So they stink cause they ended an amazing (although unusual deal, i dont think most ME3 fans would be BF fans as well) early?
Valve must stink cause one day during last summer, Terraria was 75% off and was going to be on sale for a whole 24 hours. but then they changed it to 50%.
If you wanna hate on Origin, use legitimate excuses, like maybe they ban people for no good reason (Banned for forum posts). I'm sure they did other bad stuff but thats the only one i memorized.
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I don't care if I missed out on a deal like this. I care that EA has the balls to lie to their cutomers.
They stated that the promotion would last until March 5th. It ended after 2 days because they realized they were losing money on this deal.
How am I supposed to trust some company with my money if they are going to change their mind and go against their own word?
Exactly. This is as legitimate as an excuse as anything else.
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Honestly, I'd be more pissed if they turned around and said that no-one was getting BF3. While I don't approve of ending this early, it's nowhere near as bad as it could be.
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Maybe, but right now, I still say EA's pretty good, at least in comparison to Activision, which is reigning champion Big Bad for years now.
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Too bad, retail keys from EA games are origin only
Or else I would have owned Dead Space 2, Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect 2 and DarkSpore.
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Having just downloaded Origin yesterday, I actually like it. It's not so bad that I've seen so far and it looks pretty neatly laid out.
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I downloaded Origin once before I knew what it was really all about. Then I looked back at some of its history, read up on some of what it really IS.
It's horrible. I removed it from my system. I feel bad I even installed it. I've removed spyware from friends and family's computers that was less dirty.
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Yeah, and then people realized it doesn't actually do any of that and the EULA was just excessive.
If you take the time to read the EULAs for everything you have installed, you're gonna be pissed off. Hopefully you aren't using Windows or OSX either, because their EULAs are crazy.
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I think EA much worse then Activision. All Acti does is overprice their games and DLC.
They don't create spywarish programs you MUST install if you want to play. They don't change their minds in 24 hours (not only this situation, but some time ago they promised one of the older BF games for PS3 as a bonus, then EA decided there will be no bonus, but because players threatened to sue them they've given up).
For PC players biggest "Big Bad Champion" title would be for either EA or Ubisoft (for their rubbish DRM and all contacts with PC community - like "there will be no PC version of Ghost Recon because you're all pirates" or many similar situations). Activision wouldn't get higher then 3rd place.
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Yes, Steam making a mistake and then fixing it within the hour is EXACTLY the same as Origin stating a deal would last until a certain date and then cutting it short by weeks.
That's exactly how logic and comparisons work. Mhmm. You so smart. Have a cookie.
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EA killed a man, MURDER!
Valve stepped on an ant, MURDER!
Besides the point, your example about Valve isn't entirely fair, EA owns both Origins AND Battlefield, Valve owns Steam but not Terraria, more than likely an error on part of Re-Logic than Valve (don't know for sure though!).
And as already stated, the fact that they said it wasn't going to be open and then retracted is really bad business, they're pretty f'ing stupid if they couldn't figure out people were going to be all over that crap. Their fault they weren't ready for it or couldn't put an ounce of thought into the possibilities that it might actually be too successful. I like a few of the games they publish but otherwise I try to avoid EA (although I avoid big business in general when I can.)
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The less people buy from EA, better the world will be.
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Still pissed that Xbox gets all types of sales for the ME1/2 DLC and PS3 gets it all for free and PC fans have to pay the same price for both Mass Effect 1 & 2 as they do for all the mission/assignment DLC (and that's obv not counting the weapon/costume sets). Kind of wished their promotion would have given us BioWare points instead :<
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Yea I was annoyed by this too. I should have jumped on the deal as soon as I saw it. Oh well.
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The talk I had with them is up. I started off all pissed off, but then I loosened up and decided to seek further information.
Maybe if enough people tell them off, maybe they will restore the promotion...
Oh, and APOLOGY to people who are pissed at this as well. lol
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Aditya: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
What is she, HK-47?
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lol, thats what was running thru my mind. It was probably a command to type in the statement but it was misspelled. (obviousness. took me awhile to know that. I'm an idiot)
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that "APOLOGY" kinda scared me at first when i read it xD
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"Not only does Origin f**king suck, but now they're a bunch of liars with an unethical marketing program."
Uh... please explain to us what is unethical about ending a promotion early. If you visit the ME3 product page there is now a disclaimer stating that you do not get a copy of Battlefield 3 with the game.
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Before they ended it, they officially stated the promotion would last until March 5th. When they realized they were losing money on the deal because it was popular, they cancelled it.
Last time I checked, when you state that something will last until a certain date (as a company, no less) and then not do it, its lying and unethical to their customers.
but its EA, so I should have expected no less.
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99.00руб = $ 3 " this not bad =) "
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i saw it too, but here it's 5€ each. Paying 5€ e.g. for FIFA 09 ????
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Origin itself isn't that bad. I think the whole 'OMG spyware' claim is blown out of proportion, not saying that I agree with what EA is doing, nor do I think it's worth rewarding them for (I alwasy prefer steam when I can) but it's not the end of the world like some people make it out to be.
As for sales, I'm not really sure how much say Valve/EA as to what games go on sale and when? :x
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While I avoid Origin at the moment because there's, in my opinion, no valid reason for me to use yet another game client and it offers nothing for me to prefer it to steam, this doesn't seem like a truly legitimate complaint. Steam has done similar stuff in the past. Shit happens. Sorry.
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Steam has never cancelled a promotion that was to last until a certain date.
Origin cancelled their promotion weeks early without any warning and without a legitimate reason. Not only is it lying to their costumer base, but it worries me with trusting my personal details with them.
Steam has never done anything like this. Don't compare them with the sh*t-stain that's called Origin.
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I will use it as long as i keep playing BF3, but i'm not planning on getting another Origin required game....
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Games on Origin are still cheaper than Steam for me.
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Not really. Older games that's the case, but these newer games that are being designed to work exclusively with Origin (Battlefield 3, the ME3 Demo and the final game, and assuredly future games) require you to have Steam installed and running to play the game. Which is a bitch when I want to run the ME3 demo through Steam so I can take screenshots since it won't work half the time. So Origin no longer has any DRM advantages over Steam, and in fact can be considered worse because of how shoddy the program is.
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"...I want to run the ME3 demo through Steam so I can take screenshots..."
Brotip: "play" Origin through Steam - disable Origin overlay from Origin settings(1) - play Origin game X - enjoy the Steam overlay.
(1) please note, it might reactivate itself if(/when) Origin crashes, so you'd better change the 'Origin in-game Hotkeys' to be different from Steams'.
"...these newer games that are being designed to work exclusively with Origin...
...require you to have XSteamX Origin installed and running to play the game..."
Fixed for ya. P:
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That's the point, I think.
This isn't about Origin sucking, but about EA sucking.
It's sorta like saying "Steam sucks because Half-Life 2 Episode 3 still isn't out."
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Thankfully all of the games I've obtained through Origin were all free (BF3, Burnout Paradise, Battlefield 2, Mirror's Edge, Back to Karkand). May the spaghetti god have mercy on those who were foolish enough to financially support something like an EA "Steam" copy-cat software.
All in all, EA is a really, really bad publisher. Their online store is very flawed (to the point of handing out free stuff if the costumer juggle items in the shopping cart), their costumer support is a really bad joke, and their marketing gimmicks are absurd, to the point of being insulting. They also buy the rights over good game developers and force them to pump out carbon copy titles with tons of DLC.
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I live in France and I hate reading french on my pc, I can't stand origin for forcing me to access the store in french. At least steam gives me everything in english
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I was actually going to spare my hate of origin for one day and pre-order it so I could get the free battlefield 3, but it looks like fate has set me on the right path again.
They ended the promotion after 2 DAYS when they stated the promotion would have lasted until March 5th.
Not only does Origin f**king suck, but now they're a bunch of liars with an unethical marketing program.
Way to go, EA. I hope their headquarters falls into a pit of lava or something.
Edit: Talked to a rep. THIS LINK IS BROKEN%20https%3A//
Link seems to be broken now. I can't access my original support chat on their site, so I can't really fix it...
Here's what they basically said (some of the words may not be exact, but the meaning is the same. I've got a good memory so you can trust me, lol)
Aditya: Hi! Welcome to the EA support chat. Is there anything I can help you with today?
you: Hi. I wanted to talk to you about the Mass Effect 3 pre-order bonus with Battlefield 3. Why was it cancelled only after 2 days when it was supposed to last until March 5th?
Aditya: I'm sorry, but that offer is no longer available.
you: I know, but wasn't it supposed to last until March 5th? I was thinking about pre-ordering it today, but its no longer there...
Aditya: The offer is no longer available.
you: I know. You have said that twice now. WHY was it cancelled after only 2 days. It was stated on Origin that the offer would last until March 5th. What is your explanation for it?
Aditya: Our development team has decided that question is confidential and cannot be answered.
you: then you have just lost a sale and a costumer.
Aditya: We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that has happened.
you: Well if that's all, then goodbye. (at this point I was about to leave, but I stuck around)
Aditya: Hi! Welcome to the EA support chat. Is there anything I can help you with today?
you: Would there be any chance of the offer being restored in the future?
Aditya: Yes it is possible, but it would have to be decided by our development team.
you: If I pre-ordered ME3 today, and if the promotion or another similar promotion was restored, would my pre-order be updated to include it?
Aditya: In that case no, you would have to purchase the title during the time period of the promotion.
you: Thank you, that's all. If the promotion is restored, I will consider pre-ordering. Thank you for your time.
Aditya: Your welcome!
you: Goodbye.
Aditya: Hi! Welcome to the EA support chat. Is there anything I can help you with today?
you: No, thank you. Goodbye.
Aditya: Goodbye!
"Your chat has ended"
Welp, that's it right there. Pretty much word for word. Sorry about the link.
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