Well, this is happening sooner than I thought. I did not think about the fact SG would include all time zones when granting me my cake, but it does. So yaaaay! I have been here for a year. I have not contributed as much as I have wanted to, but I hope this year will be better.

My mother and I were just discussing about some people and topics which are important and painful to us. We've had quite the year and venting can really help sometimes. So I invite you all to share moment of frustration from your day or last few days. Just get something off your chest. We're all strangers with our own problems here, so we won't judge. Unless you post sexism, racism, homophobia, victim blaming, fat shaming and other such things. You are free to do so, but I will play a tiny violin and judge you hard.

So here is the IndieGala Hump Day #18 Cheap-I-Am-Sorry-I-Will-Do-Better-TRAIN.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for the train!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cake day~! My frustration is people not doing their jobs properly!

8 years ago

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That frustrates me too. I don't mind mistakes, inexperience or messing up. It's all about attitude for me. I mean, I do mind mistakes in life-handling jobs, like medicine and such. But for many jobs, I am good as long as the person is not rude or just down right not bothering to even try.

You have a job, you get paid, I am being reasonable and polite to you and therefore not responsible for your grievances. Some courtesy, please. Though we are all human and all have bad days, so I always try to be understanding when the behavior is not extreme. Chances are some folks here are on the opposite end of trying to keep cheerful after handling bad clients.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day.

Thank you for the train.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! Had an encounter with some snooty, condescending rich people and my wife wanted to punch the lady. :P They were like the villains from an 80's movie. Such sense of entitlement and d-baggery. It was almost comical.

8 years ago

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Your wife is patience personified, because I would have mopped the floor with them. And gotten into trouble, probably. Give your lady some tea, a hug and forget about those jerks. ^_^

8 years ago

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Q: Why is the train public? Most trains i've seen are invite-only with links accessible on a forum thread.

8 years ago

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I just thought I'd make it easy for many to enter. I would make an invite only train for fancier games or maybe another special event, but I just feel like I should share as openly as possible on an SG cake day. And the thread is more to chat with folks and give them a chance to vent a little, get rid of some stress. :)

8 years ago

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Bump and congrats on cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy Lvl up. Thanks for the ride.
And for the talking part... We just had a broken heating pipe and now we have too renovate our bathroom. It's all so noisy and nerve-wrecking. Ugh. I just wish it to be done -.-

8 years ago

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Ah curses. That sucks. I hope they work extra fast and give you back you peace and quiet soon.

8 years ago

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Hope so too. Would be nice :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake!

So I invite you all to share moment of frustration from your day or last few days. Just get something off your chest.

It's got to be relationship issues. Been on-off-on over the past weeks/months. And still no idea what will it be.

8 years ago

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I hope you land on the one that's best for you both soon. *random creepy stranger hug

8 years ago

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Happy chocolate cake day for you!!!
And thanks for the train ::)

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day xD

Life without frustrations / stress sounds great, but it can also be very boring!

They can keep you on your toes - just gotta manage them and keep everything in balance

8 years ago

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That is very true. We would not appreciate the good in life if not for the bad. But sometimes they pile on and you just need to talk or just need a moment's rest and some internal peace. Sadly those moments cannot be scheduled, ordered or demanded. I am currently having one now, so all's well. :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day :3

8 years ago

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bump thx

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day :D

8 years ago

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Happy cake day to you! :D

Hmm, either my memory's getting worse, I'm learning to shrug things off, or I've had a frustration-free week, because nothing's coming to mind. :P

8 years ago*

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I am waiting for that magical moment after 30 (29 now) where you supposedly stop giving a damn and everything is fine. Whichever of the three is happening, at least you had a good week. ;)

8 years ago

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Ah, I know exactly what you're referring to, and it's absolutely liberating. It's not dependent on age, though; it's a matter of changing your mindset and keeping things in perspective. When you start living your life by following your heart, rather than limiting yourself based on how you think others will perceive you, it can truly feel magical, and although some problems in life are genuinely huge, so many of the things we face are so much easier to deal with when we can step back outside of ourselves and look at them objectively and see that in the grand scheme of things, they're really not that bad, and nothing we can't handle.

With that said, what's a moment of frustration that you'd care to vent? :)

8 years ago

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Very wise words. I am currently working on my mindset about life. Not quite there yet, I still care too much about certain limiting things, but life is always a work in progress. From the day we enter it to the day we leave it.

As for frustrations, I am the queen of whining, so I have many. But if we are talking serious things, rather than silly grumpiness, I suppose it was a few days ago. My routine at work changed and this is after a year of some pretty stressful stuff (three surgeries and cancer scares for my mom, which were thankfully not cancer). I am very good at hiding my emotional/mental state, so the people around me did not notice that this change at work, however small and actually great, caused me anxiety. I am a person of routine in general, so adjusting takes time. So they all happened to want to work on things or do things or say things that stressed me out further and I kind of exploded.

I am doing my best to remember that it's important to let people know how you feel and just be honest when you need everyone to back off for a while. I have wonderful people around me who will understand and give me some space and peace if I ask for it. :) Thank you for asking me. This was good venting.

8 years ago

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Thank you for sharing. :)

It sounds like you internalize things while not letting others know how you really feel, and the pressure just built up until you couldn't take it anymore. We all have our breaking points, and I agree that it's best to be able to talk about it before it even gets to that point. Having an outlet to de-stress might do wonders as well. For some, it might be exercising. For others, it could be through music, meditation, a walk out in nature, etc. Do whatever helps to ground you and find that inner peace.

That's awesome news about your Mom (not the stress and the scares, but the fact that it's not cancer after all), and you're the one showing wisdom about life being a work in progress. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow, and every step toward your goal, no matter how big or small, is a step in the right direction. :)

8 years ago

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Absolutely. We keep walking and try to get back up when we fall. There could be great things around the corner or even right where we are. :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day. I was kinda surprised to see a train in my wishlist list but as apparently, the train is open to everyone, I understand now.

8 years ago

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Haapy cake day :)

8 years ago

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Happy Day of Cakes! :D

8 years ago

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Thx for the GA!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! :D

8 years ago

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Happy cake day OrionsRamblings:)

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8 years ago

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Happy one layer Cakeday, Orion! ( ゚ヮ゚)

I don't really have anything frustrating to share. What's nagging me daily are morning classes and I am not a morning person. I have at least 5 alarms that try to wake me up.

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8 years ago

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Honey senpai. ♥

I am very much a morning person if I don't have to leave my house. Though I also set 3 alarms when I need to wake up. Still manage to shut all three down and not even remember it, if I don't have important things to do. At least now I learned to stay lying down while doing that. I used to sit up on the bed, turn the alarm off and just fall asleep sitting down, phone in hand. XD

8 years ago

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Ayyy senpai. (◕‿◕✿)

Ahahah. Times passes differently in bed. It's like a whole new universe. XD

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8 years ago

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