Should I go through with this and keep in contact?
if you never try, you will never know :D
and thanks for the giveaway :)
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With love you don't hold out for something better. If you have a good woman, keep her if at all possible.
My wife is the greatest source of happiness in my life, and I would rather change schools, change jobs, change cities than change her for another girl.
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My wife is the greatest source of happiness in my life, and I would rather change schools, change jobs, change cities than change her for another girl.
I'm sorry, but that's nosensical. The greatest source of happiness in your life must be yourself, they usually say happy wife, happy life but I'd twist it around to state happy life, happy wife. I mean, if your partner is with you it means they saw something good in yourself and changing to accommodate them would make you lose your appeal in the way that you will not be the same person.
Not to mention that setting other people's needs before yours is a sure recipe for disaster. I'm not saying you have to leave your partner as soon as they suggest moving or anything, but if you're happy with your job/career/whatever, you shouldn't be forced to leave all that behind on your partner's command.
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It's not nonsensical. Of course you have to learn to be happy from yourself. But you also make choices in your life - careers, city to live in, circle of friends, which school to go to, etc. I am saying that the choice of who to be with is more important than all the others.
My choice to be with my wife is more important to me than those other choices - all of which are also important, just not as much.
It is not good to change who you are to please another person. But it is good to make choices - even big choices - in order to be with the people that are important to you.
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I agree. You should not change the way you are for someone else. he/she should accept you as you are.
But my wife is a very important source and probably my greatest as well. Because she increases the happines I already have. Because she stimulates me to do thing i really like doing. And giving compliments for what I did.
f.e. if I take a picture i can be very pleased about it. But when my wife says, wow, what a beautiful picture, that does make me more happy.
The right person in your life is one of the most important choice you can make. So i would say, give it a shot. It doesn't always work out, but you don't know what happiness you might throw away.
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Disclaimer: You probably shouldn't be listening to me.
Anyways, that being said, I'd say you give it a try. Always good to keep your options open, and not going for it just takes away one option.
If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Eventually you'll move on after sulking for a while, but life continues.
Sorry for being Captain Obvious.
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You can always keep the contact, it doesn't have to mean neither of you commit to a relationship or anything like that. But, do you only see her as a possible partner or would you mind having a platonic relationship?
I'd say prematurely cutting contact is kind of a rushed decision, as a friendship could still work out and even if you are out of town and will go to a different college you can still mantain it over text or whatever. One bird in hand is worth two in the bush, or so they say, so closing yourself to her in every front just because a posible 3rd person that might come or not in the future is not the best decision in my book.
tl:dr. Keep contact, as it seems you have common interests and stuff.
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"We hung out last Friday and chatted a little bit so far"
You know, just because you talked with her a little doesn't mean you gonna get married next week. Heck, maybe she doesn't even like you, or you can't stand her once you know her better. Keep in touch, ask her out for dinner or something. Don't overthink it.
Doesn't sound like you're actually serious about her anyways, so there's that.
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Thanks for the giveaway. You can date more than 1 person at the same time. You aren't in a relationship with her.
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Give it a chance. If you don't you'll never now what might have been. Maybe you two are perfect for each other, maybe it's doesn't work out at all. But by giving it a chance you don't have to wonder later on.
In the end it is your choice though :)
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If you like someone's personality, why would you potentially drop contact with them on the basis of immediate physical location? Conversation and talking to a person is how (potentially lasting) relationships are ultimately forged in the first place.
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Why wouldn't you keep in contact with her? If anything, it'll let you know her even better and see if you're a fully compatible couple. Plus, after 3 months, if you really end up being in love with each other, the reunion will be amazing.
It's always nice to talk to one another, whether it's within a full-fledged relationship or not. Where's the harm in getting to know a person you like better? You're not committing to anything; 2 months is a very short time to be sure of anything at all, at least in my opinion. It takes a long time to build a strong bond between two people.
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The biggest regrets in life are the things you didn't do.
Edit. Stay in touch or you'll never know what could have been. Maybe you remain best friends for the rest of your life even if no romance happens.
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You'll never known unless you give it a shot.
Life's too short to second-guess yourself all the time.
If it works, cool. If it doesn't, you're going to meet 1000 others in your lifetime.
If it doesn't happen with her, it will happen eventually. :)
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It is better to at least try and possibly fail rather than not do anything at all and wonder "what if" as time goes on. I say go for it!
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I haven't posted in a month and a half. Geez. Sorry I've been, like, invisible.
I guess this will be an update of sorts. Good news: I graduated from community college! I go to work on the beach again this summer. I head off to start my quest for my bachelor's degree in Computer Science in the fall.
And I met someone I like. But I've put myself in a weird situation.
She's, like, really nice. But I'm not sure if I should go through with it. I probably should. But I've already left for the beach to work and won't be back until August. Afterwards, I go to an entirely new college, with other potential mates.
But then again, this girl is still pretty nice. We hung out last Friday and chatted a little bit so far. We've known each other for about two months and went to the same community college, at least before I graduated. And it seems like I actually have a shot. The question plaguing me is: Should I wait for three months to find someone else, or keep in contact with this girl while I'm out of town and see if something works?
So, yeah, that's my current quandary. I don't usually post personal things - anywhere, in fact - but since SteamGifts is such a kind-hearted community, I figured I would ask around.
Other than that...I've got a couple new mixes. They're rather similar, but only because one is a sequel and the other is a remastered version of my very first mix. Links are below.
Dark Times Mix (Remastered): Mixcloud | House-Mixes
Dark Times Mix 2: Shadows of the Damned: Mixcloud | House-Mixes
And with this, I've included a special giveaway! Here it is. Enjoy the music!
And Undertale. Enjoy Undertale too.
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