What RCV ratio are you using, to put people on your Blacklist, if at all?
I cleared and now rarely use my blacklist. I've never blacklisted someone purely on ratio. You'd have to be some of the worse scum to land on my blacklist - spamming, breaking rules on purpose, and especially being an ass to other SG users.
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I wish it was possible to use ratio instead of levels when creating GAs (yes, I know about sgtools, but with them I'd have to make private GAs and announce them in the forums, which is very sub-optimal).
As for the poll, I voted for the first option, as my blacklist (and whitelist) is empty, too much hassle I guess.
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I don't blacklist people for their ratio. I only blacklist people that have already blacklisted me.
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You don't need to care about that anymore: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/uWdUq/two-way-blacklists
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I know that already, but I still blacklist back. :P
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It's not a perfect system, though. As some people related, there are people who remove you from their blacklists just to enter your giveaways which last over a week. After that, they blacklist you again. Personally, I think the fairest thing to do about the two-way blacklist system should be extending the cooldown of "unblacklisting" from 1 week to 4 weeks, since that's the longest time a giveaway can last.
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Don't bother with blacklists.
And considering I play pretty much everything, I enter a lot of crap (that I also win) and had a lot of fun with some of these "crap"-games and also (in part) because of that I don't have a positive ratio....
That said...If I give away a nice (even if bundled) game, I'd rather have a level 0 leecher who plays my game as a winner, than to have a level 9 generous person who won 2.000 games just for the +1 here, idled 100 of them and played just a handful.
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"System is easy to abuse", and still you have shitty ratio :)
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shitty ?
He is in a negative ratio (800:500 real cv) but shitty are 1k wins and only 20 games gifted to others after 5 years at sg (i have a lot of such ones on my BL, and there are ~400 at the moment... not enough space for the really really worse users :o( -2 or 3 more open for all GAs and my BL is full-)
But each one judge different
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I only blacklist people who annoy me, dont say thanks after winning one of my ga's or win games without giving anything in return (thats 0 ga's made).
I'm hardly playing any of my bundle winnings myself, but I also dont expect my winners to play a bundled game. That being different for non-bundle games though.
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I've got 4 people currently on my blacklist. I try not to BL because of ratio, because at the end of the day this is a giveaway site. I came here originally to win games not give, and I'm not gonna bash those who focus on/have stuck to doing that. It is the main attraction/pull of the site. :P Having said that though- it is a factor in 1 of the 4. Β―\(γ)/Β―
With the culture of awesome generosity that's formed on this forum it can be hard not to see certain people as greedy, especially if the way they present themselves and act on the forums is off-putting and/or immature.
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I only blacklist people for what they say on the forums (being rude, etc.).
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I don't blacklist based on ratio, but I will blacklist people who refuse to play any of their won games. Other than that, people who are rude & unpleasant, people who enter through leaked giveaway links or rule breakers tend to get the blacklist treatment. If I want to put ratio limits on something, I tend to just use SGtools. And there would not be enough spots on my blacklist to even blacklist a tiny fraction of the people with "terrible" ratio anyway.
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I don't blacklist because of ratio. I mainly got people on my blacklist who break the site rules (leak links, cheat SGTools, spoil puzzles, etc.), try to CV exploit, or have expressed a clear and undeniable sympathy for things I despise (for instance either being Nazi sympathizers or anti-LBGT community), and maybe some people for being unnecessarily rude and generally douchy in the forums.
PS. I passed your blacklist test ... ... this time. dun-dun-duuun
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You are missing me on that list \o
I have done one big blacklisting during my "event" with giveaways containing puzzles which if you followed could grant you place in WL for a final, unbundled, big for their time giveaways. Anyone who replied Thanks or have not followed the rules got their entry on BL. Unfortunately BL capacity wasn't big enough to contain everyone so I had to cut my plans in half and proceed to final earlier. Only way to get on BL was not reading the rules and believe me, plenty of people didn't follow even the simplest "No <thanks> allowed - you'll be blacklisted for automated responses". Anyone who have not followed the rule got their BL ticket with explanation in a reply and a link to forum thread where everything was explained again.
BL was temporary, created for the time of event only and i have cleared it right after the event but even then I have been blacklisted by more than 120 of people during these 10 days. Never again. My BL contains 5 entries now with toxic people only on it and i have no plans of expanding it further.
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I try to blacklist those guys who won a lot of games but didn't bother to give away something in return, but there are just too many so I don't actively search for them. On the other hand, if you have a good ratio and/or are active in the community and/or something else that seems like a good reason, you get on my πlist...
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but didn't bother to give away something in return
Never make a level 0 giveaway, and you won't have to bother blacklisting anyone.
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lol... one of my last Public GA, lvl 2, give~180 BL from 337 entries (i BL only for https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/CRXQm/johnxenosmiths-blacklist-entry-removal-discussion/search?page=2#D8wx3SH ).
So NO higher level then 0 clear nothing.
Would be great if Public GA's are a possibility that reach the real users (that made there entries by themself, give each year at least 1 . not region restricted, GA) but NO it mostly reach autojoiners, bots, bad/forbidden scripts and a lot of extreme leechers.
Make sgtools GA's with, as example, a 0.5 real cv ratio and you see how the entries drops from 250-300 (open GA) to around 20 (i see that nearly each time i set up GA's in my thread)
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"alternatively bettered themself from when they got on it"
This made me laugh. Judge Dredd.
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My blacklist only contains 1 person... someone who left a rude "GIVE ME MY KEY" on a GA they won... considering I'm on a vastly different timezone but sent the key within a couple of hours of it closing, it really annoyed me -_- that and they were level 0 with nothing given.
I'm only new on this site but it bothers me that people are so entitled. So now I only make GAs for level 1 plus. Doesn't take much to get to level 1 but at least you've given something.
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Are you sure this person was a native English speaker?
I've seen some thoroughly disrespectful comments simply due to a lack of understanding of the language.
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No they probably weren't - but they didn't even give me a chance to send the key. And I'm sure even people who learn english as a second language learn the word "please".
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Are you sure this person was a native English speaker?
Let me guess, his most played game is CS:GO, which is even right now among his last three played games?
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1,259 hrs on record
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent
Right on all accounts. Good (easy?) guessing guys.
edit: Oops, he has 30 more hours in DOTA 2 than CS:GO.
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I am not on your blacklist but I think I meet the criteria for it
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I don't have anyone on my blacklist, i dont really see the point at the moment
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As others have pointed out, there are other ways of preventing leechers from entering your giveaways, but I still have a small number of people on my BL because I see it as a subtle community moderation/feedback system. If you're rude, racist or a troll or something along those lines, blacklisting can be seen as a small reprimand and a mark of disaproval from other members of the community. I suppose there are few people who "don't care" about being blacklisted, even though they might claim otherwise.
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yes IF ....
no problem with that sentence and all behind
the most that cries as loudest "i am poor and can't" have a lot of AAA Games in there libraries...
play nearly all CS:GO (a lot not only a bit)...
are on (CS:GO) gambling sites...
and are mostly young and rude too...
And if the people are from category 2 i prefer to throw my stuff into the waste then give them anything (and to my luck i have family and friends that are happy over games -so no throwing away^^-) :o)
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Right, buyin stuff for yourself is different from buying stuff for strangers/others.
I never said that they "must/should" buy AAA games for sg/others.
You can see the steam profile and the stats on sg...
If they have 2k games, a lot of AAA titles (not only 3 or 5) -the newest of the newest ...not bundle stuff... not buyable with high discounts- ... 5 years at sg... only take and nearly nothing give .... trade offers in the profile ... high level ... contact to level up bots and such things ... then you know this one is not so poor that he can't give 2 games/year -must not be a AAA title or unbundled stuff- (yes a lot of them don't fullfill that).
And trust me i had seen in the last 4 months a lot of this "poor" ones.
And all of them were unfriendly and demand keys/games/more wins (and none of them were happy with previous won games/keys/wins).
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Blacklist for a bad ratio? O.o You have just 1.000 blacklists but there are 1m user -.-
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there are people here who don't have much money to buy lots of games like you and me. if they do what they can to give at least a little bit back and still end up with a ratio like 12:200, that's honestly absolutely fine by me. wouldn't blacklist for ratio.
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Everyone made good points. Now having a Blacklist with zero entries here, how about you? ;)
People who put me on their Blacklist can use my thread to leave a reason for that. Would really like to hear about those. ^_^'
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