Everybody saw that coming, right?

The only thing that prevented me seeking legal counsel for a long list of breach of contracts, interference with business, and anti-trust issues was the fear of losing my family's income. Since that has been taken away I am seeking legal representation

Yes, this is their official website, looks as good as their games

Previous "joke" article that actually became real

If you didn't catch up with previous news:

All Digital Homicide games have now been delisted from Steam
Digital Homicide suing Steam users and subpoenaes Valve for their personal details [LOL]

I'm waiting for my lawsuit for creating this thread :3

8 years ago*

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Between the people who thought they were just laying down legal "suppressing fire" with consciously futile lawsuits against easy targets, versus those who suspected DH is genuinely delusional and thinks it can do no wrong, it looks like we finally have our answer. You do not legally engage an entity like Valve unless you genuinely, and in this case foolishly, think you have a legitimate case. Let's see if they try the same with the judges who dismiss their various claims and brand them a vexatious litigant. After all, DH can never be wrong! It's ALWAYS someone else's fault!

Oh man, they've also put up a new (their title, not mine) "going out for business" bundle (not gonna share URL or host because screw these guys). They can't even feign being hurt without turning it into an arrogant little attempted jab in the process.

8 years ago*

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going out for business

Very accurately put

8 years ago

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They are fucked suing Steam, their lawyers will shit all over them, and probably take the money they've made back from them lol

8 years ago

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First they need to get a lawyer, i dont think they have one.

8 years ago*

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They are representing themselves, they aren't the sharpest people.

8 years ago

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Oh my god. They're representing themselves? That's suicide lol

8 years ago

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Yes, it is lol

I look forward to the aftermath. I REALLY hope they don't settle and they get destroyed.

8 years ago

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Do they even realize how stupid they make themselves look?

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8 years ago

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No, they don't. They are the textbook definition of a delusional narcissist.

Just listen to this interview from a year ago with the Romine's and Jim Sterling to see yourself:

8 years ago

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I'm not particularly a fan of Jim Sterling but that "interview" just made me laugh. I love how the DH tries to compare Jim's old videos to his old games. xD At least Jim's videos have improved over the years whereas DH's games have continued to stay the same nonexistent "quality". He constantly avoids anything that goes against his products and tries to turn the focus on how "bad" Jim's videos and reviews are. I'm sorry, but I can't take that guy seriously, I just can't.

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8 years ago

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Finally listened it till the end. What a moron that Digital Hobosite guy is. Unbelievable.

Mars One is sending people to Mars in 2020 (hopefully, if it's not a scam as it looks right now). So my suggestion is to send that guy (I guess Romine is his name) to Mars so he can continue developing his shitty games there and try them out himself, so he actually sees how bad they are. Although everyone on that trip might do a suicide just by being near that guy. :/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I have no idea who they are.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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The more i heard about Digital Suicide, the more i laugh. xD

8 years ago

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Correct me if im wrong, but dont they need a lot of money and really good lawyer/legal team (and good reason) to even start thinking about going after Valve.

8 years ago

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last i heard they were representing themselves. :P

8 years ago

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I know that, im just saying that i think if the want to go after Valve or any big company they need one or more lawyers and a lot of money, because from what i know those types of things take take time and money.

8 years ago

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People are gonna run out of unique facepalm and popcorn images because of Digital Homicide at this rate...

8 years ago

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Going to eat popcorn until we puke

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8 years ago

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Watch out guys, you better talk good about them on this thread or they going to sue you!

8 years ago

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Oh yeah I was thinking that. But well, I rated down of their games. Annnnnd I voted no on greenlight projects - when I saw some of them, I was a little disgusted by the theme. I understand parody but there, it was a little too far.

8 years ago

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Digital SuicideHomicide makes me cringe. Ew.


8 years ago

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Good riddance i say.
Worst dev on steam,. i can't imagine why they lasted so long.

Over 60% of greenlight votes are negative,. and still their games get published - i just dont understand.

8 years ago

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That's because a vote saying that you're not going to buy something means very little to Valve, but a vote saying that you will buy something means a lot more. Exactly how Greenlight works is a bit of a mystery, but Valve has said time and time again that it's not as straight forward as the number of yes votes, but has to do with visits to the greenlight page, what portion of those generate yes votes and other factors.

8 years ago

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Coming up next: DH sue the judge that failed in favour of valve.

8 years ago

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I actually can see this happen xD

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8 years ago*

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As far as I can tell, Arizona has state laws in place where someone can be marked as Vexatious Litigant, and be blocked from taking anything to court. The way things are going for the Romine bros, I would not be surprised to see that happen if they would try to sue a judge.

8 years ago

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Anyone who wants to read the documents can get them here
1) this clearly is not written by any competent lawyer.
2) reading this is a clear example of why you should always involve an attorney
3) lucky for these numbnuts, courts (in the US) are very forgiving of people who represent themselves, and will give them repeated opportunities to correct deficiencies; if this had been drafted by an attorney, it'd get thrown out within minutes
4) there are a handful of allegations that may actually be actionable in court, particularly libel. With sufficient adjustments, and a lenient judge, they may actually be able to push through

One instance in particular stands out note that I haven't read the whole thing, just parts of it. According to the allegation, one youtube review (which I am unable to access) stated that they stole a font. DI provides a link where the font in question was obtained.

In Arizona, the elements of a defamation claim are:

a false statement concerning the plaintiff;
the statement was defamatory;
the statement was published to a third party;
the requisite fault on the part of the defendant; and
the plaintiff was damaged as a result of the statement.
  • We have a false statement "DI stole the font".
  • To be “defamatory,” a statement must be false and bring the defamed person into disrepute, contempt, or ridicule, or impeach her honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation.
    There's a pretty good chance that the review will meet this definition
  • The statement was published on youtube
  • the requisite fault for private persons is negligence; without going into detail, yeah, this is negligence
  • Plaintiff's damage is debatable, and it's up to DI to prove they actually suffered damage

DI has a real possibility of winning a defamation suit against John Doe 1.
In order for DI's discovery request from Valve to be granted, DI only needs to show that they can win the case, not that they are likely to win. The above shows that, at least with regards to John Doe 1, they're able to provide enough detail to show they could win.
Yeah, even with Valve's expensive lawyers, there's a good chance Valve will be compelled to provide John Doe 1's personal information.

8 years ago*

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John Doe #1 is actually a game dev, and he made a response on one of his game's updates..

8 years ago

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nice response. Doesn't make a difference. DI has a cause of action (though, still a low chance of winning). What does make a difference is that the developer is in Canada. The single best response s/he could have given is "yeah, here's my address. Go fuck yourself", because, the court doesn't have jurisdiction in Canada. basically, unless John Doe actually enters the U.S., they can't be sued in a U.S. court. Yes, there are exceptions, but none apply here
also, I love that DI decided to email the john doe and ask for name & address; that way they can skip going through valve. 10 points for trying

8 years ago

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This is why I wonder how many of the sued users are actually American. If none, this will be a very interesting and humorously embarassing episode.

8 years ago

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One problem is that they lumped these 100 people together into a single lawsuit. While criminal proceedings allow the prosecution to make changes to the charges, civil suits are not so forgiving, and proving you might have a case against 1 of 100 defendants will not keep the judge from throwing out your case. It will only make them tell you to refile against only that defendant and then you might get your subpoena.

In another thread, someone pointed out that after going through all the documents, there are a number of other problems with their filing that could get the case thrown out, including trying to sue for criminal charges, like stalking and criminal negligence. There were also a few that are not allowed to be filed per se - for themselves - but only pro se - by a practicing attorney - which could get them in more trouble if the judge or the state bar feel like charging them with practicing law without a license.

As you said, a lenient judge might let them withdraw some of the problematic issues with this filing, but that would only make it easier for Valve to get the decision overturned by a higher court, which they could easily do.

8 years ago

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Courts are generally much more forgiving of pro se attorneys, and judges will sometimes tell them which parts to rewrite. Yes, there are plenty of aspects that will get thrown out, such as charges that simply don't apply (such as assault), and my first impression was that this is just a huge mess and a waste of time. However, there are a few issues that may actually proceed, and I highlighted one of them. Again, it needs a judge willing to forgive the mess.

The charge of practicing law without a license gets very interesting. It simply does not apply to representing yourself in court, and as Romine is suing in an individual capacity, he's perfectly in the clear there. However, for many of the allegations, DI is the entity that should be suing, not Romine as the individual. In most states, including Arizona, a company cannot represent itself, and must be represented by an attorney. "Absent statutory authority a corporation cannot practice law even in its own behalf. A corporation cannot appear in court by an officer who is not an attorney, and it cannot appear in propria persona" Mohr, Hackett, Pederson, Blakley, Randolph & Haga, P.C. v. Superior Court, 155 Ariz. 150, 150, 745 P.2d 208, 208 (Ct. App. 1987)

Therefore, Romine can only sue for personal attacks against him. Again, a lenient, patient, and kind judge might be willing to guide him through this. Even a harsh judge would just dismiss the case rather than recommend charges for unauthorized practice of law. They're not looking to punish people for being stupid, and this is the kind of thing that is likely to be dismissed. Hell, even if he was suing on DI's behalf, a judge would explain that he can't represent the company, and give him the opportunity to either find an attorney or to withdraw the suit

8 years ago

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Most likely. On the other hand, the fact that they're already involved in a lawsuit that is going nowhere representing themselves, and are trying to open up a suit against 100 more people could get them labelled as a vexatious litigant, though again that depends on how kind of a judge they get.

8 years ago

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  1. Their website is horrifying.
  2. The random terms of service nobody reads will probably kick DH's asses, I'm sure Valve said somewhere "we can kill your games if we don't like you".
8 years ago

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They just put a frame over their existing website. All the steam links are still probaly under that new frame. If you look closely on the left/right side you can see older ones. They are building layers upon layers on their website like it's a layered cheesecake. Their webdesign quality is almost on par with their game developement quality.

8 years ago

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Interesting that he updated the website with that diatribe but left Greenlight links at the bottom of the main page :-p

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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but the trash should fall on DH.
not on the floor :(

8 years ago

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trash represents their games ;) So gif fits.

8 years ago

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those are the profitz

8 years ago

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Would anybody care to donate? https://www.gofundme.com/47uexn9c

(I just found that while looking for news.)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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That is pretty special.

8 years ago

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"It is expected that you will see the harassment that may arrive in the comment section below rather quickly. A majority of these individuals have been brainwashed by the youtuber into believing numerous things we have not done."

YouTube, more powerfull than we ever suspected...

8 years ago

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"very few lawyers take contingency".... if they're highly unlikely to win big

8 years ago

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"the youtuber"

8 years ago

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wow... from sue'rs to beggers? thats nice update xD

8 years ago

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haha in 6 months they made $425 likely from himself trying to get the ball rolling...
is this guy related to konrad?

8 years ago

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unfortunately, there are a lot of clueless people out there

8 years ago

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This is so pathetic I am almost starting to feel sorry for them. Rarely can we see someone utterly destroying their own dignity in front of such a wide public.

8 years ago

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It's not funny to laugh at a retarded person like this 35 year old guy who makes horrible games and thinks they're actually good, because his wife and mom said that they were AMAZING!

Btw, hilarious how they put the 75K$ goal and raised 425$ in 6 months xDDD

Just joking. Here - watch something a million times nicer than their games:

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8 years ago*

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I'm shocked they gathered 425$ tbh, who the hell donated that?!

8 years ago

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We should seek funding for suing them for suing 100 people from Steam! >:D

8 years ago

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Friends, family and themselves maybe ?
Can't be sure as they insisted all donations to be made anonymous.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Just another 74,575$ to go, almost there!

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8 years ago

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Well, if they can point out breach of contracts, and if it can be argued, it can go to trial.

Does steam say in their contract for devs/pubs, that they can't sue customers?

also a song to pass the time, totally unfitting for this topic

8 years ago

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more likely, steam will have a very favorable termination clause, no reason needed

8 years ago

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I'd be willing to bet Steam includes a bad publicity clause or one against "behavior harmful to Steam's end users". Hell, with how big Valve is, they could probably just include an "at will" termination clause that lets them remove the sale button or the game entry entirely for any reason and gives the dev the same right. They're not denying any future profits that they owe DH, just denying DH the ability to continue selling on the store. DH would likely have to prove that Valve was denying them their profitz to get a breach of contracts case going. Of course, considering how their other cases are going, and the likelihood of any lawyer taking Valve on in a breach of contracts case, I doubt we'll hear of any actual lawsuits between them and Valve.

8 years ago

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They already said they have a lawyer willing to take the case if they can raise $75,000
I know layers whid be happy to take it for a lot less than that

8 years ago

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That was the Jim Sterling case, not a case against Valve. And last I heard that case wasn't going well for them either.

8 years ago

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same difference. If you have money, you can get an attorney

8 years ago

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It's kind of painful and simultaneously hilarious to see them utterly ruin themselves. I hope they televise the event if this case ever goes to trial. :p

8 years ago

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Remember what happened with the creator of Paranautical Activity? Exactly.

8 years ago

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You mean "apologise profusely, find a willing developer/publisher to take over the property, and get the game back on steam" ?

I don't think DigiHom is willing to take the first step.
And I'd like to think no-one else would be willing to assist on the second, but there's a bunch of other scam/shovelware artists out there that actually might..

8 years ago*

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Pretty sure Black Shell Media will take anyone ... so long as they get the bulk of the profits :P.

8 years ago

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I was more thinking of Lord Kres, BMC Studios or YOLO Army myself...

8 years ago

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When someone bothers you on say a platform like Facebook and you find the need to ban them, [...] that person is removed from being able to post on your page.

Well from this statemen I see what their business plan was: release s#it with nice trailers so people would click -> ban people exposing s#it hidden under nice trailers -> pretend to have nice stuff and keep banning everyone who exposes you -> PROFIT

Actually, the "joke" article is awsome:

Even in a best case scenario where Digital Homicide somehow wins their lawsuits against Valve, “they will likely be ridiculed and hated for as long as the Internet can remember

lol, wasn't DH already "ridiculed and hated" for releasing the greates s#it on steam?!

With a name like Digital Homicide, they must be a bunch of super edgy pre-teens who just need to accept that not everyone will like them for who they are.


Although, one thing still bothers me: how the F does it work that something like digital homicide is able to drop so much BS on Steam?!

8 years ago

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cant wait till DH gets bankrupt

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"who buys a game just for the cards"


8 years ago

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Jane/John Doe followed by steam usernames in a court document. There is not enough facepalm on the internet for this.

Not the steam ID which is unique but the effin username which can be changed at any point and most usernames are used multiple times.

8 years ago

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I wonder if the 2 devs of Digital Homicide are Derek Smart's long lost children.

8 years ago

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You know you just summoned him, right?

8 years ago

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LOL you know I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he sees or hears about the comment.

8 years ago

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Thank god they removed those awful games from Steam. Hope he will sue them and lose, so he will learn not to make crappy games the hard way.

I miss those days when every 10-year-old Game Maker 20000X owner couldn't just publish some crap, giveaway enough copies just to get votes and get on Steam store.

His family's income comes from very unique skill of making horrible games that just make me want to kill myself. :D

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8 years ago

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I hope they implode up there own anooseses surprised they were not dealt with ages ago. Next should be BMC and their games?

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.