Well, have you?
Your day sounds like a bad episode of Law and Order
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Nope. Never had one good day in my life. I never want to remember anything.
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i know , i've read ... but if i was in your place i would have called the police , and in my opinion you should have done the same
her parets said " 'what are you doing to my daughter?!?'"
i bet the parents don;t know what she does (prostiturion and hard drugs), if you would have reported it to police i think it would have been a different story
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If I had reported it, the girl wouldve been charged with solicitation, and conspiracy to violate drug laws. I've been a victim of the system before. No victim, no crime imo. Going to jail, wouldnt help the girl at all. Drugs are just as easily available in jail, no one gets clean there. Obviously if the mother had called the police, I wouldve told my side of the story because it wouldve been a neccesity.
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I guess she didn't stab you because she hadn't a knife.
People on drug are dangerous, call the police next time :O
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Ah crappy english, most of people on drugs could be beaten with a soft pillow, I meant people in abstinence
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Years ago, I used to work in nightlife, and you meet all sorts.
You become friends with a lot of promoters and bartenders and musicians and stuff.
Through them, you can become friends with their dealers. And through them you get to meet some hard-core criminals. It's not an overnight thing, but you can find yourself gradually being pulled into it, not even realizing.
So one night, we're at an after-after-afterparty. Some time early monday morning, everyone still drunk (or worse) from the night(s) before. and I'm just chilling on the couch, while two people next to me are discussing the price of having a particular person shot, and the cost of head vs knee. I knew the person they were talking about; this wasn't banter, it was serious
That was probably the most sobering moment of my life. I just thought to myself "why am I here?" "why do I know these people?"
I quit my job, quit my friends, and moved the fuck out of dodge after that.
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No I can't seem to remember anything, which is sometimes good, sometimes not so much.
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A week or two ago I was waiting at the bus terminal downtown at around midnight and some Native-American woman started speedwalking towards me. When she came up to me, she started asking me if I was Irish or Italian and listing off random enthicities. I was like "I'm neither of those yo, I'm Greek, English, and Scottish" and she was like "OH MY GOD I'M GREEK TOO!!!" but like I mentioned earlier she was Native, like she had dark skin, dark straight hair, and even had the Native face shape, what I'm saying is there's no way she was Greek. She tried telling me she was Persian, too. Anyways, she started freaking out over my t-shirt (I was wearing a Vital Remains band shirt that happened to have skulls and pentagrams on it) because of "black magic" and she made me cover it up so something didn't happen to her. Then she started gushing over my septum piercing and my stretched ears, even going so far as to call me her "n****r from another wigger". At this point, I just wanted my bus to hurry the fuck up so I wouldn't have to talk to her anymore. Then she started spraying perfume on herself and started spraying it on me too, which was when I got pissy with her. I have breathing problems so perfume/cologne bothers me a lot. Then she saw some black guy walk by, freaked out and started mumbling shit and walked away from me. Then maybe 3 minutes later she starts walking towards me from the same direction at first, but I said fuck it and just ran to the closest bus. Then when the bus was pulling out of the terminal, she noticed me on it and started screaming something at me, couldn't tell what she was saying but she looked pretty angry. But yeah, that all happened within the span of 30 minutes. :^)
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pfff u know what they say, that we Greeks are magnets to problems ( and girls)
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We really are problem magnets! And creep magnets xD
And it's Greek men that like anal, from what I know about ancient Greece ;o
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That's what I thought at first, but I think she was just wigging out on some drug(s) or something LOL
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wouldnt be funny if one day you are the star in one of those " so guy who tried to rape my daughter lets not ever ever meet" stories?
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Once I met a guy while I was wandering around Berlin. First he asked for some money to buy some food because he was homeless man. But he wasn't like a homeless man. I just gave him some money, then we start to talk. He claimed that he was subject of so called MK-Ultra projects of CIA. He told me some things which I don't remember now but he was saying that he doesn't remember about past and whenever he search for those experimenets and what happened so on, he was having seizure. He was very interesting guy though.
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Ohhh, I once met a guy like that. He was part of every major conspiracy in the last 3 decades, and knew who did all the others :P
He just kept on talking and it all made perfect sense, it was amazing. I didn't believe him for one second, but the level of detail...my goodness, if only he would write a book or something, instead of telling random people in hostels :P
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So yesterday was just one of those days from the time I woke up, until I went to sleep. First I broke my pc by shutting it down and moving it to another room, I thought I had just jostled something loose, hours later, and after some progress, then it getting worse, turns out its a fairly common problem with my video card that AMD has no comment on. Anyways, in the process of trying to fix that, I managed to break the usb ports on the front panel. I finally get it running enough to get online, which incidentally barely works, due to a power outage, the AP i usually connect to is unreliable at best.
Go to work, and shortly after I get there, my favorite rapper, Joyner Lucas comes in to my store. I talk to him for a bit, very cool guy. If you like rap, keep an eye on him. Fast forward a few hours, and this girl comes in, asks if she can wait for her ride there, because she just bailed out of jail, after the cops took her car and charged her with OUI. Whatever, sure, this isnt that strange, considering were 24 hours, and the closest place to the state police barracks.
I go outside for a smoke a little while later, and she follows me outside. The conversation went something like this;
Her: Do you have a girlfriend?
Me: No
Her: Have you ever paid for sex before?
Me: Lol, no.
Her: Do you want to? I just need to make 100$ so I can get my car out of impound
Me: No, thanks, I'm all set.
Her: Are you sure? I'm good.
Me: I'm sure you are
Her: Im usually much prettier too, I just dont have any makeup on, do you have any heroin?
Me: No, I dont fuck with that.
(.4 milliseconds later ) I'm sorry, Im really tired, please dont call the cops, I'm just going to wait for my ride.
I go back inside, and probably 20 minutes later another customer comes in and asks me why theres a girl sleeping in the middle of the parking lot. I go out and wake her up and move her over to the side of the building (For those of you wondering, I dont believe in calling the cops for anything unless theres a victim, and even then only if the victim needs or wants the police. Drugs absolutely will ruin your life, but 9 times out of 10 its the police and the system that ruin your life, and not the drugs directly) I get her off to the side and out of customer view, and she tells me thank you for being so nice, and starts to get undressed. I'm like wtf are you doing, at which point she bursts into tears and starts in with the 'why dont you like me?' routine.
Its at this exact moment, that her ride, her mother, shows up. I'm standing there, with a hysterically sobbing half naked girl, who I'm trying to help put her shirt back on. I look like chester the molester, and I know it, so when Mom shrieks 'what are you doing to my daughter?!?' I just kind of stare at her like a deer in headlights. The girl just bolts over to her mom, and says something like 'its ok lets just leave' I couldnt hear it clearly but I think thats what she said. So somewhere right now, some woman probably thinks I'm a rapist and that she saved her daughter from me.
I will never forget this night, ever.
TLDR: Broke my computer, met a semi famous rapper, was propositioned for sex, and managed to look like a rapist all in one day.
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