I don't have money to buy the first and second games, also they are old as Matushalem.

So, do you know any video like this?

Thanks and have a nice day :)

10 years ago*

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Pew pew pew, Slow mo jump, moar pew pew. Mona Sux calls us , moar pew pew pew.End of First Game.

Slow mo badass jump with 17 headshots, PEW PEW PEW, MOAR PEW PEW.Protect the asshole idiotic custome guy for 1 hour.MOAR PEW PEW PEW.MONA SUX KISSES YOU.Turns out it's a dream.MOAR PEW PEW PEW. Dreamy random nightmare scenes MOAR PEW PEW SLOW MO BADASS SHOOTINGS.End of second game

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Play those 2 games, best 2 TPS's of all time.And they're not old/outdated at all.Graphics are fine, gameplay is completely the same with 3rd.And after you finish those, you can MOD THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.There are tons of mods, most of them are awesome.

10 years ago

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well, as a oldschool harcore fan of Max payne series i have to disagree.
There is much more to the games than that.
Mainly sex. there is a lot of fucked up shit, and sex.
And some nightmare fueled fucked up levels.

But mainly sex

10 years ago

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You must have played a modded version. There was no sex in what i played on my PS2... and PS2 had cheat codes.

10 years ago

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You bang Mona, A LOT.Bang her over walls, in the kitchen, on car.There is like 2 hours of non-playable videos on game.1,5 is Max banging Mona.


10 years ago

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You forgot "Lords & Ladies".

10 years ago

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Grab some popcorn.
Max Payne
Max Payne 2

10 years ago

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Thanks! :)

10 years ago

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wife and baby get killed. max spends whole first game looking for revenge killing caught in the crossfire between cops and mobsters.
second game is pretty much the same only this time he's doing it to clean his name and for a woman, who dies also.
look, it doesn't matter, what matters is that max payne is a self-tortured pill-popping badass who can't let go of his problems. the rest of the conflicts in Max Payne 3 don't really relate to the previous games at all.

10 years ago

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Not really.
MP1 - Max becomes undercover cop to find source of drugs who made few guys crazy and kill his wife and kid. In the meantime he gets betrayed and it ends with both mob and cops wanting his hide. After tons of dead bad guys and 2 crazy nightmares he finds source of drugs and gets "a bit closer to heaven".
MP2 - Detective Payne gets into messy case connecting all of his previous friends. In the end everyones dies (or not, depending if you play on hardest difficulty or not), but game ends with something close to "I had dream of my wife. It was ok", meaning he actually was able to get past behind him.
Then R* came and totally destroyed everything that happened in 2.

10 years ago

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Max Payne 3 should have another name...

10 years ago

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"Alcoholic ex-cop shooter guy" would have worked better for me.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Play the first two games, don't give a f**k on Max Payne 3! Like people said above, it shouldn't even exist.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Max Payne on itself is a great shooter. I loved playing it.
But it had not much to do with MP1 and MP2.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

10 years ago

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People who don't get what Max Payne 3 is about: read about addiction, and what it does to a person.
Altho' the game could have been more sophisticated I think the South-America vibe did made a very nice atmosphere, also the multiplayer is a very nice thing, not counting the garbage rockstar social club.
Obviously it's different from 1 and 2, but I do think that they had absolutely no real chance of making a "2nd max payne 2", that whole storyline was over, very-very over.

10 years ago

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My biggest issue when it comes to being sequel: WHERE ARE NIGHTMARES!

For me, R* didn't even try to make Max Payne game.

But when it comes to game itself, beside unskippable cutscenes (which actually stops me from replaying it...) it was fun ride. Beside that stupid "I was going through town killing another hundreds of people, then went into house and surrendered to was-that-five guys, because they were way too much for me" moment.

10 years ago

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Did u ever knew that Sam Lake didn't make the third one? The awesome Sam Lake? And where the fuck is Mona Sax and all those great characters...mostly Max Payne!

10 years ago

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Yes I do know that the game was made under a different agenda, that's why I said the game could have been more sophisticated, also if you've played the 2nd game you know where Mona is. What I was referring with "you can't make a 2nd max payne2" is that you need time to build up storys of charcters, and since there are really no "loose ends" left from max payne2 they had absolutely no chance to bring back that feeling. You can't just start off the 3rd with "hey here is a new girl, you just met her, but feels like you've loved here for the past two decades". Storytelling needs time, motive, emotional ground, after the first two games all theese bridges were burned, so it was quite clear that it is going to be different.

10 years ago

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don't get me wrong...i loved Max Payne series (1 & 2), Sam Lake would have contiuned the story in a good way 'cause it was his creation (from all characters to all story and they fired him like he was "a nothing" and take his fucking legacy and turned it into a big shit. "Storytelling needs time, motive, emotional ground, after the first two games all theese bridges were burned, so it was quite clear that it is going to be different." - from 2003 when Max Payne 2 arrived they really didn't have time to make a good game. "also if you've played the 2nd game you know where Mona is." - in third one she didn't appear but she suddenly died! How the fuck? (Sam Lake mentioned that he wanted to continued his work long time ago and Mona Sax should have appear in the sequel along the other characters but guess what, after his leave Rockstar they invented a new fucking retard game base on Sam Lake creation which couldn't be named something else because people shouldn't have bough it etc.) So basically this game it's ... it's not Max Payne!

10 years ago

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They didn't fire Sam Lake. Remedy sold rights to Max Payne to Rockstar so they would have money (and make Alan Wake).

Mona Sax either died or not - depending if you finished game in 3-saves-only mode or not. No idea about comic, but there's no info if she died or not in game (maybe they want(ed) to bring her back in Max Payne 4), the only thing we know for sure about her from it is that "she was a mistake".

10 years ago

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So what story do you think should have been in 3? After destroying NY twice Max is back with the police? An avarage detective who murdered more people than a whole terrorist cell is just back with the police? Who is he after? He remembers that "hey! mah wife died, I see a new face who is responsible, must kill him!". Or just make him an everyday cop, and an "avarage" call on dispatch turn out to be the first puzzle in a murderous terrorist cell? That's what happened in the 2nd game. You wanted an another max payne 2?

Also quoting a person who doesn't work on the project is pointless. What he wanted is the same as the number on the back of my microwave: irrelevant.
Apart from max only mona might have survived (altho I'm quite sure if they want to be realistic, she is dead), what iconic characters do you base your story on?????
There was NOTHING left from max payne 1 and 2 to be salvaged, and reused in the 3rd game. There was no way they could have made that one about max's family. It would have looked dumb, and illogical, that when he is finally done, he remembers something else.

I feel you, and get that you wanted a "true" max payne 3, but the first 2's storyline was over.

10 years ago

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no..u ain't fell me...i didn't want a Max Payne 3 only if it would be released and created by Sam Lake....but i never wanted a new Max Payne who just finished good.

10 years ago

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If you didn't noticed, Max Payne 3 IS about Max's family, just slightly hidden. Max Payne 2 ended with "I had dream of my wife. It was ok" - which means he finally was able to get out of the past. Max Payne 3 is "I'm drunky drunk who can only drink because something happened lots of years ago".
Outside of cemetery map it's like MP2 never happened and MP3 is like sequel to MP1.

10 years ago

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I could live in world with only Max Payne 1 and still have great game with great characters - which were build only in one game.
Rockstar wasn't able to do the same - only character I was able to look forward seeing was that old-fat-ex-cop who was on vacation with family (probably because he was only thing that could be seen in earlier games - don't want to spoil). Rest was so... boring and forgettable.

10 years ago

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I remembered that comic scenes in MP1-2, GOD DAMN I MISS THAT GAMES.You can't find that atmosphere anywhere, ever.The story,the characters and gameplay all are so damn perfect.You really should play first two and forget about that 3rd game that used the name.

Explanation of 3RD game; Bald guy running in random streets while PEW PEW PEW JUMP PEW PEW and some random story about some random kidnap which nobody gives a fuck.More pew pew, still no story.Some Brazil street pew pew, some Portuguese speaking PEW PEW those too.Drink some alcohol, see a loser wasting money on prostitutes and MOAR PEW PEW.Still no story,atmosphere or actual gameplay. End of MP3.

10 years ago

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Do you have to know what happened in 1 and 2 to play 3?

10 years ago

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Imo, nope.

10 years ago

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Man's family is murdered. He kills everyone in New York City for revenge.
Part 2. Man's girlfriend is murdered. He kills everyone in New York City again.

10 years ago

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here's my favorite description of 2

10 years ago

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lol i always loved those 60 second videos from way back when......... SNIPERRRRRRRRR

10 years ago

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Lol, great recap

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by IrionDaRonin.