I'm going to foolishly assume that everyone is in the same boat as I am: I have very few hours to play due to family and worklife (though, sacrificing sleep to play happens more than it likely should) and a back-log of games that's ever growing due to the increasing number of games released that look awesome and the prevalence of sales and bundles.

With those two factors, I'm never going to be able to finish all the games I want, so why do I enter? I really don't know....do you?


9 years ago

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Why not?

9 years ago

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Because, 42, Potato.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Because the back-log can't be large enough? But mostly because winning something is always a pleasent feeling, need no more reason that that.

9 years ago

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I love the game; if not
It has good story, gameplay, etc; if not
My friends play it; if not
It has cards; if not
It has easy achievements; if not
Creator is giving away lots of copies; if not
It's region locked...

Those are the things that drive me to enter GAs

9 years ago

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I'm patiently waiting for the day that I'll retire, then I'll really start working on my back-log. Sure I need to start working first, but no biggie...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Because I will always make time to play the games I win here, even if it's not for a while. Assuming Steam does indeed last so long, it is possible my account could be passed through generations as well. I have all my games downloaded to a HDD, and should be playable at the very least with a legacy steam client in offline mode should the giant fall.

9 years ago

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Interesting. I wonder if there's a tool that can point at your Steam library and tell you how big a hard drive you would need to store everything local.

How do you handle updates to the games you've already downloaded or you just download them and call it a day?


9 years ago

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Hmm, I don't know if there is. I let them update when they wish. I have a 3 TB drive I keep them on, about 363 total games right now, including about 63 from GOG, and about 15 or so from Origin, the rest mostly steam (some DRM free from humble bundle. I give away the steam copy, and just use the DRM if it's reasonable to do so). That totals about 1.45 TB of games right now, with maybe 100 or so Gig of games that will likely be taken off once i try them, as I am determined to try them all. I have a 2TB drive of various "entertainment" (my movies (a few hundred plus full series i copied from disks I own), music, and games) that I backup once every few months in case of drive failure, and another 3 TB drive as backup, but that one is used fairly regularly by someone else.

9 years ago

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http://www.mysteamgauge.com/account?username=AndyTheDuck I think this tells you how many GB your library fills =)

9 years ago

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This website gives you a summary on your account and also tells you how many GB it fills.

Also, did you know this website: http://steamleft.com/ ? =)

9 years ago

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Thanks for the steamgauge link...I'd been there in the past, but the site looks so different then I remember. I'm at a paltry 753GB.

I never heard of steamleft, but I've used howlongtobeat.com which is very similar.

I just wish I had anywhere near that many hours to enjoy the content. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to "suffer through" spending time with my family.

9 years ago

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I know I will eventually play the game because I love playing games--- just the newness of the board and the thrill of a win... and the community mainly is why not necessarily the wins...

9 years ago

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getting free games, getting steam cards, possible choices waiting to play while u don't need to pay for it. IDK, everyone has their reason! :)

9 years ago

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I have a nuclear shelter and in the event of a nuclear holocaust or similar catastrophe I'll need time to kill.

9 years ago

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After the EMP release by the nuclear detonation you will not be playing anything electronic! LOL

9 years ago

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Nuclear shelters are designed to block radiation. EMPs caused by feasible modern nuclear weaponry (read: MIRV payloads <1 Mt) are very unlikely to have a significant impact even on unshielded targets, and modern shelters are built with HEMP devices in mind. High yield (>15-20 Mt) payload deployment is no longer considered feasible, and if we are to reason ad absurdum and imagine a single high yield payload being delivered in the middle of nowhere (such as where I live), the EMP would be the least of my worries. :P

9 years ago

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Be that as it may, you said "nuclear holocaust", which implies much more than a low yield nuclear device. However, it was just a joke, but even if a power company did manage to survive it is doubtful that your shelter has 100% underground power directly to a power plant, meaning it would have disconnected/destroyed at some point between the two locations. I agree the EMP would be the least of your worries, right above needing games to play to "kill time". LOL

9 years ago

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I dunno who in his right mind would build a nuclear shelter that relies on external power sources. But yes I should've specified in case of a nuclear war, which could very realistically trigger a nuclear holocaust (automatically or quasi-automatically even, thanks to fail deadly measures implemented here and there, such Периметр, not to mention the nuclear submarines deployed all over the world to ensure second-strike capability, and small "one-bomb" nations such as Israel come to mind).
Now, I like to speculate on this for speculation's sake and I believe I'd be screwed regardless, but at the same time I don't see a Tsar Bomba targeting a town with a population of 4000 and no military infrastructures whatsoever. Sure, there are... many cows. NUKE THE COWS, NUKE THE COWS, HAR HAR HAR!

9 years ago

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I live with this dilemma currently. Entering and winning games here on SG are a "game" on itself, it's something that gives you satisfaction. :) But since I'm not being able to keep up with the backlog, I'm trying to enter only games I really want, or bundled games I want and have somehow missed. I'm still struggling though, but I'm getting there.

9 years ago

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Same here, I only enter for games that are either on my wishlist / that look really interesting or that have been the only game of a bundle that I wanted but decided against buying the whole bundle.

9 years ago

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This is mostly my philosophy as well. I block from view more game giveaways than I enter!


9 years ago

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Because you can play the game one day..as long steam is still alive :>

9 years ago

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what can i say to make it sound like i'm not a leech ...

i enter all GAs just to make the creator feel good.

"hey mullins entered my bad rats ga, this is awesome!"
mission complete <3

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9 years ago

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I plan on fully playing through my backlog. Worse case I'll have plenty of time and games to play when I retire! :D

9 years ago

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Other than the reasons mentioned above already, i genuinely think that some of the games on my account will be played by some or one of my children and/or grandchildren someday. Only reason why there are none AAA/ kids games here.

9 years ago

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I like having options. Even if I never get to use them, extra options are always a plus.

9 years ago

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Because I never know what I will want to play tomorrow.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I like to enter GAs for games that look interesting and i want to try them out. :>

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I have to improve my won/given ratio >:(
This is SteamGIFTS, not SteamSalvationArmy.

9 years ago

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All great reasons and thanks for responding.

While I don't know the crux of the reason I enter things apart from I'm interested in the game, I've actually found that this site has served well as a discovery engine....one for finding new games that I might be interested in playing (since Steam just throws far too much at me) and a second is for finding the sales on things. I know that when seven hundred copies of a game go up, there's a new cheap bundle.


9 years ago

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it's like a really old MMO game, people already spent a lot of time playing so they just come back to communicate with their game-mates and it becomes more like a discussion place than a game.

Same thing here =P


No,I'm not a David at all, but I like ur formatting xD

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9 years ago

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Having pleasure for winning and completing things that somebody gifted to me =d

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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also vgaina

9 years ago

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Me neither but I want to/intend to and that's what matters. Besides, you never know what's gonna be the next game you will play, the bigger library you have the bigger choice.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Let's not go the extremes, not every second counts lol.

9 years ago

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Digital hoarding....it's the modern pandemic. :D
But eventually you'll feel like playing a certain game, and surprise, it's in your inventory.

9 years ago

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When I discovered SG (site iz scam!), I initially saw it as a way to get rid of a couple of games sitting in my inventory for years that none of my friends or family members were interested in.

But as I began to dig into the site GAs and read through the forums, I had all these game titles being thrown at me that I'd never heard of before because I never sat down and extensively explored the Steam catalog. I had also never heard of the game bundle sites.

Needless to say, my wishlist exploded. It previously only had AAA titles and a smattering of well-known indies. Now it's 90% indies.

So why do I enter even though my backlog has grown like crazy? I guess it's mainly the thrill of winning something that I honestly think would be fun to play and would play if I had as much time as I'd like. I don't pursue games for cards only, although I will idle for cards of games I do own. I will never be a true collector since I don't want to clutter my library with bundle titles I have no interest in.

9 years ago*

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Closed 7 years ago by hewward.