If a game I'm completely not interested in comes up I just hide it, currently at around 9k. Usually I have around 10-100 games but many of them I don't enter just don't hide in case I want to start entering them later. From time to time when I see a game I haven't hidden I enter it and hide it at the same time and it happens that I win it sometimes
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A lot of clutter cause I haven't gotten around to refixing my plugins since they stopped working on firefox months ago(only hide in-site owned DLCs/packs/etc false positives), with a little thingie that says "Wishlist" at the left. Only button I care about anymore. After that click it looks scarce but interesting
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actually I'm not even in top 3 most wins on SG for like over a year ;p The top is around 4k now I believe ;p
You have won so many already that you can't see most of them anymore
and yeah - this is the reason, so that's why I pointed that associating me with "∞" is kinda silly - game collectors by default will have much smaller GA feed ;) Actually you see small minority of all Steam games here on SG - a lot of games never get GAs because they are not in bunbdles or big sales. A lot of GAs are the GAs for the same games over and over again, because they get rebundled over and over again. Game Collector is much more likelly to already own these games from previous GA or bundle than average user, thus their feed will be by default much smaller (even without hiding anything) than most of users ;p I bet users like Freiherr or CJ have their feed almost empty most of the time ;p
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I know I am not, I am collector but pretty small compared to heavyweight guys ;) Never did I state otherwise, that's why I brought up actual big collectors to the argument, to make it more solid ;)
as for actual numberts -currently highest Steam count according to Steam Ladder is https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kongzoola with over 20k. CJ is not even in top 50 ;) but we have DerFreiherr on SG who currently owns 5th largest Steam library in the world ;)
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yeah, and I explai why I am not fitting here ;) if your poll question was how much did you win on SG, or how much do you plan to win on SG - then yeah, as most known big winner I'd probably be the best fit ;) but not for GA feed question, as big winners and collectors have a lot of games filtered out, as they own them already ;) but nonetheless, neither does it hurt me nor praise me that I'm there, so all fine and dandy with me ;)
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1954 hidden, but keep in mind that it also include games that I own which got removed from Steam (API no longer reporting them so they become enter-able on Sg unless they are "Previously Won"), owned DLCs and collections containing stuff I already have ;) Generally I do not manually add everything from my lib to hidden list nor do I actively hide bad games (with few exceptions like chauvinistis/homophobic developers or other extreme cases), hy hidden list is not well managed, simply if I see DLC/pack I own in GA (and I tend to always check these) I will hide it, but I will not spend time actively checking every game in GA feed and hiding them off ;)
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as for difference - it's all down to money I guess. Look at the bundle list - https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games there are over 11k results, ofc some are DLCs, some are packs/collections, but nonetheless at least good few thousands are individual games. games that you could get in cheap bundles, with sales of over 95% off or even for free (as this is definition of bundle game on SG). So you could get few thousadns of games for more or less 5% of their original price. Next few thousands you can buy on deep sales, just not deep enough for bundle level - but a lot of games on Steam goes on sale for 66/75/80% off. So by sticking just to cheap sources one could get to 10k games owned mark. It wouldn't ofc be really cheap - but relatively cheap. Collection worth by steam prices 50k$ would cost a few thousands top. It's ofc still a lot, but at the same time it's much more reallistic for most of people than 50k $ ;) We spend thousands of $ on hardware, it's imagineable to spend similar money to games over the years. But when you hit the spot, when you buy all bundles and got almost all of deeply discounted games competition becomes much more expensive. At the beggining 120$ could get you hundreds of games, if you would go just for cheap bundles. When you're out of bundles still 120$ could still give you trens of games bought on deep sales. But whenyou run out of bundles, sales and cheap games the same 120$ will only buy you 2 AAA titles or let's say 5-10 cheaper ones. So at the beggining collector can get up to 1000 games with just few hundreds dollars. Someone who is out of bundles but will go for let's say 80% sales with 10$ avg price would need 2k$ to get next 1k games. But someone at the top who gotta buy fullprice will need to spend even tens of thousands of $ just to get another 1k. People may want to be competitive when it comes to let's say your few days salary, or if you earn quite a bit even to cost of some good hardware part. But competitiveness at cost that could easilly buy you a new car or in longer perspective maybe even a flat is totally different level ;p
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And from what i know from group buys (if they still exist due paypal fee system change) people could get whole bundles with tens of titles just for cents and pennies. Which is really cost efficient way to go certainly for collecting. o.o
there are also stores now which sell shovelware games for pennies, like DIG store ;) And ofcv mentioned freebies. So yeah, I'd argue that getting to 1000 games on Steam could be achieved even under 100$ budget.
These days it's harder to get as good deals as they used to be during days of flash sales
Not sure tbh, obviously less good deals on newer stuff, noone will put newer game at 10 days long big sale, while they could put it on 8h sale, but at the other hand as years go by the games get older and older, and if your game is few years old you are much more likely to put it on deeper sale as it's stopped earning serious money anyway, but you can still get some this way, not to mention hooking people up on a series and maybe they will buy more expensive sequels. From customer standpoint it's obviously worse case, as sales for newer stuff is higher, but from purely collector standpoint (and that's what we are theorethically discussing here. how expensive it is to get X games) there's is no difference, because while the newer stuff is more expensive there is more old cheap stuff now than it used to be in flash-sales era ;) Ofc I mean starting and mid-tier collectors, as for top ones it's obviously not the case as they own all of this old cheaper stuff already ;p
And yeah - there are more bundles now, especially more AAA, AA or premium indies getting bundles, but that's it, cause beside introduction of higher quality buyndles, lower quality bundles stabilized over last few years. real boom was 2-3 years ago, but since then quite a few bundles died, some became less popular (anyone still gives a shit about groupees? and it used to be one of 3 most popular bundle sites) and especially in least popular bundles, like all gogo, box etc, most of games are repeats after repeats. Games getting bundled for 30th time is not really changing much ;)
It's kind of why i'm bit baffled that top guy doesn't have more competition
Like I said - it's probably about the cost. Getting very high may cost you a good few thousands of dollars, but getting to the top is probably requiring hundreds of thousands of dollars - it's riddiculous amount of money, especially for something that is not physical. If you collect cars, art or even action figures - they will keep some kind of value, you can resell them in future, they can be inherited and so on and on, they have real life monetary value. Steam games (especially after removal of gifting system) do not. You cannot resell your collection, it doesn't even belong to you, for all we know Valve can switch off servers next month and you will be left with nothing of value at all. I guess there are not many people willing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into something that will not even belong to them, just for the same of competition.
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28 games visible right now. I thought I was rather picky, but I can't compete with you :P
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I like winning stuff too much to have 0 entries :p
I enter for games on my wishlist (sadly though most seem to never be given away), and for any games I've left unhidden.
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I only work with my wishlist, I don't even look at the "home" page anymore. Too lazy to tag every game I don't want. I used to occasionally add games to the filter list, hence why there are 76 games on it - though that list hasn't been updated since December 2015.
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.......yeaaah nooo, fuck that :D way too much work for something like that, at least in my book ^^
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I was tempted to hid all 1p games at some point but then I remembered that I won here Splatter and GET THE GEMS - both 1p and both really good games.
Although when I see "achievement" in games name or thumbnail I don't even bother to check xD
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مجھے سمجھ نہیں آتا کہ آپ اسے فینیش میں کیوں لکھتے ہیں. کیا اس کے لئے ایک وجہ ہے؟
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No one force you to read it but you was the one who created and thread and put in a 1 year old giveaway not me. /ignored
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Nice idea for a thread!
I enter a bunch of giveaways from my feed on a daily basis. I don't pick just the titles from my wishlist, but I use SG for getting all kinds of games that I probably wouldn't pay for since I'm not sure if it's worth it, but I'm interested to check them out if I win them. So since I enter many kinds of giveaways I'm always trying to optimize the process, so it doesn't take me too much time.
The first significant factor is obviously my hidden games list which currently holds over 9000 items and is steadily growing on a daily basis.
The second thing without which it wouldn't really be possible is the ESGST script. At the start of the day my feed usually looks somewhat like this. Each game I've seen in the past is either on my hidden list or has one of the tags from this list. If I see a new game then I check its store page and decide to either add it to the hidden list or assign it a specific tag. Then I use ESGST's hide function (which is different from SG hiding) to hide specific giveaways on my feed. Usually, I basically hide each giveaway which is for a game having a different tag than "Enter". I also enter all of the giveaways with the "Enter" tag and once I do that these are also automatically hidden by ESGST. Once I do all of this stuff I see something like this. What I can see here is that there are currently 72 running giveaways I entered. If I refresh the page a few hours later then a few new giveaways appear (I don't see ones I've already taken care of before) and the cycle repeats ;)
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