Would you kindly go fuck yourself?
Verdun is awesome. Played many, many hours back when it was in free alpha. You can actualy have that feeling in your spine, when you and your squad (or better yet: a squad commanded by you) capture one trenchline after another... just to lose it few minutes later. And then you try again. There is no other way than straight on your foe's bayonettes. Man, makes you really think about Great War and pointless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. To me, that kind of games are worth any money.
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I kindly decline. However, your experience seems to differ from what I've seen in gameplay videos. I thought it had a run and gun, COD vibe to it. Now, I won't deny enjoying some COD gameplay from time to time (except the newer titles), but I thought that was a cliche style for a game attempting an underused time period. If it is fact more like Red Orchestra, requiring teamwork and squad coordination, then it could be good for someone really wanting a WWI era shooter. Also, 0.6 hours on record...
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Yeah, well as I said, I played tons of hours when it was in free alpha, now I just don't have enough time to stay in shape and play everyday, since I got my new job. Real life can be pretty entertaining and time-consuming when you're over 30, so yeah. I wish I had time to play as long as I want.
Sorry for being rude in the first post tho. Too much stress and bad attitude at work.
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Because your typical FPS player thinks that a game which doesn't put in his hands a run-and-gun full auto bullet spewer is crap.
And WWI was all about bolt action rifles, machine guns, trenches and the occasional shotgun or stocked pistol for trench assault.
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Isn't that alone awesome? Trenches, trying to avoiding gun fire and actively pushing forward with your gas mask in check as you push through cyanide with machine guns just spraying the entire trench area that forces players to learn firing patterns to know when to poke up and fire their bolt rifles... That would be awesome.
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They're planning on add gas attacks from what I've heard.
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Actualy, there are WW1 strategy games. World War I: Battlefields, Strategic Command World War I and Commander: The Great War, just to name few.
Necrovision is pretty bad IMO. Darkest of Days isn't much better, but it gives you a chance to fight in WW1, American Civil War, US-Indian War, WW2 in concentration camp and even in ancient Rome (Pompeii I believe?). Shame they didn't make a sequel, and I have to play the same game for 4th time :)
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Probably because WW1 was, at least on the western 'interesting' front, not 'exciting' enough for a modern gamer, and no one cares about the eastern front because no one cares about Austria-Hungary or Russia before 1941. Also the obvious lack of interest in history. I bet you, in say 20-30 years, no one will give a shit about WW2 anymore. And of course the gaming industry is extremely cautious not to leave its comfort zone.
As for games, Darkest Hour has a 1914 scenario (grand strategy), and if I remember correctly, there was a WW1 mod for BF 1942, never tried it though.
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Yes, it's called Battlefield 1918, played alpha and it was quite fun.
I think WW1 was way more interesting than WW2. But I'm a historian.
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I'm waiting for Ubisoft's Valiant Hearts - it should be released this year.
One of reasons for rarity of WWI games is that action game set in this time most likely will consist of sitting in a trench and waiting until you are gassed, and if you try to leave the trench you're immediately blown up by artillery or shot down by machine guns - doesn't look fun to me.
There are some strategies and flight sims about WWI though.
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WW I was a bloody, pointless conflict(similar to WW II in that aspect), but waged with pretty primitive weaponry, in which the main tactic of fighting for infantry based land warfare was the trench stalemate. For that reason, many battles lasted for weeks at a time, were very heavy on casualties on BOTH sides and very often had no definitive winners, as no side would give up an inch of ground to the other. Supreme example of this is the battle of Verdun. You can see how such a game(if it would choose to be true to it's source material) would be VERY BORING. If you really want to play something that has gameplay in that era(although not exclusively), you can try Darkest of Days. Not a great game, but I think it's the best you can get.
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"Wings" all time greatest wwi game, immensly fun. It's free to download for amiga emúlator but at HD remake is on it's way: http://cinemawarewings.com/
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We already pretend that the common soldier was running around with fully auto weapons in most WW2 games, despite bolt action, and some semi-auto being the most prevalent. (iir the M14 semi-auto rifle, not the M16, was still the primary firearm of US troops up until later in the Vietnam war when the M16 was fully deployed.)
It gets even harder to pretend that people weren't just using bolt action rifles back in WW1 ---- and sitting around in trenches for weeks at a time. Neither of which makes for action packed FPS game play.
One thing I find interested about playing my current favorite FPS RO2/RS is if you pick a "common soldier" they'll get a bolt action rifle.
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So is it worth to buy or better wait till full release?
I ask because it is on early access
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Yeah, it's kind of an alternate universe WWI with zombies and demons. I think both games in the series are incredibly enjoyable.
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i think you missed the golden age of gaming... 2000-2010 !
ww2 games were everywhere! i am so sick of that sub-genre that i want to play as a biologically enhanced nazi super soldier and take everyone down, including game developers who makes ww2 themed games.
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Ageod War World One Gold, Hps simulations france 14, steam and iron... They are all excellent, but france 14 is very time consuming. France 14 is also rather for advanced gorgnards not for someone who never played a wargame before. There is also Jutland which i don't like too much but it has 3D, and ageod pride of nations timeline includes ww1 too, as does the 2 paradox victorias and natrix guns of august. There are probably some operational art of war scenarios as well.
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Ageod games are indeed pretty much computer versions of plateau wargames, hence the whole design making it look so. The main skill in ageod games is forward strategical thinking and long term planning, rather than operational skills like in most hps games. Most wargames require a 9999 pages manual yes, if the basic mechanics are actually pretty simple to grasp, there is a lot of hidden mechanics that are better learned in order to secure victory.
it's unfortunately their weakest title ( civil war 2 is probably the best ) but its the one about ww1.
The engine, unfortunately, is a pain, no arguing about that. The time between turns takes long minutes unless you lower the AI prowess unacceptably low.
I think that someone intrested in ww1 and wargames will definitely enjoy it, but if the interest in the subject is only average and you think that wargames mean the total war serie then yeah it might hurt.
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Iron Storm is set in alternative 1964, where WWI is still going.
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The comments about the First World War not being "exciting" enough for the 140 character generation are probably most correct.
But we're also forgetting the profound difference in meaning between the two world wars. There's a reason arch-leftist Studs Terkel called the Second World War "The Good War". There was the perception of clear morally bad enemies and clear casus belli. There is no question about who started WWII and why the US joined in. It was the closest to a moral crusade you'll ever find in war.
The First World War, however, is murky and clouded. It's hard to assign blame for its beginning, the only countries you can say didn't have a hand in it were Britain and the US. It's hard to assign moral labels for the sides. Who are the "good guys" and who are the "bad guys"? That's unclear.
It lacks the obvious categorization of WW2. There's no easy "Good vs Bad" of video game fair: "Allies vs Nazis" (the Nazis are bad) or "US vs Terrorists" or "Law Enforcement vs Criminals" or even a simple "Us vs Them".
So, how do you present a STORY which will be interesting to the 140 character generation? Lets consider that before we try to adapt the gameplay.
As for the gameplay, there's a reason Verdun is on Windows, Mac and Linux PCs and not on the PS4. There is a different demographic which takes the time and effort to play video games on a computer, a more patient more thoughtful demographic. Ones who can appreciate that not everything is accomplished with a twitch.
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myeah i'd rather give them his ( commented ) book than a game based on it thought if we talk about education.
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People that are likely to read that book wouldn't need prodding to do so. I was talking about as a way to expose young persons to a part of history they might not otherwise know about. I bet most people under 25 couldn't tell you anything at all about WWI, other than it was the prequel to WWII.
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can you guys name a reasons why there are so few WWI games? and also if you guy have a WWI favorite that you guys recommend? the closer to 2014 the better thx :)
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