Idea: allow users to make multiple entries to a single giveaway.
The reason is that my points keep accumulating since I registered here with few givaways to spend them on. Sure I could just choose a random giveaway and enter but what if I win?? I get this random game that I didn't even wanted and people that really wanted it didn't get it...
On the other hand I want to maximize my chances on a giveaway of a game that I really want.
What do you guys think? Has anyone else proposed it before?
If you like the idea or have suggestions about it please write!

12 years ago*

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This isnt the 1st time this has been suggested and just to inform you, the answer has been no

12 years ago

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why was it rejected?

12 years ago

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Dont remember but probably somewhere along the lines of it takes the equal opportunity for winning out of the giveaway.

12 years ago

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This has been proposed before. I even supported the idea back when I was young and idealistic.

Seems like so long ago now...

12 years ago

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lol, people are going to save 300 points, and then use all of them on like 300 fortix entries!

12 years ago

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if they want fortix so bad, what's wrong with it?
as fasr as I know you can't enter a giveaway on a game you alredy own, so you can't trade it and can't make profit from it

12 years ago

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Other people may want Fortix too. By entering multiple times you're lowering the chances of those, who can't do that. And everyone should have the exact same probability of winning.

12 years ago

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Everyone has the same chance of getting points. The points I have received today are the same as yours. Each can use them the way they like.
If someone wants a game and drops all their points on that chance, that means this person isn't entering in any other giveaway...
I think the Fortix example is exactly the kind of thing that would inspire a rule. Like, you are only allowed to have 50 tickets in any game, tops. And in Private and Group giveaways, it's even more limited or downright 1 ticket as is now.
And goddamn people, Fortix has like 5 giveaways per day and it costs one bloody dollar.

12 years ago

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1 point, 1 fortix entery

10 points, 1 fortix emtry

12 years ago

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Fortix is a bad example, because it is cheap and common. Imagine that - a person that use his points to get the games he wants. Another person, who is just hoarding points. And then someone is making a puzzle giveaway and both those guys solved it. The game is, let's say, Skyrim. The first guy has got enough points to enter once, and the second one... well, i think you get it now.

12 years ago

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I just said that Private giveaways shouldn't have multiple entries, why don't you read my comment?

12 years ago

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Oh yeah. I kinda ADD'd there.

12 years ago

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If they hoarded points then that means they didn't spend them on whatever other giveaways came their way. They have in essence saved up their entries. The person who could only enter once could have just as easily done the same. I don't see how this is unfair in any way at all, so perhaps you could try explaining again if I missed the point?

12 years ago

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maybe the creator of the giveaway should choose to allow multiple entries no matter if its public private or group?

12 years ago

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If other people want Fortix too then they can just as easily enter just as many times if that's what they want. Everyone can have the same probability of winning, the point here is that you could pool your points into the thing that you actually want. Instead of having one entry in 10 giveaways, only 1 or 2 of which you actually even want to win.

12 years ago

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The trouble I see with your proposed system is that it treats points almost as something of value rather than an arbitrary method to prevent everyone entering everything.
I think the philosophy of this website is more to give everyone an equal chance of winning any given game they enter for than letting people game the points system for a greater chance.

The points are a preventative measure, not a form of currency that can be exchanged for an additional entry.

12 years ago

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I'm trying to make sense of your argument, but I don't think I get it.

You're saying points are there to prevent people from entering too much, don't they still do that in a world with multiple entries? How is it treated more like something of value? Points can't be traded for things, they're still just limiting entries... except people could pool their entries into things they actually want.

If there was multiple entries, then wouldn't people be more likely to enter only for games they truly wanted? So then instead of having 1000 people all entering everything, you would only have a small number of people entering for some of the more obscure titles. So instead of someone winning a 1/1100 shot on some small indie game they never even intended to play and never actually do play, someone who actually legitimately chose to save up their points and enter for it will win and presumably appreciate it more.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I can't really think of a way of explaining this very clearly. To me, the sole purpose of the points is to prevent people from entering too many things. This just so happens to take a form almost approximating currency in that you use points to enter the giveaways. However, by allowing multiple entries, this changes the meaning of the points into a more literal currency, with a straight exchange rate for any arbitrary entry, rather than the current system of admittance to any giveaway.

Given that the point accumulation system is based on the assumption of the current system and the proposed changes would change the meaning (albeit subtly) of the points, surely the whole system would have to change to take this into account.

The problem is not in that it would stop preventing too many entries, but that the points would suddenly be being used for something they were not designed for.

Then again, it is about 2am, so my reasoning may be less sound than usual.

12 years ago

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Actually that does make a lot of sense. Sorry I didn't get it the first time. :)

12 years ago

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That's reassuring for me at least! :P

12 years ago

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The thing is, the chances should be equal to everyone no matter what. You shouldn't get something just because you want it more than someone else.

12 years ago

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It's not a matter of getting it because you wanted it more. Someone could enter once and still win. It's a matter of letting people spending their entries in a way that makes sense to them. Why force people to enter into the two giveaways they want and then 10 they couldn't care less about? Please explain how that system makes more sense...

12 years ago

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But... No one is forcing that person to enter any giveaway he doesn't want to. If you want to enter one - you enter one. If you don't - you don't.

Also, the points aren't here to help you - they're here to limit you.

12 years ago

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No one is forcing them, but it is incentivised that way, and that's what people are doing. People would rather win something they will never play, just for the sake of winning, and they often do. Multiple entries would solve that.

The points wouldn't be helping you... even with multiple entries they would still limit you. That's the point of the points :P

12 years ago

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Points still limit you! you still get the same amount of points that everyone else. but now the way you spend them is entirely up to you! You said no one is forcing to enter a giveaway, but look a this logic "if I reach the points cap I won't get any new points, therefore, being close to the cap and waiting for a game I want I can spend the "spare points" I get on just some random game and maybe I'll win it, even tought I won't play it but it will just feel nice to win something. If I don't spend those points they will just dissapear". Now isn't this the way the majority of people would act?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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why would it end with 5 entries? the vast majority of entries would be from people that want the game and spend all their point on it.
if it's a game with 0 entries that no one want, and you don't want it either would you really waste your points just to get that ego gratification fo winning?

12 years ago

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The only problem I see with this is that I love seeing that "300" up there, and if I could enter multiple times I'll agonise so much about giving away my precious points that I will probably just have a heart attack and die.

12 years ago

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This seems like a bad idea to me honestly...the system works as it is, no reason to change it now.

Would be funny to see someone enter for Fortix 300 times though... :-D

12 years ago

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I don't see this idea being accepted, and looks like it was brought up before. At least this isn't one of the lame and sometimes idiotic ideas that seems to get a new thread every week.
Good luck on finding a use for your points!

12 years ago

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thank you!

12 years ago

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what about the other people that want to "maximize" their chance you'll just end up with as much chance to win the gift as any other person.
and come on dude it's steamgifts, if you want to win, go to a site where they do puzzle's or something like that.

12 years ago

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It's not only about winning. The idea is that the gift should go to the person that will get the most happiness out of it. Only people that want the game should enter the giveaway. People shouldn't enter a giveaway just to WIN, sure it feels nice, but the guy that didn't get the game because you did would feel not only feel good because he won. He would also feel good the rest of the 100+ hours he will spend playing it. And he will remember, with a smile on his fac,e the person that gave him the game for free. I think the second guy is the kind of reaction a person that creates a giveaway wants or am I wrong? Isn't the purpose of steamgifts to make people happy and make them want to share with each other to make a better world? or well, it might be as well just to make a popular website to make money on advertisement, but I am a person that prefers to see a glass of water half full rather than half empty...

12 years ago

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re-analyze your own words and make up your mind.
i seriously doubt you get the whole point of the point system and just want to "feel good".
your just trying to get yourself a bigger chance of getting the gift, there is no logic in your comments.
this site isn't about feeling good or bad if you get the gift or not.
it's about giving everyone in this community an equal chance to get a gift.

if you still don't get it "read evilmoo's comments" they are logical.

12 years ago

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There is logic in his comments.

Everyone would still have equal chance to get the gifts they really want, but this would eliminate the cases (of which there are many on this website) of people entering games just because they have points to do it, winning the game, and then never or hardly playing it. Why shouldn't the games go to people that actually want to enjoy them?

12 years ago

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Thats the point, everyone who wants to win maximizes there chance and the people who don't want to win as much do that on other games. Instead of everyone entering on all kinds of games whether they really want them or not.

12 years ago

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Offtop: Is it possible to create a vote poll in the forums?
Edit: I mean can someone tell me how to? cause I didn't find that option

12 years ago

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I do not believe there is any option for a poll.

I've never seen one before anyways.

12 years ago

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the worst idea ever...the better idea is to allow people to sign up for giveaway of a game, that they have in steam!..why? - many people have friends in steam, who would like to play some game...and you, as a good friend can make his dreams come true...this would be amazing...don't you think?

12 years ago

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That is a much worse idea...

People already win games and then never play them, why allow them to win extra copies of games on top of that. That's just silly. If you friend wants the game then have them enter for it, simple as that.

12 years ago

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no this could be used to make profit of the prize because nobody can make sure he really gives it to his friend instead of trading it!

12 years ago

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steamgifts should stay as it if FGS >.>

12 years ago

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What's next?

Pay $ for extra points?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by rkam88.