[Tutorial] Creating multiple giveaways at once (using SteamGifts Multiple Giveaways Creator)


See the 2nd attached image to see the script in action.


This tutorial will teach you how you can very quickly create numerous giveaways at once. If you have your game keys in a file and want to create a number of giveaways with the same setting (end date, etc.) then using this script will speed things up immensely.

What you need

To make this work you need a User Script Manager and the SteamGifts Multiple Giveaways Creator script. See these two posts for more details:

Highly recommended

You won't need these scripts but RaChart is just amazing and if you want to create a table/chart of your giveaways then there's a script for that too.

Step by step

After installing the script you will see that the Giveaways - New page now has a section 0 at the top (see the 1st attached image). You can paste your list of games and keys in there; keep in mind that each line should contain one game name plus the serial key for that game.

The order can be either key first and game name second (this is the default setting) or the reverse (click the radio button below the textarea for this).

The other radio button allows you to combine multiple keys for the same game into one giveaway with multiple keys.

Once you have done the above you can use the other, regular, sections to set the details for your giveaways like you normally would; Time Range, Region Restricted, etc. All these settings will be used for all the giveaways created.

Once all this is done you simply click the Load games button at the bottom of section 0 and the script will create the giveaways in new tabs for you to review; they won't go live until you actually click the Confirm Giveaway buttons on the tabs like you would when creating just one giveaway.

See the gif (2nd image) to see the script in action.

Things to keep in mind

Your browser might keep the script from creating more than a certain number of tabs at a time. Firefox will block the script from creating more after the first twenty tabs (see the script page for details), other browsers will behave differently (possibly depending on their pop-up blocker settings). You can always create your giveaways in batches of twenty games at time.

Correct game name
It's important to know that the game name should be spelled exactly as it is in SteamGifts' database or no match will be found; this is to protect you from creating a giveaway for the wrong game. Note that bundle sites occasionally list a name for a game that is different from the name in the SteamGifts database.

At the end of the Load Games process you will get a dialog box that will either say "All games found" or "Games not found:" and then a listing of the titles the script was unable to match (see 3rd image). What I personally like to do in the latter case is to copy that list of not found games and paste it at the top of the textarea as a reminder. Then I remove all games that were successfully found from the textarea. Make sure at this point to actually confirm the giveaways already created as they can no longer be confirmed after a certain time has passed.

I then enter the game name in the input box at section 1 Select a Game. If it finds the correct game I click it so the name is entered into the input box. From there I copy it to the textarea to replace the incorrect name. I do this for all games as needed and then remove the reminder I pasted earlier before clicking Load Games again.

It's always possible a game name can't be found at all; the game can't be given away in that case.

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7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I'm guessing you fixed it, lol.

6 years ago

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When I press Confirm Giveaway button just like creating one giveaway, then the last game of than multiple giveaway would be live, not all of them.

6 years ago

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You need to use the "Load Games" button at the top (under Section 0). You don't click the "Review Giveaway" button at the bottom of the page at all.

As long as you've input more than one game + key in the textarea it should open multiple tabs that you all need to confirm manually.

Please let me know if you have further problems.

6 years ago

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That's why I unlocked pop-ups for this site that was default set as locked :D

6 years ago

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hey, can u tell me if your script also works when u do not have the actual keys for the game, but can send a humble gift link...

6 years ago

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I've never used gift links but it looks like it should work just fine.

6 years ago

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Usercript seems stop working for me. Script creates one giveaway, no matter how many games with keys I'd put in

5 years ago

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Weird, tt works just fine for me; did you set a value at options 4, 5, and 6? I often forget to set the region restriction.

Otherwise; did you change anything since the last time it worked? Any new addons, other version of browser or userscript manager?

5 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by Corran.