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At other parts of my life i would joined this group but right now it is nothing for me.
I have sometimes time for playing and sometimes not (more then a month) because of a uncureable, chronic illness and other Reallife issues. This will not change in the near future.
And i don't like to be forced to do anything. In this case play each game in a month, play X hours and such things.
It's nothing against you or the group and i can understand why the rules are active but i wouldn't join at the moment.
I am sure you can understand it.
I hope my "please play" would hit the right button(s) inside a few of the people that join the GA(s) :o) ...
and when not i have a blacklist button :-DDDD (yes i am sooo evil that i say this loud ^^)
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I assume it's not the first time when someone suggests you to join that kind of group? :D
But just to be clear, you could join as a gifter to giveaway games you want to be played. No one gonna force you until you win smth.
Ok, i'm sorry to bother you on the subject, it is not really a cult help me and it'd nice to see u there ^^
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It was the first time :)
I am new (6 weeks) in sg and have nothing to do with sg groups (too much to learn in sg and outside with bundles, mass GA's and such things, first as lvl 2 -or at least i not see one before- you can join "maybe" good groups in sg).
I am a straight guy... that means i say what i think and mean what i say :o)
Join as a gifter... sounds not bad BUT nobody want only give stuff :DDD g
You bother me not with the subject.
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But you can join a group just for creating giveaways for people to play without winning anything if you think you won't be able to play.
"Please play" usually doesn't work, and it will be hard for you to check if the game was or will be played.
Joining a group makes this process very easy and considering how long this group exists there is a little to zero non-players left.
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I know that for me personally, no game is a useless +1. I probably wouldn't play it right away because I have a lot going on in my personal life and have literally no free time, but I would hope I wouldn't get blacklisted for that .-.
Edit: Whoops, this is four weeks old. Srry .-.
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I hope that only the one's join in a GA that have written "please play it and not only idle this one" behind it.
I make that not often because the game must be far better then average for that.
A lot of people take EVERY (or at least nearly) game as a +1 and by a few games is that not enough for me when i gave them out (my heart bleeding when really good games get no chance to proofe it)
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If you want your games to be played, you may want to consider joining Playing Appreciated, where joining a giveaway makes a commitment to play the game within a month:
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At other parts of my life i would joined this group but right now it is nothing for me.
I have sometimes time for playing and sometimes not (more then a month) because of a uncureable, chronic illness and other Reallife issues. This will not change in the near future.
And i don't like to be forced to do anything. In this case play each game in a month, play X hours and such things.
It's nothing against you or the group and i can understand why the rules are active but i wouldn't join at the moment.
I am sure you can understand it.
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Well, you can join the group just to create giveaways that you want to be played, and not enter any unless you have the time and inclination. There's no pressure to join the giveaways in the group, but it's nice to have a place where you can giveaway games and know that the recipient will play them.
And sorry to hear about the chronic illness. My chronic condition doesn't keep me from playing games, but other real-life commitments certainly do, so I can understand that aspect.
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I am actually not sure if I am in your whitelist or not. I can enter all your giveaways, but that may be because we are in the same groups
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you are not and normaly you should not to be able to join by your CV ratio (that lay around 0,25).
Please tell me which of the GA's you joined exactly and i will look on the rules.
For the error reporting you have the right to be in the GA(s) :o)
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I meant I can enter your whitelist/group giveaways (like this one, already ended
I can't enter the giveaways you posted today, because I have to improve my ratio. :)
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Ahhh now its clear ;o).
That ones was not protected by sgtools. Only a lvl 1 and Group "protection".
But that brings nearly nothing.
Lvl 0 and 1 "free for all" GA's are infested with leechers and bots. 90% of my winners at this time are one of this AND only 1 known a thanks.
After i lifted it on lvl 2 + group was around 50% ok and sometimes a few know a thanks. But that was for me not good enough.
When i give games out then i want not support greedy bot owners and/or a**holes that don't know a thanks.
My experience was that i support this group with at least 50% of my "open for all" GA's :o( and that was a very unpleasant experience.
After that i tested sgtools and since the second GA with it i have always had winners that know a thanks.
Thats why i make more of the protected GA's.
That's nothing against anyone that make/made GA's and not hit my 0.4 ratio (as example you). I not throw them in the same pot like the bot owners. But i must set a border and 0.4 sounded good for me ;).
i add you in steam....
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Thank you for your giveaways, Masafor and have a great weekend! :-)
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Good that others like this games :)
I never liked them. After the first two i not tested the rest :D
I hate this sneaking around... i am more the "kick the frontdoor" guy :o) or the "send others to kick the front door and kill the rest after this" guy :DDD
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Oooooooooo, that would be freakin' awesome! I would totally play that! Haven't played Styx yet, but I've seen it and I am pretty sure I would like it!
Maybe the devs of Shadow of Mordor can hear you for their next game :D
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Haha, yea, I played them like 10 years ago or such xD
I don't like stealth when it is unnecessary, so I am usually going in guns blazing as well :D but in these games its nicely done. They can be pretty tough too as I recall :) I love tough games, so that works well :D
I think I only played the first one or two, so this is a really nice pack to have! <3
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Hi all,
the reason for this Thread is to give my Games to the friendly, nice sg users that have joy with the games :o)
Not to the exploiting, greedy leechers, autojoiners and bots out there that have infested the public GA's not all entries are from such people but TOO MUCH !
If you want you can add your GA's to this thread if you are against autojoiners, bots and leechers too :o) (you will be listed at the contributor list forever)
Giveaways formatting (copy and paste, replace with your info):
[The Elmian Warrior]( | Masafor | Level 2 | sgtools check
All sgtools protected GA's have a 0.5 real cv ratio, the normal and a tradeban check.
Active until Thursday 14.06 @ 8 pm/20:00 Uhr (MESZ - middle european summer timezone) :
Active until Saturday 16.06 @ 8 pm/20:00 Uhr (MESZ - middle european summer timezone) :
Each one that is on my whitelist and don't fullfill the requirements from my posted GA's can contact me and get then the clear link :o)
(yes it helps to be there...^^) (Monty Python - Life of Brian -in German-) (Schandmaul - Frühlingstanz, medieval style) (Schelmish, german rock and medieval band) (Korpiklaani - Rauta) (Korpiklaani - Ämmänhauta, finnish band, from the album noita [thats finnish and mean witch]) (Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side) (Grave Digger - Rebellion) or (Grave Digger - Scotland united)
Please bump when you jump into a GA. Thanks
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