My BF3 copy I stole from IGN's impulse through it's Registration code is still in my Origin account.
Apparently they're kicking all their honest costumers in the balls, while smelly people like me get away with it.
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What Marko9 is trying to say is that the game has now disappeared from his Impulse library and he was wondering if this means that it will eventually be removed from Origin as well, furthermore he wants to know if this could lead to a ban of his Origin account.
Anything is possible but don't worry EA customer support is second to none.
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I agree. EA customer support is very good! Very helpful people who go out of their way to get your problems solved... like giving Battlefield veteran 7 status to someone who asked for 2... :) that was one happy customer indeed ^^
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Wouldnt be to suprised if they did. But it sure will take alot of work to see which were 'stolen'.
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Technically the Cd-keys we got are 100% legit. It's like if IGN bought hundreds of copies of the game, as an actual EA costumer. They can't really revoke the Origin accounts just because they have the keys stored, because they don't have information on each account that activated their keys.
I'm, of course, assuming all of this. I really doubt the EA staff is going to take action either way.
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EA knows exactly which keys were assigned to which vendor. If the vendor is pulling the keys it means EA identified them and made Impulse pull them. It then only take 1 second to determine which Origin account has that key tied to it as well and get that revoked.
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Impulse does not pull BF3 keys out of thin air. They have to be assigned to them by EA. If Impulse is pulling keys from their service it is because either EA or Impulse thinks the keys are compromised. Here is an example of what will probably happen
GreenmanGaming/Impulse has identified compromised keys and revoked them. These keys are then sent to Steam/EA for revocation on their service.
Expect within the next week or so for your Origin account to be updated and your game revoked.
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Gamestop appears to be passing the buck back to IGN Prime
So it's unclear if the key revocation from IGN Prime is because a user's subscription lapsed, or if they just assume they've already redeemed the code since both games are now available. It's going to be a confusing situation for a lot of users.
Still my point stands that the key revocation is a bad sign for any users affected.
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I'm a legit subscriber to IGN Prime, and both my bf3 and assassinscreed: revelations games have been removed from Impulse. Well, AC:R never was added to begin with, so I don't know. But I highly doubt that there will happen anything to your origin account seeing as you got those promotions legally.
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Which complicates the matter as to why the keys were revoked from Impluse and such. Especially those who only got it for the free BF3/AC:R keys then canceled their prime account. Or users who already activated the keys on Origin? There seems to be more activity in the Impulse forums about this. I don't see any postings on IGN/BF3/Ubisoft about it. So it's unclear how far down the line the impact will be.
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prob nothing, as nothing has happened to the other people that activated/got the game this way.
They just removed the game from your Impulse client, tho the "receipt" will still show in your client, who knows what happened and why they waited so long to do this.
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I still have it on both GameStop and Origin, but it will probably get removed soon.
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Not "steal" them, but you're right. We have absolute no right to play these and can't really complain.
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Keep in mind that if you got your BF3 removed from your account and want to purchase it for real you will need to create a new Origin account and will lose all your progress. I did :(
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I guess you remember this post guys --->
I received a free copy of this game too, but it disappeared from my IMPULSE account. Same will happen to the ORIGIN and I'll be banned? I thought that this was for free... :|
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