I never said Steam is The One. it's wraith one if anything..
Steam is greatly dominant in raw numbers (I blame SG and bundles p), in personally valued titles, not so much (but still biggest share I think). Still I would appreciate some kind of app for managing all the clients, DRM frees and physical copies
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Steam + old games = many, many unnecessary headaches, if not downright impossible to even start up though. Just stick with the GOG version. :)
Edit: I almost said why does it even have an adult filter warning, then i realised that in true Black Isle fashion, you can literally fuck around half of the game world in it… :) (And, coincidentally, two of the 5 store images are taking places where the player can have unlimited free sex with very eager women…)
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And then I think to myself - all games will be GOG games at some point... Why not invest in GOG more? :D
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Or you can just pick Belle....
I played the game when I was around 13, learning english by playing and translating the words from a dictionary, trying to figure out if they had multiple meanings, still had so much fun! I'm still not sure if I found a game since then that treats even gender so differently. I was utterly surprised when playing with a female I got an option to sleep with a man in exchange for his help :D
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Top-hat time-manipulating mage + Puppy. Good times.
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Holy crap! Arcanum is now on Steam? YES!!! Thank you for letting me know this great news.:) :)
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Thanks for the nice GA. Have not played the game back in the day.
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They brought back King's Quest Collection :O. That is going to piss off a few removed collectors :P.
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Oddly enough, that is what you have to do to bind F2P games to your account, which a few have been removed to date. Doesn't matter which dlc you buy though :P.
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Ya they bumped the price up here from 22$ to 26$ :/ Not as bad as you guys but still, for an old game like this, it is a bit annoying -.-.
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Hmm, I don't even remember buying that. Typical...
You know, since it seems like only GOG bother checking obscure stuff like "does the game actually work?" - I wonder if it's possible to finish all of these games on Steam. I seem to remember Arcanum was a bit of a train wreck, maybe it got patched up later though. :)
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Wait, games need to work? Why if no one is ever going to play them :P.
Not too sure about Arcanum but I would figure that a game this old would at least get a fan made patch of some sorts.
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Good question... :) Sometimes a new early access thing has only a few screenshots from the developer, and I wonder if it's even been installed once... :)
Once I went to an old cd case, to grab something off an old disc, and the disc was blank. Had something written on the label, but it had never been burned. Oops. :) So I was wondering if I'd actually lost anything.
Oh, on a completely unrelated note, I just saw the new Humble Bundle... Soooooo happy I didn't buy all these "new" games yesterday... :)
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It is a great game, but get ready for an insanely ludicrous amount of bugs. The developer team that made it has a lot worse track record in bugs than Bethesda Game Studios, and that is saying something.
(Also, the combat system is kinda broken, because some builds make you invincible from the start, some builds never really get viable even on max levels. And the game is not forgiving, if you don't commit yourself fully at a build right from character generation, there are not enough points to even try to go another way.)
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Oh, finally some Sierra games! I'm still waiting for Zeus: Master of Olympus and Poseidon expansion.
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Sadly, I've never played Emperor, but I would definitely buy it. Actually, I would buy any game (Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor) over Caesar - at least its release gives me hope we'll see the rest of games on Steam.
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Nice, especially the Gabriel Knight and Phantasmagoria games. ^^
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I've played Arcanum, but I am not sure if I have completed it
Gabriel Knight - i have the 20th Anniversary reedition of GK1 on GOG, also original GK3 on 3 CDs - great game
but having them on steam ... well, probably only to have them on steam :/ it's better to get them on GOG - higher chance, that those will actually work
and 1 more thing ... Activision, I am still waiting for Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain ... on steam, GOG or any other gaming platform (I am not sure, who holds the rights for this game, the only part of Legacy of Kain franchise that I am missing, but had a chance to play it)
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GK3 was the only one I've played
I "won" the first part on GOGs summer sale, but haven't fired it up yet (for sure I will).
GK2 - after GK1 I'll try to get it somewhere somehow and try it as well.
I really liked GK3, maybe because I had never played similar games, except for Atlantis 2
also the story was really interesting
now that we had The Da Vinci Code, with same story base, same names (Sauniere) used, it might be not as fresh (well to many people it wasn't fresh even then with Holy Blood, Holy Grail book released much earlier), but it was still very interesting :)
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nope, like I wrote, only those 2 titles - GK3 and Antlantis 2 (the original, not this mobile like remake)
I have Broken Sword 1 in my lib right now, so I will try it as well at some point
for now, I am waiting for a better prices of notebooks :) my old PC is broken so right now I am using NB from work, it really is not usable for games :/ so I have stopped playing, just visiting one MMO CCG from time to time. I hope to be able to play some nice titles again soon :)
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ehm, I have original CDs (well maybe not original releases, but later reeditions) of all those parts
I have them on steam and GOG
I have them on my local (polish) game shop (they have digital distribution as well)
I don't need another digital copy of those 4 final chapters, I want the first one T_T
even Square Enix forgot about that part (they should have some rights to that title)
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it's true that SK went bankrupt, but still, someone has the rights to it and really, the series and every so called "Anthology" (cough cough) without this part is ... really uncomplete :/
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And here I was very happy over the fact that this game could only be found on GOG.com...
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I <3 GOG.
But then again, this and the other games released today are great classics. So, I guess I gotta be happy now for other people to have the chance to play and enjoy them.
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They do and they will. Almost all of the games on GOG all come with their own stand-alone DOSbox shell that allows the game to run on newer OSs.
In all honesty, we as gamers, and GOG / Steam all owe the DOSbox community a great debt of gratitude that these classic games can still be enjoyed today.
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Be sure to check the GOG forums on the games you are having problems with. You frequently can find solutions to problems that keep the games from working properly. The other option is to play them in a win98se OS emulator
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that's new
is there really an emulator of that OS?
I should still have the original CD somewhere ;)
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boring, but well it was obvious
the word "emulator" fooled me ;P
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Seems like Activision released a bunch of classic games today, and among them is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. This is a really nice surprise, I really had fun with this game and I've always hoped it would come to Steam, but I didn't think it would really happen
The other released games are games from Sierra :
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