what. The turret room and the room with the ball are just plain frustrating, and when you fail at the ball room you have to kill yourself, which is just unnecessary. I can see that you put a huge amount of effort in it though.

11 years ago

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Ya, As I said above to the other guy, Sorry about the kill part. I never actually finished the map, So when I got that part I just threw the kill area down there so your not stuck. I recommend saving the game (With F6) right before that part just so when you die you don't have to start over.

I would fix (and finish) the map, however I forgot to backup the files when I re-installed Windows, and its not possible to get it back, Meaning I have to spend the time Rebuilding it all with a can't do currently.

11 years ago

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I can understand that. I use F6 all the time, but loading times can be really long and tedious. It could've been fixed with something like an areal faith plate + an emancipation grill to get back to the starting point. Still, even if that would've been fixed, the map is still really cluttered and difficult in my opinion.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Good one, but certainly no keyboard smashing rage quit material ;)

I was expecting to have to use the cubes after the lift you can bring along, so there's potential to add to the hair pulling of that test chamber. Could use some more lighting love. And maybe use the light bridge again in that upper laser receiver room to get to a switch to make that receiver accessible? Maybe block it with a glass panel that retracts after hitting that new button.

11 years ago

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The map was alright, but please put some lights in your chamber. I barely see which tiles are portal tiles.

11 years ago

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That was my intention ^^

11 years ago

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Hm, seems I broke your puzzle, as I easily finished without ever turning on the laser and using the reflection cube. Also never opened the wall panels to the left of your preview screenshot. Could have get through even faster if I knew about skipping the laser and using the reflector cube on the buttons right from the start.

But thumbs up for providing a side view puzzle, I really enjoyed that chamber in the co-op testing initiative.

11 years ago

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I have no idea what most of the buttons do. It looks like a fun puzzle to solve, but there's no indication which makes it impossible to see what to do.

11 years ago

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Commented on your fizzlers for science map at the workshop. Nice puzzle, but the environment deserves some polish to make the room look less flat and boring

11 years ago

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I know this is a really late reaction to your comment, but I've been thinking about your idea to put a francube in my map to make it more lively. I just realized people can exploit my map using the francube's walking ability :P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That map has some great moments! I enjoyed the leap of faith as well as the death defying bounces through the later lasers part. The long dark hallways could use a speed up as well to better fit the test chamber's setting.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll probably edit it once the semester is over (if I survive)

11 years ago

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Just completed it. I wasn't a fan of it honestly. Way too much space and unnecessary objects used for the easy puzzles that it actually contains. A+ for effort though.

11 years ago

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Well it is my first time, next one will be better :)

11 years ago

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Hello, I'll check your map soon, and post my opinion in the workshop.
I've only made two maps so check them out if you want.
Medium to easy difficulty as far as I remember.
Piece of Cake
Just in Time

11 years ago

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Not a fan of either of them, sorry.

11 years ago

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Care to say what you didn't like? Your feedback will help me make better maps in the future. Thanks for playing!

11 years ago

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Didn't like the piece of cake map because I've seen it multiple times before in maps that weren't as easy, but still as easy to understand. The just in time map was also very easy, and I just don't like the idea of using time just to make the map harder. There are maps that use a timer to make it a brilliant puzzle like --> this one <--

11 years ago

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Thank you. They were intended to be easy, but I understand why making time an element of difficulty can be annoying. I was actually working on a new one these days, but I realized I was doing the same thing, so I'm scrapping that part.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Hazellius.