Should I continue making puzzles?
Lol.. Sorry, that 's just my initial reaction when I saw you are making another puzzle (almost to the level of seeing another Docam puzzle)..
Thanks for making new puzzle, I will definitely give it a try.. :3
On another note, I always enjoy different kind of puzzle, and your puzzle is one of them..
I admit I joined your previous puzzle firstly because of the gifts but I feel challenged with the difficulty level and really enjoy trying to solve that one..
I know it might sounds egoistic, but please continue making puzzle!!
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I have no clue what does that question even mean lol :D
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Thanks it was easier than your last event but it was also an enjoyable one.
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complaining is for lazy boys who wants free GA! I prefer to break my teeth on a hard puzzle and feel rewarded to solve it and eventually win a GA as a bonus than a 8 pieces Jigidi that as no sense for a GA.
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I'm already convinced by one thing. I'll try to solve your next puzzles even if I have to crush my brain on them!
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Hm, I think I found at least 4 different solutions, not counting permutations ot the moves. Despite I'm sure they are right, the website doesn't accept any of it and I don't know why...
Are permutations of the moves considered in the solutions / could you clarify the move order of the answer format please?
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I believe I found a solution but it is not working, if you don't mind I've added you to confirm.
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Yeah, I know basic chess rules, but I've never solved these kind of chess problems, even if I've seen them. Just needed some clarification on opponent movements. :) Once that sunk in it wasn't too hard figuring out what needed to be done. :)
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Bump for solved. (Last move took me a lot longer than it probably should have.) Nice puzzle!
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Could it be that there are more possible solutions other than your(s)?
'cause, if those 3 moves I have to write in the solution are all white moves, I think I've found one.
EDIT: Or I'm just misinterpreting that looping thing..
EDIT 2 : I mean, is that looping the board "infinite"?
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I think I have to give up for now. I've been trying to solve it for over an hour and then I realized I have been entering K for knight instead of N. Tried it a bit longer after I realized that, but still can't solve it.
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Yup, it was.
Sorry, have to meet with a professor and I'm leaving in this very moment :\
I can tell you to check the new positions of the pieces you move. I didn't take those into account and seemed solvable in two moves. But actually it wasn't.
Hope I didn't say too much for those who still haven't solved it.
I'll be back in a couple of hours though, if you still have problem :)
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I'm currently attempting to solve this, and insofar as I can tell there has to be more than one solution, or rather a solution that isn't guaranteed, given the variability of black's moves... I must be missing something since it is readily apparent you can manipulate black's moves...
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I just triple checked, and I have a solution that works in exactly three moves now, but it requires one specific move by black to be made, and I have no way to control for that.
Edit: Looking at the others' comments, I may be onto something with my current solution, I'll keep pursuing.
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Yeah I tried to account for that, but my issue appears when there are multiple logical moves on black's behalf. In response to one of my moves, black has three logical moves it can make. If it makes one of those logical moves, I can always assure a checkmate in three turns.
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Hm... what I've been trying so far (unsuccessfully, of course) was intentionally letting black take my knight, since in my attempts to figure this out, it was the only first turn action on black's behalf I could guarantee.
Back to the drawing board!
Edit: Woooooow I missed a move that simplifies things significantly, but I can swear I have checkmate in two moves now.
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4th Puzzlemania puzzle! Do not forget to join the group :)
30.06. UPD #1. Within the first day of the event, I received A LOT comments from many users who told me that it is possible to mate in 2 moves or there are multiple solutions for this problem. All those users were mistaken. There exists exactly one solution and there is NO mate in 2 moves. However, if you still think that the problem is not valid, feel free to comment here and contact me after that. But please check and double check your solution before doing this.
Hello, Steamgifters!
This is already the fourth Puzzlemania event! I hope you are as happy as I am :) If you missed my previous puzzles and do not have a clue what Puzzlemania is, you can check these threads: first, second, third.
The latest puzzle received mixed reviews: some people enjoyed it, others however considered it to be very vague and difficult. Lessons learned, this time the puzzle will be very straightforward. It does not mean that it will be easy, most probably not, at least for the majority of people. However, the rules will be very transparent, you will not need to guess what I was thinking about when creating this puzzle. I hope it sounds a bit motivating.
Now, towards some bad thing happened during my last puzzle. Good steamgifters and I found together three different forums where bad steamgifters asked for help with solving my puzzle. I would like to remind you that this is not acceptable and SG rules forbid this. This is an individual puzzle, so please try solving it alone. Probably people tried to cheat because I gave away Witcher 3 gift, which is a very popular AAA game. So, this time there will not be such an expensive giveaway. However, the total amount of giveaways will be 26, which is also quite nice, right?
I am also not sure if people like my puzzles at all or the only reason why they solve them is to gain access to giveaways. To investigate this issue, I attached the poll to this topic. This is a serious question for me, so there is no a potato option in the poll, sorry for that guys. It is not a 'please-praise-me' poll. If I find out that the people here do not like my puzzle, I can stop creating them and just give away the games without any efforts for both sides.
Congratulations to everybody who read my bullshit up to this point because from here the description of this puzzle officially begins! This puzzle is about the good old game of chess. Sounds boring? Do not worry, we will add an exciting rule to this game! :) Basically, try to imagine that the board is looped. To better understand it, let's take a look at the diagram attached. In normal chess white knight would only have two possible moves: Nb3 and Nc2. However, we looped the board, so now, for example such moves as Ng2 or Nh7 are also possible. By looping the board I mean that 1st horizontal is now connected to 8th one, and the A vertical is connected to H one. When you got the whole point, here is the problem: white to mate in 3 moves. Find them! The answer should contain only three white moves without numbers or spaces. Also, if you eat something or check the king, ignore the signs. So, insted of writing N:b3 or Bd4+, just write Nb3 and Bd4 accordingly. The example of the answer, so you can understand the format: Nb3Bg7Kf5. So, in this notation King = K, Bishop = B, Knight = N.
I consider this chess problem to be quite a difficult one, however almost for sure I will not prrovide any hints because it does not make sense for chess problems. You will have two weeks to find the solution yourselves. The puzzle will end on Wednesday, 13th of July. The fastest solvers will be whitelisted by me.
Please believe me that you will very satisfied and will be very proud of yourself when you solve this puzzle. So, do not leave too fast and give it a try! :)
Good luck and have fun!
The list of the giveaways (points needed to enter everything: 400):
Hall of Fame
The following early solvers have been whitelisted! Congratulations!
The solution
The solution briefly:
So, the answer is: Bh8Nh3Be8.
The solution explained:
Thank you all who participated in this event! The poll results clearly indicates that the majority (76 out of 114 votes, more than two thirds) likes my puzzles, so I will not give up creating them! I do not know yet when I will be able to make the next Puzzlemania event, I hope it will be before September. I already have some ideas, but they are still too vague.
As I promised, I did not provide hints during this event and still we have 48 solvers out of 159 players, which is more than 30%. Therefore, I consider this puzzle was too easy for steamgifters, so brace yourselves, the difficulty of the next event will be higher.
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