Being put into a bundle does not make the game automatically get reduced value. As far as I am aware, you have to receive a discount of 95% off or more for any game or bundle to receive reduced value. Most Humble monthlies give full value because they cost $12 and the discount is usually not over 95%.
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You can thank Steam and preferred pricing for Russia, India (and lately Turkey thanks to their economical war with USA) for this - game dropped there to under $3, which is less than 5% of standard Steam price, which means game goes to bundle-list.
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Well people in all ends of the Earth can buy a game and gift it here to public/whitelist/group... and get CV for it. This is a measure to prevent someone from a "shithole" to buy bunch of super devalued games and "earn" full CV for them.
That said, there's no reason to insult people based on where they live. Some could say the same for some other countries just 30 years ago.
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how many people would buy 10 copies of an 50$ game (for full price) to give them away? how many of them would do it just cause of the CV?
you might count them on one Hand.
but how many people would buy russian keys for cheap to gain a huge amount of CV?
thats why...
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Fair? Life's not fair. Let me tell you a story...
Back when only games in bundles were indies and you could buy gifts on Steam and save them for a nice opportunity, I planned a huge giveaway train and purchased some of the most wanted games of the time, including Alan Wake and many others. Guess what? HumbleBundle suddenly has an AAA bundle for the first time ever and features Alan Wake.
Now, it's not about CV. I don't care if I get 0, 15%, 100% whatever. It's that everyone and their grandma got that bundle and all the potential hype about that giveaway was now gone. It was a highly sought game one day, something to attract people to my puzzle... and just another bundled title tomorrow.
And that happened so many times most of us here stopped caring at all. You'll get used to it too.
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Yeah, i understand it, i just did not got to that point yet, but this revelation today maybe gave me the last push :D
Cause until now i was subscribed to HB monthly, and i was giving away the keys i dont need so my CV would rise, and i could participate in higher GAs with bigger chance... but its still they are giving a couple games which still worth, maybe i will trade my games instead of GAs...
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and this is why we are not gifting but trading here. wie try to gain CV to improve the Chance in winning the games wie want to make profit. if wie get less (CV), people sell of trade them more often directly into things they want^^
so humble is doing right to ignore our support tickets
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Why $216? I thought games and bundled only get reduced at 95% off which should be $240 for a $12 bundle.
Edit: Does SG calculate the cost of the monthly as $10.80 because you can get 10% off for first time buyers?
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When you are already creating new account, you can also use referral and get 7 euros back as store credit, which means that as far for cv calculation hb monthly should be considered as 3$ tops, not 12 nor 10.8; it's sad that you can't explain this to sg support.
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You can't use store credit for bundles though, thus you'd end up piling credit that you might or might not want to use. It's not cash, so you are still spending $12 (or $10.8) for each bundle (they could add $7 to the value of the bundle eventually for the purpose of determining if it's over 95% discount, but in most cases it's a small amount that wouldn't change most monthlies so far).
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Yes, you are spending 10.80$ in the start, but you are getting 7$/e to use for the games that actually cost 7$/e (that's 35$ worth of games on 80% discount bought on store), it's not worthless. Also, not to mention when getting monthly you're also getting access to trove, all those drm free games also have value, they are not free, however they are not calculated into determining bundle status here.. And so on and on.
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Either someone made a mistake or CG has changed how they decide what gets bundled. As far as I know, games and bundles are supposed to stay at full value unless you get a discount of 95%. If the Humble Monthly costs $12, it should not get bundled unless it has $240 in games. I believe there was only 1 or 2 previous Humble monthly's that got reduced to bundled value.
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That makes sense. I thought they based the calculation on the full price. Also, my brain likes $10.80 / 0.05 = $218 :)
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Yeah I see your point. The problem is with the lack of decent bundles and even un-bundled games going on the 15% list because a few people were able to get them cheap for 5 mn (on Steam so virtually impossible to gift properly on SG), there are less and less GA on the site. It's a sad fact but a true fact, a lot of people are only making GAs when they get CV out of it.
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Nagyon túlmisztifikálod. Ha valahol az amerikai ár kb. (és fontos kitétel, hogy körülbelül) egyhuszada volt, akkor megy a redukált CV listára.
Az, hogy hol, lényegtelen. Lehet, hogy a ruszki/török/indiai/indonéz/mexikói Steam boltban, lehet, hogy valami szarfészek kis orosz honlapon ahol szinte biztosan lopott volt a kulcs, lehet, hogy egy árazási hiba miatt bármelyik legális online boltban, de az is lehet, hogy benne volt valami kis csomagban. A lényeg, hogy ha nagyon olcsó volt akármiért, akkor megy a listára.
És sokkal egyszerűbb az életed, ha úgy kezelsz mindent, mintha már eleve ott volna. Ha CV-t akarsz lapátolni, akkor vegyél olcsó ócska hamis játékokkal teli pakkokat az IndieGaláról vagy a GoGo Bundle-től.
A Humble havi csomagnál amúgy egyzserűen annyi a helyzet, hogy ha nagyon magas a teljes ár, akkor minden megy a levesbe. De amíg nem derül ki, hogy pontosan mi van a teljes pakkban – mint a mostani Berseria esetében –, addig még nem kerülnek fel a listára. Majd ha szeptember elején kiderül, hogy mi van még a csomagban, akkor lehet, hogy a Berseira és a tsai is mennek a listára, augusztus eleji dátummal visszamenőleg.
De tényleg, ott is csak annyi a mese, hogy nagyon olcsó volt, így megy a listára. Ha meg nem volt túl olcsó (mondjuk az egész csomag értéke cirka 150 dolcsi volt), akkor az még nem számított extrém leértékelésnek, így azok a címek (egyelőre) megúszták a 15%-ra csökkenő CV-t.
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So i was wondering... How are the bundle prices determined on SG?
I checked the Dark Souls 3 is still counted as full price, however the incoming Sniper Elite 4 is already reduced price, but Tales of Berseria and Staxel are still full price...
Btw, the Dead rising franchise is also confusing... 2-3-4 are not bundled, but these had a Dead Rising bundle if i remember correctly... :?
Btw here, have some GAs... :D
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