I will try to calm myself down first by doing something unrelated to occupy my mind (i.e. games).
Eventually I will realize that I'm just wasting time and that I should get my shit together.
Then I try to get my shit together.
90% of the time, this fails and results in me needing to play games to occupy my mind.
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I know that feeling. Sometimes I feel like I will be able to trully gave 100% from myself in most critical situation ;/ I know it sounds like excuses and I hate myslef for that (maybe not hate but you get the idea) yet there are some walls in my mind that are very hard to overcome.
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Thanks for the train! I usually take a jog if I'm anxious for something big, but if there is little time I just clap my hands. I don't know why but it helps me the calm down ><
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Honestly, I don't really kow what to tell you. Let's just say I don't deal with it very well? Or at all? I don't know.
That wasn't helpful at all but meh, whatever.
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it feels like you are anxious about this comment. need to talk about it?
trying to lighten the mood is all
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Nah, I'm alright. Would be too much to talk about anyway and I don't even want to get started, for your sake :D
But thanks :P
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If you have something bothering you, it sometimes really help to talk about it. Maybe not to 'Internet People' but still, I know something about hiding things and, let's say, it isn't helthy. It's coming from my own experience.
I hope really everything is alright :)
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Actually I prefer talking to "internet people" because they very rarely judge you for what you tell them.
I know, I have been feeling far worse but right now I'm alright. Just a 'little' worried about what to do with my life since I have no clue at all but I think that's rather normal. But thank you <3
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Oh well, when I was younger and I was looking info for something I approched internet community that was supposed to be open mided - they judged shit out of me and kinda cause a little close up for some time :P
But if you know where to look, you are probably right. For me it's more about anonymity :P
You are welcome, you have no idea how much I understand you.
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I'm never anxious
look behind anxiously is anxiously a real word or did i just made it up?
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5 bundled games, 2 SteamGifts levels required, 1 ratio to fix!
I wanted to write something funny and creative but... oh well, lets just cut to the chase - I wanted to play ancestors of Euro Truck Simulator 2, and to my luck, two of them are bundled right now. I bought them, played one for like 10 minutes and I asked myslef Adam, you are basically poor, and you still didn't found job. Why are you spending money on games that you actually don't need? As always in this kind of situations I acted like escapist I am and decided to look at bright side - my ratio is currently perfect 1:1 so I will have a chance to fix it a little. I choose 5 retro games and decided to make my first train.
You will receive keys from IndieGala. Try activate tham ASAP and don't forget to mark as received. In every GA there is a little request from me, so instead of copy pasting thanks, check if you can post thing I asked for.
As for this thread, it would be nice to hear about you ways of dealing with any kinds of anxiety. You don't have any because you don't have anxiety? I'm more than happy for you, stay strong my friend!
EDIT: Thank you all for your input in this thread and in certain GAs. It really means much to me. I might not directly respond to everyone, but I want you to know that I read all your comments and check every suggestion and look at every photo :)
EDIT 2: It really was fun, I hope you all also enjoyed the ride. Now I will admire people that makes trains often because it isn't so easy at it seems ;) You can expect more trains like this one, when my finanaces will let me do them :) To the next time! :D
I would also like to acknowledge a famous character from Mad Max that can sums up my recent actions by his famous line:
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