Scripts are not hacking,they are merely doing clicks for you.
Hacking would be
use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
"they hacked into a bank's computer"
You would gain access to something your now allowed to do,in the case of the scripts/macros it just simulates clicking.
I bet the OP though just found a good team to be on that kills things quick,i know someone who hit the limit and beat the game in like 10 hours,If you find a good team you can kill things pretty quickly,i was on a team last night that was killing things with HP in the 100 millions,so at times it killed things pretty instant.
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That's why I said Scripting != Hacking. I'm old != is the way I've alway wrote does not equal, well that or <> but nobody EVER gets <> anymore.
Hacking can be both authorized or unauthorized access. There are plenty of legitimate hackers out there who are attacking systems and working on penetrating software and the likes for the companies who use and operate them. That's the difference between jail time and a job.
I just wish I was in High School again and able to teach more kids about Phreaking since it died off with the analog age.
If you join the twitch chat for the reddit rooms here you can get into a good room to boost yourself up. The way this is going, by the end of the sale 100 million will be everywhere unless people quit playing once they hit their badge.
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hhmmm... the only language I've known so far that use this symbol is MATLAB
are there any other languages use it? :p
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C, C++, Java, C# and Javascript use it as the binary XOR assignment operator. Outside of programming languages it's also commonly used as a way of typing "approximately equal to".
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Thanks for the tip,if i hit the end i do if i do not that is okay.
Your old but still i know what Phreaking is,but i still stand that this script is not a hack.
I should said not all scripts are hacking/hacks in this case it just doing clicks for you it is not a hack now if your say only allowed to do say 100 clicks a minute and found a way to get 1,000 clicks then i would consider it a hack.Some mouses even have macros built in to do clicks for you,it saves on the mouse and tons of clicking.
I would consider it more of cheating a bit then a hack but still just my opinion
Either way i like the idea of the game,but not the whole clicking and the deals tied to them.not to mention the first couple days it was hard to even get the game to load,i just like the voting thing it was easier and less work
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Agreed, it's not hacking by any means. If anything I would use the Blizzard famous term "Clever use of game mechanics." Autoclicking scripts and mouse scripts are very common, especially if you are doing a lot of tedious work.
Honestly, if they would let you map keybinds to everything I think it would have been a lot better. The way the game is designed, you have to at the very least use an auto clicker or use a script. Look at all the games that it says inspired the game, they all have some sort of automation to them.
Hopefully next sale the mini game they give us will be a little more polished before it's released. I do give Steam credit though for how fast they got it stable and running properly.
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I agree i could use auto clickers but really i rather have a game that does not require it to run 24/7 to get the most out of it
I wish i could remember this old text base hacking game i use to play online in the early 2000's before Steam was a thing let a lone digital games.
It was fun you had to try and hack into banks and other system to try and get money or other useful stuff,and if you where caught you where sent to jail and depending on how hard the hack was,was how long you stayed.
People could try and bust you out but you could also get caught and end up with them,or you could get them out and get a bonus or if you had lots of money you could bail them out.I wish Steam would do something like that.
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Most people do. It's a script. Many players actually try to enter rooms with people who use these scripts to get the high-level monster badges (preferable the 1,000,000+ one).
Also, in my current one: 15 minutes and level 9600. We are slow, very slow.
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I'm on a lobby, currently 16 minutes in, level 200k+. People use a skill called wormhole on mass. There is a possibility for scripting but the wormhole skill helps a hell of a lot if on a good lobby.
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100 million badge
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my game today does seem to be tearing through levels at an alarming rate
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It's not hacked, it's scripted.
Here's info about the "Wormhole Strategy".
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use this would help you guys up to way
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This is likely just a ploy to get 100m+ers to help everyone else out
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There's a much simpler explanation: some players in your game burnt their badge points getting a bunch of "Feeling Lucky" powerups.
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"feeling lucky" gives you random loot, "like new" resets cooldown, repeat
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As you get higher levels in earlier days, you get access to newer items to buy with your badge points when you join a game. There are wormholes which skip levels and one called like new that instantly resets all cooldowns to 0. The strategy is buy wormholes and like new with your badge points and only upgrade health. Do not buy any damage at all, seriously. This allows you to stay on bosses longer and use multiple wormholes for larger jumps. The bosses that have multiple zeros, i.e. 54200, 67000, etc., are tougher and you can stay on some for very long time and skip millions of levels at a time. I hit 100M yesterday, and the game stops.
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34 minutes, level over 220k.
Using your terms - we are hacking about 30 times faster than your group :D
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you should see this:
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Its not hacker, it's a new item they added called wormhole. It allows you to jump levels. Also there are scripters but lets be honest here. It's not possible to get most of the badges valve made with just clicking. They know people script and they added even more badges for it.
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So i believe i have a "hacker" in my game we are on lvl 2500 as i type this and probably will be on 4000 in a second and every wave drops a item from boss loot when there arent any bosses.
Has anyone else seen this before?
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