We're back.

Thank you for your patience. We're not fully up to speed yet but we're getting there, one thing at a time. Raiden's offline, so he's out of the loop right now, but MoneyHypeMike (the new kid on the block) and myself are working through giveaway deletion requests right now. Please do not request anything in this thread. This is just a thread to update you all on the situation.

Current powers available: deleting giveaways, full access to Support, closing forum threads, seeing reported giveaways, rerolling, suspending, viewing all tickets by a user and checking for alternate accounts.

Our power level isn't quite over 9000 yet, but it'll make a huge difference, don't you agree?

Update: Crossbourne is helping us out as well. Whether he'll be a permanent addition to the support team is yet to be seen, but he'd be welcomed.

Update 2: We can see reported giveaways now.

Update 3: The reroll system has just been updated and we can now reroll giveaways very simply and quickly. If you had a previous ticket open, please resubmit with the new method as they have been auto-closed so we know which are still relevant.

Update 4: This is the big one, guys. We can suspend again, with a whole new range of options and time settings for them! :D We also have access to viewing any old tickets anyone has sent in and checking for alts.

Update 4.5: Technically, this was earlier than Update 4, but it's not as important. ;) Lina and Raiden are now Support members (again, in the latter's case). Feel free to abuse them as you would me.

Update 5: FFS... Full access to support.

Update 6: Kaitlyn is now a Support member. We also only have 371 current open tickets (less, because that includes some moderator discussion tickets).

Update 7: wbarton is now a Support member.

1 decade ago*

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So is it just you 3 for now?

1 decade ago

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Cool beans, yo! At least there might be less awful threads around.

1 decade ago

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Welcome back, and thanks to Mike and Crossbourne for chipping in.

1 decade ago

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So, you just got your "vacation" cancelled :P

1 decade ago

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+1 lawlz

1 decade ago

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Nah, the mod team known about me leaving for about a month and a half. :3

1 decade ago

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Awwwww...b-b-b-but we love the jade falcon!

1 decade ago

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Cool, let's hope it brings back some sanity to the site. Then again, it's the insane people who makes it interesting.

1 decade ago

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Nice, glad to see you guys coming back into the fold!

1 decade ago

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Hell to the motherfucking yes.

Relevant gif.

1 decade ago

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a 404 error. Somehow I feel that's still relevant

1 decade ago

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Try refreshing. Worked for me.

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately, it did for me too. Now I have to wash my eyes with soap.

1 decade ago

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I am disappointed that what I just saw is a thing.

1 decade ago

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Very good!

1 decade ago

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Excellent!!! This deserves a party. I'll bring the weed

1 decade ago

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Thanks for your support. My last ticket was solved almost immediately

1 decade ago

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Good to know! :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Jade Rules. Cross Rules. Mike Rules With An Iron Fist. I approve!

1 decade ago

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Thank you for all of your hard work! We all appreciate it!

1 decade ago

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Woohoo! Even Crossbourne is in the mix, NICE.

1 decade ago

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Nice to see this! Can I request cookies though?

1 decade ago

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Nice to know the big contributors in this community are helping out support.

1 decade ago

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Thats good news, maybe these forums will now be a bit more pleasant and things will run smoother.


1 decade ago

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Nice to hear! Thank you guys! :)

1 decade ago

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I could help as well.

1 decade ago

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Support's back. There's hope again.

Also, grats to MHM and Crossbourne.

1 decade ago

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Yay, Captain Planets back!

1 decade ago

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Will do. For now.

1 decade ago

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I'm French.

1 decade ago

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That's really cool that support finally is back, though I wonder what do you mean by "limited access to Support".

1 decade ago

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I can only see specific tickets, so when those are dealt with, Support is "empty". Last night, it was giveaway deletion requests, where we sped through and wiped out all of those tickets (about 160-odd) in an hour. Currently, it's Add New Game, which I can't actually do, so gonna have to wait until cg's given me a new category and a hammer.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by thejadefalcon.