The Somme will be announced this year, it looks pretty good.
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I know 2 strategy games based on WWI: The Entente, a Cossacks-like, and History Line: 1914-1918, a Battle Isle-like. The Entente had divided players ("a Cossacks clone on WWI without trenches? LOL", powerfull tanks ans planes,...) and History Line has quickly forgotten.
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Because there was no evil in WWI, just greedy retarded governments.
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. . .
World War I was a result of a whole shitload of people being intricately tied by defensive treaties, pissed at each other, ready to throw down, and an archduke getting shot.
World War II had evil. World War II was the result of Germany being saddled with the 'war guilt' for WWI (thanks, France!) and spending the next decade building up an economic and technological powerhouse to reclaim national honor. Then their leader, a man who rose to power on the ideals of 'the great German people' took this to an extreme. Aryans were, he declared, the superior race. He began systematic extermination of 'undesirable' populations within his borders, invaded neighboring countries, and continued the process there. He allied himself with a foreign power to distract his biggest worry (Russia) and they both got their asses handed to them by most of the rest of Europe and the USA.
In short, WWII games are popular because the technology is familiar (planes are a threat, not the sideline they were in WWI) and there is a clear-cut 'bad guy'.
In a World War I game, you'd have much less effective weapons and would not know the reasons you are fighting. Also, World War I focused on trench warfare - both sides entrenched while artillery flew, with each side routinely charging across 'no man's land' towards enemy trenches. These charges were almost always doomed to failure, with heavy casualties to the attacker and little to nothing gained even if they succeeded. It would be hard to give the player a sense of accomplishment when 90% of the time they died to a random artillery shot or were gunned down by a machine gun and never even saw an enemy soldier.
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You might also be interested in the later war plan orange from matrix.
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you can give a try to the very alternative Iron Storm.
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There are some great WWI scenarios in Matrix Games's The Operational Art of War III (turn-based strategy game), from small battles to campaigns depicting the whole war.
The complete WWI campaign was one of the most interesting and fun strategy games I ever played - downsides are that this particular campaign
a) is very time-consuming (in order to make the trench warfare on the Western front interesting you don't control divisions like in most other games but regiments and battalions leading to a bazillion units that have to be moved, especially in the first couple of rounds)
and b) you really need a human opponent as the AI in the campaign isn't very good.
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Why? Assuming a realistic WWI game was made, these would be the problems...
1) WWI was mostly zerging and attrition. Thousands and thousands of soldiers going over the top only to be mowed down by machine gun fire. Maybe 1/50 people would have a k/d over 1 and they would be the ones using the machine guns and artillery.
2) Campers (refer to number 1), if you want to live you'll camp in your own trench and keep spamming mortar at them.
3) Most games would be set in barren lands filled craters and trenches.
All to sum it up, a realistic WWI game would be more of a death simulator.
Now the game Verdun is completely different since it is set with a lower amount of people and uses squads which was never used for most of WWI. (or at least I never learned much about them)
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can you guys name a reasons why there are so few WWI games? and also if you guy have a WWI favorite that you guys recommend? the closer to 2014 the better thx :)
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