Nexus 5X.
i have it. great phone.
plus, you get all the firmware updates first (have 7.1)
it is plastic, but very sturdy. but i'm not going to try and break mine, so can't help you there :D
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The white version is beautiful af even if it's plastic
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I like it. Very good quality imo.
Most breaks are on the screen, and this one has a strong one... It uses the force that last one is a joke 🤣
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I was just at the shop and none of their shops have the 16 GB one. They have the 32 GB which is out of my budget AND it's in that Quartz blue which I dislike. They said they expect new ones tomorrow but doubt there'll be a black one.
I don't like the look of the 5X to be honest, but I like the features. I like the fingerprint sensor, marshmallow and nougat update, AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, the type-c USB charger.
I didn't even want to ask for Honor 6 because I did a lot of thinking and figured that for this price, the 5X is the best solution.
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Bummer of the color and the Gb. I also have the 16Gb version. It's enough for me
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Got the Nexus 5x a few months ago.
My first smartphone ever.
I love it so.
Although it's a little big imo.
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I had the Samsung S 3 before. That's 4 inch monitor.
But it was thicker, i prefer them tiny, but size isn't all ;) wink wink
I think they have the same weight, or similar at least.
Plus, it's super fast. Go compare phones with your friends. lenny face
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Sorry. No.
I had a broken camera,! Which is a known problem with all nexus. The store replaced the camera...
I hope you didn't git screwed. But that would be the store fault, not the phone... Here they are required to fix or replace it. Not sure About the rules where you are from.
I would advise not to root it. Worse case, you can always do it after the store fails.
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The LG G3 is a 2014 flagship, it has a nice camera, snapdragon 801 quadcore 2.5ghz, 3gb ram and a 5.5 quadHD screen. You can get it for less than $200 these days (I would wait for black friday). I have the phone and it works great, official release running 6.0.1, but there are some 7.0 roms out there already.
Other than that the 5X is always a good choise.
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There's ppl using the very old nexus 4 and you ask that, btw some of the phones he mentioned also came out in 2014. Some old models from big companies work very well.
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There is a difference between people still using a phone that they bought 2-3 years ago and going out and buying a 3 years old device. They do work quite well, but the real question is for how long? If you intend to keep the phone for lets say 3 more years, you end up with a device that is 6 years old. It's not ideal, is it?
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You could take a look at Huawei P8 Lite. It's on Marshmallow, 2 or 3 GB of RAM, it has on Octa-Core processor (even though I don't why would you only opt for an 8core one), the design is the best feature (imo) of this phone and it has Fingerprint Sensor.
The negatives would be that it's software is not even close to stock Android, the specs are not top notch (which you won't find on this price range anyway) and I have absolutely no idea how good or bad it's cameras are.
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Googles new pixel phone seems to be all their phones combined
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Nexus 5x is a lovely device, I have it for almost a year now and it still charges 100% within 50 minutes, still has the same awesome battery life.
If you intend to use 3D rendering/gaming on it on full brightness it will not be the device for you as that drains the battery quickly, but if you just like the occasional mini game, browsing, calling and texting with apps you'll love it.
On normal use my battery lasts between 2 and 3 days.
Oh, and the placement of the fingerprint scanner (which is really fast) is perfectly placed, I automatically place my finger on it when I take it out of my pocket and I'm logged in when it's out.
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The placement of the fingerprint sensor is what everyone seems to like about it haha. Read so much about that.
I'll see if I get a call tomorrow or not about the 5X, but I'm honestly considering getting the P9 lite. 3 GB of RAM, 16 GB of memory (enough for me), decent camera and a fingerprint sensor - YAY!
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I have a Nexus 5X and would rather have my old OnePlus One back that I unfortunately lost. Don't know if you have any intention of playing Pokemon Go or not, but if you do, don't expect the battery to last any longer than two hours.
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I didn't intend on playing Pokemon Go, but who knows? I usually use my phone for texting, chatting, browsing reddit and an occasional game - which my phone now fails to execute without lagging. When I'm typing a message, and trying to erase, more often than not it lags and erases everything I wrote.
I'm now considering the P9 lite, tho. The 3000mAh battery sounds like enough, honestly.
I'll still consider a bit, thanks a lot to all of you for your input!
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Pokémon Go absolutely rapes your battery whatever you have.
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They copy Apple, only use Android as an OS. But if you like this analogy more, imagine a Huawei or not absolutely top premium HTC with a different logo and same hardware for two-thirds of the price. (And no, they are not shoddy, they just build a customer base by going under the seemingly market-wide common 100-200% profit rates on smartphones.)
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I just looked at a data plan with a company, and I can get the 5X for around 20€ cheaper (with fees and all), and my dad is using the plan for around 10 years already, extra 3€ fee per month won't hurt him. :)
If there's no 5X, I'll get the P9, if there's no P9 then I'll consider something like the Xiaomi. Thanks!
Also if I go with the plan, I can get a new HDD and maybe DIshonored 2 as well.
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not sure on the price difference in your area but have you looked at the Honor 7 instead of the 6?
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Xiaomi redmi 3 pro!
Have been using it for months and its great.
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You can use and sort by all the features you want/don't want with the phone finder.
Personally I'm not too knowledgeable otherwise.
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They gave you a refurbished shit. :|
seal must be ok, battery shouldn't be at 0%.
Threat to sue them, even if you don't want to do that and ask for another phone or a full refund
edit also try to find some info using the imei
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I have the imei here, what can I do with it?
My dad's been with them for 10 years and I'm sure they'll come through for him with either a replacement or a repair. However, I REALLY like this phone, like REALLY like it. I want this phone but I want a working one!
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There are a lot of website, try to search "imei info search" on google or something like that, when I bought mine I found out it was built in Germany, a few months before I bought it.
If it's been shipped from factory more than a year ago, it could be another red flag
check here
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I checked on and can't see any info as to where it was purchased or anything like that, but there is a button to "unlock this phone" and "hard reset". What would happen if I pressed hard reset?
Bought in Hungary over a year ago...
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Also, when I came to the store and asked if they have a 5X, the first guy said that they don't, and the second guy said "we have THAT one". He didn't emphasize the "that" but it implies that something is wrong with it, but I didn't think much of it. The seal on the box was broken, but I figured hey that's just what they do to insert the warranty papers. Also, when I got it it was at 0% battery and wouldn't turn on at all, had to charge it to turn it on - which again, implies, that it has been used.
TL;DR: you pretty much got scammed, they sold you an openbox non-working product :p
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Always hope for the best. Also, it's a registered store...
I don't know where the op is from, but I'm sure you have some warranty.
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you'll know on monday if they have a new one.
my suggestion, if not, get your money back. they'll sell you something crap or make you pay extra now
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On topic- may be a stupid question but did you consider that the battery itself might be defective? Did they offer to put a new one in?
Remember, it's always the simplest things that cause the most havoc.
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Looks like you've got refurbished phone - it was repaired. More than that it was not completely repaired as we can see. What about warranty?
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They must fix your phone or replace it with the new one. And this time check that box is closed. If it's not - don't accept such replace even if they will say you that everything is ok. They must open new box only when you can see that.
I'm working as a guy who repairs phones and almost each day i face people, who were scammed by phone sellers - sell not completely repaired phones, lie about warranty etc. From my experience only client can give to seller opportunity to not provide proper service. I mean most of the clients have no idea how warranty works and what they should do when they have problems with their phones or face ugly service from the store where they bought phones from.
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The best thing is to get replace, because as you understand new phone is better than phone which was repaired. The question is if you can demand for this. In most cases company/store decide what to do. If they can repair the phone and are sure that same issue will not happen after short time - they will repair your phone. If they can't repair the phone - they will replace it with new one. But sometimes some little stores try to lie to client and say that he somehow damaged his phone. I hope you will not face such people. And if you will, you can ask side company for full diagnostic of the phone and show results in the court. Again, I hope you will not experience all this annoying things. So just go to the store and ask them to fix or replace your phone. Don't talk in aggressive way - this never helps =) I don't think they will make you refund before they will check your phone. And even after they will check the phone, they will try to fix or replace - no one wants to lose money.
p.s. Sorry for my English =/
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Your English is perfectly fine. I'm not a native speaker either, and I understand you perfectly.
I hope that I could get a completely new one, but from my experience of going to shops etc, they seem to be very rare now - especially the brand new ones. One store didn't have any other than the 32 GB blue, said they expected new ones today (didn't get any calls from them), these guys only had this one, and no other providers or shops seem to be selling the 5X. The only other way to obtain this phone (if this provider doesn't have a new one, or can't order a new one) is to buy a used one which I'm not that happy or comfortable with.
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Thanks =) I wouldn't recommend to purchase used phone. In most cases people decide to sell their phones after experiencing issues with them. By the way, it's way better to buy phone in big store or company, because of the warranty and service they provide.
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This may make me and my countrymen sound like we're living in a Borat type of country, but we don't REALLY have a big phone shop here. Big in terms of that they are a serious company, have many models, have great warranties and customer support etc. The shop I went to first is NOTORIOUS for selling refurbished phones, since you can usually pick them up for quite a lot cheaper than anywhere else.
Example, J5 Samsung is 150€ there, while a friend of mine paid around 220€ for it in a small shop.
I went to a provider that my dad has a contract with for 10 years, and again shit like this happens. They're I think the #2 in our country, not sure. (out of 5 or 6 popular providers)
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This used to be a "what phone should I buy", but I didn't want to make a new one so I repurposed this one.
Bought the Nexus 5X today, was very happy with the phone. Felt great in the hand and the Nougat android looked fucking amazing. It installed the update with no problems. 3 or 4 hours of small use later and it froze for a second and started to restart itself, and then just turned off completely. Charging it does nothing. Power button + volume etc don't work, tried all combinations for 10/30/60 seconds. When charging, the red LED is supposed to light up but it doesn't.
Bricked phone?
Also, when I came to the store and asked if they have a 5X, the first guy said that they don't, and the second guy said "we have THAT one". He didn't emphasize the "that" but it implies that something is wrong with it, but I didn't think much of it. The seal on the box was broken, but I figured hey that's just what they do to insert the warranty papers. Also, when I got it it was at 0% battery and wouldn't turn on at all, had to charge it to turn it on - which again, implies, that it has been used.
Going there Monday to review my options.
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