well according to that logic, my giveaway $ would be lower today...but its not, its higher.
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Giveaway total doesn't account for bundling. Even if the game you gave away was already bundled, your giveaway dollar total would show the full amount, but only the 15% would count toward your CV. It's weird, I know.
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Ok, so considering that what you say is true, and the system utterly defies logic...Like why the hell would I keep giving stuff away if it penalizes me?
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It doesn't really penalize you. You just only get 15% of the game's value. If you paid full price for a game that's been bundled in the past...well, don't do that.
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So its because of a delay in the steamgifts system? Wow, crap my real cv is only 200 bucks. That's insanity.
Thank you for the info
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That's sad. Think I paid more than that for the games I gave away...bundle or not.
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Yeah, could be improved. Thanks for the feedback. One day, I'll start my own giveaway site.
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Hey I was the same way.. one day lvl4 next day 3.. was wait WTF.. But I get it,, sucks for me, but really is for the "greater good" to keep people from buying cheap and giving away just to improve their rank and get in on better deals.
Easy way to think about it might be buy/give bundles for CV, and full-price games for people you like, or games you want to share, regardless of their CV.
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The problem is they add games to that list with retroactive effective date. Sometimes even months after it has been bundled/severely discounted. I've been punished several times for this and I have to agree with braduc on this, it really discourages people from buying unbundled games, because you're uncertain what's gonna happen (e.g. bundled Just Cause 3).
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That's why I always check Is There Any Deal to see if the game I'm thinking of buying has been bundled or discounted below 95% before.
It's not a great system right now, I agree.
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Yeah, it completely defies logic...I think it kind of deflates the spirit of giving...the retro-active thing is ludicrous. Not sure what gap the developers were trying to solve with this process, but its really discouraging. I had about 500 games to giveaway, now, not sure this is the place.
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Who is the Bundler Guy? I'll call him out directly.
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So the bundler is an admin? Or the Bundler caused this problem?
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This is nuts. At first this place seemed super cool...but now, its really awkward. Its like a planet with alien life. Why did they go to the effort of making everything so complex? Maybe they were bored?
Ill share my thoughts with them.
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Because that's what users wanted. As long as the level system remains, the bundle list will have to remain too to avoid exploits. We had a poll featured on the front page not long ago to see if users wanted to keep it, change it to something else or remove it completely. The majority voted to keep the level system exactly as it is, so the bundle list has to stay too, even though several (if not the majority of) staff members would like to see the current system gone.
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Wellllll....the true spirit of giving wouldn't care about CV...retroactive CV nerfs be damned. But I hear you. I don't like it either. I've had my level lowered twice. And some of the bundling choices are questionable. But c'est la vie.
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Like I said...I hear you. Here's a tip: if you buy an (apparently) non-bundled game: give it away ASAP. It protects you against it coming out in a bundle shortly after you buy it. There's nothing you can do about price drops...they lower everybody's CV. You either have to not care about CV (hard to do), or only buy older games that aren't likely to have further price drops.
BTW: only 219 entries after one month (and zero wins) despite 113 giveaways...color me impressed. Welcome to my whitelist.
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Yeah I don't get it sometimes either. My rank has decreased before, but also recently my CV went from 4k to 5k overnight..
So something got.. unbundled? Or the steam price increased? IDk.
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wait what? I logged off with $700 in giveaways...and logged on today with over $1000...
what do you mean bundled?
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Thank you for the info everyone...shock and awe when I logged in...
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I agree with that. I think CV should be fixed at the time it's awarded. After all, that's what it was worth when you gave the gift. The way the current system works, everyone is going to be trending back to 0 as older games decrease in value and are retired from the store.
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Exactly. Excellent point. I will be at zero at some point all in response to my generosity.
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How does continuously re-evaluating the value of a given asset fix a loophole? By that logic the IRS owes me money because the car I bought 3 years ago is worth less now that it was then. Honest question: what loophole do you see being created by fixing the CV at the time it's given. (Again, on a legitimate, full priced item, not a price bug or some other thing.)
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If you want to get confrontational with me, you'll lose. I am talking amongst friends. If you don't consider yourself one, please go chat it up somewhere else.
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I don't see the /quit button, but I will not be giving away any more games until something gives. Right now, an exact number I had 712 games to give away. Going to see if there are other venues that will be more rewarding (and by reward I mean, minor positive for giving, not a completely frustrating and deflating effort...)
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Welcome to the first person on my blacklist. You are an unproductive, waste of chat screen.
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awe. Did you really delete your comment. I think the word I'm looking for rhymes with "Howard". ...
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If you weren't a confrontational d-bag, maybe this conversation would have gone differently. But unlike video games, this is real life, and you are what you are.
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Sorry Mullins. I am new, and was shocked when I logged on.
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Do like some people and give here all the re-bundled games and dont care about CV.
It's like giving more than winning but you will more likely win unbundled games or bundled games that you missed the bundle.
Dont care about CV care on how big is your steam library :)
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That's true, throughout this whole convo, I still feel like giving. its fun...I guess the only way is to not care about cv.
And I haven't won a single thing yet. My ratio is like 120:0
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I will stop whining now. Back to giveaways. Appreciate all the info, and positive feedback. Hopefully we can get something to give a little on the retro active thing.
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Note: start joining some groups.
See who is accepting new members, check-out their Steam page and who their members are.
Decide if these if this is your 'type' of group (there are lots of 'kinds' of groups).
Then apply or start looking at other groups.
I joined Steamgifts to be a leech (like most here), but once you start clicking with people/interacting on forums and get active in a few groups; it stops (maybe not fully, but a lot) being about CV and levels. (Like life) there's a lot of cool, smart people here but it takes time to know who-is-who in the zoo. I lurk mostly, reading the forums for a hour or two a day because there is minimal drama and a lot of good interaction. If you stick around for a couple months, you'll be the one giving the pep talks to disappointed gifters.
Hope to see you around.
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Try not to focus too much on ranking.
It rill make you blind.
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So I log off for the night, rank 5, log in today and I'm rank 4. I have given away over $1200 and 120 items....this happen to anyone else?
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